Example #1
	def __init__(self, options):
		self.width = None
		self.printer = None
		self.results = []

		# the storage for 'string' and 'regex' matched fingerprints
		# since these don't need extra processing they are added directly
		# to the final scores
		self.scores = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: Counter()))
		#		      ^ Category          ^ Name              ^ Version

		# md5 fingerprints are based on content that might not hav been changed
		# across different versions of the cms. The score of a match is based on
		# the number of 'hits' for that URL. The finale score for a cms version will be:
		#  1 / number_of_hits
		self.md5_matches = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: Counter()))
		#		           ^ Url               ^ cms               ^ versions

		self.platform_observations = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))

		self.sitemap = Sitemap()

		self.site_info = {
			'ip': [], # changed from a string to a list: see issue #19
			'title': '',
			'cookies': set(),
			'subdomains': set(),