def setIconLists(self, normalList, normalSize, normalType, smallList, smallSize, smallType): app = win32ui.GetApp() mask = 0 # normal icons image list if normalList: initcount = len(normalList) growby = initcount normalImageList = win32ui.CreateImageList(normalSize, normalSize, mask, initcount, growby) normalImageList.SetBkColor(win32mu.RGB((255, 255, 255))) # populate normal image list for id in normalList: normalImageList.Add(app.LoadIcon(id)) # smal icons image list if smallList: initcount = len(smallList) growby = initcount smallImageList = win32ui.CreateImageList(smallSize, smallSize, mask, initcount, growby) smallImageList.SetBkColor(win32mu.RGB((255, 255, 255))) # populate small image list for id in normalList: smallImageList.Add(app.LoadIcon(id)) # finally set image list if normalList: self.SetImageList(normalImageList, normalType) if smallList: self.SetImageList(smallImageList, smallType)
def create(self): brush = Sdk.CreateBrush(win32con.BS_SOLID, win32mu.RGB(self._bgcolor), 0) strclass = win32ui.GetAfx().RegisterWndClass(0, 0, brush, 0) style = win32con.WS_POPUP self.CreateWindowEx(win32con.WS_EX_TOPMOST, strclass, '', style, self._rect, self._parent, 0)
def createWindow(self, parent, rc, bgcolor, canvas=None): self._parent = parent self._rectb = rc self._bgcolor = bgcolor self._rect = 0, 0, rc[2], rc[3] self._canvas = canvas if not self._cancroll: if canvas is None: self._canvas = self._rect self.OnPaint = self._OnPaint brush = Sdk.CreateBrush(win32con.BS_SOLID, win32mu.RGB(bgcolor), 0) cursor = Afx.GetApp().LoadStandardCursor(win32con.IDC_ARROW) icon = 0 clstyle = win32con.CS_DBLCLKS style = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS exstyle = 0 title = '' strclass = Afx.RegisterWndClass(clstyle, cursor, brush, icon) self.CreateWindowEx(exstyle, strclass, title, style, (rc[0], rc[1], rc[0] + rc[2], rc[1] + rc[3]), parent, 0) self.ShowWindow(win32con.SW_SHOW) self.UpdateWindow() else: if canvas is None: self._canvas = 0, 0, 1600, 1200 self.CreateWindow(parent) self.SetWindowPos(self.GetSafeHwnd(), rc, win32con.SWP_NOACTIVATE | win32con.SWP_NOZORDER) self.SetScrollSizes(win32con.MM_TEXT, self._canvas[2:]) self.ShowWindow(win32con.SW_SHOW) self.UpdateWindow()
def drawxorline(self, pt0, pt1, color=(0, 0, 0)): Sdk = win32ui.GetWin32Sdk() dc = self.GetDC() oldrop = dc.SetROP2(win32con.R2_NOTXORPEN) pen = Sdk.CreatePen(win32con.PS_SOLID, 1, win32mu.RGB(color)) oldpen = dc.SelectObjectFromHandle(pen) dc.MoveTo(pt0) dc.LineTo(pt1) dc.SelectObjectFromHandle(oldpen) Sdk.DeleteObject(pen) dc.SetROP2(oldrop)
def OnPaint(self): dc, paintStruct = self.BeginPaint() dc.SetBkMode(win32con.TRANSPARENT) l, t, r, b = self.GetClientRect() dc.FillSolidRect((l, t, r, b), win32mu.RGB(self._bgcolor or (255, 255, 255))) if self._text is not None: dl, dt, dr, db = self._margins hf = dc.SelectObjectFromHandle(self._hsmallfont) dc.DrawText(self._text, (l + dl, t + dt, r - dr, b - db)) dc.SelectObjectFromHandle(hf) dc.FrameRectFromHandle(self.GetClientRect(), self._blackbrush) self.EndPaint(paintStruct)
def PaintOn(self,dc): if self._isminimized: return # only paint the rect that needs repainting rect=win32mu.Rect(dc.GetClipBox()) # draw to offscreen bitmap for fast looking repaints dcc = dc.CreateCompatibleDC() self.assertBmpHasMinSize(rect.width(), rect.height(), dc) if self._bmp is None: print 'failed to create offscreen bitmap' return # called by win32ui #self.OnPrepareDC(dcc) # offset origin more because bitmap is just piece of the whole drawing dcc.OffsetViewportOrg((-rect.left, oldBitmap = dcc.SelectObject(self._bmp) dcc.SetBrushOrg((rect.left % 8, % 8)) dcc.IntersectClipRect(rect.ltrb_tuple()) # background decoration on dcc if self._active_displist:color=self._active_displist._bgcolor else: color=self._bgcolor dcc.FillSolidRect(rect.ltrb_tuple(),win32mu.RGB(color)) # draw objects on dcc if self._active_displist: self._active_displist._render(dcc, rect.ltrb_tuple()) # copy bitmap dcc.SetViewportOrg((0, 0)) dcc.SetWindowOrg((0,0)) dcc.SetMapMode(win32con.MM_TEXT) dc.BitBlt(rect.pos(),rect.size(),dcc,(0, 0), win32con.SRCCOPY) # clean up dcc.SelectObject(oldBitmap) dcc.DeleteDC()
def OffscreenPaintOn(self, dc): lc, tc, rc, bc = dc.GetClipBox() wc, hc = rc - lc, bc - tc # draw to offscreen bitmap for fast looking repaints dcc = dc.CreateCompatibleDC(dc) self.assertBmpHasMinSize(wc, hc, dc) if self._bmp is None: dc.FillSolidRect((lc, tc, rc, bc), win32mu.RGB(self._bgcolor or (255, 255, 255))) print 'Create offscreen bitmap %d x %d failed' % (wc, hc) return # called by win32ui #self.OnPrepareDC(dcc) # offset origin more because bitmap is just piece of the whole drawing dcc.OffsetViewportOrg((-lc, -tc)) dcc.SetWindowOrg((0, 0)) oldBitmap = dcc.SelectObject(self._bmp) dcc.SetBrushOrg((lc % 8, tc % 8)) dcc.IntersectClipRect((lc, tc, rc, bc)) # dcc has now the same clip box as the original dc # draw objects on dcc self.paintOn(dcc) # copy bitmap dcc.SetViewportOrg((0, 0)) dcc.SetWindowOrg((0, 0)) dcc.SetMapMode(win32con.MM_TEXT) dc.BitBlt((lc, tc), (wc, hc), dcc, (0, 0), win32con.SRCCOPY) # clean up dcc.SelectObject(oldBitmap) dcc.DeleteDC()
def paintOn(self, dc): lc, tc, rc, bc = dc.GetClipBox() dc.FillSolidRect((lc, tc, rc, bc), win32mu.RGB(self._bgcolor or (255, 255, 255)))
def OnEraseBkgnd(self, dc): rc = dc.GetClipBox() if self._active_displist: color = self._active_displist._bgcolor else: color = self._bgcolor dc.FillSolidRect(rc, win32mu.RGB(color)) return 1