Example #1
def test_add_filter():
    import werobot.testing
    import re

    robot = WeRoBot()

    def test_register():
        return "test"

    robot.add_filter(test_register, ["test", re.compile(u".*?啦.*?")])

    tester = werobot.testing.WeTest(robot)

    assert tester.send_xml(_make_xml("test"))._args["content"] == "test"
    assert tester.send_xml(_make_xml(u"我要测试啦"))._args["content"] == "test"
    assert tester.send_xml(_make_xml(u"我要测试")) is None

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        robot.add_filter("test", ["test"])
    assert e.value.args[0] == "test is not callable"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        robot.add_filter(test_register, "test")
    assert e.value.args[0] == "test is not list"

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
        robot.add_filter(test_register, [["bazinga"]])
    assert e.value.args[0] == "[\'bazinga\'] is not a valid rule"
Example #2
def test_add_filter():
    import werobot.testing
    import re

    robot = WeRoBot()

    def test_register():
        return "test"

    robot.add_filter(test_register, ["test", re.compile(u".*?啦.*?")])

    tester = werobot.testing.WeTest(robot)

    assert tester.send_xml(_make_xml("test"))._args["content"] == "test"
    assert tester.send_xml(_make_xml(u"我要测试啦"))._args["content"] == "test"
    assert tester.send_xml(_make_xml(u"我要测试")) is None

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        robot.add_filter("test", ["test"])
    assert e.value.args[0] == "test is not callable"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        robot.add_filter(test_register, "test")
    assert e.value.args[0] == "test is not list"

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
        robot.add_filter(test_register, [["bazinga"]])
    assert e.value.args[0] == "[\'bazinga\'] is not a valid rule"
Example #3
                             'tag': r['tag']

def voicedispatch(message):
    keyword = message.recognition[:-1]
    if (keyword == u"简介"):
        return about(message)
    elif (keyword == u"统计"):
        return count(message)
    elif (keyword == u"帮助"):
        return help(message)
    elif (keyword == u"魔法"):
        return magic(message)
    elif (keyword == u"结束留言"):
        return over(message)
    elif (keyword == u"我要留言"):
        return wish(message)
        return article(message)

myrobot.add_filter(func=about, rules=["A", "a", "about"])
myrobot.add_filter(func=count, rules=["C", "c", "count"])
myrobot.add_filter(func=help, rules=["H", "h", "help", "Y", "y", "yunerself"])
myrobot.add_filter(func=magic, rules=["M", "m", "magic"])
myrobot.add_filter(func=over, rules=["O", "o", "over"])
myrobot.add_filter(func=wish, rules=["W", "w", "wish"])