def __init__(self, shp, prefix='au', rebuild=False): sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) header = [field[0] for field in sf.fields][1:] """ Field name: the name describing the data at this column index. Field type: the type of data at this column index. Types can be: Character, Numbers, Longs, Dates, or Memo. Field length: the length of the data found at this column index. Decimal length: the number of decimal places found in Number fields. """ # shapes = sf.shapes() # print(len(shapes)) # records = sf.records() # print(len(records)) gwc = RasterDatasetInterpolator( '/geodata/weppcloud_runs/au/gwc_dnbr_barc4_utm.tif') # gwc2 = RasterDatasetInterpolator('gwc_sbs2.tif') # gwc6 = RasterDatasetInterpolator('gwc_sbs6.tif') fp_hill = open('%s_hill_summary.csv' % prefix, 'w') csv_wtr = csv.DictWriter( fp_hill, fieldnames=('huc', 'topaz_id', 'wepp_id', 'length', 'width', 'area', 'slope', 'centroid_lng', 'centroid_lat', 'landuse', 'soil_texture', 'sbs', 'ash_wind_transport', 'ash_water_transport', 'ash_transport')) csv_wtr.writeheader() fails = 0 for i, shape in enumerate(sf.iterShapes()): record = {k: v for k, v in zip(header, sf.record(i))} # print(record) huc12 = str(record['ID']) print(huc12) if huc12 in blacklist: print('in blacklist, skipping', huc12) continue bbox = shape.bbox _y = haversine((bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[0], bbox[3])) * 1000 _x = haversine((bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[1])) * 1000 sqm2 = _y * _x if sqm2 < 30 * 30 * 4: print('too small, skipping', huc12) continue wd = _join('/geodata/weppcloud_runs/', prefix, huc12) if _exists(wd): if _exists(_join(wd, 'dem', 'topaz', 'SUBWTA.ARC')): print('already delineated, skipping', huc12) continue shutil.rmtree(wd) os.mkdir(wd) print('initializing nodbs') ron = Ron(wd, "au-fire.cfg") #ron = Ron(wd, "au.cfg") # ron = Ron(wd, "0.cfg") = wd print('setting map') pad = max(abs(bbox[0] - bbox[2]), abs(bbox[1] - bbox[3])) * 0.4 map_center = (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2.0, (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2.0 l, b, r, t = bbox bbox = [l - pad, b - pad, r + pad, t + pad] print('bbox', bbox) ron.set_map(bbox, map_center, zoom=13) print('fetching dem') ron.fetch_dem() print('setting topaz parameters') topaz = Topaz.getInstance(wd) print('building channels') topaz_pars = chn_routing_err_topaz_pars.get( huc12, dict(csa=10, mcl=200)) topaz.build_channels(**topaz_pars) map = print('find raster indices') utm2wgs_transformer = GeoTransformer(src_proj4=wgs84_proj4, dst_proj4=map.srs_proj4) points = [ utm2wgs_transformer.transform(lng, lat) for lng, lat in shape.points ] mask = build_mask(points, ron.dem_fn) # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(mask) # plt.colorbar() # plt.savefig(_join(topaz.topaz_wd, 'mask.png')) if huc12 in outlet_locs: out_lng, out_lat = outlet_locs[huc12] rdi = RasterDatasetInterpolator(ron.dem_fn) px, py = rdi.get_px_coord_from_lnglat(out_lng, out_lat) print('px, py', px, py) dem, transform, proj = read_raster(ron.dem_fn) min_elev = dem[px, py] else: print('loading channel map') channels, _, _ = read_raster(topaz.netful_arc) mask[np.where(channels == 0)] = 1 plt.figure() plt.imshow(mask) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(_join(topaz.topaz_wd, 'mask.png')) plt.close() print('finding lowest point in HUC') dem, transform, proj = read_raster(ron.dem_fn) print(mask.shape, dem.shape) print(np.sum(mask)) demma = ma.masked_array(dem, mask=mask) plt.figure() plt.imshow(demma) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(_join(topaz.topaz_wd, 'demma.png')) plt.close() min_elev = np.min(demma) px, py = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(demma), demma.shape) px = int(px) py = int(py) print(min_elev, px, py, px / dem.shape[0], py / dem.shape[1]) print('building subcatchments') topaz.set_outlet(px, py, pixelcoords=True) try: topaz.build_subcatchments() except: fails += 1 raise print('abstracting watershed') wat = Watershed.getInstance(wd) wat.abstract_watershed() translator = wat.translator_factory() topaz_ids = [ top.split('_')[1] for top in translator.iter_sub_ids() ] # is_gwc2 = is_gwc6 = False for topaz_id, hill_summary in wat.sub_iter(): print(topaz_id) _wat = hill_summary.as_dict() # _landuse = landuse_summaries[str(topaz_id)] # _soils = soils_summaries[str(topaz_id)] _centroid_lng, _centroid_lat = _wat['centroid'] # try: # _sbs2 = gwc2.get_location_info(_centroid_lng, _centroid_lat, method='near') # if _sbs2 < 0: # _sbs2 = None # except RDIOutOfBoundsException: # _sbs2 = None # # try: # _sbs6 = gwc6.get_location_info(_centroid_lng, _centroid_lat, method='near') # if _sbs6 < 0: # _sbs6 = None # except RDIOutOfBoundsException: # _sbs6 = None # # if _sbs2 is None and _sbs6 is None: # _sbs = 0 # # elif _sbs2 is not None: # _sbs = _sbs2 # is_gwc2 = True # # else: # _sbs = _sbs6 # is_gwc6 = True # _d = dict(huc=huc12, topaz_id=int(topaz_id), wepp_id=_wat['wepp_id'], # length=_wat['length'], width=_wat['width'], area=_wat['area'], # slope=_wat['slope_scalar'], # centroid_lng=_centroid_lng, # centroid_lat=_centroid_lat, # landuse=_landuse['key'], # soil_texture=_soils['simple_texture'], # sbs=_sbs) # csv_wtr.writerow(_d) # if not is_gwc2 and not is_gwc6: # continue baer = Baer.getInstance(wd) # if is_gwc2: # shutil.copyfile('gwc_sbs2.tif', _join(baer.baer_dir, 'gwc_sbs2.tif')) # baer.validate('gwc_sbs2.tif') # if is_gwc6: # shutil.copyfile('gwc_sbs6.tif', _join(baer.baer_dir, 'gwc_sbs6.tif')) # baer.validate('gwc_sbs6.tif') shutil.copyfile( '/geodata/weppcloud_runs/au/gwc_dnbr_barc4_utm.tif', _join(baer.baer_dir, 'gwc_dnbr_barc4_utm.tif')) baer.validate('gwc_dnbr_barc4_utm.tif') print('building landuse') landuse = Landuse.getInstance(wd) landuse.mode = LanduseMode.Gridded landuse = Landuse.getInstance(wd) landuse_summaries = landuse.subs_summary print('building soils') soils = Soils.getInstance(wd) soils.mode = SoilsMode.Gridded soils_summaries = soils.subs_summary print('building climate') climate = Climate.getInstance(wd) stations = climate.find_au_heuristic_stations() climate.input_years = 100 climate.climatestation = stations[0]['id'] climate.climate_spatialmode = ClimateSpatialMode.Single print('prepping wepp') wepp = Wepp.getInstance(wd) wepp.prep_hillslopes() print('running hillslopes') wepp.run_hillslopes() print('prepping watershed') wepp = Wepp.getInstance(wd) wepp.prep_watershed() print('running watershed') wepp.run_watershed() print('generating loss report') loss_report = wepp.report_loss() print('generating totalwatsed report') fn = _join(ron.export_dir, 'totalwatsed.csv') totwatsed = TotalWatSed(_join(ron.output_dir, 'totalwatsed.txt'), wepp.baseflow_opts, wepp.phosphorus_opts) totwatsed.export(fn) assert _exists(fn) ash = Ash.getInstance(wd) ash.run_ash(fire_date='8/4', ini_white_ash_depth_mm=16.5625, ini_black_ash_depth_mm=17.166666666666668) ashpost = AshPost.getInstance(wd) ash_summary = ashpost.summary_stats if ash_summary is not None: _recurrence = ash_summary['recurrence'] _return_periods = ash_summary['return_periods'] _annuals = ash_summary['annuals'] _sev_annuals = ash_summary['sev_annuals'] ash_out = ashpost.ash_out for topaz_id, hill_summary in wat.sub_iter(): print(topaz_id) _wat = hill_summary.as_dict() _landuse = landuse_summaries[str(topaz_id)] _soils = soils_summaries[str(topaz_id)] _centroid_lng, _centroid_lat = _wat['centroid'] _d = dict(huc=huc12, topaz_id=int(topaz_id), wepp_id=_wat['wepp_id'], length=_wat['length'], width=_wat['width'], area=_wat['area'], slope=_wat['slope_scalar'], centroid_lng=_centroid_lng, centroid_lat=_centroid_lat, landuse=_landuse['key'], soil_texture=_soils['simple_texture'], ash_wind_transport=ash_out[str( topaz_id)]['wind_transport (kg/ha)'], ash_water_transport=ash_out[str( topaz_id)]['water_transport (kg/ha)'], ash_transport=ash_out[str(topaz_id)] ['ash_transport (kg/ha)']) csv_wtr.writerow(_d) print('exporting arcmap resources') arc_export(wd) print(fails, i + 1)
continue if skip_completed: if _exists(_join(wd, 'export', 'arcmap', 'channels.shp')): log_print('has channels.shp... skipping.') continue log_print('cleaning dir') if _exists(wd): print() shutil.rmtree(wd) os.mkdir(wd) log_print('initializing project') ron = Ron(wd, "%s.cfg" % cfg) = wd ron.set_map(extent, map_center, zoom=map_zoom) log_print('fetching dem') ron.fetch_dem() log_print('building channels') topaz = Topaz.getInstance(wd) topaz.build_channels(csa=5, mcl=60) topaz.set_outlet(*outlet) sleep(0.5) log_print('building subcatchments') topaz.build_subcatchments() log_print('abstracting watershed')