def spoof_motif_cftp(motif, num_motifs=10, trials=1, sigma=None,Ne_tol=10**-2,verbose=False):
    n = len(motif)
    L = len(motif[0])
    copies = 10*n
    if sigma is None: sigma = sigma_from_matrix(pssm_from_motif(motif,pc=1))
    print "sigma:", sigma
    bio_ic = motif_ic(motif)
    matrix = sample_matrix(L, sigma)
    mu = approx_mu(matrix, copies=10*n, G=5*10**6)
    print "mu:", mu
    def f(Ne):
        motifs = [sample_motif_cftp(matrix, mu, Ne, n, verbose=verbose)
                  for i in trange(trials)]
        return mean(map(motif_ic,motifs)) - bio_ic
    # lb = 1
    # ub = 10
    # while f(ub) < 0:
    #     ub *= 2
    #     print ub
    x0s = [2,10]#(lb + ub)/2.0
    # print "choosing starting seed for Ne"
    # fs = map(lambda x:abs(f(x)),x0s)
    # print "starting values:",x0s,fs
    # x0 = x0s[argmin(fs)]
    # print "chose:",x0
    # Ne = bisect_interval_noisy_ref(f,x0,lb=1,verbose=True)
    Ne = log_regress_spec2(f,x0s,tol=Ne_tol)
    print "Ne:",Ne
    return [sample_motif_cftp(matrix, mu, Ne, n) for _ in trange(num_motifs)]
def sample_motif_with_ic(n,L):
    matrix = sample_matrix(L,sigma=1)
    ringer_site = "".join(["ACGT"[argmin(col)] for col in matrix])
    mu = approximate_mu(matrix,10*n,G=5*10**6)
    Nes = range(2,10)
    trials = 10
    motifs = [[sample_motif_mh(matrix, mu, Ne, n)
               for t in range(trials)] for Ne in tqdm(Nes)]
def sample_site_study(trials=1000):
    sigmas = np.linspace(0,10,100)
    Nes = np.linspace(2,10,100)
    mus = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
    L = 10
    results = {}
    for trial in trange(trials):
        sigma = random.choice(sigmas)
        Ne = random.choice(Nes)
        mu = random.choice(mus)
        matrix = sample_matrix(L,sigma)
        ringer_site = ringer_motif(matrix,1)[0]
        t0 = time.time()
        sites = [sample_site_bf(matrix, mu, Ne, ringer_site) for i in range(10)]
        t = time.time() - t0
        results[(sigma, Ne, mu)] = t
    return results
def spoof_motif_ar(motif, num_motifs=10, trials=1, sigma=None,Ne_tol=10**-4):
    n = len(motif)
    L = len(motif[0])
    copies = 10*n
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = sigma_from_matrix(pssm_from_motif(motif,pc=1))
    print "sigma:", sigma
    bio_ic = motif_ic(motif)
    matrix = sample_matrix(L, sigma)
    mu = approx_mu(matrix, copies=10*n, G=5*10**6)
    print "mu:", mu
    def f(Ne):
        motifs = [sample_motif_ar(matrix, mu, Ne, n)
                  for i in trange(trials)]
        return mean(map(motif_ic,motifs)) - bio_ic
    x0 = 2
    print "Ne guess:", x0
    Ne = bisect_interval_noisy(f,x0=x0,iterations=100,lb=1, verbose=False,w=0.5)
    print "Ne:",Ne
    return [sample_motif_ar(matrix, mu, Ne, n) for _ in trange(num_motifs)]
def site_sampling_methods_study(n=50, num_motifs=10, plot=True):
    """validate that the three proposed sampling methods:

    brute force
    rejection sampling
    metropolis hastings

    do in fact sample from the same distribution

    L = 10
    sigma = 1
    matrix = sample_matrix(L, sigma)
    Ne = 5
    mu = -10
    print "bf"
    t0 = time.time()
    bf_motifs = [sample_motif_bf(matrix, mu, Ne, n,verbose=True)
                 for i in trange(num_motifs)]
    bf_time = time.time() - t0
    print "ar"
    t0 = time.time()
    ar_motifs = [sample_motif_ar(matrix, mu, Ne, n)
                 for i in range(num_motifs)]
    ar_time = time.time() - t0
    print "mh"
    t0 = time.time()
    mh_motifs = [sample_motif_mh(matrix, mu, Ne, n)
                 for i in range(num_motifs)]
    mh_time = time.time() - t0
    icss = mmap(motif_ic,[bf_motifs, ar_motifs, mh_motifs])
    print "ics:", map(mean_ci, icss)
    print "time per motif:", [t/num_motifs
                              for t in [bf_time, ar_time, mh_time]]
    if plot:
    for xs, ys in choose2(icss):
        print mannwhitneyu(xs,ys)
def mh_cftp_comparison():
    matrix = sample_matrix(10,1)
    mu = -10
    Ne = 5
    mh_ics = [motif_ic(sample_motif_mh(matrix, mu, Ne, 50)) for i in trange(100)]
    cftp_ics = [motif_ic(sample_motif_cftp(matrix, mu, Ne, 50)) for i in trange(100)]
 def f(sigma, Ne):
     matrix = sample_matrix(L, sigma)
     mu = approx_mu(matrix, 10*n)
     return motif_ic(sample_motif_cftp(matrix, mu, Ne, n))
 def f(sigma, Ne):
     matrix = sample_matrix(L, sigma)
     mu = approx_mu(matrix, 10*n)
     return motif_ic(sample_motif_ar(matrix, mu, Ne, n, modulus=10**5))