Example #1
 def __init__(self, endpoint, transport='plaintext', username=None,
              password=None, realm=None, service=None, keytab=None,
              ca_trust_path=None, cert_pem=None, cert_key_pem=None):
     @param string endpoint: the WinRM webservice endpoint
     @param string transport: transport type, one of 'kerberos' (default), 'ssl', 'plaintext'  # NOQA
     @param string username: username
     @param string password: password
     @param string realm: the Kerberos realm we are authenticating to
     @param string service: the service name, default is HTTP
     @param string keytab: the path to a keytab file if you are using one
     @param string ca_trust_path: Certification Authority trust path
     @param string cert_pem: client authentication certificate file path in PEM format  # NOQA
     @param string cert_key_pem: client authentication certificate key file path in PEM format  # NOQA
     self.endpoint = endpoint
     self.timeout = Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
     self.max_env_sz = Protocol.DEFAULT_MAX_ENV_SIZE
     self.locale = Protocol.DEFAULT_LOCALE
     if transport == 'plaintext':
         self.transport = HttpPlaintext(endpoint, username, password)
     elif transport == 'kerberos':
         self.transport = HttpKerberos(endpoint)
     elif transport == 'ssl':
         self.transport = HttpSSL(endpoint, username, password,
         raise NotImplementedError()
     self.username = username
     self.password = password
     self.service = service
     self.keytab = keytab
     self.ca_trust_path = ca_trust_path
Example #2
 def __init__(self, endpoint, transport='plaintext', username=None, password=None, realm=None, service=None, keytab=None, ca_trust_path=None, cert_pem=None, cert_key_pem=None):
     @param string endpoint: the WinRM webservice endpoint
     @param string transport: transport type, one of 'kerberos' (default), 'ssl', 'plaintext'
     @param string username: username
     @param string password: password
     @param string realm: the Kerberos realm we are authenticating to
     @param string service: the service name, default is HTTP
     @param string keytab: the path to a keytab file if you are using one
     @param string ca_trust_path: Certification Authority trust path
     @param string cert_pem: client authentication certificate file path in PEM format
     @param string cert_key_pem: client authentication certificate key file path in PEM format
     self.endpoint = endpoint
     self.timeout = Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
     self.max_env_sz = Protocol.DEFAULT_MAX_ENV_SIZE
     self.locale = Protocol.DEFAULT_LOCALE
     if transport == 'plaintext':
         self.transport = HttpPlaintext(endpoint, username, password)
     elif transport == 'kerberos':
         self.transport = HttpKerberos(endpoint)
     elif transport == 'ssl':
         self.transport = HttpSSL(endpoint, username, password, cert_pem=cert_pem, cert_key_pem=cert_key_pem)
         raise NotImplementedError()
     self.username = username
     self.password = password
     self.service = service
     self.keytab = keytab
     self.ca_trust_path = ca_trust_path
Example #3
class Protocol(object):
    """This is the main class that does the SOAP request/response logic. There
    are a few helper classes, but pretty much everything comes through here

    def __init__(self,
        @param string endpoint: the WinRM webservice endpoint
        @param string transport: transport type, one of 'kerberos' (default), 'ssl', 'plaintext'  # NOQA
        @param string username: username
        @param string password: password
        @param string realm: the Kerberos realm we are authenticating to
        @param string service: the service name, default is HTTP
        @param string keytab: the path to a keytab file if you are using one
        @param string ca_trust_path: Certification Authority trust path
        @param string cert_pem: client authentication certificate file path in PEM format  # NOQA
        @param string cert_key_pem: client authentication certificate key file path in PEM format  # NOQA
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.timeout = Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        self.max_env_sz = Protocol.DEFAULT_MAX_ENV_SIZE
        self.locale = Protocol.DEFAULT_LOCALE

        if transport == 'plaintext':
            self.transport = HttpPlaintext(endpoint, username, password)
        elif transport == 'kerberos':
            self.transport = HttpKerberos(
                endpoint, server_cert_validation=server_cert_validation)
        elif transport == 'ssl':
            self.transport = HttpSSL(
            raise NotImplementedError()
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.service = service
        self.keytab = keytab
        self.ca_trust_path = ca_trust_path

    def set_timeout(self, seconds):
        """ Operation timeout, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee916629(v=PROT.13).aspx  # NOQA
        @param int seconds: the number of seconds to set the timeout to.
         It will be converted to an ISO8601 format.
        # in original library there is an alias - op_timeout method
        return duration_isoformat(timedelta(seconds))

    def open_shell(self,
                   o_stream='stdout stderr',
        Create a Shell on the destination host
        @param string i_stream: Which input stream to open. Leave this alone
         unless you know what you're doing (default: stdin)
        @param string o_stream: Which output stream to open. Leave this alone
         unless you know what you're doing (default: stdout stderr)
        @param string working_directory: the directory to create the shell in
        @param dict env_vars: environment variables to set for the shell. For
         instance: {'PATH': '%PATH%;c:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/', 'CYGWIN':
          'nontsec codepage:utf8'}
        @returns The ShellId from the SOAP response.  This is our open shell
         instance on the remote machine.
        @rtype string
        rq = {
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
        header = rq['env:Envelope']['env:Header']
        header['w:OptionSet'] = {
            'w:Option': [
                    '@Name': 'WINRS_NOPROFILE',
                    '#text': str(noprofile).upper()  # TODO remove str call
                    '@Name': 'WINRS_CODEPAGE',
                    '#text': str(codepage)  # TODO remove str call

        shell = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault('env:Body',
                                              {}).setdefault('rsp:Shell', {})
        shell['rsp:InputStreams'] = i_stream
        shell['rsp:OutputStreams'] = o_stream

        if working_directory:
            # TODO ensure that rsp:WorkingDirectory should be nested within
            # rsp:Shell
            shell['rsp:WorkingDirectory'] = working_directory
            # TODO: research Lifetime a bit more:
            # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc251546(v=PROT.13).aspx
            # if lifetime:
            #    shell['rsp:Lifetime'] = iso8601_duration.sec_to_dur(lifetime)
            # TODO: make it so the input is given in milliseconds and converted
            # to xs:duration
        if idle_timeout:
            shell['rsp:IdleTimeOut'] = idle_timeout
        if env_vars:
            env = shell.setdefault('rsp:Environment', {})
            for key, value in env_vars.items():
                env['rsp:Variable'] = {'@Name': key, '#text': value}

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        # rs = xmltodict.parse(rs)
        # return rs['s:Envelope']['s:Body']['x:ResourceCreated']['a:ReferenceParameters']['w:SelectorSet']['w:Selector']['#text']  # NOQA
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        return next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                    if node.get('Name') == 'ShellId').text

    # Helper method for building SOAP Header
    def _get_soap_header(self,
        if not message_id:
            message_id = uuid.uuid4()
        header = {
            '@xmlns:xsd': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema',
            '@xmlns:xsi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance',
            '@xmlns:env': 'http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope',
            '@xmlns:a': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing',
            '@xmlns:b': 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/cimbinding.xsd',
            '@xmlns:n': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/enumeration',
            '@xmlns:x': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer',
            '@xmlns:w': 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman.xsd',
            '@xmlns:p': 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wsman.xsd',
            'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell',  # NOQA
            '@xmlns:cfg': 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/config',
            'env:Header': {
                'a:To': 'http://*****:*****@mustUnderstand':
                        'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous'  # NOQA
                'w:MaxEnvelopeSize': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'true',
                    '#text': '153600'
                'a:MessageID': 'uuid:{0}'.format(message_id),
                'w:Locale': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'false',
                    '@xml:lang': 'en-US'
                'p:DataLocale': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'false',
                    '@xml:lang': 'en-US'
                # TODO: research this a bit http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc251561(v=PROT.13).aspx  # NOQA
                # 'cfg:MaxTimeoutms': 600
                'w:OperationTimeout': 'PT60S',
                'w:ResourceURI': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'true',
                    '#text': resource_uri
                'a:Action': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'true',
                    '#text': action
        if shell_id:
            header['env:Header']['w:SelectorSet'] = {
                'w:Selector': {
                    '@Name': 'ShellId',
                    '#text': shell_id
        return header

    def send_message(self, message):
        # TODO add message_id vs relates_to checking
        # TODO port error handling code
        return self.transport.send_message(message)

    def close_shell(self, shell_id):
        Close the shell
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @returns This should have more error checking but it just returns true
         for now.
        @rtype bool
        message_id = uuid.uuid4()
        rq = {
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA

        # SOAP message requires empty env:Body
        rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault('env:Body', {})

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        relates_to = next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                          if node.tag.endswith('RelatesTo')).text
        # TODO change assert into user-friendly exception
        assert uuid.UUID(relates_to.replace('uuid:', '')) == message_id

    def run_command(self,
        Run a command on a machine with an open shell
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @param string command: The command to run on the remote machine
        @param iterable of string arguments: An array of arguments for this
        @param bool console_mode_stdin: (default: True)
        @param bool skip_cmd_shell: (default: False)
        @return: The CommandId from the SOAP response.
         This is the ID we need to query in order to get output.
        @rtype string
        rq = {
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Command',  # NOQA
        header = rq['env:Envelope']['env:Header']
        header['w:OptionSet'] = {
            'w:Option': [{
                '@Name': 'WINRS_CONSOLEMODE_STDIN',
                '#text': str(console_mode_stdin).upper()
            }, {
                '@Name': 'WINRS_SKIP_CMD_SHELL',
                '#text': str(skip_cmd_shell).upper()
        cmd_line = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault('env:Body', {})\
            .setdefault('rsp:CommandLine', {})
        cmd_line['rsp:Command'] = {'#text': command}
        if arguments:
            cmd_line['rsp:Arguments'] = ' '.join(arguments)

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        command_id = next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                          if node.tag.endswith('CommandId')).text
        return command_id

    def cleanup_command(self, shell_id, command_id):
        Clean-up after a command. @see #run_command
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @param string command_id: The command id on the remote machine.
         See #run_command
        @returns: This should have more error checking but it just returns true
         for now.
        @rtype bool
        message_id = uuid.uuid4()
        rq = {
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Signal',  # NOQA

        # Signal the Command references to terminate (close stdout/stderr)
        signal = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault('env:Body', {}).setdefault(
            'rsp:Signal', {})
        signal['@CommandId'] = command_id
        signal['rsp:Code'] = \
            'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/signal/terminate'  # NOQA

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        relates_to = next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                          if node.tag.endswith('RelatesTo')).text
        # TODO change assert into user-friendly exception
        assert uuid.UUID(relates_to.replace('uuid:', '')) == message_id

    def get_command_output(self, shell_id, command_id):
        Get the Output of the given shell and command
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @param string command_id: The command id on the remote machine.
         See #run_command
        #@return [Hash] Returns a Hash with a key :exitcode and :data.
         Data is an Array of Hashes where the cooresponding key
        #   is either :stdout or :stderr.  The reason it is in an Array so so
         we can get the output in the order it ocurrs on
        #   the console.
        stdout_buffer, stderr_buffer = [], []
        command_done = False
        while not command_done:
            stdout, stderr, return_code, command_done = \
                self._raw_get_command_output(shell_id, command_id)
        return ''.join(stdout_buffer), ''.join(stderr_buffer), return_code

    def _raw_get_command_output(self, shell_id, command_id):
        rq = {
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
                'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Receive',  # NOQA

        stream = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault(
            'env:Body', {}).setdefault('rsp:Receive', {})\
            .setdefault('rsp:DesiredStream', {})
        stream['@CommandId'] = command_id
        stream['#text'] = 'stdout stderr'

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        stream_nodes = [
            node for node in root.findall('.//*')
            if node.tag.endswith('Stream')
        stdout = stderr = ''
        return_code = -1
        for stream_node in stream_nodes:
            if stream_node.text:
                if stream_node.attrib['Name'] == 'stdout':
                    stdout += str(
                elif stream_node.attrib['Name'] == 'stderr':
                    stderr += str(

        # We may need to get additional output if the stream has not finished.
        # The CommandState will change from Running to Done like so:
        # @example
        #   from...
        #   <rsp:CommandState CommandId="..." State="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Running"/>  # NOQA
        #   to...
        #   <rsp:CommandState CommandId="..." State="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Done">  # NOQA
        #     <rsp:ExitCode>0</rsp:ExitCode>
        #   </rsp:CommandState>
        command_done = len([
            node for node in root.findall('.//*')
            if node.get('State', '').endswith('CommandState/Done')
        ]) == 1
        if command_done:
            return_code = int(
                next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                     if node.tag.endswith('ExitCode')).text)

        return stdout, stderr, return_code, command_done
Example #4
class Protocol(object):
    """This is the main class that does the SOAP request/response logic. There
    are a few helper classes, but pretty much everything comes through here

      437: 'cp437',
      65001: 'utf-8-sig'

    def __init__(self, endpoint, transport='plaintext', username=None,
                 password=None, realm=None, service=None, keytab=None,
                 ca_trust_path=None, cert_pem=None, cert_key_pem=None,
        @param string endpoint: the WinRM webservice endpoint
        @param string transport: transport type, one of 'kerberos' (default), 'ssl', 'plaintext'  # NOQA
        @param string username: username
        @param string password: password
        @param string realm: the Kerberos realm we are authenticating to
        @param string service: the service name, default is HTTP
        @param string keytab: the path to a keytab file if you are using one
        @param string ca_trust_path: Certification Authority trust path
        @param string cert_pem: client authentication certificate file path in PEM format  # NOQA
        @param string cert_key_pem: client authentication certificate key file path in PEM format  # NOQA
        @param int codepage: integer referencing one of the possible codepages in Protocol.CODEPAGES
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.timeout = self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        self.max_env_sz = self.DEFAULT_MAX_ENV_SIZE
        self.locale = self.DEFAULT_LOCALE

        if codepage:
          self.codepage = codepage
          self.codepage = self.DEFAULT_CODEPAGE

        if transport == 'plaintext':
            self.transport = HttpPlaintext(endpoint, username, password)
        elif transport == 'kerberos':
            self.transport = HttpKerberos(endpoint)
        elif transport == 'ssl':
            self.transport = HttpSSL(endpoint, username, password,
            raise NotImplementedError()
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.service = service
        self.keytab = keytab
        self.ca_trust_path = ca_trust_path

    def set_timeout(self, seconds):
        """ Operation timeout, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee916629(v=PROT.13).aspx  # NOQA
        @param int seconds: the number of seconds to set the timeout to.
         It will be converted to an ISO8601 format.
        # in original library there is an alias - op_timeout method
        return duration_isoformat(timedelta(seconds))

    def open_shell(self, i_stream='stdin', o_stream='stdout stderr',
                   working_directory=None, env_vars=None, noprofile=False,
                   codepage=None, lifetime=None, idle_timeout=None):
        Create a Shell on the destination host
        @param string i_stream: Which input stream to open. Leave this alone
         unless you know what you're doing (default: stdin)
        @param string o_stream: Which output stream to open. Leave this alone
         unless you know what you're doing (default: stdout stderr)
        @param string working_directory: the directory to create the shell in
        @param dict env_vars: environment variables to set for the shell. For
         instance: {'PATH': '%PATH%;c:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/', 'CYGWIN':
          'nontsec codepage:utf8'}
        @param codepage: a codepage integer, referencing a Response.CODEPAGES key
        @returns The ShellId from the SOAP response.  This is our open shell
         instance on the remote machine.
        @rtype string
        if not codepage:
          codepage = self.codepage

        rq = {'env:Envelope': self._get_soap_header(
            resource_uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
        header = rq['env:Envelope']['env:Header']
        header['w:OptionSet'] = {
            'w:Option': [
                    '@Name': 'WINRS_NOPROFILE',
                    '#text': str(noprofile).upper()  # TODO remove str call
                    '@Name': 'WINRS_CODEPAGE',
                    '#text': str(self.codepage)  # TODO remove str call

        shell = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault(
            'env:Body', {}).setdefault('rsp:Shell', {})
        shell['rsp:InputStreams'] = i_stream
        shell['rsp:OutputStreams'] = o_stream

        if working_directory:
            # TODO ensure that rsp:WorkingDirectory should be nested within
            # rsp:Shell
            shell['rsp:WorkingDirectory'] = working_directory
            # TODO: research Lifetime a bit more:
            # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc251546(v=PROT.13).aspx
            # if lifetime:
            #    shell['rsp:Lifetime'] = iso8601_duration.sec_to_dur(lifetime)
            # TODO: make it so the input is given in milliseconds and converted
            # to xs:duration
        if idle_timeout:
            shell['rsp:IdleTimeOut'] = idle_timeout
        if env_vars:
            env = shell.setdefault('rsp:Environment', {})
            for key, value in env_vars.items():
                env['rsp:Variable'] = {'@Name': key, '#text': value}

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        # rs = xmltodict.parse(rs)
        # return rs['s:Envelope']['s:Body']['x:ResourceCreated']['a:ReferenceParameters']['w:SelectorSet']['w:Selector']['#text']  # NOQA
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        return next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                    if node.get('Name') == 'ShellId').text

    # Helper method for building SOAP Header
    def _get_soap_header(self, action=None, resource_uri=None, shell_id=None,
        if not message_id:
            message_id = uuid.uuid4()
        header = {
            '@xmlns:xsd': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema',
            '@xmlns:xsi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance',
            '@xmlns:env': 'http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope',

            '@xmlns:a': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing',
            '@xmlns:b': 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/cimbinding.xsd',
            '@xmlns:n': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/enumeration',
            '@xmlns:x': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer',
            '@xmlns:w': 'http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman.xsd',
            '@xmlns:p': 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wsman.xsd',
            '@xmlns:rsp': 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell',  # NOQA
            '@xmlns:cfg': 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/config',

            'env:Header': {
                'a:To': 'http://*****:*****@mustUnderstand': 'true',
                        '#text': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous'  # NOQA
                'w:MaxEnvelopeSize': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'true',
                    '#text': '153600'
                'a:MessageID': 'uuid:{0}'.format(message_id),
                'w:Locale': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'false',
                    '@xml:lang': 'en-US'
                'p:DataLocale': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'false',
                    '@xml:lang': 'en-US'
                # TODO: research this a bit http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc251561(v=PROT.13).aspx  # NOQA
                # 'cfg:MaxTimeoutms': 600
                'w:OperationTimeout': 'PT60S',
                'w:ResourceURI': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'true',
                    '#text': resource_uri
                'a:Action': {
                    '@mustUnderstand': 'true',
                    '#text': action
        if shell_id:
            header['env:Header']['w:SelectorSet'] = {
                'w:Selector': {
                    '@Name': 'ShellId',
                    '#text': shell_id
        return header

    def send_message(self, message):
        # TODO add message_id vs relates_to checking
        # TODO port error handling code
        return self.transport.send_message(message)

    def close_shell(self, shell_id):
        Close the shell
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @returns This should have more error checking but it just returns true
         for now.
        @rtype bool
        message_id = uuid.uuid4()
        rq = {'env:Envelope': self._get_soap_header(
            resource_uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA

        # SOAP message requires empty env:Body
        rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault('env:Body', {})

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        relates_to = next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                          if node.tag.endswith('RelatesTo')).text
        # TODO change assert into user-friendly exception
        assert uuid.UUID(relates_to.replace('uuid:', '')) == message_id

    def run_command(self, shell_id, command, arguments=(),
                    console_mode_stdin=True, skip_cmd_shell=False):
        Run a command on a machine with an open shell
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @param string command: The command to run on the remote machine
        @param iterable of string arguments: An array of arguments for this
        @param bool console_mode_stdin: (default: True)
        @param bool skip_cmd_shell: (default: False)
        @return: The CommandId from the SOAP response.
         This is the ID we need to query in order to get output.
        @rtype string
        rq = {'env:Envelope': self._get_soap_header(
            resource_uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
            action='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Command',  # NOQA
        header = rq['env:Envelope']['env:Header']
        header['w:OptionSet'] = {
            'w:Option': [
                    '@Name': 'WINRS_CONSOLEMODE_STDIN',
                    '#text': str(console_mode_stdin).upper()
                    '@Name': 'WINRS_SKIP_CMD_SHELL',
                    '#text': str(skip_cmd_shell).upper()
        cmd_line = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault('env:Body', {})\
            .setdefault('rsp:CommandLine', {})
        cmd_line['rsp:Command'] = {'#text': command}
        if arguments:
            cmd_line['rsp:Arguments'] = ' '.join(arguments)

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        command_id = next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                          if node.tag.endswith('CommandId')).text
        return command_id

    def cleanup_command(self, shell_id, command_id):
        Clean-up after a command. @see #run_command
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @param string command_id: The command id on the remote machine.
         See #run_command
        @returns: This should have more error checking but it just returns true
         for now.
        @rtype bool
        message_id = uuid.uuid4()
        rq = {'env:Envelope': self._get_soap_header(
            resource_uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
            action='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Signal',  # NOQA

        # Signal the Command references to terminate (close stdout/stderr)
        signal = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault(
            'env:Body', {}).setdefault('rsp:Signal', {})
        signal['@CommandId'] = command_id
        signal['rsp:Code'] = \
            'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/signal/terminate'  # NOQA

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        relates_to = next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                          if node.tag.endswith('RelatesTo')).text
        # TODO change assert into user-friendly exception
        assert uuid.UUID(relates_to.replace('uuid:', '')) == message_id

    def get_command_output(self, shell_id, command_id, ostreams=()):
        Get the Output of the given shell and command
        @param string shell_id: The shell id on the remote machine.
         See #open_shell
        @param string command_id: The command id on the remote machine.
         See #run_command
        @param ostreams: A tuple of stdout and stderr streams to use
         for the output of the remote machine. If not given, will
         just return the output in the first two parts of the tuple.
        #@return [Hash] Returns a Hash with a key :exitcode and :data.
         Data is an Array of Hashes where the cooresponding key
        #   is either :stdout or :stderr.  The reason it is in an Array so so
         we can get the output in the order it ocurrs on
        #   the console.
        def get_buffered_split_streams(ostreams):
            if ostreams <> ():
                stdout_stream, stderr_stream = ostreams
                return BufferedSplitStream(stdout_stream), BufferedSplitStream(stderr_stream)
                return BufferedSplitStream(None), BufferedSplitStream(None)

        stdout_stream, stderr_stream = get_buffered_split_streams(ostreams)
        command_done = False
        while not command_done:
            return_code, command_done = \
                self._raw_get_command_output(shell_id, command_id, stdout_stream, stderr_stream)
        return stdout_stream.getvalue(), stderr_stream.getvalue(), return_code

    def _raw_get_command_output(self, shell_id, command_id, stdout_stream, stderr_stream):
        rq = {'env:Envelope': self._get_soap_header(
            resource_uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd',  # NOQA
            action='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Receive',  # NOQA

        stream = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault(
            'env:Body', {}).setdefault('rsp:Receive', {})\
            .setdefault('rsp:DesiredStream', {})
        stream['@CommandId'] = command_id
        stream['#text'] = 'stdout stderr'

        rs = self.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))
        root = ET.fromstring(rs)
        stream_nodes = [node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                        if node.tag.endswith('Stream')]
        return_code = -1
        decode_type = self.CODEPAGES.get(self.codepage, self.CODEPAGES[self.DEFAULT_CODEPAGE])
        for stream_node in stream_nodes:
            if stream_node.text:
                if stream_node.attrib['Name'] == 'stdout':
                elif stream_node.attrib['Name'] == 'stderr':

        # We may need to get additional output if the stream has not finished.
        # The CommandState will change from Running to Done like so:
        # @example
        #   from...
        #   <rsp:CommandState CommandId="..." State="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Running"/>  # NOQA
        #   to...
        #   <rsp:CommandState CommandId="..." State="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Done">  # NOQA
        #     <rsp:ExitCode>0</rsp:ExitCode>
        #   </rsp:CommandState>
        command_done = len([node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                           if node.get('State', '').endswith(
                            'CommandState/Done')]) == 1
        if command_done:
            return_code = int(next(node for node in root.findall('.//*')
                                   if node.tag.endswith('ExitCode')).text)

        return return_code, command_done