Example #1
def Smith_net(reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
    """Fully described network.

    This method is basically "data as code"
        struct with fields:
        addl_padding: amount of padding needed for an input to model_fn
        model_fn: function that takes:
    psi = win.fst3d_psi_factory([5, 9, 9])
    phi = win.fst3d_phi_window_3D([5, 9, 9])
    layer_params = layerO((3, 1, 1), 'valid')

    def model_fn(x):
            x: tf.placeholder in (height, width, nbands) format, shape must be (25,25,nbands+6)
        return hyper3d_net(
            psis=[psi, psi],
            layer_params=[layer_params, layer_params, layer_params])

    return netO(model_fn, (24, 24, 12))
Example #2
def custom_net(s1=9, s2=9, e1=3, e2=3):
    psi1 = win.fst3d_psi_factory([e1, s1, s1])
    psi2 = win.fst3d_psi_factory([e2, s2, s2])
    phi = win.fst3d_phi_window_3D([e2, s2, s2])
    lp1 = layerO((min(e1, 5), 1, 1), 'valid')
    lp2 = layerO((min(e2, 5), 1, 1), 'valid')
    lp3 = layerO((min(e2, 5), 1, 1), 'valid')

    def model_fn(x):
        return hyper3d_net(x,
                           psis=[psi1, psi2],
                           layer_params=[lp1, lp2, lp3])

    return netO(model_fn,
                (s1 + s2 + s2 - 3, s1 + s2 + s2 - 3, e1 + e2 + e2 - 3))
Example #3
def hyper3d_net(x, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, psis=None, phi=None, layer_params=None):
    """Computes features for a specific pixel.

        x: image in (height, width, bands) format
        psis: array of winO struct, filters are in (bands, height, width) format!
        phi: winO struct, filters are in (bands, height, width) format!
        center pixel feature vector
    assert len(layer_params) == 3, 'this network is 2 layers only'
    assert len(psis) == 2, 'this network is 2 layers only'

    with tf.variable_scope('Hyper3DNet', reuse=reuse):
        x = tf.transpose(x, [2, 0, 1])

        x = tf.expand_dims(x, 0)
        x = tf.expand_dims(x, -1)
        # x is (1, bands, h, w, 1)

        U1 = scat3d(x, psis[0], layer_params[0])
        # U1 is (1, bands, h, w, lambda1)

        # swap channels with batch
        U1 = tf.transpose(U1, [4, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        # U1 is (lambda1, bands, h, w, 1)
        U2s = []
        # only procede with increasing frequency paths
        for res_i, used_params in enumerate(psis[0].filter_params):
            increasing_psi = win.fst3d_psi_factory(psis[1].kernel_size, used_params)
            if increasing_psi.nfilt > 0:
                U2s.append(scat3d(U1[res_i:(res_i+1),:,:,:,:], increasing_psi, layer_params[1]))

        U2 = tf.concat(U2s, 4)
        # swap channels with batch
        U2 = tf.transpose(U2, [4, 1, 2, 3, 0])

        # convolve with phis
        S2 = scat3d(U2, phi, layer_params[2])

        [p1h, p1w, p1b] = kernel_padding(psis[1].kernel_size)
        [p2h, p2w, p2b] = kernel_padding(psis[0].kernel_size)
        p2h += p1h; p2w += p1w; p2b += p1b;

        S1 = scat3d(U1[:,(p1h):-(p1h), (p1w):-(p1w), (p1b):-(p1b), :], phi, layer_params[2])
        S0 = scat3d(x[:,(p2h):-(p2h), (p2w):-(p2w), (p2b):-(p2b), :], phi, layer_params[2])

        # flatten everything
        S2 = tf.reshape(S2, [S2.shape[0] * S2.shape[1]]) # enforces last 3 dimensions being 1
        S1 = tf.reshape(S1, [S1.shape[0] * S1.shape[1]]) # enforces last 3 dimensions being 1
        S0 = tf.reshape(S0, [S0.shape[1]]) # enforces all but dim1 being 1

    return tf.concat([S0,S1,S2], 0)
Example #4
def KSC_net(reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
    s = 11
    psi1 = win.fst3d_psi_factory([3, s, s])
    psi2 = win.fst3d_psi_factory([8, s, s])
    phi = win.fst3d_phi_window_3D([8, s, s])
    lp1 = layerO((1, 1, 1), 'valid')
    lp2 = layerO((8, 1, 1), 'valid')
    lp3 = layerO((8, 1, 1), 'valid')

    def model_fn(x):
            x: tf.placeholder in (height, width, nbands) format, shape must be (25,25,nbands+6)
        return hyper3d_net(x,
                           psis=[psi1, psi2],
                           layer_params=[lp1, lp2, lp3])

    return netO(model_fn, ((s - 1) * 3, (s - 1) * 3, 0))
Example #5
def PaviaR_net(reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
    psi = win.fst3d_psi_factory([3, 9, 9])
    phi = win.fst3d_phi_window_3D([3, 9, 9])
    layer_params = layerO((3, 1, 1), 'valid')

    def model_fn(x):
            x: tf.placeholder in (height, width, nbands) format, shape must be (25,25,nbands+6)
        return hyper3d_net(
            psis=[psi, psi],
            layer_params=[layer_params, layer_params, layer_params])

    return netO(model_fn, (24, 24, 6))
Example #6
def scat2d_to_2d_2layer(x, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, bs=batch_size):
        x: in (batch, h, w, 1) shape
        (batch, h, w, channels)
    psis = [None, None]
    layer_params = [None, None, None]
    with tf.variable_scope('scat2d_to_2d_2layer', reuse=reuse):
        # TF Estimator input is a dict, in case of multiple inputs

        psis[0] = win.fst3d_psi_factory([5, 5, 3])
        layer_params[0] = layerO((1, 1), 'valid')

        # 107, 107
        U1 = scat2d(x, psis[0], layer_params[0])

        psis[1] = win.fst2d_psi_factory([5, 5])
        layer_params[1] = layerO((1, 1), 'valid')

        U2s = []
        # only procede with increasing frequency paths
        for res_i, used_params in enumerate(psis[0].filter_params):
            increasing_psi = win.fst2d_psi_factory(psis[1].kernel_size,
            if increasing_psi.nfilt > 0:
                    scat2d(U1[:, :, :, res_i:(res_i + 1)], increasing_psi,

        # 101, 101
        U2 = tf.concat(U2s, 3)
        # swap to (batch, chanU2, h, w)
        U2 = tf.transpose(U2, [0, 3, 1, 2])
        # reshape to (batch, h,w, 1)
        U2os = U2.get_shape()
        U2 = tf.reshape(
            (bs * U2.get_shape()[1], U2.get_shape()[2], U2.get_shape()[3], 1))

        # swap to (batch, chanU1, h, w)
        U1 = tf.transpose(U1, [0, 3, 1, 2])
        # reshape to (batch, h,w, 1)
        U1os = U1.get_shape()
        U1 = tf.reshape(
            (bs * U1.get_shape()[1], U1.get_shape()[2], U1.get_shape()[3], 1))

        # now lo-pass

        # each layer lo-passed differently so that (h,w) align bc we
        # want to be able to do 2d convolutions afterwards again
        layer_params[2] = layerO((1, 1), 'valid')
        phi = win.fst2d_phi_factory([5, 5])

        # filter and separate by original batch via old shape
        S0 = scat2d(x[:, 4:-4, 4:-4, :], phi, layer_params[2])
        S0 = tf.reshape(S0, (bs, 1, S0.get_shape()[1], S0.get_shape()[2]))
        S1 = scat2d(U1[:, 2:-2, 2:-2, :], phi, layer_params[2])
        S1 = tf.reshape(S1,
                        (bs, U1os[1], S1.get_shape()[1], S1.get_shape()[2]))
        S2 = scat2d(U2, phi, layer_params[2])
        S2 = tf.reshape(S2,
                        (bs, U2os[1], S2.get_shape()[1], S2.get_shape()[2]))

        # (batch, chan, h,w)
        feat2d = tf.concat([S0, S1, S2], 1)

    return tf.transpose(feat2d, [0, 2, 3, 1])
Example #7
def scat3d_to_3d_nxn_2layer(x, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, psis=None, phi=None, layer_params=None, final_size=5, tang_mode=False):
    """Computes features for a specific pixel.

        x: image in (height, width, bands) format
        psis: array of winO struct, filters are in (bands, height, width) format!
        phi: winO struct, filters are in (bands, height, width) format!
        final_size: int, the outputs spatial size (will be a spatial square)
        center pixel feature vector in the s
    assert len(layer_params) == 3, 'this network is 2 layers only'
    assert len(psis) == 2, 'this network is 2 layers only'

    with tf.variable_scope('Hyper3DNet', reuse=reuse):
        x = tf.transpose(x, [2, 0, 1])

        x = tf.expand_dims(x, 0)
        x = tf.expand_dims(x, -1)
        # x is (1, bands, h, w, 1)
        U1 = fst.scat3d(x, psis[0], layer_params[0])
        # U1 is (1, bands, h, w, lambda1)

        U1 = tf.transpose(U1, [0, 4, 1, 2, 3])
        # U1 is (1, lambda1, bands, h, w)

        # downsampling amounts
        ds_amounts = {
            9: 7,
            7: 5,
            5: 3,
            3: 1,
            1: 1
        def avg_cube_side(kernel_size):
            # started doing this for cubes with spatial size 1
            avg_cube_side_ = int(round(np.prod(kernel_size[:2])**(1/2.0)))
            if avg_cube_side_ % 2 == 0:
                avg_cube_side_ += 1
            return avg_cube_side_
        lambda1_d = ds_amounts[ avg_cube_side(psis[0].kernel_size) ];
        lambda2_d = ds_amounts[ avg_cube_side(psis[1].kernel_size) ];
        lambdax_d = ds_amounts[ avg_cube_side(phi.kernel_size) ];
        band1_d = 3
        band2_d = 3
        U1 = tf.layers.max_pooling3d(U1, (lambda1_d,band1_d,1), (lambda1_d,band1_d,1), padding='same')

        U1 = tf.transpose(U1, [1,2,3,4,0])
        # U1 is (lambda1, bands, h, w, 1)
        U2s = []
        # only procede with increasing frequency paths
        if tang_mode:
            for res_i, used_params in enumerate(psis[0].filter_params[::lambda1_d]):
                increasing_psi = win.tang_psi_factory(3, 3, psis[1].kernel_size, used_params[0])
                if increasing_psi.nfilt > 0:
                    U2s.append(fst.scat3d(U1[res_i:(res_i+1),:,:,:,:], increasing_psi, layer_params[1]))
            for res_i, used_params in enumerate(psis[0].filter_params[::lambda1_d]):
                increasing_psi = win.fst3d_psi_factory(psis[1].kernel_size, used_params)
                if increasing_psi.nfilt > 0:
                    U2s.append(fst.scat3d(U1[res_i:(res_i+1),:,:,:,:], increasing_psi, layer_params[1]))
        U2 = tf.concat(U2s, 4)
        # U2 is (1,bands,h,w,lambda2)
        U2 = tf.transpose(U2, [0, 4, 1, 2, 3])
        # U2 is (1, lambda2, bands, h, w)
        U2 = tf.layers.max_pooling3d(U2, (lambda2_d,band2_d,1), (lambda2_d,band2_d,1), padding='same')
        U2 = tf.transpose(U2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 0])
        # U2 is (lambda2, bands, h, w, 1)

        # convolve with phi
        S2 = fst.scat3d(U2, phi, layer_params[2])

        def slice_idxs(sig_size, kernel_size):
            return slice indexes to slice signal so that after convolving with
            the kernel it is the desired final size
            def slice_idx(s, k, f):
                s: signal size
                k: kernel size
                f: final size
                if k % 2 == 0:
                    raise('not implemented even padding')
                    return int((s - k - f)//2)
            final_size_ = [1,final_size,final_size]
            return [slice_idx(s,k,f-1) for s,k,f in zip(sig_size, kernel_size,final_size_)]

        # we will stack S0,S1,S2 so we need to trim them to be the same size
        # after each of them are convolved with phi
        [p1b, p1h, p1w] = slice_idxs(U1.shape[1:4], phi.kernel_size)
        [p2b, p2h, p2w] = slice_idxs(x.shape[1:4], phi.kernel_size)

        if not (p1h == 0 and p1w == 0):
            S1 = fst.scat3d(U1[:, :,(p1h):-(p1h), (p1w):-(p1w), :], phi, layer_params[2])
            # if the size of the spatial kernel is 1 in the spatial dimension we
            # don't need to do this.
            S1 = fst.scat3d(U1, phi, layer_params[2])
        if not (p2h == 0 and p2w == 0):
            S0 = fst.scat3d(x[:, :,(p2h):-(p2h), (p2w):-(p2w), :], phi, layer_params[2])
            S0 = fst.scat3d(x, phi, layer_params[2])

        # just to get the size down to 1 (flattening step)
        S0 = tf.reshape(S0, [-1, final_size, final_size, 1])
        S1 = tf.reshape(S1, [-1, final_size, final_size, 1])
        S2 = tf.reshape(S2, [-1, final_size, final_size, 1])
        SX = tf.concat([S0,S1,S2], 0)
        # SX is (lambdax, h, w, 1)
        SX = tf.expand_dims(SX, 0)
        SX = tf.layers.max_pooling3d(SX, (lambdax_d,1,1), (lambdax_d,1,1), padding='same')
        SX = tf.squeeze(SX)
        # SX is (channels, h, w)

    return tf.transpose(SX, [1, 2, 0])
Example #8
def preprocess_data(data, st_net_spec, patch_size=51):
    """ST preprocess the whole data cube.
    Pad data, then pass in as few subsets of this data.
    s = time.time()
    reuse = tf.AUTO_REUSE
    # Network info
    layer_params = layerO((1,1,1), 'valid')
    preprocessing_mode = 'ST'
    if st_net_spec.psi1 and st_net_spec.psi2 and st_net_spec.phi:
        print('Will perform Scattering...')
        psi1 = win.fst3d_psi_factory(st_net_spec.psi1)
        psi2 = win.fst3d_psi_factory(st_net_spec.psi2)
        phi = win.fst3d_phi_window_3D(st_net_spec.phi)
        net_addl_padding = net_addl_padding_from_spec(st_net_spec)
        layer_params=[layer_params, layer_params, layer_params]
    elif st_net_spec.psi1 and st_net_spec.psi2 is None and st_net_spec.phi is None: # just one layer gabor
        print('Will perform Gabor filtering...')
        psis = [win.gabor_psi_factory(st_net_spec.psi1)]
        b, h, w = list(tupsum(tuple(st_net_spec.psi1), (-1,-1,-1)))
        net_addl_padding = (h,w,b)
        preprocessing_mode = 'Gabor'
    elif st_net_spec.psi1 is None and st_net_spec.psi2 is None and st_net_spec.phi is None: # tang WST
        # OK I am sorry for this temporary kludge, will make a new st_net_spec struct soon
        print('Will perform Tang-WST...')
        preprocessing_mode = 'Tang-WST'
        kernel_size = [7,7,7]
        max_scale = 3
        K = 3
        psi = win.tang_psi_factory(max_scale, K, kernel_size)
        phi = win.tang_phi_window_3D(max_scale, kernel_size)
        net_addl_padding = net_addl_padding_from_spec(st_net_spec_struct(kernel_size,kernel_size,kernel_size))
        layer_params=[layer_params, layer_params, layer_params]
        raise ValueError('This ST spec is not supported')

    # END Network info

    [height, width, nbands] = data.shape
    hyper_pixel_shape = (1, 1,data.shape[2])

    all_pixels = np.array(list(itertools.product(range(width),range(height))))
    ap = np.array(net_addl_padding)
    assert np.all(ap[:2] % 2 == 0), 'Assymetric padding is not supported'
    padded_data = np.pad(data, ((ap[0]//2,ap[0]//2),(ap[1]//2,ap[1]//2),(ap[2]//2,ap[2]//2)), PAD_TYPE)
    # cover the data with patches
    patch_xs = [max(0,width - (x*patch_size)) for x in range(1, width // patch_size + 2)]
    patch_ys = [max(0,height - (y*patch_size)) for y in range(1, height // patch_size + 2)]
    patch_ul_corners = itertools.product(patch_xs, patch_ys) # upper left corners

    addl_spatial_pad = (patch_size-1, patch_size-1, 0)
    batch_item_shape = tupsum(hyper_pixel_shape, net_addl_padding, addl_spatial_pad)
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_item_shape)
    print('Compiling Graph...')
    compile_start = time.time()
    if preprocessing_mode == 'ST':
        feat = scat3d_to_3d_nxn_2layer(x, reuse, psis, phi, layer_params, final_size=patch_size)
    elif preprocessing_mode == 'Gabor':
        feat = gabor_mag_filter(x, reuse, psis, layer_params, final_size=patch_size)
    elif preprocessing_mode == 'Tang-WST':
        feat = scat3d_to_3d_nxn_2layer(x, reuse, psis, phi, layer_params, final_size=patch_size, tang_mode=True)
    compile_time = time.time() - compile_start
    feat_shape = tuple([int(d) for d in feat.shape])
    print('Graph Compiled %is. Feature dimension per pixel is now %i.' % (int(compile_time), feat_shape[2]))
    assert feat_shape[0] == feat_shape[1], 'ST spatial output is not square!'
    assert feat_shape[0] == patch_size, 'ST spatial output size is %i, expected %i!' % (feat_shape[0], patch_size)

    new_data = np.zeros((height,width,feat_shape[2]))

    with tf.Session() as sess:

        for pixel_i, pixel in enumerate(tqdm(patch_ul_corners, desc=('Performing %s: ' % preprocessing_mode), total=len(patch_xs)*len(patch_ys))):
            [pixel_x, pixel_y] = pixel
            subimg = padded_data[pixel_y:(patch_size+pixel_y+ap[0]), pixel_x:(patch_size+pixel_x+ap[1]), :]
            feed_dict = {x: subimg}
            new_data[pixel_y:(patch_size+pixel_y), pixel_x:(patch_size+pixel_x)] = sess.run(feat, feed_dict)

    print('ST preprocessing finished in %is.' % int(time.time() - s))
    return new_data