def evaluate_model(model_path, code, output_dir, input_shape=[30, 61]): extract_from_file("dataset/%s.csv" % code, output_dir, code) train_set, test_set = read_feature(output_dir, input_shape, code) saved_wp = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path) scores = saved_wp.evaluate(test_set.images, test_set.labels, verbose=0) print('Test loss:', scores[0]) print('test accuracy:', scores[1]) pred = saved_wp.predict(test_set.images, 1024) [cr, cap] = calculate_cumulative_return(test_set.labels, pred) # Output to a csv file # Read in the date, close from original data file. days_for_test = 700 tmp = pd.read_csv('dataset/%s.csv' % code, delimiter='\t') # tmp.columns = ['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'] date = tmp['date'][-days_for_test:] close = tmp['close'][-days_for_test:] output = pd.DataFrame( { 'Return': test_set.labels, 'Position': pred.reshape(-1), 'Capital': cap.reshape(-1), 'Close': close.values }, index=date, columns=['Close', 'Return', 'Position', 'Capital']) output.to_csv('output/%s.csv' % code)
def model_predict(model_path, code, input_shape=[30, 83]): extractfeatureonly_from_file("dataset/%s.csv" % code, code) ultimate_features = numpy.loadtxt("%s/%s_feature_only.%s" % (".", code, str(input_shape[0]))) ultimate_features = numpy.reshape(ultimate_features, [-1, input_shape[0], input_shape[1]]) saved_wp = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path) pred = saved_wp.predict(ultimate_features, 1024) for i in range(len(pred)): print(str(pred[i]))
def simple_predict_tomorrow(): ''' 使用做多和做空两个模型,对data_dir里的每日行情数据提取特征并训练得到信号。 ''' signal_dir = './signal_close/' date = get_date_list() files = os.listdir(data_dir) # 0. 加载模型 wp_buy = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path_buy) wp_sell = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path_sell) # 1. 提取所有特征 days_for_test = len(date) extract_all_features(data_dir, feature_dir, days_for_test) for (idf, f) in enumerate(files): # 2. 读取测试集特征 output_prefix = f.split('.')[0] test_set = read_features(feature_dir, input_shape, output_prefix) # 3. 训练模型 signal_buy = wp_buy.predict(test_set.images, 1024) signal_buy = signal_buy[-days_for_test:] signal_sell = wp_sell.predict(test_set.images, 1024) signal_sell = signal_sell[-days_for_test:] # 4. 保存结果 f_path_signal = os.path.join(signal_dir, f) data_signal = pd.DataFrame( { 'signal_close_buy': signal_buy.reshape(-1), 'signal_close_sell': signal_sell.reshape(-1) }, index=date) data_signal.to_csv(f_path_signal) print('%d 指数%s处理完毕' % (idf, output_prefix)) print('-' * 50) print('全部处理完毕!') print('=' * 80)
def evaluate_model(model_path, code, input_shape=[30, 83]): extract_from_file("dataset/%s.csv" % code, code) train_set, test_set = read_feature(".", input_shape, code) saved_wp = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path) scores = saved_wp.evaluate(test_set.images, test_set.labels, verbose=0) print('Test loss:', scores[0]) print('test accuracy:', scores[1]) pred = saved_wp.predict(test_set.images, 1024) cr = calculate_cumulative_return(test_set.labels, pred) print("changeRate\tpositionAdvice\tprincipal\tcumulativeReturn") for i in range(len(test_set.labels)): print(str(test_set.labels[i]) + "\t" + str(pred[i]) + "\t" + str(cr[i] + 1.) + "\t" + str(cr[i]))
def predict_tomorrow(model_path="", extract_all=False): ''' 1. 先对3个数据集中每一个品种提取特征; 2. 读取只有一行数据的验证集; 3. 加载训练好的模型,预测在验证集上的信号结果; 4. 保存信号结果。 ''' # 1. 特征提取 data_dir = './newdata/' output_dir = './output09/' feature_dir = './stock_features/' if not (os.path.exists(output_dir)): os.mkdir(output_dir) # 测试集从2017-09-01开始 df = pd.read_csv('dataset/000300.csv', index_col='date', parse_dates=True) days_for_test = df.shape[0] - df.index.get_loc('2017-09-01') extract_all_features(data_dir, feature_dir, days_for_test, extract_all) # 2. 读取特征 input_shape = [30, 61] file_list = os.listdir(data_dir) if extract_all == True: column_names = [s.split(sep='.')[0] for s in file_list] else: # 否则只测试3个指数 column_names = ['000016', '000300', '000905'] # 加载模型 wp = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path) for f in column_names: _, test_set = read_feature(feature_dir, input_shape, f) tmp = pd.read_csv('dataset/%s.csv' % f) val = test_set pred = wp.predict(val.images, 1024) print(pred[-1]) [cr, cap] = calculate_cumulative_return_cost(val.labels, pred) # 设置读取验证集数据的范围 index = range(tmp.shape[0] - days_for_test - 1, tmp.shape[0]) # 1. 保存资金曲线的数据 date = tmp['date'].iloc[index] close = tmp['close'].iloc[index] buy_hold = close / close.iloc[0] - 1 output = pd.DataFrame( { 'Close': close.values, 'Pct_change': np.concatenate(([np.nan], val.labels)), 'Position': np.concatenate(([np.nan], pred.reshape(-1))), 'Cum_return': cr.reshape(-1), 'Buy_hold': buy_hold.values }, index=date, columns=[ 'Close', 'Pct_change', 'Position', 'Cum_return', 'Buy_hold' ]) names = pd.read_csv('指数名称.csv', dtype={ 'code': np.str, 'name': np.str }, engine='python') names.set_index('code', inplace=True) names = names.to_dict()['name'] n = names[f] # 写入文件 cap_line_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'stocks') if not (os.path.exists(cap_line_dir)): os.mkdir(cap_line_dir) cap_line_f = os.path.join(cap_line_dir, '%s_test.csv' % n) output.to_csv(cap_line_f) ## 2. 统计各项表现,画出资金曲线,生成投资报告 #print('当前处理 %s_%s_test\n' % (f, n)) #calc_perf(output, f, n, 'test', output_dir) print('计算完毕') print('=' * 50)
def test_model(model_path="", extract_all=True, days_for_test=False): ''' 1. 先对数据集中每一个品种提取特征; 2. 读取训练集和验证集; 3. 加载训练好的模型,预测在训练集和验证集上的结果; 4. 根据结果绘制相应的资金变化图,并保存。 ''' # 1. 特征提取 data_dir = './dataset/' output_dir = './output09/' feature_dir = './stock_features/' if not (os.path.exists(output_dir)): os.mkdir(output_dir) # 只提取测试集的特征 if days_for_test == False: # 测试集从2017-09-01开始 df = pd.read_csv('dataset/000001.csv', index_col='date', parse_dates=True) days_for_test = df.shape[0] - df.index.get_loc('2017-09-01') extract_all_features(data_dir, feature_dir, days_for_test) # 2. 读取特征 input_shape = [30, 61] file_list = os.listdir(data_dir) if extract_all == True: column_names = [s.split(sep='.')[0] for s in file_list] else: # 否则只测试3个指数 column_names = ['000016', '000300', '000905'] wp = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path) for f in column_names: train_set, test_set = read_feature(feature_dir, input_shape, f) data_set = {'train': train_set, 'test': test_set} tmp = pd.read_csv('dataset/%s.csv' % f) for key in data_set: # 3.分别给训练集/验证集预测并画图保存 print('当前处理 %s_%s\n' % (f, key)) val = data_set[key] pred = wp.predict(val.images, 1024) [cr, cap] = calculate_cumulative_return_cost(val.labels, pred) # 根据训练集/验证集来设置读取数据的范围 if key == 'train': index = range(input_shape[0] - 1, input_shape[0] + pred.shape[0]) elif key == 'test': index = range(tmp.shape[0] - days_for_test - 1, tmp.shape[0]) # 1). 保存资金曲线的数据 date = tmp['date'].iloc[index] close = tmp['close'].iloc[index] buy_hold = close / close.iloc[0] - 1 # DEBUG: #print('date shape:\t', date.shape) #print('close shape:\t', close.shape) #print('buy_hold shape:\t', buy_hold.shape) #print('Pct_change shape:\t', val.labels.shape) #print('Position shape:\t', pred.shape) output = pd.DataFrame( { 'Close': close.values, 'Pct_change': np.concatenate(([np.nan], val.labels)), 'Position': np.concatenate(([np.nan], pred.reshape(-1))), 'Cum_return': cr.reshape(-1), 'Buy_hold': buy_hold.values }, index=date, columns=[ 'Close', 'Pct_change', 'Position', 'Cum_return', 'Buy_hold' ]) names = pd.read_csv('指数名称.csv', dtype={ 'code': np.str, 'name': np.str }, engine='python') names.set_index('code', inplace=True) names = names.to_dict()['name'] n = names[f] # 写入文件 cap_line_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'stocks') if not (os.path.exists(cap_line_dir)): os.mkdir(cap_line_dir) cap_line_f = os.path.join(cap_line_dir, '%s_%s.csv' % (n, key)) output.to_csv(cap_line_f) # 2). 统计各项表现,画出资金曲线,生成投资报告 print('开始计算策略表现 %s_%s_%s\n' % (f, n, key)) calc_perf(output, f, n, key, output_dir) print('计算完毕') print('=' * 50)
def paper_test(): ''' 逐个读取每一天的14:57的数据,与数据库中数据合并,生成新特征,读取训练好的模型, 预测出信号。 ''' merged_data_dir = './paper_merge' signal_dir = './paper_signals' date = get_date_list() files = os.listdir(tsl_data_dir) # 0. 加载模型 wp_buy = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path_buy) wp_sell = WindPuller(input_shape).load_model(model_path_sell) for (idx, d) in enumerate(date): print('当前处理日期\t%s' % d) for (idf, f) in enumerate(files): # 1. 读取新的数据 f_path1 = os.path.join(tsl_data_dir, f) df1 = pd.read_csv(f_path1) # 获取某一天的数据 df1 = df1[df1['date'] == d] df1['volume'] == df1['volume'] * 80 / 79 # 2. 读取原来的数据 f_path2 = os.path.join(data_dir, f) df2 = pd.read_csv(f_path2) # 3. 合并数据,删除原来数据多余部分,追加最新的一天的数据 df2 = df2.iloc[:int(np.flatnonzero( == d))] df3 = df2.append(df1, ignore_index=True) df3 = df3[df2.columns] # 4. 保存数据 f_path_merged = os.path.join(merged_data_dir, f) df3.to_csv(f_path_merged, index=False) # 5. 提取1个特征,存入相应文件夹 output_prefix = f.split('.')[0] extract_from_file(idx, f_path_merged, feature_dir, output_prefix, 1) # 6. 读取提取完的特征 test_set = read_features(feature_dir, input_shape, output_prefix) # 7. 训练模型 signal_buy = wp_buy.predict(test_set.images, 1024) signal_buy = float(signal_buy[-1]) signal_sell = wp_sell.predict(test_set.images, 1024) signal_sell = float(signal_sell[-1]) # 8. 保存结果 f_path_signal = os.path.join(signal_dir, f) if idx == 0: # 写入字段名 title = 'date,signal_buy,signal_sell' with open(f_path_signal, 'a') as file: file.write(title) write = '%s,%.2f,%.2f\n' % (d, signal_buy, signal_sell) with open(f_path_signal, 'a') as file: file.write(write) n_read = idx * len(files) + idf + 1 print('当前处理第%d个文件,剩余%d个文件,请耐心等待...' % (n_read, len(files) * len(date) - n_read)) print('-' * 50) print('\n全部处理完毕!') print('=' * 80)