Example #1
def calculate_change_factor(idir,
                            prob=[0.10, 0.90],
                            aggregation=[24, 48, 72, 96]):
    ifiles = sorted(os.listdir(idir))
    dic = {}
    dic_dsf = {}

    for i in ifiles:

        fname = os.path.join(idir, i)
        d = wg_io.load(fname)
        mu = numpy.array(d[0])
        nu = numpy.array(d[1])

        mu_dsf = mu / (1 - mu)
        nu_dsf = nu / (1 - nu)

        #        print 'CF: ', numpy.mean(nu/mu)
        #        print '\n'

        prob_up = prob[1]
        prob_down = prob[0]
        axis = 0
        alpha = 0.0
        beta = 1.0

        up = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu / mu,
        down = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu / mu,
        dic[i] = [numpy.mean(nu / mu), down, up]

        up_dsf = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu_dsf / mu_dsf,
        down_dsf = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu_dsf / mu_dsf,
        dic_dsf[i] = [numpy.mean(nu_dsf / mu_dsf), down_dsf, up_dsf]

#    aggregation = [24]

# Preprocess
#size_in = size_cm[0]/2.54, size_cm[1]/2.54

    data_mean = {}
    data_var = {}
    data_skew = {}
    data_dsf = {}

    # TODO: include the other type of groupings!
    for g in range(12):
        temp_mean = []
        temp_var = []
        temp_skew = []
        temp_dsf = []

        for k in dic:
            for agg in aggregation:
                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_Eh'
                                                 in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_'
                                                            in k):
                    temp_mean.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])

                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_VARh'
                                                 in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_'
                                                            in k):
                    temp_var.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])

                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_SKh'
                                                 in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_'
                                                            in k):
                    temp_skew.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])

                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_FFh'
                                                 in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_'
                                                            in k):
                    temp_dsf.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])
                    #temp_dsf.append([k, dic_dsf[k][0], dic_dsf[k][1], dic_dsf[k][2]])

        data_mean[str(g)] = sorted(temp_mean)
        data_var[str(g)] = sorted(temp_var)
        data_skew[str(g)] = sorted(temp_skew)
        data_dsf[str(g)] = sorted(temp_dsf)

    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    ts = 1
    lag = 1
    accumulate = True
    group_type = 'm'
    dic_stat = wg_tool.series_statistics(dic,

    temp_mean = []
    temp_cv = []
    temp_var = []
    temp_dsf = []
    temp_skew = []
    temp_correl = []

    # [Ey, VARy, CVy, SKy, Rly, DSFy]
    dicdic = dic_stat['period']
    for g in range(12):
        mean_index = 0
        cf_mean = data_mean[str(g)]
        cf_mean = [i[1] for i in cf_mean]
        mean = dicdic[mean_index][g]
        new_mean = numpy.array(mean) * numpy.array(cf_mean)

        var_index = 1
        cf_var = data_var[str(g)]
        cf_var = [i[1] for i in cf_var]
        var = dicdic[var_index][g]
        new_var = numpy.array(var) * numpy.array(cf_var)

        new_cv = (new_var**0.5) / new_mean

        skew_index = 3
        cf_skew = data_skew[str(g)]
        cf_skew = [i[1] for i in cf_skew]
        skew = dicdic[skew_index][g]
        new_skew = numpy.array(skew) * numpy.array(cf_skew)

        dsf_index = 5
        cf_dsf = data_dsf[str(g)]
        cf_dsf = [i[1] for i in cf_dsf]
        dsf = dicdic[dsf_index][g]
        new_dsf = numpy.array(dsf) * numpy.array(cf_dsf)

    ret_dic = {
        'mean': temp_mean,
        'var': temp_var,
        'skew': temp_skew,
        'cv': temp_cv,
        'dsf': temp_dsf,
        'aggregation': aggregation

    return ret_dic
Example #2
def extend_fine(idir, ifile, extend_aggregation, aggregation, ofile):
    dic = calculate_change_factor(idir, ifile)
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin

    # Changed factors original data
    dsf = dic['dsf']
    mean = dic['mean']
    var = dic['var']
    skew = dic['skew']
    correl_ori = []
    skew_ori = []

    # Find the original
    # -----------------
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    ts = 1
    lag = 1
    accumulate = True
    group_type = 'm'
    dic_stat = wg_tool.series_statistics(dic,

    # [Ey, VARy, CVy, SKy, Rly, DSFy]
    dicdic = dic_stat['period']
    for g in range(12):
        skew_index = 3

        correl_index = 4

    # Find indexes to use extension values for bellow 24 hours and calculates
    # values for over 24 hours
    n_group = len(dsf)
    pre_index = []
    post_index = []

    for i in range(len(extend_aggregation)):
        if not (extend_aggregation[i] in aggregation):

    for i in range(len(aggregation)):
        if (aggregation[i] in extend_aggregation):

    h = numpy.array(aggregation)
    h_ext = numpy.array(extend_aggregation)

    # Extend mean: E(h) = A*h. Is linear and cuts in 0. Either one value of future
    # is used, or a regression is made...
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    mean_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        mean_h = mean[g]
        Xo = [1]  # A
        Xf = fmin(mean_min, Xo, args=(h, mean_h), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]
        mean_adj = A * h_ext

        mean_res = [mean_adj[i]
                    for i in pre_index] + [mean_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, mean_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, mean_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()

# Extend dry spell fraction: dsf(h) = A*(e^h*B)
# ---------------------------------------------
# TODO: include the different groupings
    dsf_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        dsf_h = dsf[g]
        Xo = [-1]  # A

        if False:
            # Only use 24 72
            hh = [h[0], h[1]]
            dsf_hh = [dsf_h[0], dsf_h[1]]
            hh = h
            dsf_hh = dsf_h

        #print fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(h, dsf_h), approx_grad=True, bounds=bounds, maxfun=3000)
        Xf = fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(hh, dsf_hh), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]

        dsf_adj = numpy.exp(A * h_ext)

        dsf_res = [dsf_adj[i]
                   for i in pre_index] + [dsf_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, dsf_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, dsf_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()

# Skewness.... hmmmm difficult so far so only observed is downscaled
# ---------------------------------------------
# TODO: include the different groupings
    skew_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        skew_h = skew[g]
        skew_adj = skew_ori[g]
        skew_res = [skew_adj[i]
                    for i in pre_index] + [skew_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Autocorrelation.... very difficult indeed not taken into account
    # ---------------------------------------------
    correl_new = correl_ori

    # Variance
    # -------------------------------------------------
    var_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        var_h = var[g]

        Xo = [0.5, 1, 0.8]
        Xf = fmin(var_min, Xo, args=(aggregation, var_h), disp=0)

        eps = Xf[0]  ## [h]
        Sig2i = Xf[1]  ## [mm^2]
        alp = Xf[2]  ## []

        var_adj = variance_t_downscaling(extend_aggregation, eps, Sig2i, alp)
        var_res = [var_adj[i]
                   for i in pre_index] + [var_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Coefficient of variance
    cv_new = [(var_new[i])**0.5 / mean_new[i] for i in range(len(mean_new))]

    dic = {
        'aggregation': extend_aggregation,
        'dsf': dsf_new,
        'mean': mean_new,
        'var': var_new,
        'skew': skew_new,
        'correl': correl_new,
        'cv': cv_new

    # Plot test
    #    for g in range(n_group):
    #        for key in dic:
    #            x = dic['aggregation']
    #            if not(key == 'aggregation'):
    #                y = dic[key][g]
    #                fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
    ##                fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.10, bottom=0.10, wspace=0.40, hspace=0.20)
    #                fig.suptitle(key)
    #                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #                ax.set_axisbelow(True)
    #                ax.plot(x, y, 'b-', label='period statistics')
    #                matplotlib.pyplot.show()

    wg_io.save(dic, ofile)

    return dic
Example #3
def change_factors(idir, ifile, extend_aggregation, aggregation, stats=None):
    dic = calculate_change_factor(idir, ifile)
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin

    # Changed factors original data
    dsf = dic['dsf']
    mean = dic['mean']
    var = dic['var']
    skew = dic['skew']

    cv_ori = []
    correl_ori = []
    skew_ori = []
    mean_ori = []
    var_ori = []
    dsf_ori = []

    # Find the original
    # -----------------
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    ts = 1
    lag = 1
    accumulate = True
    group_type = 'm'
    dic_stat = wg_tool.series_statistics(dic,

    # [Ey, VARy, CVy, SKy, Rly, DSFy]
    dicdic = dic_stat['period']
    for g in range(12):
        mean_index = 0

        var_index = 1

        cv_index = 2

        skew_index = 3

        correl_index = 4

        dsf_index = 5

    # Find indexes to use extension values for bellow 24 hours and calculates
    # values for over 24 hours
    n_group = len(dsf)
    pre_index = []
    post_index = []

    for i in range(len(extend_aggregation)):
        if not (extend_aggregation[i] in aggregation):

    for i in range(len(aggregation)):
        if (aggregation[i] in extend_aggregation):

    h = numpy.array(aggregation)
    h_ext = numpy.array(extend_aggregation)

    # Extend mean: E(h) = A*h. Is linear and cuts in 0. Either one value of future
    # is used, or a regression is made...
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    mean_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        mean_h = mean[g]
        Xo = [1]  # A
        Xf = fmin(mean_min, Xo, args=(h, mean_h), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]
        mean_adj = A * h_ext

        mean_res = [mean_adj[i]
                    for i in pre_index] + [mean_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, mean_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, mean_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()

# Extend dry spell fraction: dsf(h) = A*(e^h*B)
# ---------------------------------------------
# TODO: include the different groupings
    dsf_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        dsf_h = dsf[g]
        Xo = [-1]  # A

        if False:
            # Only use 24 72
            hh = [h[0], h[1]]
            dsf_hh = [dsf_h[0], dsf_h[1]]
            hh = h
            dsf_hh = dsf_h

        #print fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(h, dsf_h), approx_grad=True, bounds=bounds, maxfun=3000)
        Xf = fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(hh, dsf_hh), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]

        dsf_adj = numpy.exp(A * h_ext)

        dsf_res = [dsf_adj[i]
                   for i in pre_index] + [dsf_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, dsf_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, dsf_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()

# Skewness.... hmmmm difficult so far so only observed is downscaled
# ---------------------------------------------
# TODO: include the different groupings
    skew_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        skew_h = skew[g]
        skew_adj = skew_ori[g]
        skew_res = [skew_adj[i]
                    for i in pre_index] + [skew_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Autocorrelation.... very difficult indeed not taken into account
    # ---------------------------------------------
    correl_new = correl_ori

    # Variance
    # -------------------------------------------------
    var_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        var_h = var[g]

        Xo = [0.5, 1, 0.8]
        Xf = fmin(var_min, Xo, args=(aggregation, var_h), disp=0)

        eps = Xf[0]  ## [h]
        Sig2i = Xf[1]  ## [mm^2]
        alp = Xf[2]  ## []

        var_adj = variance_t_downscaling(extend_aggregation, eps, Sig2i, alp)
        var_res = [var_adj[i]
                   for i in pre_index] + [var_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Coefficient of variance
    cv_new = [(var_new[i])**0.5 / mean_new[i] for i in range(len(mean_new))]

    dic = {
        'aggregation': extend_aggregation,
        'dsf': dsf_new,
        'mean': mean_new,
        'var': var_new,
        'skew': skew_new,
        'correl': correl_new,
        'cv': cv_new

    mean_cf = numpy.array(mean_new) / numpy.array(mean_ori)
    var_cf = numpy.array(var_new) / numpy.array(var_ori)
    cv_cf = numpy.array(cv_new) / numpy.array(cv_ori)
    skew_cf = numpy.array(skew_new) / numpy.array(skew_ori)
    correl_cf = numpy.array(correl_new) / numpy.array(correl_ori)
    dsf_cf = numpy.array(dsf_new) / numpy.array(dsf_ori)

    ## Define the statistics to use in the model, this way it can be more inter
    ## actively decided which ones to use
    #  0    1     2    3    4    5
    stats_names = ['Eh', 'VARh', 'CVh', 'Rlh', 'SKh', 'FFh']
    if stats == None:
        stats = [2, 3, 4, 5]

    len_stats = len(stats)

    stats_names_used = [stats_names[i] for i in stats]
    print stats_names_used

    all_stats = []
    ep_stats = []
    # Now arrange so it is easy to use in the parameter generator
    for g in range(n_group):
        temp_stats = []
        temp_ep = []
        for ag in range(len(extend_aggregation)):
            stats_list = [
                mean_cf[g][ag], var_cf[g][ag], cv_cf[g][ag], correl_cf[g][ag],
                skew_cf[g][ag], dsf_cf[g][ag]

            stats_used = [stats_list[i] for i in stats]

            temp_stats = temp_stats + stats_used
            temp_ep = temp_ep + [mean_cf[g][ag]]

        #stats_list.append(Eh, VARh, CVh, Rlh, SKh, FFh]

    print all_stats
    print ep_stats
    return {'cf_stats': all_stats, 'cf_mean': ep_stats}
Example #4
def ev1_multiple(idir,
    r'''Function to calculate the extreme value distribution of rainfall 
    for different rainfall duration and return periods. This can be then used
    to produce intensity-duration-frequency curves.
    rain : 
        numpy array
    year : 
        numpy array
    duration : 
    return_period :
    plot_pos : 
        P = (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b), where n is the number of items, i is the index
        for the sorted list and b is given 
        'w' Weibul        0.0
        'c' Chegodayev    0.30
        't' Turkey        0.33333
        'b' Blom          0.375  
        'g' Gringorten    0.44
        'h' Hazen         0.5
    A dictionary idf_data
    ifiles = os.listdir(idir)

    plot_position = {
        'w': 0.0,
        'c': 0.30,
        't': 0.333333333333333333,
        'b': 0.375,
        'g': 0.440,
        'h': 0.5

    if str(plot_pos) in plot_position:
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]
        print('Selected ploting position incorrect. Using Weibul by default')
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]
        # Plot position: (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b))

    # Get basic data from file one
    ifile = os.path.join(idir, ifiles[0])
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    year = dic['year']
    year_max = numpy.int(numpy.amax(year))
    year_min = numpy.int(numpy.amin(year))

    rain_max_list = []

    for i in ifiles:
        print i
        ifile = os.path.join(idir, i)
        dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
        rain = dic['rainfall']
        year = dic['year']

        dic_max = wg_tool.get_max(rain, year, duration, accumulate=accumulate)
        rain_max = dic_max['rain']

    # now create median
    size = dic_max['size']
    prob = [(i - b) / (size + 1.0 - 2.0 * b) for i in range(1, size + 1)]
    prob = numpy.array(prob)
    ln_ = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(prob))

    coefficient = []
    for step in range(len(duration)):
        rain_median = scipy.median(numpy.array(rain_max_list), axis=0)
        (m, b, r, tt, stderr) = scipy.stats.linregress(ln_, rain_median[step])
        coefficient.append([m, b, r])

    ## Create the array to use in ploting later
    idf = []
    r_p = numpy.array(return_period) * 1.0
    ln_calc = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(1.0 - (1.0 / r_p)))

    ## mbr stands for Slope(m) Y-intercept(b) Rcoefficient(r)
    for mbr in coefficient:
        i_calc = ln_calc * mbr[0] + mbr[1]

    idf_data = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(idf))

    return {
        'coefficients': coefficient,  ## [slope, y-int, R]
        'rain': rain_max_list,
        'probability': prob,
        'ln': ln_,
        'idf_data': idf_data,
        'duration': duration,
        'year_max': year_max,
        'year_min': year_min
Example #5
def ev1(ifile, duration, return_period, plot_pos='w', accumulate=False):
    r'''Function to calculate the extreme value distribution of rainfall 
    for different rainfall duration and return periods. This can be then used
    to produce intensity-duration-frequency curves.
    rain : 
        numpy array
    year : 
        numpy array
    duration : 
    return_period :
    plot_pos : 
        P = (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b), where n is the number of items, i is the index
        for the sorted list and b is given 
        'w' Weibul        0.0
        'c' Chegodayev    0.30
        't' Turkey        0.33333
        'b' Blom          0.375  
        'g' Gringorten    0.44
        'h' Hazen         0.5
    A dictionary idf_data
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    rain = dic['rainfall']
    year = dic['year']

    plot_position = {
        'w': 0.0,
        'c': 0.30,
        't': 0.333333333333333333,
        'b': 0.375,
        'g': 0.440,
        'h': 0.5

    if str(plot_pos) in plot_position:
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]
        print('Selected ploting position incorrect. Using Weibul by default')
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]

        # Plot position: (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b))

    # Common use functions
    #movmean = tool.movmean
    movmean = wg_tool.movnanmean

    year_max = numpy.int(numpy.amax(year))
    year_min = numpy.int(numpy.amin(year))

    coefficient = []
    rain_max_list = []
    probability = []
    ln = []
    #year = numpy.transpose(year)

    for step in duration:
        rain_year_max = []
        for y in range(year_min, (year_max + 1)):
            rain_per_year = rain[(year == y)]

            ##!         ##This is to comply with the rolling window function in case there
            ## are years with no data.
            if rain_per_year.shape[0] > step:
                rain_year_m_ave = movmean(rain_per_year, step, 1, accumulate)
                temp_calc = numpy.nanmax(rain_year_m_ave)

                ##!         ## If the moving average produces NaN when calculating the
                ## nanmax ignores the NaN.
                ## Is this appropriate in every case?
                if not numpy.isnan(temp_calc):

        size = len(rain_year_max)
        sorting = numpy.sort(rain_year_max)

        print size

        ## Only do this once
        if step == duration[0]:
            # ploting position probability
            prob = [(i - b) / (size + 1.0 - 2.0 * b)
                    for i in range(1, size + 1)]
            prob = numpy.array(prob)
            #fr = 1 - prob
            ## Extreme value 1  TO UPDATE

            ln_ = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(prob))

        (m, b, r, tt, stderr) = scipy.stats.linregress(ln_, sorting)

        coefficient.append([m, b, r])

    ## Create the array to use in ploting later
    idf = []
    r_p = numpy.array(return_period) * 1.0
    ln_calc = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(1.0 - (1.0 / r_p)))

    ## mbr stands for Slope(m) Y-intercept(b) Rcoefficient(r)
    for mbr in coefficient:
        i_calc = ln_calc * mbr[0] + mbr[1]

    idf_data = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(idf))

    return {
        'coefficients': coefficient,  ## [slope, y-int, R]
        'rain': rain_max_list,
        'probability': probability,
        'ln': ln,
        'idf_data': idf_data,
        'duration': duration,
        'year_max': year_max,
        'year_min': year_min
def change_factors(idir, ifile, extend_aggregation, aggregation, stats=None):
    dic = calculate_change_factor(idir, ifile)
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin        

    # Changed factors original data
    dsf = dic['dsf']
    mean = dic['mean']
    var = dic['var']
    skew = dic['skew']

    cv_ori = []
    correl_ori = []
    skew_ori = []
    mean_ori = []
    var_ori = []
    dsf_ori = []

    # Find the original 
    # -----------------
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    ts = 1
    lag = 1
    accumulate = True
    group_type = 'm'
    dic_stat = wg_tool.series_statistics(dic, ts, extend_aggregation, lag=lag, 
                                  group_type=group_type, accumulate=accumulate)

    # [Ey, VARy, CVy, SKy, Rly, DSFy]
    dicdic = dic_stat['period']
    for g in range(12):
        mean_index = 0

        var_index = 1

        cv_index = 2

        skew_index = 3

        correl_index = 4

        dsf_index = 5

    # Find indexes to use extension values for bellow 24 hours and calculates 
    # values for over 24 hours    
    n_group = len(dsf)    
    pre_index = []
    post_index = []    

    for i in range(len(extend_aggregation)):
        if not(extend_aggregation[i] in aggregation):
    for i in range(len(aggregation)):    
        if (aggregation[i] in extend_aggregation):

    h = numpy.array(aggregation)
    h_ext = numpy.array(extend_aggregation)
    # Extend mean: E(h) = A*h. Is linear and cuts in 0. Either one value of future
    # is used, or a regression is made...
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    mean_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        mean_h = mean[g]        
        Xo = [1]   # A
        Xf = fmin(mean_min, Xo, args=(h, mean_h), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]
        mean_adj = A * h_ext
        mean_res = [mean_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [mean_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, mean_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, mean_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    # Extend dry spell fraction: dsf(h) = A*(e^h*B)
    # ---------------------------------------------
    # TODO: include the different groupings
    dsf_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        dsf_h = dsf[g]        
        Xo = [-1]   # A
        if False:
            # Only use 24 72        
            hh = [h[0], h[1]]
            dsf_hh = [dsf_h[0], dsf_h[1]]
            hh = h
            dsf_hh = dsf_h

        #print fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(h, dsf_h), approx_grad=True, bounds=bounds, maxfun=3000)     
        Xf = fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(hh, dsf_hh), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]

        dsf_adj = numpy.exp(A * h_ext)
        dsf_res = [dsf_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [dsf_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, dsf_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, dsf_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()

    # Skewness.... hmmmm difficult so far so only observed is downscaled
    # ---------------------------------------------
    # TODO: include the different groupings
    skew_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        skew_h = skew[g]
        skew_adj = skew_ori[g]
        skew_res = [skew_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [skew_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Autocorrelation.... very difficult indeed not taken into account
    # ---------------------------------------------    
    correl_new = correl_ori

    # Variance
    # -------------------------------------------------
    var_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        var_h = var[g]

        Xo = [0.5, 1, 0.8]
        Xf = fmin(var_min, Xo, args=(aggregation, var_h), disp=0)

        eps =Xf[0]     ## [h]
        Sig2i = Xf[1]  ## [mm^2]
        alp = Xf[2]    ## []

        var_adj = variance_t_downscaling(extend_aggregation, eps, Sig2i, alp)
        var_res = [var_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [var_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Coefficient of variance
    cv_new = [(var_new[i])**0.5 / mean_new[i] for i in range(len(mean_new))]
    dic = {'aggregation': extend_aggregation,
           'dsf': dsf_new,
           'mean': mean_new,
           'var': var_new,
           'skew': skew_new,
           'correl': correl_new,
           'cv': cv_new}
    mean_cf = numpy.array(mean_new) / numpy.array(mean_ori)
    var_cf = numpy.array(var_new) / numpy.array(var_ori)
    cv_cf = numpy.array(cv_new) / numpy.array(cv_ori)
    skew_cf = numpy.array(skew_new) / numpy.array(skew_ori)
    correl_cf = numpy.array(correl_new) / numpy.array(correl_ori)
    dsf_cf = numpy.array(dsf_new) / numpy.array(dsf_ori)

    ## Define the statistics to use in the model, this way it can be more inter
    ## actively decided which ones to use
    #  0    1     2    3    4    5
    stats_names = ['Eh', 'VARh', 'CVh', 'Rlh', 'SKh', 'FFh']
    if stats == None:
        stats = [2, 3, 4, 5]  

    len_stats = len(stats)
    stats_names_used = [stats_names[i] for i in stats]
    print stats_names_used

    all_stats = []
    ep_stats = []
    # Now arrange so it is easy to use in the parameter generator
    for g in range(n_group):
        temp_stats = []
        temp_ep = []
        for ag in range(len(extend_aggregation)):
            stats_list = [mean_cf[g][ag], var_cf[g][ag], cv_cf[g][ag], 
                         correl_cf[g][ag], skew_cf[g][ag], dsf_cf[g][ag]]
            stats_used = [stats_list[i] for i in stats]                    
            temp_stats = temp_stats + stats_used
            temp_ep = temp_ep + [mean_cf[g][ag]]
        #stats_list.append(Eh, VARh, CVh, Rlh, SKh, FFh]

    print all_stats
    print ep_stats
    return {'cf_stats': all_stats, 
            'cf_mean': ep_stats}
def calculate_change_factor(idir, ifile, prob=[0.10, 0.90], aggregation=[24,48,72,96]):
    ifiles = sorted(os.listdir(idir))
    dic = {}
    dic_dsf= {}
    for i in ifiles:
        fname = os.path.join(idir, i)
        d = wg_io.load(fname)        
        mu = numpy.array(d[0])
        nu = numpy.array(d[1])
        mu_dsf = mu/(1 - mu)
        nu_dsf = nu/(1 - nu)

#        print 'CF: ', numpy.mean(nu/mu)
#        print '\n'

        prob_up = prob[1]
        prob_down = prob[0]
        axis = 0    
        alpha = 0.0
        beta = 1.0

        up = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu/mu, prob=prob_up, alphap=alpha, betap=beta, axis=axis)
        down = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu/mu, prob=prob_down, alphap=alpha, betap=beta, axis=axis)        
        dic[i] = [numpy.mean(nu/mu), down, up]
        up_dsf = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu_dsf/mu_dsf, prob=prob_up, alphap=alpha, betap=beta, axis=axis)
        down_dsf = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(nu_dsf/mu_dsf, prob=prob_down, alphap=alpha, betap=beta, axis=axis)        
        dic_dsf[i] = [numpy.mean(nu_dsf/mu_dsf), down_dsf, up_dsf]

#    aggregation = [24]
    # Preprocess
    #size_in = size_cm[0]/2.54, size_cm[1]/2.54       

    data_mean = {}
    data_var = {}
    data_skew = {}
    data_dsf = {}
    # TODO: include the other type of groupings!
    for g in range(12):
        temp_mean = []
        temp_var = []
        temp_skew = []
        temp_dsf = []

        for k in dic:
            for agg in aggregation:
                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_Eh' in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_' in k):                
                    temp_mean.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])

                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_VARh' in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_' in k):                
                    temp_var.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])

                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_SKh' in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_' in k):                
                    temp_skew.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])

                if ('agg_' + str(agg) in k) and ('stat_FFh' in k) and ('g_' + str(g) + '_' in k):                
                    temp_dsf.append([k, dic[k][0], dic[k][1], dic[k][2]])
                    #temp_dsf.append([k, dic_dsf[k][0], dic_dsf[k][1], dic_dsf[k][2]])

        data_mean[str(g)] = sorted(temp_mean)
        data_var[str(g)] = sorted(temp_var)
        data_skew[str(g)] = sorted(temp_skew)
        data_dsf[str(g)] = sorted(temp_dsf)

    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    ts = 1
    lag = 1
    accumulate = True
    group_type = 'm'
    dic_stat = wg_tool.series_statistics(dic, ts, aggregation, lag=lag, 
                                  group_type=group_type, accumulate=accumulate)
    temp_mean = []
    temp_cv = []
    temp_var = []
    temp_dsf = []
    temp_skew = []
    temp_correl = []
    # [Ey, VARy, CVy, SKy, Rly, DSFy]
    dicdic = dic_stat['period']
    for g in range(12):
        mean_index = 0
        cf_mean = data_mean[str(g)]
        cf_mean = [i[1] for i in cf_mean]
        mean = dicdic[mean_index][g]
        new_mean = numpy.array(mean) * numpy.array(cf_mean)
        var_index = 1
        cf_var = data_var[str(g)]
        cf_var = [i[1] for i in cf_var]        
        var = dicdic[var_index][g]
        new_var = numpy.array(var) * numpy.array(cf_var)

        new_cv = (new_var**0.5)/new_mean
        skew_index = 3
        cf_skew = data_skew[str(g)]
        cf_skew = [i[1] for i in cf_skew]
        skew = dicdic[skew_index][g]
        new_skew = numpy.array(skew) * numpy.array(cf_skew)
        dsf_index = 5
        cf_dsf = data_dsf[str(g)]
        cf_dsf = [i[1] for i in cf_dsf]        
        dsf = dicdic[dsf_index][g]
        new_dsf = numpy.array(dsf) * numpy.array(cf_dsf)
    ret_dic = {'mean': temp_mean,
               'var': temp_var,
               'skew': temp_skew,
               'cv': temp_cv,
               'dsf': temp_dsf,
               'aggregation': aggregation}        
    return ret_dic
def extend_fine(idir, ifile, extend_aggregation, aggregation, ofile):
    dic = calculate_change_factor(idir, ifile)
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b
    fmin = scipy.optimize.fmin        

    # Changed factors original data
    dsf = dic['dsf']
    mean = dic['mean']
    var = dic['var']
    skew = dic['skew']
    correl_ori = []
    skew_ori = []

    # Find the original 
    # -----------------
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    ts = 1
    lag = 1
    accumulate = True
    group_type = 'm'
    dic_stat = wg_tool.series_statistics(dic, ts, extend_aggregation, lag=lag, 
                                  group_type=group_type, accumulate=accumulate)

    # [Ey, VARy, CVy, SKy, Rly, DSFy]
    dicdic = dic_stat['period']
    for g in range(12):
        skew_index = 3

        correl_index = 4

    # Find indexes to use extension values for bellow 24 hours and calculates 
    # values for over 24 hours    
    n_group = len(dsf)    
    pre_index = []
    post_index = []    

    for i in range(len(extend_aggregation)):
        if not(extend_aggregation[i] in aggregation):
    for i in range(len(aggregation)):    
        if (aggregation[i] in extend_aggregation):

    h = numpy.array(aggregation)
    h_ext = numpy.array(extend_aggregation)
    # Extend mean: E(h) = A*h. Is linear and cuts in 0. Either one value of future
    # is used, or a regression is made...
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    mean_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        mean_h = mean[g]        
        Xo = [1]   # A
        Xf = fmin(mean_min, Xo, args=(h, mean_h), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]
        mean_adj = A * h_ext
        mean_res = [mean_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [mean_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, mean_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, mean_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()
    # Extend dry spell fraction: dsf(h) = A*(e^h*B)
    # ---------------------------------------------
    # TODO: include the different groupings
    dsf_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        dsf_h = dsf[g]        
        Xo = [-1]   # A
        if False:
            # Only use 24 72        
            hh = [h[0], h[1]]
            dsf_hh = [dsf_h[0], dsf_h[1]]
            hh = h
            dsf_hh = dsf_h

        #print fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(h, dsf_h), approx_grad=True, bounds=bounds, maxfun=3000)     
        Xf = fmin(dsf_min, Xo, args=(hh, dsf_hh), disp=0)
        A = Xf[0]

        dsf_adj = numpy.exp(A * h_ext)
        dsf_res = [dsf_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [dsf_h[j] for j in post_index]

#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h_ext, dsf_adj, 'o--')
#        matplotlib.pyplot.plot(h, dsf_h)
#        matplotlib.pyplot.show()

    # Skewness.... hmmmm difficult so far so only observed is downscaled
    # ---------------------------------------------
    # TODO: include the different groupings
    skew_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        skew_h = skew[g]
        skew_adj = skew_ori[g]
        skew_res = [skew_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [skew_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Autocorrelation.... very difficult indeed not taken into account
    # ---------------------------------------------    
    correl_new = correl_ori

    # Variance
    # -------------------------------------------------
    var_new = []
    for g in range(n_group):
        var_h = var[g]

        Xo = [0.5, 1, 0.8]
        Xf = fmin(var_min, Xo, args=(aggregation, var_h), disp=0)

        eps =Xf[0]     ## [h]
        Sig2i = Xf[1]  ## [mm^2]
        alp = Xf[2]    ## []

        var_adj = variance_t_downscaling(extend_aggregation, eps, Sig2i, alp)
        var_res = [var_adj[i] for i in pre_index] + [var_h[j] for j in post_index]

    # Coefficient of variance
    cv_new = [(var_new[i])**0.5 / mean_new[i] for i in range(len(mean_new))]
    dic = {'aggregation': extend_aggregation,
           'dsf': dsf_new,
           'mean': mean_new,
           'var': var_new,
           'skew': skew_new,
           'correl': correl_new,
           'cv': cv_new}
    # Plot test
#    for g in range(n_group):
#        for key in dic:
#            x = dic['aggregation']
#            if not(key == 'aggregation'):
#                y = dic[key][g]
#                fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
##                fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.10, bottom=0.10, wspace=0.40, hspace=0.20) 
#                fig.suptitle(key)
#                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#                ax.set_axisbelow(True)
#                ax.plot(x, y, 'b-', label='period statistics')
#                matplotlib.pyplot.show()

    wg_io.save(dic, ofile)

    return dic
Example #9
File: nsrp.py Project: islenv/HIPy
def run_gen(ifile, ofile, start_year, end_year):
    ifile : String
    save_as : String
    start_year : Integer
    end_year : Integer

    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    day_normal = dic['day_normal']
    day_leap = dic['day_leap']
    list_lambda_ = dic['lambda_']
    list_beta = dic['beta']
    list_mu_c = dic['mu_c']
    list_eta = dic['eta']
    list_alpha = dic['alpha'] 
    list_theta = dic['theta']

    size = len(day_normal)
    period = (end_year - start_year)

    day_location = [0]    

    # Create a vector containing the exact amount of hourly time steps needed
    # to fill the period 
    for i in range(period):
        if calendar.isleap(start_year + i): 
            day_location = day_location + day_leap
            day_location = day_location + day_normal

    hour_index = numpy.array(day_location) * 24    
    hour_index_cum = numpy.cumsum(hour_index)
    data_size = numpy.sum(hour_index)
    hour_grouped = [ [hour_index_cum[i], hour_index_cum[i+1]] for i in range(size*period)]

    data = numpy.zeros(data_size)
    for i in range(size):
        day_size = day_leap[i]
        year_size = numpy.int(numpy.round((day_size/365.25) * period, 0))

        lambda_ = list_lambda_[i]
        beta = list_beta[i]
        mu_c = list_mu_c[i]
        eta = list_eta[i]
        alpha = list_alpha[i]
        theta = list_theta[i]

        temp_data = compute_NSRP(lambda_, beta, mu_c, eta, alpha, theta, year_number=year_size, storm=None, DEBUG=False)

        t_i_start = 0
        for p in range(period):            
            list_index = (size*p + i)
            i_start = hour_grouped[list_index][0]
            i_end = hour_grouped[list_index][1]
            delta = i_end - i_start
            t_i_end = t_i_start + delta             
            data[i_start:i_end] = temp_data[t_i_start:t_i_end]
            t_i_start =  t_i_end
    # Create time vectors 
    dtype_int = numpy.int  
    ## Data holders for date, variable and the broken date
    date = numpy.zeros(data_size)
    year = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=dtype_int)
    month = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=dtype_int)
    day = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=dtype_int)
    hour = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=dtype_int)
    minute = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=dtype_int)
    doy = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=dtype_int)

    date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
    date_start_string = str(start_year) + '-01-01 00:00'
    date_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_start_string, date_format )

    for t in range(data_size):
        h = datetime.timedelta(hours=t)
        datevalue = date_start + h
        date[t] = numpy.float(matplotlib.dates.date2num(datevalue))
        year[t] = datevalue.year
        month[t] = datevalue.month
        day[t] = datevalue.day
        hour[t] = datevalue.hour
        minute[t] = datevalue.minute
        doy[t] = datevalue.timetuple().tm_yday
    comment = ''
    dic = {'date' : date, 
           'rainfall': data,
           'year' : year,
           'month' : month,
           'day' : day,           
           'hour' : hour,           
           'minute' : minute,
           'doy' : doy,
           'comment': comment}
Example #10
File: nsrp.py Project: islenv/HIPy
    return [Eh, VARh, CVh, Rh, SKh, FFh, Fddh, Fwwh]

def run_para(ifile, ofile, ts, aggregation, lag, group_type='m', stats=None, 
             weights=None, MY_METHOD=True, idir_cf=None, aggregation_cf=None):
    if idir_cf == None:
        change_factors = None
        # Calculate change factor
        #aggregation_cf = [24, 48, 72, 96]
        change_factors = wg_downscale.change_factors(idir_cf, ifile, aggregation, aggregation_cf)
    # load data
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    rain_data = dic['rainfall']

    # Make the grouping for the parameter
    if group_type == 'm':
        group_month = dic['month']        
        rain_grouped = wg_tool.group_by(rain_data, group_month)
        #             Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 
        day_normal = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        day_leap = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
    elif group_type == 'y':
        rain_grouped = [rain_data]
        day_normal = [365]
        day_leap = [366]
def ev1(ifile, duration, return_period, plot_pos='w', accumulate=False):
    r'''Function to calculate the extreme value distribution of rainfall 
    for different rainfall duration and return periods. This can be then used
    to produce intensity-duration-frequency curves.
    rain : 
        numpy array
    year : 
        numpy array
    duration : 
    return_period :
    plot_pos : 
        P = (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b), where n is the number of items, i is the index
        for the sorted list and b is given 
        'w' Weibul        0.0
        'c' Chegodayev    0.30
        't' Turkey        0.33333
        'b' Blom          0.375  
        'g' Gringorten    0.44
        'h' Hazen         0.5
    A dictionary idf_data
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    rain = dic['rainfall'] 
    year = dic['year']
    plot_position = {'w': 0.0, 
                     'c': 0.30,
                     't': 0.333333333333333333,
                     'b': 0.375,
                     'g': 0.440,
                     'h': 0.5}

    if str(plot_pos) in plot_position:
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]
        print('Selected ploting position incorrect. Using Weibul by default')
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]

        # Plot position: (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b))

    # Common use functions    
    #movmean = tool.movmean
    movmean = wg_tool.movnanmean
    year_max = numpy.int(numpy.amax(year))
    year_min = numpy.int(numpy.amin(year)) 
    coefficient = []
    rain_max_list = []
    probability = []
    ln = []
    #year = numpy.transpose(year)   
    for step in duration:
        rain_year_max = []   
        for y in range(year_min, (year_max+1)):           
            rain_per_year = rain[(year==y)]

##!         ##This is to comply with the rolling window function in case there
            ## are years with no data.
            if rain_per_year.shape[0] > step: 
                rain_year_m_ave = movmean(rain_per_year, step, 1, accumulate)    
                temp_calc = numpy.nanmax(rain_year_m_ave)
##!         ## If the moving average produces NaN when calculating the
            ## nanmax ignores the NaN. 
            ## Is this appropriate in every case?
                if not numpy.isnan(temp_calc): 
        size = len(rain_year_max)
        sorting =  numpy.sort(rain_year_max)

        print size

        ## Only do this once
        if step == duration[0]:
            # ploting position probability
            prob = [(i-b)/(size+1.0-2.0*b) for i in range(1, size + 1)]
            prob = numpy.array(prob)
            #fr = 1 - prob
            ## Extreme value 1  TO UPDATE
            ln_ = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(prob))  
        (m, b, r, tt, stderr) = scipy.stats.linregress(ln_, sorting)
        coefficient.append([m, b, r])
    ## Create the array to use in ploting later
    idf = []
    r_p = numpy.array(return_period)*1.0
    ln_calc = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(1.0 - (1.0 / r_p)))
    ## mbr stands for Slope(m) Y-intercept(b) Rcoefficient(r)
    for mbr in coefficient:
        i_calc = ln_calc*mbr[0] + mbr[1]  
    idf_data = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(idf))

    return {'coefficients': coefficient, ## [slope, y-int, R]
            'rain': rain_max_list ,
            'probability': probability,
            'ln': ln,
            'idf_data': idf_data,
            'duration': duration,
            'year_max': year_max,
            'year_min': year_min            
def ev1_multiple(idir, duration, return_period, plot_pos='w', 
    r'''Function to calculate the extreme value distribution of rainfall 
    for different rainfall duration and return periods. This can be then used
    to produce intensity-duration-frequency curves.
    rain : 
        numpy array
    year : 
        numpy array
    duration : 
    return_period :
    plot_pos : 
        P = (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b), where n is the number of items, i is the index
        for the sorted list and b is given 
        'w' Weibul        0.0
        'c' Chegodayev    0.30
        't' Turkey        0.33333
        'b' Blom          0.375  
        'g' Gringorten    0.44
        'h' Hazen         0.5
    A dictionary idf_data
    ifiles = os.listdir(idir)
    plot_position = {'w': 0.0, 
                     'c': 0.30,
                     't': 0.333333333333333333,
                     'b': 0.375,
                     'g': 0.440,
                     'h': 0.5}

    if str(plot_pos) in plot_position:
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]
        print('Selected ploting position incorrect. Using Weibul by default')
        b = plot_position[plot_pos]
        # Plot position: (i-b)/(n + 1 - 2*b))

    # Get basic data from file one
    ifile = os.path.join(idir, ifiles[0])
    dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
    year = dic['year']
    year_max = numpy.int(numpy.amax(year))
    year_min = numpy.int(numpy.amin(year)) 
    rain_max_list = []
    for i in ifiles:
        print i
        ifile = os.path.join(idir, i)
        dic = wg_io.load(ifile)
        rain = dic['rainfall'] 
        year = dic['year']
        dic_max = wg_tool.get_max(rain, year, duration, accumulate=accumulate)
        rain_max = dic_max['rain']

    # now create median
    size = dic_max['size']
    prob = [(i-b)/(size + 1.0-2.0*b) for i in range(1, size + 1)]
    prob = numpy.array(prob)
    ln_ = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(prob))      
    coefficient = []    
    for step in range(len(duration)):
        rain_median = scipy.median(numpy.array(rain_max_list), axis=0)
        (m, b, r, tt, stderr) = scipy.stats.linregress(ln_, rain_median[step])
        coefficient.append([m, b, r])
    ## Create the array to use in ploting later
    idf = []
    r_p = numpy.array(return_period)*1.0
    ln_calc = -numpy.log(-numpy.log(1.0 - (1.0 / r_p)))
    ## mbr stands for Slope(m) Y-intercept(b) Rcoefficient(r)
    for mbr in coefficient:
        i_calc = ln_calc*mbr[0] + mbr[1]  
    idf_data = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(idf))

    return {'coefficients': coefficient, ## [slope, y-int, R]
            'rain': rain_max_list ,
            'probability': prob,
            'ln': ln_,
            'idf_data': idf_data,
            'duration': duration,
            'year_max': year_max,
            'year_min': year_min