def set_position(self, pos, update=True):
        """Set the window position.
        :pos: list or tuple: the new position (x, y)."""
        if DEBUG_WM:
            print "Setting position to", pos
        if type(pos) in (list, tuple):
            self.first_pos = False
            x, y = pos
            if update:
                flags, showCmd, ptMin, ptMax, rect = win32gui.GetWindowPlacement(
                if DEBUG_WM:
                    print "set_position rect", rect, "ptMin", ptMin, "ptMax", ptMax
                realW = rect[2] - rect[0]
                realH = rect[3] - rect[1]
                if DEBUG_WM:
                    print 'rect[0]', rect[0], 'rect[1]', rect[1]
                    print 'realW', realW, 'realH', realH
                    print 'cursor pos', win32gui.GetCursorPos()

                rect = (x, y, x + realW, y + realH)

                                            (0, showCmd, ptMin, ptMax, rect))
            # Raise a Type error.
            raise TypeError, "%s is not a list or a tuple." % repr(pos)
    def set_size(self, size, update=True):
        """Set the window size.
        :size: list or tuple: the new size.
        :mode: bool: (re)set the pygame.display mode; self.mode must be a pygame display mode object.
        Raises a TypeError if something else than a list or a tuple is sent."""
        if type(size) in (list, tuple):
            w, h = size
            cx, cy = win32gui.GetCursorPos()
            if DEBUG_WM:
                print "Settin size to", size
                print "actual size", self.get_size()
                print "actual position", self.get_position()

                print 'cursor pos', cx, cy
            flags, showCmd, ptMin, ptMax, rect = win32gui.GetWindowPlacement(
            if DEBUG_WM:
                print "set_size rect", rect, "ptMin", ptMin, "ptMax", ptMax, "flags", flags
            x = rect[0]
            y = rect[1]
            rect = (x, y, x + w, y + h)
                                        (0, showCmd, ptMin, ptMax, rect))
            # Raise a Type error.
            raise TypeError, "%s is not a list or a tuple." % repr(size)