Example #1
File: views.py Project: teadur/wger
def overview(request, username=None):
    Shows a plot with the weight data

    More info about the D3 library can be found here:
        * https://github.com/mbostock/d3
        * http://d3js.org/
    is_owner, user = check_access(request.user, username)

    template_data = {}

    min_date = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=user).\
    max_date = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=user).\
    if min_date:
        template_data['min_date'] = 'new Date(%(year)s, %(month)s, %(day)s)' % \
                                    {'year': min_date.year,
                                     'month': min_date.month,
                                     'day': min_date.day}
    if max_date:
        template_data['max_date'] = 'new Date(%(year)s, %(month)s, %(day)s)' % \
                                    {'year': max_date.year,
                                     'month': max_date.month,
                                     'day': max_date.day}

    last_weight_entries = helpers.get_last_entries(user)

    template_data['is_owner'] = is_owner
    template_data['owner_user'] = user
    template_data['show_shariff'] = is_owner
    template_data['last_five_weight_entries_details'] = last_weight_entries
    return ua_aware_render(request, 'overview.html', template_data)
Example #2
def overview(request, username=None):
    Shows a plot with the weight data

    More info about the D3 library can be found here:
        * https://github.com/mbostock/d3
        * http://d3js.org/
    is_owner, user = check_access(request.user, username)

    template_data = {}

    min_date = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=user).\
    max_date = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=user).\
    if min_date:
        template_data['min_date'] = 'new Date(%(year)s, %(month)s, %(day)s)' % \
                                    {'year': min_date.year,
                                     'month': min_date.month,
                                     'day': min_date.day}
    if max_date:
        template_data['max_date'] = 'new Date(%(year)s, %(month)s, %(day)s)' % \
                                    {'year': max_date.year,
                                     'month': max_date.month,
                                     'day': max_date.day}

    last_weight_entries = helpers.get_last_entries(user)

    template_data['is_owner'] = is_owner
    template_data['owner_user'] = user
    template_data['show_shariff'] = is_owner
    template_data['last_five_weight_entries_details'] = last_weight_entries
    return render(request, 'overview.html', template_data)
Example #3
def comparison(request, username=None):
    Shows a comparison of user's weight with another selected user
    is_owner, user = check_access(request.user, username)

    users = list(

    template_data = {}

    min_date = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=user).\
    max_date = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=user).\
    if min_date:
        template_data['min_date'] = 'new Date(%(year)s, %(month)s, %(day)s)' % \
                                    {'year': min_date.year,
                                     'month': min_date.month,
                                     'day': min_date.day}
    if max_date:
        template_data['max_date'] = 'new Date(%(year)s, %(month)s, %(day)s)' % \
                                    {'year': max_date.year,
                                     'month': max_date.month,
                                     'day': max_date.day}

    last_weight_entries = helpers.get_last_entries(user)

    template_data['is_owner'] = is_owner
    template_data['users'] = users
    template_data['owner_user'] = user
    template_data['show_shariff'] = is_owner
    template_data['last_five_weight_entries_details'] = last_weight_entries
    return render(request, 'comparison.html', template_data)
Example #4
def dashboard(request):
    Show the index page, in our case, the last workout and nutritional plan
    and the current weight

    template_data = {}

    # Load the last workout, either from a schedule or a 'regular' one
    (current_workout, schedule) = Schedule.objects.get_current_workout(

    template_data['current_workout'] = current_workout
    template_data['schedule'] = schedule

    # Load the last nutritional plan, if one exists
        plan = NutritionPlan.objects.filter(
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        plan = False
    template_data['plan'] = plan

    # Load the last logged weight entry, if one exists
        weight = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=request.user).latest('date')
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        weight = False
    template_data['weight'] = weight
    template_data['last_weight_entries'] = get_last_entries(request.user)

    # Format a bit the days so it doesn't have to be done in the template
    used_days = {}
    if current_workout:
        for day in current_workout.day_set.select_related():
            for day_of_week in day.day.select_related():
                used_days[day_of_week.id] = day.description

    week_day_result = []
    for week in DaysOfWeek.objects.all():
        day_has_workout = False

        if week.id in used_days:
            day_has_workout = True
                                    used_days[week.id], True))

        if not day_has_workout:
            week_day_result.append((_(week.day_of_week), _(
                'Rest {0}'.format(get_label(week.training_cycle))), False))

    template_data['weekdays'] = week_day_result

    if plan:

        # Load the nutritional info
        template_data['nutritional_info'] = plan.get_nutritional_values()

    return render(request, 'index.html', template_data)
Example #5
def dashboard(request):
    Show the index page, in our case, the last workout and nutritional plan
    and the current weight

    template_data = {}

    # Load the last workout, either from a schedule or a 'regular' one
    (current_workout, schedule) = Schedule.objects.get_current_workout(request.user)

    template_data['current_workout'] = current_workout
    template_data['schedule'] = schedule

    # Load the last nutritional plan, if one exists
        plan = NutritionPlan.objects.filter(user=request.user).latest('creation_date')
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        plan = False
    template_data['plan'] = plan

    # Load the last logged weight entry, if one exists
        weight = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=request.user).latest('date')
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        weight = False
    template_data['weight'] = weight
    template_data['last_weight_entries'] = get_last_entries(request.user)

    # Format a bit the days so it doesn't have to be done in the template
    used_days = {}
    if current_workout:
        for day in current_workout.day_set.select_related():
            for day_of_week in day.day.select_related():
                used_days[day_of_week.id] = day.description

    week_day_result = []
    for week in DaysOfWeek.objects.all():
        day_has_workout = False

        if week.id in used_days:
            day_has_workout = True
            week_day_result.append((_(week.day_of_week), used_days[week.id], True))

        if not day_has_workout:
            week_day_result.append((_(week.day_of_week), _('Rest day'), False))

    template_data['weekdays'] = week_day_result

    if plan:

        # Load the nutritional info
        template_data['nutritional_info'] = plan.get_nutritional_values()

    return render(request, 'index.html', template_data)
Example #6
def dashboard(request):
    Show the index page, in our case, the last workout and nutritional plan
    and the current weight

    template_data = {}

    fitbit = request.GET.get('code')

    if fitbit:
        fitbituser = FitbitUser()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
                    kwargs={'username': request.user.username}) +

    # Load the last workout, either from a schedule or a 'regular' one
     schedule) = Schedule.objects.get_current_workout(request.user)

    template_data['current_workout'] = current_workout
    template_data['schedule'] = schedule

    # Load the last nutritional plan, if one exists
        plan = NutritionPlan.objects.filter(
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        plan = False
    template_data['plan'] = plan

    # Load the last logged weight entry, if one exists
        weight = WeightEntry.objects.filter(user=request.user).latest('date')
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        weight = False
    template_data['weight'] = weight
    template_data['last_weight_entries'] = get_last_entries(request.user)

    # Format a bit the days so it doesn't have to be done in the template
    used_days = {}
    if current_workout:
        for day in current_workout.day_set.select_related():
            for day_of_week in day.day.select_related():
                used_days[day_of_week.id] = day.description

    week_day_result = []
    for week in DaysOfWeek.objects.all():
        day_has_workout = False

        if week.id in used_days:
            day_has_workout = True
                (_(week.day_of_week), used_days[week.id], True))

        if not day_has_workout:
            week_day_result.append((_(week.day_of_week), _('Rest day'), False))

    template_data['weekdays'] = week_day_result

    if plan:

        # Load the nutritional info
        template_data['nutritional_info'] = plan.get_nutritional_values()

    return render(request, 'index.html', template_data)