def autoconnect_command(interface): ssids = [cell.ssid for cell in Cell.all(interface)] connected = False for scheme in [ Scheme.find('wlan0', s) for s in ['scheme-' + str(x) for x in range(1, 6)] ]: ssid = scheme.options.get('wpa-ssid', scheme.options.get('wireless-essid')) if ssid in ssids: sys.stderr.write('Connecting to "%s".\n' % ssid) try: scheme.activate() connected = True except ConnectionError: print "Failed to connect to %s." % continue connected = True break if not connected: try: s = Scheme.find('wlan0', 'hotspot') s.activate() except ConnectionError: print "hotspot is created."
def connect(interface, password, ssid): if Utils.is_saved(interface, ssid): Scheme.find(interface, ssid).activate() return True c = Utils.get_cell(ssid, interface) if c is None: return False s = Scheme.for_cell(interface, ssid, c, password) s.activate() return True
def testmethod_1(): print "Method testmethod_1 in class testclass_5" print "Method Assign IP address by static in class testclass_5" scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0','1234') time.sleep(5) scheme.activate() static_test = UITest() static_test.static_config_retest('','','','') browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('') time.sleep(3) ipConfigHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') known_ipConfigHeadIcon_value = '' assert known_ipConfigHeadIcon_value == ipConfigHeadIcon_value ipConfigTitle_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigTitle").text assert ipConfigTitle_value == '' print("ipConfigTitle = %s" % ipConfigTitle_value) browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").click() time.sleep(1) #dhcp_name = browser.find_element_by_id("dhcpName").text time.sleep(1) #dhcp_subnet = browser.find_element_by_id("dhcpSubnet").text time.sleep(1) dhcp_dns1 = browser.find_element_by_id("dhcpDns1").text time.sleep(1) print(dhcpname) print(dhcp_subnet) print(dhcp_dns1) #assert dhcp_name == u'Server:' #assert dhcp_subnet == u'Subnet:' #assert dhcp_dns1 == u'DNS:' browser.quit()
def parse(): c = Configuration() i = 0 while i < len(argv): a = argv[i] if a in ["--help"]: elif a in ["-h", "--host"]: = argv[i + 1] elif a in ["-p", "--port"]: c.port = int(argv[i + 1]) elif a in ["-d", "--debug"]: c.debug = True elif a in ["--add-scheme"]: for iface in argv[i + 1].split(","): if iface in interfaces(): print(iface, argv[i + 3], argv[i + 2]) Utils.connect(iface, argv[i + 3], argv[i + 2]) else: print(iface, "not in", interfaces()) exit() elif a in ["--get-scheme"]: print(Scheme.find(argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2])) exit() i += 1 return c
def scanWifi(): while 1: cellName =None cellList = Cell.all('wlan0') print "Scan Around Cell" for cell in cellList: if cell.ssid == 'carcar5': cellName =cell if cellName is None: print "Can not found <carcar5> try again" time.sleep(1) continue else : temp = Scheme.find('wlan0','home') if temp is not None: temp.delete() scheme = Scheme.for_cell('wlan0', 'home',cellName, passKey) scheme.activate() print "Try connect to <carcar5>" myIp = commands.getoutput("hostname -I") print "Connection Success my Ip is : " + myIp return True
def wifiscan(): Cell.all('wlan0') allSSID = list(Cell.all("wlan0"))[0] myssid = Scheme.for_cell('wlan0','home',allSSID,target_pwd) myssid.activate() myssid = Scheme.find('wlan0','home') myssid.activate()
def connect_to_wifi(name): try: scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', name) scheme.activate() time.sleep(10) except: print("trying to recconect") scheme.activate() time.sleep(10)
def auto_connect(ap, adapter): # Attempt connection on known available networks for cell in list_networks(ap): # List networks from AP interface (so our own network is excluded) scheme = Scheme.find(adapter, cell.ssid) if activate_scheme(scheme): # Connected return cell.ssid # Failed to connect return False
def tryToConnect(): global connected file = open('.known_wifi', 'r') for line in file: scheme = Scheme.find(wifiInterface, line) if scheme: try: scheme.activate() except ConnectionError: continue connected = True connected = False
def wifi_reconnect(self): wifiap = self.config.get('networking', 'wifiap') wifi_iface = self.config.get('networking', 'wifi_iface') try: scheme = Scheme.find(wifi_iface, wifiap) if scheme != None: activatethread = Thread(target=self.activate_thread, args=(scheme.activate, )) activatethread.start() except: pass
def connect_to_ap(log): """Function that will connect to wifi with the given parameters""" log.log("Connecting to " + WIFI_SSID + " using " + WIFI_INTERFACE) # Complicated way to account for the file not existing # Just tries to find if a scheme exists in interfaces try: scheme = Scheme.find(WIFI_INTERFACE, WIFI_PROFILE) except(IOError,err): log.log(err) log.log("WARNING: Most likely file was not found. Making one.") scheme = None if not os.path.isdir(INTERFACE_DIR): os.mkdir(INTERFACE_DIR, 0755), 0644).close() elif not os.path.isfile(INTERFACE_FILE):, 0644).close() # If the scheme was not found or if it was found and didn't activate, # look for the ssid, save it, and connect to it. if scheme == None: cells = Cell.all(WIFI_INTERFACE) for cell in cells: if cell.ssid == WIFI_SSID: scheme = Scheme.for_cell(WIFI_INTERFACE, WIFI_PROFILE, cell, passkey=WIFI_PASS) break if scheme == None: log.log("ERROR: SSID " + WIFI_SSID + " was not found.") return False if scheme.activate() == False: log.log("ERROR: Could not connect to " + WIFI_SSID + ".") return False else: try: res = scheme.activate() # This can throw a lot of errors, let's just catch them all for now except: scheme.delete() #TODO delete the old scheme and add a new one. Possibly for password change log.log("ERROR: Could connect to " + WIFI_SSID) return False log.log("Successfully connected to " + WIFI_SSID + ".") return True
def connect_to_wifi(interface, name, cell, password): scheme = Scheme.for_cell(interface, name, cell, password) previous_scheme = Scheme.find(interface, name) if previous_scheme is not None: previous_scheme.delete() print scheme if scheme.find(interface, cell) is None: try: scheme.activate() except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print "Error: ", e.output return False
def scanWifi(): while 1: cellName=None #Wifi scannig use interface 'wlan0' cellList = Cell.all(iface) print "Network::scanWifi: Scan Around Cell" #find in cellList for cell in cellList: if cell.ssid == ssid: cellName =cell if cellName is None: print "Network::scanWifi: Can not found <carcar5> try again" time.sleep(1) continue # if there is 'carcar5' ap # Make connection else : temp = Scheme.find(iface,nickname) if temp is not None: temp.delete() scheme = Scheme.for_cell(iface,nickname,cellName, passKey) scheme.activate() print "Network::scanWifi: Try connect to <carcar5>" myIp = commands.getoutput("hostname -I") print "Network::scanWifi: Connection Success my Ip(" + myIp + ")" childPid = os.fork() #print "after os.fork() " + str(pid) #print str(os.getpid()) + "--> child Pid : " + str(childPid) # Parent process : Send Data if childPid: #print "Parent PID : " + str(os.getpid()) + " , Child PID : "+ str(childPid) sendData(childPid) # Child process : Receive Data else : #print "Child PID : " + str(os.getpid()) + " Parent PID : " + str(os.getppid()) receiveData()
def _scheme_find(iface, ssid): """ find a connection scheme for deletion :param iface: network interface :param ssid: network name :return: the scheme that matches the arguments """ scheme = Scheme.find(iface, ssid) if scheme is None: # scheme doesn't exist, raise exception raise WifiException("scheme {}: not found".format(ssid), 404) return scheme
def connectToWifi(ssid, passd): try: for elm in WlanCell: if elm.ssid == ssid: tmp = Scheme.find('wlan0', ssid) if tmp is not None: tmp.delete() scheme = Scheme.for_cell('wlan0', ssid, elm, passd) scheme.activate() print("Connected To Wifi " + ssid) return True return False except Exception: print("Error by Connecting with " + ssid) return False
def wifi(display, conf): if conf.get("wifi") and not get_current_wifi(): cells = Cell.all(conf["wifi"]["interface"]) for i in cells: scheme = Scheme.find(conf["wifi"]["interface"],_name(i)) if not scheme: if i.ssid in conf["wifi"]["networks"]: display.animateRow(0,"Preparing " + i.ssid) scheme = Scheme.for_cell( conf["wifi"]["interface"], _name(i), i, conf["wifi"]["networks"][i.ssid]) if scheme: display.animateRow(0,"Trying " + scheme.options["wpa-ssid"]) scheme.activate() return True return False
def connect(esid, passkey=None, intf='wlan0'): cells = Cell.where(intf, lambda c: c.ssid == esid); if len(cells) == 0: raise LookupError('Network was not found'); if len(cells) > 1: raise LookupError('Sorry, network SSID is ambiguous'); scheme = Scheme.for_cell(intf, STORED_SCHEME_NAME, cells[0], passkey); old = Scheme.find(intf, STORED_SCHEME_NAME); if old is not None: old.delete();; scheme.activate();
def connect(adapter, ssid, psk=None, quiet=False): if not quiet: print "***setting up wireless adapter***" signal = [] # get a list of all the available SSIDs that match the arg ssid cells = Cell.where(adapter, lambda x: x.ssid == ssid) print cells if len(cells) == 0: if not quiet: print "Cannot find SSID:", ssid return False # find the SSID with the best signal strength and select it as the cell to connect to for c in cells: signal.append(c.signal) max_signal = max(signal) max_index = signal.index(max_signal) cell = cells[max_index] scheme = Scheme.for_cell(adapter, ssid, cell, passkey=psk) # overwrite the scheme if already in '/etc/network/interfaces' # save it to '/etc/network/interfaces' if not if Scheme.find(adapter, ssid): scheme.delete() else: # attempt to connect to ssid try: if not quiet: print 'connecting to SSID:', cell.ssid scheme.activate() if not quiet: print 'connection successful' return True except: if not quiet: print('connection failed') return False
def testmethod_2(): print "Method testmethod_2 in class testclass_5" print "Method Dupicate IP address detection in class testclass_5" scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0','1234') time.sleep(5) scheme.activate() static_test = UITest() static_test.static_config_retest('','','','') browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('') time.sleep(3) ipConfigHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') gateHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("gateHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') wwwHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') assert ipConfigHeadIcon_value == '' assert gateHeadIcon_value == '' assert wwwHeadIcon_value == '' ipConfigTitle_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigTitle").text assert ipConfigTitle_value == '' print("ipConfigTitle = %s" % ipConfigTitle_value) dhcp_test = UITest() dhcp_test.dhcp_config_retest() cloudHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id('cloudHeadIcon').is_displayed() print(cloudHeadIcon_value) browser.quit() if cloudHeadIcon_value == False: assert True else: assert False MONGOHQ_URL='mongodb://*****:*****' DATABASE = 'linksprinter-new-test' mongoClient = MongoClient(MONGOHQ_URL) linksprinter = mongoClient[DATABASE] collection=linksprinter.results print(collection) a = collection.find({"unit_mac": "00C017-090909","cached": True}).sort([("created_at",pymongo.DESCENDING)]).limit(1) aa = dict(a[0]) dhcp_color = aa['ipConfigColor'] ipconfig_value = aa['ipConfigIp'] assert dhcp_color == u'red' assert ipconfig_value == u''
def create_scheme(interface, ssid, passkey): # Save a couple SSID / passkey into Scheme object cell = Cell.where(interface, lambda c: c.ssid == ssid) # Get cell matching SSID if cell: # Delete previous duplicate previous = Scheme.find(interface, ssid) if previous: print "Deleting previous \"%s\" duplicate." % (ssid) previous.delete() # Instanciate Scheme for this Cell scheme = Scheme.for_cell(interface, ssid, cell[0], passkey) print "Saving WiFi scheme \"%s\"." % (ssid) try: return scheme except: print "Scheme could not be saved." pass return False
def save(iface, ssid, passkey, db, lat=GPS_INF, lng=GPS_INF): """ :param iface: network interface :param ssid: network name :param passkey: authentication passphrase :param db: sqlite3 database handle :param lat: latitude :param lng: longitude :return: the scheme just created """ cell = _network_in_range(iface, ssid) scheme = Scheme.find(iface, ssid) # save scheme to file only if it does not exists if not scheme: scheme = _save_to_file(iface, ssid, cell, passkey) _save_to_db(iface, ssid, _get_hashed_passkey(scheme, cell), db, lat, lng) return scheme
def validate_pw(self, obj): self.popup.dismiss() scheme = Scheme.find(self.wifi_iface, self.ap.ssid) if scheme != None: scheme.delete() print('scheme found, deleting') scheme = Scheme.for_cell(self.wifi_iface, self.ap.ssid, self.ap, obj.text) progressbar = ProgressBar(max=10) progress = Popup(title='Connecting...', size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 100), content=progressbar) activatethread = Thread(target=self.activate_thread, args=(scheme, )) activatethread.start() print('thread started') while self.activation_status is None: time.sleep(1) progressbar.value = (progressbar.value + 1) % 10 print('tick') progress.dismiss() if self.activation_status: self.save_ap() print('activated') else: scheme.delete() self.ask_pass() print('failed, asking again') pass
def start_server(): from wifi import Cell, Scheme try: network, passkey = get_creds() except Exception as e: print(e) print('starting webserver') os.system('sudo python') myfi = Cell.all('wlan0') cell = [w for w in myfi if w.ssid == network] print('trying:', network) try: if len(cell) > 0: print('found a match') else: print('no matching network found') scheme = Scheme.for_cell('wlan0', 'myNetwork', cell[0], passkey) try: except Exception as e: print(e) print('matching scheme') scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', 'myNetwork') try: print('activating network') scheme.activate() time.sleep(7) print('after attempting reconnect:') print(subprocess.check_output('ifconfig wlan0', shell=True)) except Exception as e: print(e) print('something went wrong, rebooting web server') os.system('sudo ifconfig wlan0 down') os.system('sudo ifconfig wlan0 up') os.system('sudo python') except Exception as e: print(e)
def testmethod_4(): print "Method testmethod_4 in class testclass_5" print "Method Assign IP address by static in class testclass_5" scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0','1234') time.sleep(5) scheme.activate() static_test = UITest() static_test.static_config('','','','') static_test.ping_config_retest('') browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('') time.sleep(3) ipConfigHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') #gateHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("gateHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') #wwwHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') assert ipConfigHeadIcon_value == '' #assert gateHeadIcon_value == '' #assert wwwHeadIcon_value == '' ipConfigTitle_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigTitle").text assert ipConfigTitle_value == '' print("ipConfigTitle = %s" % ipConfigTitle_value) browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").click() time.sleep(1) dhcp_dns1 = browser.find_element_by_id("dhcpDns1").text time.sleep(1) print(dhcp_dns1) dhcp_name = browser.find_element_by_id("dhcpName").text time.sleep(1) print(dhcp_name) dhcp_subnet = browser.find_element_by_id("dhcpSubnet").text time.sleep(1) print(dhcp_subnet) assert dhcp_dns1 == u'DNS:' assert dhcp_name == u'Server:' assert dhcp_subnet == u'Subnet:' browser.quit()
ssid = 'JF2' passkey = 'JF08310122' _WIFI_NOT_FOUND = True os.system('sudo ifdown ' + interface) os.system('sudo ifup ' + interface) print 'waiting for reset...' time.sleep(10) cells = Cell.all(interface) for cell in cells: if str(cell.ssid) == ssid: print 'SSID found, please wait...' # cell = Cell.all('wlan0')[1] scheme = Scheme.for_cell(interface, ssid, cell, passkey) if bool(Scheme.find(interface, ssid)) == False: if os.access('/etc/network/interfaces', os.W_OK) != True: os.system('sudo chmod 777 /etc/network/interfaces') print 'Writing config to interfaces file...' scheme.activate() _WIFI_NOT_FOUND = False break if _WIFI_NOT_FOUND: print 'Designated SSID not found.' else: print 'Wifi is available now!'
def activate_scheme(self, ssid): scheme = Scheme.find(self.iface, ssid) if scheme is None: return False else: scheme.activate()
from wifi import Cell, Scheme scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', 'labpump123') scheme.activate()
def testmethod_3(): print "Method testmethod_3 in class testclass_5" print "Method set ip addr, subnet, and dns which is out of subnet in class testclass_5" scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0','1234') time.sleep(5) scheme.activate() static_test = UITest() static_test.static_config('','','','') static_test.ping_config_retest('') browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('') time.sleep(3) ipConfigHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') gateHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("gateHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') wwwHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') assert ipConfigHeadIcon_value == '' assert gateHeadIcon_value == '' assert wwwHeadIcon_value == '' ipConfigTitle_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigTitle").text assert ipConfigTitle_value == '' print("ipConfigTitle = %s" % ipConfigTitle_value) browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").click() time.sleep(1) dhcp_dns1 = browser.find_element_by_id("dhcpDns1").text time.sleep(1) print(dhcp_dns1) assert dhcp_dns1 == u'DNS:' browser.find_element_by_id("wwwHeadIcon").click() time.sleep(1) www_ip = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwIp").text time.sleep(1) print(www_ip) assert www_ip == u"IP:" dhcp_test = UITest() dhcp_test.dhcp_config_retest() cloudHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id('cloudHeadIcon').is_displayed() print(cloudHeadIcon_value) browser.quit() if cloudHeadIcon_value == False: assert True else: assert False MONGOHQ_URL='mongodb://*****:*****' DATABASE = 'linksprinter-new-test' mongoClient = MongoClient(MONGOHQ_URL) linksprinter = mongoClient[DATABASE] collection=linksprinter.results print(collection) a = collection.find({"unit_mac": "00C017-090909","cached": True}).sort([("created_at",pymongo.DESCENDING)]).limit(1) aa = dict(a[0]) dhcp_color = aa['ipConfigColor'] www_color = aa['wwwColor'] dns_value = aa['dns'] www_value = aa['www'] dns_value_1 = dns_value[0] dns_value_2 = dns_value_1['dnsIp'] www_value_1 = www_value[0] www_value_2 = www_value_1['wwwIp'] assert dhcp_color == u'green' assert www_color == u'red' assert dns_value_2 == u'' assert www_value_2 == u''
from wifi import Cell, Scheme Cell.all('wlan0') cell = Cell.all('Wi-Fi)[0] scheme = Scheme.for_cell('wlan0', 'home', cell, passkey) scheme.activate() scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', 'home') scheme.activate()
def find_scheme(self, ssid): scheme = Scheme.find(self.iface, ssid) if scheme is None: return False else: return True
def deleteUserWifiIfPresent(): scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', 'userWifi') if scheme is not None: scheme.delete()
salir = 0 cread_config_Class = cread_config() while not(salir): if estado== -1: # Init. borramos las redes antuguas. try: log(2, "====== Init Connect wifi =======") wifissid = cread_config_Class.read_config("wifi_ssid") wificode = cread_config_Class.read_config("wifi_code") wait = 0.1 conectado=0 internet=0 estado = 0 try: scheme = Scheme.find("wlan0", wifissid) if (scheme != None ): scheme.delete() log(0, "scheme borrado.") except: scheme = None except: # error. log(5, "Imposible leer la configuracion" ) wifi = 0 conectado=0 internet=0 estado = 0 wait= 10 elif estado==0: # leer configuracion
def _findFromSavedList(self, ssid): cell = Scheme.find('wlan0', ssid) if cell: return cell return False
def testmethod_2(): print "Method testmethod_2 in class testclass_4" print "Method GW empty, DNS empty, WWW IP, same subnet, reachable in class testclass_4" __author__ = 'bzhang4' scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0','1234') time.sleep(5) scheme.activate() ui_operation = UITest() ui_operation.static_config('','','','') time.sleep(5) ui_operation.ping_config_retest('') browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('') time.sleep(3) ipConfig_value = browser.find_element_by_id("ipConfigHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') GW_value = browser.find_element_by_id("gateHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') cloud_value = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') print(cloud_value) known_ipConfig_value = '' known_GW_value = '' known_cloud_value = '' assert ipConfig_value == known_ipConfig_value assert GW_value == known_GW_value assert cloud_value == known_cloud_value ser = serial.Serial() ser.baudrate = 115200 ser.port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' assert ser.isOpen() ser.write('leds\n') ser.inWaiting() b = str1 = bytes.decode(b) print(str1) dhcp_led = 'DHCP:\tGREEN' GW_led = 'GW:\tNONE' #www_led = 'WWW:\tRED' assert str1.find(dhcp_led) != -1 assert str1.find(GW_led) != -1 dhcp_test = UITest() dhcp_test.dhcp_config_retest() time.sleep(5) cloudHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id('cloudHeadIcon').is_displayed() print(cloudHeadIcon_value) browser.quit() if cloudHeadIcon_value == False: assert True else: assert False MONGOHQ_URL='mongodb://*****:*****' DATABASE = 'linksprinter-new-test' mongoClient = MongoClient(MONGOHQ_URL) linksprinter = mongoClient[DATABASE] collection=linksprinter.results print(collection) a = collection.find({"unit_mac": "00C017-090909","cached": True}).sort([("created_at",pymongo.DESCENDING)]).limit(1) aa = dict(a[0]) dhcp_color = aa['ipConfigColor'] www_color = aa['wwwColor'] print('The ipConfigColor is %s' % dhcp_color) print('The wwwColor is %s' % www_color) assert dhcp_color == u'green' assert www_color == u'green'
#wifi password passKey = 'raspberry' scheme = None #Same as "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" cellName = None cellList = Cell.all('wlan0') #Find cell information which ssid is 'carcar5' for cell in cellList: if cell.ssid == 'carcar5': cellName = cell #Connect to wifi scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0','home') if scheme is None: scheme = Scheme.for_cell('wlan0', 'home', cellName, passKey) scheme.activate() else : scheme.delete() ###################################################################### """ ###################### Monitoring Connection ###################### class MonitoringConnection(threading.Thread):
def testmethod_1(): print "Method testmethod_1 in class testclass_6" print "Method tcp port reachable in class testclass_6" scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', '1234') time.sleep(5) scheme.activate() dhcp_test = UITest() dhcp_test.tcp_config('', '80') time.sleep(3) dhcp_test.dhcp_config_retest() browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('') time.sleep(3) wwwHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id( "wwwHeadIcon").get_attribute('src') assert wwwHeadIcon_value == '' browser.find_element_by_id('wwwHeadIcon').click() type_value = browser.find_element_by_id('wwwType').text port_value = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwPort").text ip_value = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwIp").text pingres_value = browser.find_element_by_id("wwwPingRes").text list1 = list(pingres_value) c = type(list1) print(c) #print('type_value') #print(type_value) #print('port_value') #print(port_value) #print('ip_value') #print(ip_value) print('pingres_value') print(pingres_value) assert type_value == u'Type:TCP' assert port_value == u'Port:80(HTTP)' assert ip_value == u'IP:' #cloudHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id('cloudHeadIcon').get_attribute('src') cloudHeadIcon_value = browser.find_element_by_id( 'cloudHeadIcon').is_displayed() print(cloudHeadIcon_value) browser.quit() if cloudHeadIcon_value == False: assert True else: assert False MONGOHQ_URL = 'mongodb://*****:*****' DATABASE = 'linksprinter-new-test' mongoClient = MongoClient(MONGOHQ_URL) linksprinter = mongoClient[DATABASE] collection = linksprinter.results print(collection) a = collection.find({ "unit_mac": "00C017-090909", "cached": False }).sort([("created_at", pymongo.DESCENDING)]).limit(1) aa = dict(a[0]) www_color = aa['wwwColor'] www_value = aa['www'] www_value_1 = www_value[0] wwwtype_value = www_value_1['wwwType'] wwwip_value = www_value_1['wwwIp'] wwwport_value = www_value_1['wwwPort'] list2 = www_value_1['wwwConnect'] a = type(list2) print(list2) #print('www_color') #print(www_color) #print('wwwtype_value') #print(wwwtype_value) #print('wwwip_value') #print(wwwip_value) #print('wwwport_value') #print(wwwport_value) #b = type(wwwport_value) #print(b) assert www_color == u'green' assert wwwtype_value == u'TCP' assert wwwip_value == u'' assert wwwport_value == 80
from wifi import Scheme import time scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', 'userWifi') if scheme is not None: print("not") scheme.delete() else: print("none")
def connect_net_linux(self, wifi): return Scheme.find(self.iface, wifi[1]).activate()
# connect to network from wifi import Cell, Scheme # wifi information wifi_ssid = "labpump123" wifi_password = "******" # machine information port = Cell.all('wlan0')[0] print "Connecting..." try: scheme = Scheme.for_cell('wlan0', wifi_ssid, port, wifi_password) except: scheme = Scheme.find('wlan0', wifi_ssid) finally: scheme.activate(); # check internet connection from pythonwifi.iwlibs import Wireless network = Wireless('wlan0') print "Connected with "+network.getEssid()+"." print ("" if network.getMode()=="Managed" else "Not ")+"Secured Connection."