Example #1
def uri_to_iri(uri, charset='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
    uri = url_fix(str(uri), charset)
    scheme, auth, hostname, port, path, query, fragment = _uri_split(uri)
    scheme = _decode_unicode(scheme, 'ascii', errors)
        hostname = hostname.decode('idna')
    except UnicodeError:
        if errors not in ('ignore', 'replace'):
        hostname = hostname.decode('ascii', errors)

    if auth:
        if ':' in auth:
            auth, password = auth.split(':', 1)
            password = None
        auth = _decode_unicode(_unquote(auth), charset, errors)
        if password:
            auth += u':' + _decode_unicode(_unquote(password), charset, errors)
        hostname = auth + u'@' + hostname
    if port:
        hostname += u':' + port.decode(charset, errors)
    path = _decode_unicode(_unquote(path, '/;?'), charset, errors)
    query = _decode_unicode(_unquote(query, ';/?:@&=+,$'), charset, errors)
    return urlparse.urlunsplit([scheme, hostname, path, query, fragment])
Example #2
def uri_to_iri(uri, charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore'):
    uri = url_fix(str(uri), charset)
    scheme, auth, hostname, port, path, query, fragment = _uri_split(uri)
    scheme = _decode_unicode(scheme, 'ascii', errors)
        hostname = hostname.decode('idna')
    except UnicodeError:
        if errors not in ('ignore', 'replace'):
        hostname = hostname.decode('ascii', errors)

    if auth:
        if ':' in auth:
            auth, password = auth.split(':', 1)
            password = None
        auth = _decode_unicode(_unquote(auth), charset, errors)
        if password:
            auth += u':' + _decode_unicode(_unquote(password), charset, errors)
        hostname = auth + u'@' + hostname
    if port:
        hostname += u':' + port.decode(charset, errors)
    path = _decode_unicode(_unquote(path, '/;?'), charset, errors)
    query = _decode_unicode(_unquote(query, ';/?:@&=+,$'), charset, errors)
    return urlparse.urlunsplit([scheme,
Example #3
def uri_to_iri(uri, charset='utf-8', errors='replace'):
    r"""Converts a URI in a given charset to a IRI.

    Examples for URI versus IRI

    >>> uri_to_iri('http://xn--n3h.net/')
    >>> uri_to_iri('http://%C3%BCser:p%C3%[email protected]/p%C3%A5th')

    Query strings are left unchanged:

    >>> uri_to_iri('/?foo=24&x=%26%2f')

    .. versionadded:: 0.6

    :param uri: the URI to convert
    :param charset: the charset of the URI
    :param errors: the error handling on decode
    uri = url_fix(str(uri), charset)
    scheme, auth, hostname, port, path, query, fragment = _uri_split(uri)

    scheme = _decode_unicode(scheme, 'ascii', errors)

        hostname = hostname.decode('idna')
    except UnicodeError:
        # dammit, that codec raised an error.  Because it does not support
        # any error handling we have to fake it.... badly
        if errors not in ('ignore', 'replace'):
        hostname = hostname.decode('ascii', errors)

    if ':' in hostname:
        hostname = '[' + hostname + ']'

    if auth:
        if ':' in auth:
            auth, password = auth.split(':', 1)
            password = None
        auth = _decode_unicode(_unquote(auth), charset, errors)
        if password:
            auth += u':' + _decode_unicode(_unquote(password),
                                           charset, errors)
        hostname = auth + u'@' + hostname
    if port:
        # port should be numeric, but you never know...
        hostname += u':' + port.decode(charset, errors)

    path = _decode_unicode(_unquote(path, '/;?'), charset, errors)
    query = _decode_unicode(_unquote(query, ';/?:@&=+,$'),
                            charset, errors)

    return urlparse.urlunsplit([scheme, hostname, path, query, fragment])
Example #4
def uri_to_iri(uri, charset='utf-8', errors='replace'):
    r"""Converts a URI in a given charset to a IRI.

    Examples for URI versus IRI

    >>> uri_to_iri('http://xn--n3h.net/')
    >>> uri_to_iri('http://%C3%BCser:p%C3%[email protected]/p%C3%A5th')

    Query strings are left unchanged:

    >>> uri_to_iri('/?foo=24&x=%26%2f')

    .. versionadded:: 0.6

    :param uri: the URI to convert
    :param charset: the charset of the URI
    :param errors: the error handling on decode
    uri = url_fix(str(uri), charset)
    scheme, auth, hostname, port, path, query, fragment = _uri_split(uri)

    scheme = _decode_unicode(scheme, 'ascii', errors)

        hostname = hostname.decode('idna')
    except UnicodeError:
        # dammit, that codec raised an error.  Because it does not support
        # any error handling we have to fake it.... badly
        if errors not in ('ignore', 'replace'):
        hostname = hostname.decode('ascii', errors)

    if ':' in hostname:
        hostname = '[' + hostname + ']'

    if auth:
        if ':' in auth:
            auth, password = auth.split(':', 1)
            password = None
        auth = _decode_unicode(_unquote(auth), charset, errors)
        if password:
            auth += u':' + _decode_unicode(_unquote(password), charset, errors)
        hostname = auth + u'@' + hostname
    if port:
        # port should be numeric, but you never know...
        hostname += u':' + port.decode(charset, errors)

    path = _decode_unicode(_unquote(path, '/;?'), charset, errors)
    query = _decode_unicode(_unquote(query, ';/?:@&=+,$'), charset, errors)

    return urlparse.urlunsplit([scheme, hostname, path, query, fragment])
Example #5
    def from_file(cls, file, charset='utf-8', errors='strict',
        """Load a template from a file.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.5
            The encoding parameter was renamed to charset.

        :param file: a filename or file object to load the template from.
        :param charset: the charset of the template to load.
        :param errors: the error behavior of the charset decoding.
        :param unicode_mode: set to `False` to disable unicode mode.
        :return: a template
        close = False
        f = file
        if isinstance(file, basestring):
            f = open(file, 'r')
            close = True
            data = _decode_unicode(f.read(), charset, errors)
            if close:
        return cls(data, getattr(f, 'name', '<template>'), charset,
                   errors, unicode_mode)
Example #6
    def from_file(cls, file, charset='utf-8', errors='strict',
                  unicode_mode=True, encoding=None):
        """Load a template from a file.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.5
            The encoding parameter was renamed to charset.

        :param file: a filename or file object to load the template from.
        :param charset: the charset of the template to load.
        :param errors: the error behavior of the charset decoding.
        :param unicode_mode: set to `False` to disable unicode mode.
        :return: a template
        if encoding is not None:
            from warnings import warn
            warn(DeprecationWarning('the encoding parameter is deprecated. '
                                    'use charset instead.'), stacklevel=2)
            charset = encoding
        close = False
        if isinstance(file, basestring):
            f = open(file, 'r')
            close = True
            data = _decode_unicode(f.read(), charset, errors)
            if close:
        return cls(data, getattr(f, 'name', '<template>'), charset,
                   errors, unicode_mode)
 def path(self):
     """Requested path as unicode.  This works a bit like the regular path
     info in the WSGI environment but will always include a leading slash,
     even if the URL root is accessed.
     path = '/' + (self.environ.get('PATH_INFO') or '').lstrip('/')
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #8
def parse_cookie(header, charset="utf-8", errors="replace", cls=None):
    """Parse a cookie.  Either from a string or WSGI environ.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    :exc:`HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.5
       This function now returns a :class:`TypeConversionDict` instead of a
       regular dict.  The `cls` parameter was added.

    :param header: the header to be used to parse the cookie.  Alternatively
                   this can be a WSGI environment.
    :param charset: the charset for the cookie values.
    :param errors: the error behavior for the charset decoding.
    :param cls: an optional dict class to use.  If this is not specified
                       or `None` the default :class:`TypeConversionDict` is
    if isinstance(header, dict):
        header = header.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "")
    if cls is None:
        cls = TypeConversionDict
    cookie = _ExtendedCookie()
    result = {}

    # decode to unicode and skip broken items.  Our extended morsel
    # and extended cookie will catch CookieErrors and convert them to
    # `None` items which we have to skip here.
    for key, value in cookie.iteritems():
        if value.value is not None:
            result[key] = _decode_unicode(unquote_header_value(value.value), charset, errors)

    return cls(result)
Example #9
def parse_cookie(header, charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore', cls = None):
    """Parse a cookie.  Either from a string or WSGI environ.
    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    :exc:`HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.
    .. versionchanged:: 0.5
       This function now returns a :class:`TypeConversionDict` instead of a
       regular dict.  The `cls` parameter was added.
    :param header: the header to be used to parse the cookie.  Alternatively
                   this can be a WSGI environment.
    :param charset: the charset for the cookie values.
    :param errors: the error behavior for the charset decoding.
    :param cls: an optional dict class to use.  If this is not specified
                       or `None` the default :class:`TypeConversionDict` is
    if isinstance(header, dict):
        header = header.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
    if cls is None:
        cls = TypeConversionDict
    cookie = _ExtendedCookie()
    result = {}
    for key, value in cookie.iteritems():
        if value.value is not None:
            result[key] = _decode_unicode(unquote_header_value(value.value), charset, errors)

    return cls(result)
Example #10
 def __init__(self, source, filename = '<template>', charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'strict', unicode_mode = True):
     if isinstance(source, str):
         source = _decode_unicode(source, charset, errors)
     if isinstance(filename, unicode):
         filename = filename.encode('utf-8')
     node = Parser(tokenize(u'\n'.join(source.splitlines()), filename), filename).parse()
     self.code = TemplateCodeGenerator(node, filename).getCode()
     self.filename = filename
     self.charset = charset
     self.errors = errors
     self.unicode_mode = unicode_mode
Example #11
 def __init__(self, source, filename="<template>", charset="utf-8", errors="strict", unicode_mode=True):
     if isinstance(source, str):
         source = _decode_unicode(source, charset, errors)
     if isinstance(filename, unicode):
         filename = filename.encode("utf-8")
     node = Parser(tokenize(u"\n".join(source.splitlines()), filename), filename).parse()
     self.code = TemplateCodeGenerator(node, filename).getCode()
     self.filename = filename
     self.charset = charset
     self.errors = errors
     self.unicode_mode = unicode_mode
Example #12
 def start_file_streaming(self, filename, headers, total_content_length):
     filename = _decode_unicode(filename, self.charset, self.errors)
     filename = self._fix_ie_filename(filename)
     content_type = headers.get('content-type')
         content_length = int(headers['content-length'])
     except (KeyError, ValueError):
         content_length = 0
     container = self.stream_factory(total_content_length, content_type,
                                     filename, content_length)
     return filename, container
Example #13
    def from_file(cls, file, charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'strict', unicode_mode = True):
        close = False
        if isinstance(file, basestring):
            f = open(file, 'r')
            close = True
            data = _decode_unicode(f.read(), charset, errors)
            if close:

        return cls(data, getattr(f, 'name', '<template>'), charset, errors, unicode_mode)
Example #14
def url_decode(s,
    """Parse a querystring and return it as :class:`MultiDict`.  Per default
    only values are decoded into unicode strings.  If `decode_keys` is set to
    `True` the same will happen for keys.
    Per default a missing value for a key will default to an empty key.  If
    you don't want that behavior you can set `include_empty` to `False`.
    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    `HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.
    .. versionchanged:: 0.5
       In previous versions ";" and "&" could be used for url decoding.
       This changed in 0.5 where only "&" is supported.  If you want to
       use ";" instead a different `separator` can be provided.
       The `cls` parameter was added.
    :param s: a string with the query string to decode.
    :param charset: the charset of the query string.
    :param decode_keys: set to `True` if you want the keys to be decoded
                        as well.
    :param include_empty: Set to `False` if you don't want empty values to
                          appear in the dict.
    :param errors: the decoding error behavior.
    :param separator: the pair separator to be used, defaults to ``&``
    :param cls: an optional dict class to use.  If this is not specified
                       or `None` the default :class:`MultiDict` is used.
    if cls is None:
        cls = MultiDict
    result = []
    for pair in str(s).split(separator):
        if not pair:
        if '=' in pair:
            key, value = pair.split('=', 1)
            key = pair
            value = ''
        key = _unquote_plus(key)
        if decode_keys:
            key = _decode_unicode(key, charset, errors)
        result.append((key, url_unquote_plus(value, charset, errors)))

    return cls(result)
Example #15
def url_unquote_plus(s, charset='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
    """URL decode a single string with the given decoding and decode
    a "+" to whitespace.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    `HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    :param s: the string to unquote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param errors: the error handling for the charset decoding.
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote_plus(s), charset, errors)
Example #16
 def __init__(self, source, filename='<template>', charset='utf-8',
              errors='strict', unicode_mode=True):
     if isinstance(source, str):
         source = _decode_unicode(source, charset, errors)
     if isinstance(filename, unicode):
         filename = filename.encode('utf-8')
     node = Parser(tokenize(u'\n'.join(source.splitlines()),
                            filename), filename).parse()
     self.code = TemplateCodeGenerator(node, filename).getCode()
     self.filename = filename
     self.charset = charset
     self.errors = errors
     self.unicode_mode = unicode_mode
Example #17
def parse_cookie(header, charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore', cls = None):
    if isinstance(header, dict):
        header = header.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
    if cls is None:
        cls = TypeConversionDict
    cookie = _ExtendedCookie()
    result = {}
    for key, value in cookie.iteritems():
        if value.value is not None:
            result[key] = _decode_unicode(unquote_header_value(value.value), charset, errors)

    return cls(result)
Example #18
def url_unquote_plus(s, charset='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
    """URL decode a single string with the given decoding and decode
    a "+" to whitespace.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    `HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    :param s: the string to unquote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param errors: the error handling for the charset decoding.
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote_plus(s), charset, errors)
Example #19
def parse_cookie(header, charset='utf-8', errors='ignore', cls=None):
    if isinstance(header, dict):
        header = header.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
    if cls is None:
        cls = TypeConversionDict
    cookie = _ExtendedCookie()
    result = {}
    for key, value in cookie.iteritems():
        if value.value is not None:
            result[key] = _decode_unicode(unquote_header_value(value.value),
                                          charset, errors)

    return cls(result)
Example #20
def url_unquote(s, charset='utf-8', errors='replace'):
    """URL decode a single string with a given decoding.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    `HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    :param s: the string to unquote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param errors: the error handling for the charset decoding.
    if isinstance(s, unicode):
        s = s.encode(charset)
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote(s), charset, errors)
Example #21
def url_unquote(s, charset='utf-8', errors='replace'):
    """URL decode a single string with a given decoding.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    `HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    :param s: the string to unquote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param errors: the error handling for the charset decoding.
    if isinstance(s, unicode):
        s = s.encode(charset)
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote(s), charset, errors)
Example #22
def _url_decode_impl(pair_iter, charset, decode_keys, include_empty, errors):
    for pair in pair_iter:
        if not pair:
        if '=' in pair:
            key, value = pair.split('=', 1)
            if not include_empty:
            key = pair
            value = ''
        key = _unquote_plus(key)
        if decode_keys:
            key = _decode_unicode(key, charset, errors)
        yield key, url_unquote_plus(value, charset, errors)
Example #23
def _url_decode_impl(pair_iter, charset, decode_keys, include_empty,
    for pair in pair_iter:
        if not pair:
        if '=' in pair:
            key, value = pair.split('=', 1)
            if not include_empty:
            key = pair
            value = ''
        key = _unquote_plus(key)
        if decode_keys:
            key = _decode_unicode(key, charset, errors)
        yield key, url_unquote_plus(value, charset, errors)
Example #24
def url_decode(s, charset='utf-8', decode_keys=False, include_empty=True,
               errors='ignore', separator='&', cls=None):
    """Parse a querystring and return it as :class:`MultiDict`.  Per default
    only values are decoded into unicode strings.  If `decode_keys` is set to
    `True` the same will happen for keys.

    Per default a missing value for a key will default to an empty key.  If
    you don't want that behavior you can set `include_empty` to `False`.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    `HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.5
       In previous versions ";" and "&" could be used for url decoding.
       This changed in 0.5 where only "&" is supported.  If you want to
       use ";" instead a different `separator` can be provided.

       The `cls` parameter was added.

    :param s: a string with the query string to decode.
    :param charset: the charset of the query string.
    :param decode_keys: set to `True` if you want the keys to be decoded
                        as well.
    :param include_empty: Set to `False` if you don't want empty values to
                          appear in the dict.
    :param errors: the decoding error behavior.
    :param separator: the pair separator to be used, defaults to ``&``
    :param cls: an optional dict class to use.  If this is not specified
                       or `None` the default :class:`MultiDict` is used.
    if cls is None:
        cls = MultiDict
    result = []
    for pair in str(s).split(separator):
        if not pair:
        if '=' in pair:
            key, value = pair.split('=', 1)
            key = pair
            value = ''
        key = _unquote_plus(key)
        if decode_keys:
            key = _decode_unicode(key, charset, errors)
        result.append((key, url_unquote_plus(value, charset, errors)))
    return cls(result)
Example #25
    def from_file(cls,
        close = False
        if isinstance(file, basestring):
            f = open(file, 'r')
            close = True
            data = _decode_unicode(f.read(), charset, errors)
            if close:

        return cls(data, getattr(f, 'name', '<template>'), charset, errors,
Example #26
    def parse_parts(self, file, boundary, content_length):
        """Generate `('file', (name, val))` and `('form', (name
        ,val))` parts.
        in_memory = 0

        for ellt, ell in self.parse_lines(file, boundary, content_length):
            if ellt == _begin_file:
                headers, name, filename = ell
                is_file = True
                guard_memory = False
                filename, container = self.start_file_streaming(
                    filename, headers, content_length)
                _write = container.write

            elif ellt == _begin_form:
                headers, name = ell
                is_file = False
                container = []
                _write = container.append
                guard_memory = self.max_form_memory_size is not None

            elif ellt == _cont:
                # if we write into memory and there is a memory size limit we
                # count the number of bytes in memory and raise an exception if
                # there is too much data in memory.
                if guard_memory:
                    in_memory += len(ell)
                    if in_memory > self.max_form_memory_size:

            elif ellt == _end:
                if is_file:
                    yield ('file', (name,
                    part_charset = self.get_part_charset(headers)
                    yield ('form', (name,
Example #27
def url_decode(s, charset = 'utf-8', decode_keys = False, include_empty = True, errors = 'ignore', separator = '&', cls = None):
    if cls is None:
        cls = MultiDict
    result = []
    for pair in str(s).split(separator):
        if not pair:
        if '=' in pair:
            key, value = pair.split('=', 1)
            key = pair
            value = ''
        key = _unquote_plus(key)
        if decode_keys:
            key = _decode_unicode(key, charset, errors)
        result.append((key, url_unquote_plus(value, charset, errors)))

    return cls(result)
Example #28
def url_decode(s, charset = 'utf-8', decode_keys = False, include_empty = True, errors = 'ignore', separator = '&', cls = None):
    if cls is None:
        cls = MultiDict
    result = []
    for pair in str(s).split(separator):
        if not pair:
        if '=' in pair:
            key, value = pair.split('=', 1)
            key = pair
            value = ''
        key = _unquote_plus(key)
        if decode_keys:
            key = _decode_unicode(key, charset, errors)
        result.append((key, url_unquote_plus(value, charset, errors)))

    return cls(result)
Example #29
    def parse_parts(self, file, boundary, content_length):
        """Generate `('file', (name, val))` and `('form', (name
        ,val))` parts.
        in_memory = 0

        for ellt, ell in self.parse_lines(file, boundary, content_length):
            if ellt == _begin_file:
                headers, name, filename = ell
                is_file = True
                guard_memory = False
                filename, container = self.start_file_streaming(
                    filename, headers, content_length)
                _write = container.write

            elif ellt == _begin_form:
                headers, name = ell
                is_file = False
                container = []
                _write = container.append
                guard_memory = self.max_form_memory_size is not None

            elif ellt == _cont:
                # if we write into memory and there is a memory size limit we
                # count the number of bytes in memory and raise an exception if
                # there is too much data in memory.
                if guard_memory:
                    in_memory += len(ell)
                    if in_memory > self.max_form_memory_size:

            elif ellt == _end:
                if is_file:
                    yield ('file',
                           (name, FileStorage(container, filename, name,
                    part_charset = self.get_part_charset(headers)
                    yield ('form',
                           (name, _decode_unicode(''.join(container),
                                                  part_charset, self.errors)))
Example #30
    def parse(self, file, boundary, content_length):
        next_part = '--' + boundary
        last_part = next_part + '--'

        form = []
        files = []
        in_memory = 0

        iterator = chain(make_line_iter(file, limit=content_length,

        terminator = self._find_terminator(iterator)
        if terminator != next_part:
            self.fail('Expected boundary at start of multipart data')

        while terminator != last_part:
            headers = parse_multipart_headers(iterator)

            disposition = headers.get('content-disposition')
            if disposition is None:
                self.fail('Missing Content-Disposition header')
            disposition, extra = parse_options_header(disposition)
            transfer_encoding = self.get_part_encoding(headers)
            name = extra.get('name')
            filename = extra.get('filename')
            part_charset = self.get_part_charset(headers)

            # if no content type is given we stream into memory.  A list is
            # used as a temporary container.
            if filename is None:
                is_file = False
                container = []
                _write = container.append
                guard_memory = self.max_form_memory_size is not None

            # otherwise we parse the rest of the headers and ask the stream
            # factory for something we can write in.
                is_file = True
                guard_memory = False
                filename, container = self.start_file_streaming(
                    filename, headers, content_length)
                _write = container.write

            buf = ''
            for line in iterator:
                if not line:
                    self.fail('unexpected end of stream')

                if line[:2] == '--':
                    terminator = line.rstrip()
                    if terminator in (next_part, last_part):

                if transfer_encoding is not None:
                        line = line.decode(transfer_encoding)
                    except Exception:
                        self.fail('could not decode transfer encoded chunk')

                # we have something in the buffer from the last iteration.
                # this is usually a newline delimiter.
                if buf:
                    buf = ''

                # If the line ends with windows CRLF we write everything except
                # the last two bytes.  In all other cases however we write
                # everything except the last byte.  If it was a newline, that's
                # fine, otherwise it does not matter because we will write it
                # the next iteration.  this ensures we do not write the
                # final newline into the stream.  That way we do not have to
                # truncate the stream.  However we do have to make sure that
                # if something else than a newline is in there we write it
                # out.
                if line[-2:] == '\r\n':
                    buf = '\r\n'
                    cutoff = -2
                    buf = line[-1]
                    cutoff = -1

                # if we write into memory and there is a memory size limit we
                # count the number of bytes in memory and raise an exception if
                # there is too much data in memory.
                if guard_memory:
                    in_memory += len(line)
                    if in_memory > self.max_form_memory_size:
            else: # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError('unexpected end of part')

            # if we have a leftover in the buffer that is not a newline
            # character we have to flush it, otherwise we will chop of
            # certain values.
            if buf not in ('', '\r', '\n', '\r\n'):

            if is_file:
                files.append((name, FileStorage(container, filename, name,
                form.append((name, _decode_unicode(''.join(container),
                                                   part_charset, self.errors)))

        return self.cls(form), self.cls(files)
Example #31
File: wrappers.py Project: Reve/eve
 def script_root(self):
     path = (self.environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME") or "").rstrip("/")
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.url_charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #32
File: wrappers.py Project: Reve/eve
 def path(self):
     path = "/" + (self.environ.get("PATH_INFO") or "").lstrip("/")
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.url_charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #33
def parse_multipart(file, boundary, content_length, stream_factory = None, charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore', buffer_size = 10240, max_form_memory_size = None):
    if stream_factory is None:
        stream_factory = default_stream_factory
    if not boundary:
        raise ValueError('Missing boundary')
    if not is_valid_multipart_boundary(boundary):
        raise ValueError('Invalid boundary: %s' % boundary)
    if len(boundary) > buffer_size:
        raise ValueError('Boundary longer than buffer size')
    total_content_length = content_length
    next_part = '--' + boundary
    last_part = next_part + '--'
    form = []
    files = []
    in_memory = 0
    file = LimitedStream(file, content_length)
    iterator = chain(make_line_iter(file, buffer_size=buffer_size), _empty_string_iter)
        terminator = _find_terminator(iterator)
        if terminator != next_part:
            raise ValueError('Expected boundary at start of multipart data')
        while terminator != last_part:
            headers = parse_multipart_headers(iterator)
            disposition = headers.get('content-disposition')
            if disposition is None:
                raise ValueError('Missing Content-Disposition header')
            disposition, extra = parse_options_header(disposition)
            name = extra.get('name')
            transfer_encoding = headers.get('content-transfer-encoding')
            try_decode = transfer_encoding is not None and transfer_encoding in _supported_multipart_encodings
            filename = extra.get('filename')
            if filename is None:
                is_file = False
                container = []
                _write = container.append
                guard_memory = max_form_memory_size is not None
                content_type = headers.get('content-type')
                content_type = parse_options_header(content_type)[0] or 'text/plain'
                is_file = True
                guard_memory = False
                if filename is not None:
                    filename = _fix_ie_filename(_decode_unicode(filename, charset, errors))
                    content_length = int(headers['content-length'])
                except (KeyError, ValueError):
                    content_length = 0

                container = stream_factory(total_content_length, content_type, filename, content_length)
                _write = container.write
            buf = ''
            for line in iterator:
                if not line:
                    raise ValueError('unexpected end of stream')
                if line[:2] == '--':
                    terminator = line.rstrip()
                    if terminator in (next_part, last_part):
                if try_decode:
                        line = line.decode(transfer_encoding)
                        raise ValueError('could not decode transfer encoded chunk')

                if buf:
                    buf = ''
                if line[-2:] == '\r\n':
                    buf = '\r\n'
                    cutoff = -2
                    buf = line[-1]
                    cutoff = -1
                if guard_memory:
                    in_memory += len(line)
                    if in_memory > max_form_memory_size:
                        from werkzeug.exceptions import RequestEntityTooLarge
                        raise RequestEntityTooLarge()
                raise ValueError('unexpected end of part')

            if is_file:
                files.append((name, FileStorage(container, filename, name, content_type, content_length, headers)))
                form.append((name, _decode_unicode(''.join(container), charset, errors)))


    return (form, files)
Example #34
def url_unquote(s, charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore'):
    if isinstance(s, unicode):
        s = s.encode(charset)
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote(s), charset, errors)
Example #35
def url_unquote_plus(s, charset = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore'):
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote_plus(s), charset, errors)
Example #36
 def script_root(self):
     """The root path of the script includling a trailing slash."""
     path = (self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') or '').rstrip('/') + '/'
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #37
def url_unquote_plus(s, charset='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote_plus(s), charset, errors)
Example #38
 def to_unicode(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, str):
         return _decode_unicode(value, self.charset, self.errors)
     return unicode(value)
Example #39
def url_unquote(s, charset='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
    if isinstance(s, unicode):
        s = s.encode(charset)
    return _decode_unicode(_unquote(s), charset, errors)
Example #40
def parse_multipart(
    buffer_size=10 * 1024,
    """Parse a multipart/form-data stream.  This is invoked by
    :func:`utils.parse_form_data` if the content type matches.  Currently it
    exists for internal usage only, but could be exposed as separate
    function if it turns out to be useful and if we consider the API stable.
    # XXX: this function does not support multipart/mixed.  I don't know of
    #      any browser that supports this, but it should be implemented
    #      nonetheless.

    # make sure the buffer size is divisible by four so that we can base64
    # decode chunk by chunk
    assert buffer_size % 4 == 0, "buffer size has to be divisible by 4"
    # also the buffer size has to be at least 1024 bytes long or long headers
    # will freak out the system
    assert buffer_size >= 1024, "buffer size has to be at least 1KB"

    if stream_factory is None:
        stream_factory = default_stream_factory

    if not boundary:
        raise ValueError("Missing boundary")
    if not is_valid_multipart_boundary(boundary):
        raise ValueError("Invalid boundary: %s" % boundary)
    if len(boundary) > buffer_size:  # pragma: no cover
        # this should never happen because we check for a minimum size
        # of 1024 and boundaries may not be longer than 200.  The only
        # situation when this happen is for non debug builds where
        # the assert i skipped.
        raise ValueError("Boundary longer than buffer size")

    total_content_length = content_length
    next_part = "--" + boundary
    last_part = next_part + "--"

    form = []
    files = []
    in_memory = 0

    # convert the file into a limited stream with iteration capabilities
    file = LimitedStream(file, content_length)
    iterator = chain(make_line_iter(file, buffer_size=buffer_size), _empty_string_iter)

        terminator = _find_terminator(iterator)
        if terminator != next_part:
            raise ValueError("Expected boundary at start of multipart data")

        while terminator != last_part:
            headers = parse_multipart_headers(iterator)
            disposition = headers.get("content-disposition")
            if disposition is None:
                raise ValueError("Missing Content-Disposition header")
            disposition, extra = parse_options_header(disposition)
            name = extra.get("name")

            transfer_encoding = headers.get("content-transfer-encoding")
            try_decode = transfer_encoding is not None and transfer_encoding in _supported_multipart_encodings

            filename = extra.get("filename")

            # if no content type is given we stream into memory.  A list is
            # used as a temporary container.
            if filename is None:
                is_file = False
                container = []
                _write = container.append
                guard_memory = max_form_memory_size is not None

            # otherwise we parse the rest of the headers and ask the stream
            # factory for something we can write in.
                content_type = headers.get("content-type")
                content_type = parse_options_header(content_type)[0] or "text/plain"
                is_file = True
                guard_memory = False
                if filename is not None:
                    filename = _fix_ie_filename(_decode_unicode(filename, charset, errors))
                    content_length = int(headers["content-length"])
                except (KeyError, ValueError):
                    content_length = 0
                container = stream_factory(total_content_length, content_type, filename, content_length)
                _write = container.write

            buf = ""
            for line in iterator:
                if not line:
                    raise ValueError("unexpected end of stream")

                if line[:2] == "--":
                    terminator = line.rstrip()
                    if terminator in (next_part, last_part):

                if try_decode:
                        line = line.decode(transfer_encoding)
                        raise ValueError("could not decode transfer " "encoded chunk")

                # we have something in the buffer from the last iteration.
                # this is usually a newline delimiter.
                if buf:
                    buf = ""

                # If the line ends with windows CRLF we write everything except
                # the last two bytes.  In all other cases however we write
                # everything except the last byte.  If it was a newline, that's
                # fine, otherwise it does not matter because we will write it
                # the next iteration.  this ensures we do not write the
                # final newline into the stream.  That way we do not have to
                # truncate the stream.
                if line[-2:] == "\r\n":
                    buf = "\r\n"
                    cutoff = -2
                    buf = line[-1]
                    cutoff = -1

                # if we write into memory and there is a memory size limit we
                # count the number of bytes in memory and raise an exception if
                # there is too much data in memory.
                if guard_memory:
                    in_memory += len(line)
                    if in_memory > max_form_memory_size:
                        from werkzeug.exceptions import RequestEntityTooLarge

                        raise RequestEntityTooLarge()
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError("unexpected end of part")

            if is_file:
                files.append((name, FileStorage(container, filename, name, content_type, content_length, headers)))
                form.append((name, _decode_unicode("".join(container), charset, errors)))
        # make sure the whole input stream is read

    return form, files
Example #41
 def path(self):
     path = (self.environ.get('PATH_INFO') or '').lstrip('/')
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #42
 def script_root(self):
     path = (self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') or '').rstrip('/') + '/'
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #43
def parse_multipart(file,
                    buffer_size=10 * 1024,
    """Parse a multipart/form-data stream.  This is invoked by
    :func:`utils.parse_form_data` if the content type matches.  Currently it
    exists for internal usage only, but could be exposed as separate
    function if it turns out to be useful and if we consider the API stable.
    # XXX: this function does not support multipart/mixed.  I don't know of
    #      any browser that supports this, but it should be implemented
    #      nonetheless.

    # make sure the buffer size is divisible by four so that we can base64
    # decode chunk by chunk
    assert buffer_size % 4 == 0, 'buffer size has to be divisible by 4'
    # also the buffer size has to be at least 1024 bytes long or long headers
    # will freak out the system
    assert buffer_size >= 1024, 'buffer size has to be at least 1KB'

    if stream_factory is None:
        stream_factory = default_stream_factory

    if not boundary:
        raise ValueError('Missing boundary')
    if not is_valid_multipart_boundary(boundary):
        raise ValueError('Invalid boundary: %s' % boundary)
    if len(boundary) > buffer_size:
        raise ValueError('Boundary longer than buffer size')

    total_content_length = content_length
    next_part = '--' + boundary
    last_part = next_part + '--'

    form = []
    files = []
    in_memory = 0

    # convert the file into a limited stream with iteration capabilities
    file = LimitedStream(file, content_length)
    iterator = chain(make_line_iter(file, buffer_size=buffer_size),

        terminator = _find_terminator(iterator)
        if terminator != next_part:
            raise ValueError('Expected boundary at start of multipart data')

        while terminator != last_part:
            headers = parse_multipart_headers(iterator)
            disposition = headers.get('content-disposition')
            if disposition is None:
                raise ValueError('Missing Content-Disposition header')
            disposition, extra = parse_options_header(disposition)
            name = extra.get('name')

            transfer_encoding = headers.get('content-transfer-encoding')
            try_decode = transfer_encoding is not None and \
                         transfer_encoding in _supported_multipart_encodings

            filename = extra.get('filename')

            # if no content type is given we stream into memory.  A list is
            # used as a temporary container.
            if filename is None:
                is_file = False
                container = []
                _write = container.append
                guard_memory = max_form_memory_size is not None

            # otherwise we parse the rest of the headers and ask the stream
            # factory for something we can write in.
                content_type = headers.get('content-type')
                content_type = parse_options_header(content_type)[0] \
                    or 'text/plain'
                is_file = True
                guard_memory = False
                if filename is not None:
                    filename = _fix_ie_filename(
                        _decode_unicode(filename, charset, errors))
                    content_length = int(headers['content-length'])
                except (KeyError, ValueError):
                    content_length = 0
                container = stream_factory(total_content_length, content_type,
                                           filename, content_length)
                _write = container.write

            buf = ''
            for line in iterator:
                if not line:
                    raise ValueError('unexpected end of stream')

                if line[:2] == '--':
                    terminator = line.rstrip()
                    if terminator in (next_part, last_part):

                if try_decode:
                        line = line.decode(transfer_encoding)
                        raise ValueError('could not decode transfer '
                                         'encoded chunk')

                # we have something in the buffer from the last iteration.
                # this is usually a newline delimiter.
                if buf:
                    buf = ''

                # If the line ends with windows CRLF we write everything except
                # the last two bytes.  In all other cases however we write
                # everything except the last byte.  If it was a newline, that's
                # fine, otherwise it does not matter because we will write it
                # the next iteration.  this ensures we do not write the
                # final newline into the stream.  That way we do not have to
                # truncate the stream.
                if line[-2:] == '\r\n':
                    buf = '\r\n'
                    cutoff = -2
                    buf = line[-1]
                    cutoff = -1

                # if we write into memory and there is a memory size limit we
                # count the number of bytes in memory and raise an exception if
                # there is too much data in memory.
                if guard_memory:
                    in_memory += len(line)
                    if in_memory > max_form_memory_size:
                        from werkzeug.exceptions import RequestEntityTooLarge
                        raise RequestEntityTooLarge()
                raise ValueError('unexpected end of part')

            if is_file:
                     FileStorage(container, filename, name, content_type,
                                 content_length, headers)))
                    (name, _decode_unicode(''.join(container), charset,
        # make sure the whole input stream is read

    return form, files
Example #44
 def path(self):
     """Requested path as unicode.  This works a bit like the regular path
     info in the WSGI environment but will not include a leading slash.
     path = (self.environ.get('PATH_INFO') or '').lstrip('/')
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
 def script_root(self):
     """The root path of the script without the trailing slash."""
     path = (self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') or '').rstrip('/')
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
def parse_multipart(file, boundary, content_length, stream_factory=None,
                    charset='utf-8', errors='ignore', buffer_size=10 * 1024,
    """Parse a multipart/form-data stream.  This is invoked by
    :func:`utils.parse_form_data` if the content type matches.  Currently it
    exists for internal usage only, but could be exposed as separate
    function if it turns out to be useful and if we consider the API stable.
    # XXX: this function does not support multipart/mixed.  I don't know of
    #      any browser that supports this, but it should be implemented
    #      nonetheless.

    # make sure the buffer size is divisible by four so that we can base64
    # decode chunk by chunk
    assert buffer_size % 4 == 0, 'buffer size has to be divisible by 4'
    # also the buffer size has to be at least 1024 bytes long or long headers
    # will freak out the system
    assert buffer_size >= 1024, 'buffer size has to be at least 1KB'

    if stream_factory is None:
        stream_factory = default_stream_factory
        stream_factory = _make_stream_factory(stream_factory)

    if not boundary:
        raise ValueError('Missing boundary')
    if not is_valid_multipart_boundary(boundary):
        raise ValueError('Invalid boundary: %s' % boundary)
    if len(boundary) > buffer_size:
        raise ValueError('Boundary longer than buffer size')

    total_content_length = content_length
    next_part = '--' + boundary
    last_part = next_part + '--'

    form = []
    files = []
    in_memory = 0

    # convert the file into a limited stream with iteration capabilities
    file = LimitedStream(file, content_length)
    iterator = chain(make_line_iter(file, buffer_size=buffer_size),

    def _find_terminator():
        """The terminator might have some additional newlines before it.
        There is at least one application that sends additional newlines
        before headers (the python setuptools package).
        for line in iterator:
            if not line:
            line = line.strip()
            if line:
                return line
        return ''

        terminator = _find_terminator()
        if terminator != next_part:
            raise ValueError('Expected boundary at start of multipart data')

        while terminator != last_part:
            headers = parse_multipart_headers(iterator)
            disposition = headers.get('content-disposition')
            if disposition is None:
                raise ValueError('Missing Content-Disposition header')
            disposition, extra = parse_options_header(disposition)
            filename = extra.get('filename')
            name = extra.get('name')
            transfer_encoding = headers.get('content-transfer-encoding')

            content_type = headers.get('content-type')
            if content_type is None:
                is_file = False
                content_type = parse_options_header(content_type)[0]
                is_file = True

            if is_file:
                if filename is not None:
                    filename = _fix_ie_filename(_decode_unicode(filename,
                    content_length = int(headers['content-length'])
                except (KeyError, ValueError):
                    content_length = 0
                stream = stream_factory(total_content_length, content_type,
                                        filename, content_length)
                stream = StringIO()

            buf = ''
            for line in iterator:
                if not line:
                    raise ValueError('unexpected end of stream')
                if line[:2] == '--':
                    terminator = line.rstrip()
                    if terminator in (next_part, last_part):
                if transfer_encoding in _supported_multipart_encodings:
                        line = line.decode(transfer_encoding)
                        raise ValueError('could not base 64 decode chunk')
                # we have something in the buffer from the last iteration.
                # write that value to the output stream now and clear the buffer.
                if buf:
                    buf = ''

                # If the line ends with windows CRLF we write everything except
                # the last two bytes.  In all other cases however we write everything
                # except the last byte.  If it was a newline, that's fine, otherwise
                # it does not matter because we write it the last iteration.  If the
                # loop aborts early because the end of a part was reached, the last
                # newline is not written which is exactly what we want.
                newline_length = line[-2:] == '\r\n' and 2 or 1
                buf = line[-newline_length:]
                if not is_file and max_form_memory_size is not None:
                    in_memory += len(line)
                    if in_memory > max_form_memory_size:
                        from werkzeug.exceptions import RequestEntityTooLarge
                        raise RequestEntityTooLarge()
                raise ValueError('unexpected end of part')

            # rewind the stream

            if is_file:
                files.append((name, FileStorage(stream, filename, name,
                form.append((name, _decode_unicode(stream.read(),
                                                   charset, errors)))
        # make sure the whole input stream is read

    return form, files
Example #47
def parse_multipart(file,
    if stream_factory is None:
        stream_factory = default_stream_factory
    if not boundary:
        raise ValueError('Missing boundary')
    if not is_valid_multipart_boundary(boundary):
        raise ValueError('Invalid boundary: %s' % boundary)
    if len(boundary) > buffer_size:
        raise ValueError('Boundary longer than buffer size')
    total_content_length = content_length
    next_part = '--' + boundary
    last_part = next_part + '--'
    form = []
    files = []
    in_memory = 0
    file = LimitedStream(file, content_length)
    iterator = chain(make_line_iter(file, buffer_size=buffer_size),
        terminator = _find_terminator(iterator)
        if terminator != next_part:
            raise ValueError('Expected boundary at start of multipart data')
        while terminator != last_part:
            headers = parse_multipart_headers(iterator)
            disposition = headers.get('content-disposition')
            if disposition is None:
                raise ValueError('Missing Content-Disposition header')
            disposition, extra = parse_options_header(disposition)
            name = extra.get('name')
            transfer_encoding = headers.get('content-transfer-encoding')
            try_decode = transfer_encoding is not None and transfer_encoding in _supported_multipart_encodings
            filename = extra.get('filename')
            if filename is None:
                is_file = False
                container = []
                _write = container.append
                guard_memory = max_form_memory_size is not None
                content_type = headers.get('content-type')
                content_type = parse_options_header(
                    content_type)[0] or 'text/plain'
                is_file = True
                guard_memory = False
                if filename is not None:
                    filename = _fix_ie_filename(
                        _decode_unicode(filename, charset, errors))
                    content_length = int(headers['content-length'])
                except (KeyError, ValueError):
                    content_length = 0

                container = stream_factory(total_content_length, content_type,
                                           filename, content_length)
                _write = container.write
            buf = ''
            for line in iterator:
                if not line:
                    raise ValueError('unexpected end of stream')
                if line[:2] == '--':
                    terminator = line.rstrip()
                    if terminator in (next_part, last_part):
                if try_decode:
                        line = line.decode(transfer_encoding)
                        raise ValueError(
                            'could not decode transfer encoded chunk')

                if buf:
                    buf = ''
                if line[-2:] == '\r\n':
                    buf = '\r\n'
                    cutoff = -2
                    buf = line[-1]
                    cutoff = -1
                if guard_memory:
                    in_memory += len(line)
                    if in_memory > max_form_memory_size:
                        from werkzeug.exceptions import RequestEntityTooLarge
                        raise RequestEntityTooLarge()
                raise ValueError('unexpected end of part')

            if is_file:
                     FileStorage(container, filename, name, content_type,
                                 content_length, headers)))
                    (name, _decode_unicode(''.join(container), charset,


    return (form, files)
Example #48
 def path(self):
     path = '/' + (self.environ.get('PATH_INFO') or '').lstrip('/')
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.url_charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #49
 def script_root(self):
     path = (self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') or '').rstrip('/')
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.url_charset, self.encoding_errors)
Example #50
 def to_unicode(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, str):
         return _decode_unicode(value, self.charset, self.errors)
     return unicode(value)
Example #51
 def script_root(self):
     """The root path of the script includling a trailing slash."""
     path = (self.environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME") or "").rstrip("/") + "/"
     return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)