Example #1
 def test_convert_quality(self):
     Correct ImageMagick convert strings are created (using Unicode data)
     im = u"/usr/bin/convert"
     f = u"/øøø/test.pdf"
     path = u"/øøø/"
     assert convert_quality("highest", im, f, path) == u'"%s" -density 300 "%s" -resample 120 -unsharp 0x.5 -trim +repage -bordercolor white -border 20 "%s"' % (im, f, path)
     assert convert_quality("high", im, f, path) == u'"%s" -density 250 "%s" -resample 100 -unsharp 0x.5 -trim +repage -bordercolor white -border 20 "%s"' % (im, f, path)
     assert convert_quality("normal", im, f, path) == u'"%s" -density 200 "%s" -resample 88 -unsharp 0x.5 -trim +repage -bordercolor white -border 20 "%s"' % (im, f, path)
Example #2
    def convert(self):
        If the filetype is PDF/PS, convert to a (temporary) series of images and
        loads them. Find out the directory length before/after the conversion to
        know how many 'pages' were converted - used then to create a new
        Whyteboard tabs for each page. The PDF's file location, convert quality
        and converted images are written into a "library" file, effectively
        caching the conversion.

        An attempt at randomising the temp. file name is made using alphanumeric
        characters to help minimise conflict.
        if not self.im_location:

        if not self.im_location:  # above will have changed this if IM exists

        _file = self.temp_file
        logger.info("Converting [%s]", os.path.basename(_file))

        quality = Config().convert_quality()
        cached = self.library.lookup(_file, quality)
        if cached:
            logger.debug("PDF is cached")
            self.display_converted(_file, cached)
            path = get_home_dir(u"wtbd-tmp")  # directory to store the images
            tmp_file = make_filename()
            before = os.walk(path).next()[2]  # file count before convert
            full_path = path + tmp_file + u".png"
            logger.debug("Writing PDF images as [%s]", full_path)

            cmd = convert_quality(quality, self.im_location, _file, full_path)
            logger.info("Starting to convert PDF")
            self.gui.convert_dialog(cmd)  # show progress bar, kick off convert

            if self.gui.convert_cancelled:
                logger.info("Convert process cancelled by user")
            after = os.walk(path).next()[2]
            count = len(after) - len(before)
            images = []
            ignore = False
            logger.info("Convert process complete. %i images were created", count)

            if not count:
                logger.warning("Failed to convert.")
                    _("Failed to convert file. Ensure GhostScript is installed\nhttp://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/"),
                    _("Conversion Failed"),

            if count == 1:
                images.append(path + tmp_file + u".png")
                ignore = True
                for x in range(count):
                    # store the temp file path for this file in the dictionary
                    images.append(u"%s%s-%i.png" % (path, tmp_file, x))

            self.display_converted(_file, images, ignore)
            self.library.write(_file, images, quality)

        # Just in case it's a file with many pages