san = pybase64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") san = Get(san) await cat.client(san) except BaseException: pass meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) meme = "catmeme.jpg" if max(len(top), len(bottom)) < 21: await cat_meme(top, bottom, meme_file, meme) else: await cat_meeme(top, bottom, meme_file, meme) if cmd != "mms": meme = await convert_tosticker(meme) await cat.client.send_file(cat.chat_id, meme, reply_to=catid) await cat.delete() os.remove(meme) for files in (catsticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files) CMD_HELP.update({ "memify": "**Plugin : **`memify`\ \n\n**Syntax :** `.mms toptext ; bottomtext`\ \n**Usage : **Creates a image meme with give text at specific locations and sends\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.mmf toptext ; bottomtext`\ \n**Usage : **Creates a sticker meme with give text at specific locations and sends\ " })
await conv.send_message(rksong) song2 = await conv.get_response() return await rkp.edit(f"**{WOLF_NNAME}**: {song2.message}") except : return await event.reply("Please unblock @DrWebBot and try again") CMD_HELP.update({ "virus_scan": "`!scan <file path>`\ \n**Example:** `!scan reply to a file` \ \n**Usage:** Scan file in\ \n\n`!scan2 <reply to a message>`\ \n**Usage:** scan the file\ \n`!uscan <url>`\ \n**Usage:** scan the url\ \n\n**All Commands Support Sudo type !help sudo fore more info**\ " })
@sammy(pattern="^!sqlsend (?P<shortname>\w+)$", outgoing=True) async def send(event): if event.fwd_from: return message_id = input_str = event.pattern_match["shortname"] the_plugin_file = "./wolf/modules/sql_helper/{}.py".format(input_str) start = await event.client.send_file( # pylint:disable=E0602 event.chat_id, the_plugin_file, force_document=True, allow_cache=False, reply_to=message_id) end = time_taken_in_ms = (end - start).seconds await event.edit("Uploaded {} in {} seconds".format( input_str, time_taken_in_ms)) await asyncio.sleep(DELETE_TIMEOUT) await event.delete() CMD_HELP.update({ "sqlsender": "`!sqlsend <sql_helpername>`\ \n**Usage:** send the sql helper\ \n\n``\ \n****\ " })
await rkp.delete() CMD_HELP.update({ "tools": "`!reupload <customname>`\ \n**Usage:** Reply to a media / video / photo to reupload with your custom name\ \n\n`!search <keyword>`\ \n**Usage:** Search given keyword in group and give results\ \n\n`!stats `\ \n**Usage:** Command to get stats about your account\ \n\n`!carbon <text>`\ \n**Usage:** Beautify your text\ \n\n`!inviteall <chatusername/chatid>`\ \n**Usage:** Invite all the members to current chat from given group/channel\ \n\n`!tagall`\ \n**Usage:** Tag all people in group\ \n\n`!tts2 <text> (or reply) **or** `!tts` <langcode> <reply to a media>`\ \n**Usage:** Translates text to speech for the language which is set.\n`!lang tts <language code>` to set language for trt. (Default is English)\ \n\n`!trt <text> (or reply)` \ \n**Usage:** Translates text to the language which is set..\n`!lang trt <language code>` to set language for trt. (Default is English)\ \n\n`!get video <url> or get audio <url>`\ \n**Usage:** Download video or audio from YouTube , facebook, Yahoo , [many other sites](\ \n\n`!time <country name/code> <timezone number>`\ \n**Usage:** Get the time of a country. If a country has multiple timezones it will list all of them and let you select one.\ \n\n`!date <country name/code> <timezone number>`\ \n**Usage:** Get the date of a country. \ \n\n**All Commands Support Sudo type !help sudo fore more info**\ " })
glitch_img = glitcher.glitch_image( img, input, color_offset=True, gif=True) DURATION = 200 LOOP = 0 glitch_img[0].save( Glitched, format='GIF', append_images=glitch_img[1:], save_all=True, duration=DURATION, loop=LOOP) await bot.send_file( event.chat_id, Glitched, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_id) os.remove(Glitched) await event.delete() for files in (remixsticker, glitch_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files) CMD_HELP.update({ "glitch": ".glitch` reply to media file\ \nUsage:glitches the given mediafile(gif , stickers , image, videos) to a gif and glitch range is from 1 to 8.\ If nothing is mentioned then by default it is 2\ \n\n.glitchs reply to media file\ \nUsage:glitches the given mediafile(gif , stickers , image, videos) to a sticker and glitch range is from 1 to 8.\ If nothing is mentioned then by default it is 2." })
border=4, ) qr.add_data(message) qr.make(fit=True) img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white")"img_file.webp", "PNG") await makeqr.client.send_file(makeqr.chat_id, "img_file.webp", reply_to=reply_msg_id) os.remove("img_file.webp") #await makeqr.delete() CMD_HELP.update({ "qrcode-barcode": "!qrcode <text>\ \nUsage: Make a QR Code from the given text \ \n\n!barcode <content> \ \nUsage: Make a BarCode from the given text.\ \n\n!decodeqr<reply to barcode/qrcode> \ \nUsage: decode the given qr/bar code\ \n\nSudo commands ( type !help sudo for more info)\ \n.barcode , .qrcode , .decodeqr \ " })
chat = "@NovelCoronaBot" rk = await event.reply("```Processing...```") async with event.client.conversation(chat) as conv: try: response = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True,from_users=1124136160)) await event.client.send_message(chat, "{}".format(input_str)) response = await response except YouBlockedUserError: await rk.reply("```please unlock @NovelCoronaBot```") return if response.text.startswith("Country"): await rk.edit("`Invalid Country name`") else: await event.delete() await event.client.send_message(event.chat_id, response.message) CMD_HELP.update({ "covid": "!corona\ \nUsage: slap the taged user\ \n\n!covid <country>\ \nUsage: Get an information about data covid-19 in your country..\ \n\n!covid2 <country>\ \nUsage: same like !covid \ \n\nSudo Commands ( type !help sudo for more info)\ \n.covid , .covid2 , .corona \ " })
max_id=0, limit=lim)) input_photos = [] for sep in input_photos.append( InputPhoto(, access_hash=sep.access_hash, file_reference=sep.file_reference)) await delpfp.client(DeletePhotosRequest(id=input_photos)) await delpfp.edit( f"`Successfully deleted {len(input_photos)} profile picture(s).`") CMD_HELP.update({ "me": "`!username <new_username>`\ \n**Usage:** Changes your Telegram username.\ \n\n`!name <firstname> or !name <firstname> <lastname>`\ \n**Usage:** Changes your Telegram name.(First and last name will get split by the first space)\ \n\n`!setpfp`\ \n**Usage:** Reply with .setpfp to an image to change your Telegram profie picture.\ \n\n`!setbio <new_bio>`\ \n**Usage:** Changes your Telegram bio.\ \n\n`!delpfp <number>/<all>`\ \n**Usage:** Deletes your Telegram profile picture(s).\ \n\n`!reserved`\ \n**Usage:** Shows usernames reserved by you.\ \n\n`!count`\ \n**Usage:** Counts your groups, chats, bots etc..." })
if file.get("mimeType") == G_DRIVE_DIR_MIME_TYPE: res += f"`[FOLDER] {file_title}`\n{file_id}\n\n" else: res += f"`{file_title}`\n{file_id}&export=download\n\n" page_token = response.get("nextPageToken", None) if page_token is None: break except Exception as e: res += str(e) break msg = f"**Google Drive Query**:\n`{search_query}`\n\n**Results**\n\n{res}" return msg CMD_HELP.update({ "gdrive": "You need to set G_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID, G_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET, G_DRIVE_AUTH_TOKEN_DATA, GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID else this plugin not work \ \n\n !gdrive <file_path / reply / URL|file_name>\ \nUsage: Uploads the file in reply , URL or file path in server to your Google Drive.\ \n\n!gsetf <GDrive Folder URL>\ \nUsage: Sets the folder to upload new files to.\ \n\n!gsetclear\ \nUsage: Reverts to default upload destination.\ \n\n!gfolder\ \nUsage: Shows your current upload destination/folder.\ \n\n!list <query>\ \nUsage: Looks for files and folders in your Google Drive.\ \n\n!ggd <path_to_folder_in_server>\ \nUsage: Uploads all the files in the directory to a folder in Google Drive." })
CMD_HELP.update({ "tools2": "`!telegraph media / text <reply to a media / message >`\ \n**Usage:** Upload text & media on Telegraph\ \n\n`!figlet `<>\ \n**Usage:** Enhance ur text Styles (`slant`, `3D`, `5line`, `alpha`, `banner`, `doh`, `iso`, `letter`, `allig`, `dotm`, `bubble`, `bulb`, `digi`)\ \n\n`!docpic `<reply to a img>\ \n**Usage:** Convert any Document Image to Full Size Image.\ \n\n`!ifsc` <code>\ \n**Usage:** Find bank details through ifsc code.\ \n\n`!zip `<Reply to a media>\ \n**Usage:** make files to zip..\ \n\n`!unzip` <reply to a media>\ \n**Usage:** upload zip list.!!\ \n\n`!dns `<link>\ \n**Usage:** give dns records .\ \n\n`!urlshort` <link>\ \n**Usage:** shorten url.\ \n\n`!urldirect` <link>\ \n**Usage:** get direct url from shorten url.\ \n\n`!git` <account name>\ \n**Usage:** get github account information.\ \n\n`!create g` <name>\ \n**Usage:** Create a Private super Group .\ \n\n`!create b` < name>\ \n**Usage:** Create a Group with Bot.\ \n\n`!create c` <name>\ \n**Usage:** Create a Channel..\ \n\n`!poll` <reply to a poll>\ \n**Usage:** Get poll details..\ \n\n`!goss` <link>\ \n**Usage:** Takes a screenshot of a website and sends the screenshot.\ \n\n**All commands support sudo , type !help sudo for more info**\ " })
input_str = "payload.apk" if os.path.exists(input_str): c_time = time.time() await event.client.send_file( event.chat_id, input_str, force_document=True, allow_cache=False,, progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop( ).create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, f"{textt} \n\nUploading payload apk...", input_str))) await event.edit( f"{textt} \n\n Payload apk with {lhost}:{lport} uploaded successfully !!" ) else: return await event.edit("{textt}\n\nAdnormal Error") CMD_HELP.update({ "advance": "`!decompile <reply to an app>`\ \n**Usage:** decompile app , send as zip file.\ `!payloadapk <lhost> <lport>`\ \n**Usage:** make metasploit android payload for msfconsole.\ `!bindapk <lhost> <lport> <reply to an app>`\ \n**Usage:** inject metasploit payload .\ " })
downloaded_file_name = await event.client.download_media( await client.get_messages(chat, ids=mxo), "wolf/modules/") if "(" not in downloaded_file_name: path1 = Path(downloaded_file_name) shortname = path1.stem if (os.path.basename(downloaded_file_name)).endswith('.py'): try: load_module(shortname.replace(".py", "")) text += f"**• Installed** {(os.path.basename(downloaded_file_name))}\n" except: text += f"**× Failed to install** {(os.path.basename(downloaded_file_name))}\n" os.remove(downloaded_file_name) pass else: text += f"** Skiped** {(os.path.basename(downloaded_file_name))}\n" os.remove(downloaded_file_name) else: text += f"** Skiped** {(os.path.basename(downloaded_file_name))}\n" os.remove(downloaded_file_name) return await event.edit(f"{text}\n\n**Install completed**") CMD_HELP.update({ "install": "`!install <reply to a plugin>`\ \n**Usage:** Install the plugin\ \n\n`!installall <channel/group username>`\ \n**Usage:**Install all plugins from the channel or group\ " })
f"`{WOLF_NNAME}:` **Couldn't read it.`\n`Is api key entered correct?**" ) else: await event.reply( f"`{WOLF_NNAME}:` **Here's what I could read from it:**\n\n{ParsedText}" ) os.remove(downloaded_file_name) CMD_HELP.update({ "api": "\ you must add api keys else these commands not work\ \n\n!read reply to a photo \ \n**Usage:** read texts in photo\ \n\n!auto\ \n**Usage:** wolfs start to auto reply user(lydia).\ \n\n!offauto\ \n**Usage:** Stop auto reply.\ \n\n!lydia reply to a msg\ \n**Usage:** auto reply about taged message\ \n\n!rbg reply to a img\ \n**Usage:** Remove background from img\ \n\n!weather <country> or <city>\ \n**Usage:** get full weather details\ \n\n!yt <word>\ \n**Usage:** Do youtube search\ \n\n**All commands support sudo type !help sudo for more info**\ " })
await event.reply("`Unknown module type !help to see all modules`") else: await event.reply(" For Support, Report bugs & help @wolfs2SuPPort ") string = ( f"`Use .help <module_name>`\n\n**Currently Loaded [{len(CMD_HELP)}] Modules **\n" ) for i in CMD_HELP: string += "`" + str(i) string += "`\n" await event.reply(string) CMD_HELP.update({ "locks": "!lock <all (or) type(s)> or !unlock <all (or) type(s)>\ \nUsage: Allows you to lock/unlock some common message types in the chat.\ [NOTE: Requires proper admin rights in the chat !!]\ \n\nAvailable message types to lock/unlock are: \ \n`all, msg, media, sticker, gif, game, inline, poll, invite, pin, info`" }) CMD_HELP.update({ "chat": "!chatid\ \nUsage: Fetches the current chat's ID\ \n\n!userid\ \nUsage: Fetches the ID of the user in reply, if its a forwarded message, finds the ID for the source.\ \n\n!chatinfo\ \nUsage: Fetches the group's info\ \n\n!log\ \nUsage: Forwards the message you've replied to in your bot logs group.\ \n\n!invite\
r = await conv.get_response() msg = await conv.send_message(d_link) details = await conv.get_response() song = await conv.get_response() """ - don't spam notif - """ await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) except YouBlockedUserError: await Deezlod.edit("**Error:** `unblock` @DeezLoadBot `and retry!`") return await bot.send_file(Deezlod.chat_id, song, caption=details.text) await Deezlod.client.delete_messages(conv.chat_id, [,,,,,]) await Deezlod.delete() CMD_HELP.update({ "music": ".spd`<Artist - Song Title>\ \nUsage:For searching songs from Spotify.\ \n\n`.netease` <Artist - Song Title>\ \nUsage:Download music with @WooMaiBot\ \n\n`.dzd` <Spotify/Deezer Link>\ \nUsage:Download music from Spotify or Deezer.\ \n\n`.deezload` <spotify/deezer link> <Format>\ \nUsage: Download music from deezer.\ \n\n Well deezer is not available in India so create an deezer account using vpn. Set DEEZER_ARL_TOKEN in vars to make this work.\ \n\n *Format= `FLAC`, `MP3_320`, `MP3_256`, `MP3_128`.\ \n\n\n Guide:Video guide of arl token: [here]( or Read [This](" })
return results async def scam(results, lim): single =["similar_images"]).read() decoded = single.decode("utf-8") imglinks = [] counter = 0 pattern = r"^,\[\"(.*[.png|.jpg|.jpeg])\",[0-9]+,[0-9]+\]$" oboi = re.findall(pattern, decoded, re.I | re.M) for imglink in oboi: counter += 2 if counter <= int(lim): imglinks.append(imglink) else: break return imglinks CMD_HELP.update( { "google": "**Plugin :**`google`\ \n\n**Syntax :** `.gs <limit> <query>` or `.gs <limit> (replied message)`\ \n**Function : **will google search and sends you top 10 results links.\ \n\n**Syntax :** `.grs` reply to image\ \n**Function : **will google reverse search the image and shows you the result.\ \n\n**Syntax : **`.reverse limit`\ \n**Function : **Reply to a pic/sticker to revers-search it on Google Images !!" } )
supports_streaming=True, ) ], progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop( ).create_task( progress(d, t, uas_event, c_time, "Uploading...", file_name))) elif spam_big_messages: await uas_event.edit("TBD: Not (yet) Implemented") return os.remove(thumb) await uas_event.edit("Uploaded successfully !!") except FileNotFoundError as err: await uas_event.edit(str(err)) else: await uas_event.edit("404: File Not Found") CMD_HELP.update({ "upload-download": "!download <link|filename> or reply to media\ \nUsage: Downloads file to the server.\ \n\n!upload <path in server>\ \nUsage: Uploads a locally stored file to the chat.\ \n\n!uploadas(stream|vn|all) \ \nUsage: allows you to specify some arguments for upload\ \n\n!uploadir(stream|vn|all) \ \nUsage: upload everything from a folder in the server\ " })
@wolfs.on(itzjass(pattern=f"base64 (en|de) (.*)", allow_sudo=True)) async def endecrypt(query): if == "en": lething = str( pybase64.b64encode(bytes(, "utf-8")))[2:] await query.reply("Encoded: `" + lething[:-1] + "`") else: lething = str( pybase64.b64decode(bytes(, "utf-8"), validate=True))[2:] await query.reply("Decoded: `" + lething[:-1] + "`") CMD_HELP.update({ "script": "!term\ \nUsage: run shell command in wolfs, wolfs's os is alpine so use apline commands like !term apk add < packges>\ \n\n!exec \ \nUsage: run python command in wolfs. like !exec print ('hello')\ \n\n!eval\ \nUsage: Evalute mini-expressions. like !eval 1+1\ \n\n!hash\ \nUsage: find the md5, sha1, sha256, sha512 of the string.\ \n\n!base64 en/de\ \nUsage: find the base64 encode/decode the given string. like !base64 en hello\ \n\n**Sodo commands ( type !help sudo for more info)**\ \n .term , .exec , .eval, .base64 en/de , .hash\ " })
else: await catmemmes.edit("the replied file is not supported") os.remove(download_location) return try: response = upload_file(download_location) os.remove(download_location) except exceptions.TelegraphException as exc: await catmemmes.edit("ERROR: " + str(exc)) os.remove(download_location) return cat = f"{response[0]}" cat = await phcomment(cat, text, username) await catmemmes.delete() await catmemes.client.send_file(catmemes.chat_id, cat, reply_to=replied) CMD_HELP.update({ "trolls": "__**PLUGIN NAME :** TROLLS__\ \n\n📌** CMD ➥** `.threats` reply to image or sticker \ \n**USAGE ➥ **Changes the given pic to another pic which shows that pic content is threat to society as that of nuclear bomb .\ \n\n📌** CMD ➥** `.trash` reply to image or sticker\ \n**USAGE ➥ **Changes the given pic to another pic which shows that pic content is as equal as to trash(waste)\ \n\n📌** CMD ➥** Reply to image or sticker with `.trap (name of the person to trap)|(trapper name)`\ \n**USAGE ➥ **Changes the given pic to another pic which shows that pic content is trapped in trap card\ \n\n📌** CMD ➥** Reply to image or sticker with `.phub (username)|(text in comment)`\ \n**USAGE ➥ **Changes the given pic to another pic which shows that pic content as dp and shows a comment in phub with the given username\ " })
import os from wolf import CMD_HELP from wolf.utils import admin_cmd from wolf import bot as borg @borg.on(admin_cmd(pattern=r"reveal", outgoing=True)) async def _(event): b = await event.client.download_media(await event.get_reply_message()) a = open(b, "r") c = a.close() a = await event.reply("Reading file...") if len(c) > 4095: await a.edit( "The Total words in this file is more than a bitch can write this file is useless👍." ) else: await event.client.send_message(event.chat_id, f"{c}") await a.delete() os.remove(b) CMD_HELP.update({ "reveal": ".reveal <reply to a file>\nUse - Read contents of file and send as a telegram message." })
from telethon import events from import ChannelParticipantsAdmins from wolf import CMD_HELP, bot from import mrsammy, admin_cmd @mrsammy(outgoing=True, pattern="^\!report") async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return mentions = "Reported to @admin" chat = await event.get_input_chat() async for x in bot.iter_participants(chat, filter=ChannelParticipantsAdmins): mentions += f"[\u2063](tg://user?id={})" reply_message = None if event.reply_to_msg_id: reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() await reply_message.reply(mentions) else: await event.reply(mentions) await event.delete() CMD_HELP.update({ "report": "\ !report\ \nUsage: Reply to a message to report it to group admins " })
font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX org1 = (255, 65) org2 = (450, 280) color1 = (int(a), int(b), int(c)) color2 = (int(d), int(e), int(f)) thickness = 2 fontScale = 1 image = cv2.putText(image, text1, org1, font, fontScale, color1, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imwrite("s_h_1_v_a_m_s.jpg", image) image = cv2.imread("s_h_1_v_a_m_s.jpg") image = cv2.putText(image, text2, org2, font, fontScale, color2, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) #image=cv2.imshow(window_name, image) cv2.imwrite("s_h_1_v_a_m.jpg", image) #await borg.send_file(event.chat_id,"s_h_i_v_a_m.png") #await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, "s_h_i_v_a_m.png", force_document=True, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, "s_h_1_v_a_m.jpg", force_document=False, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id) os.remove("s_h_1_v_a_m.jpg") os.remove("s_h_1_v_a_m_s.jpg") CMD_HELP.update({ "fakegooglesearch": "\n\n.gpic text1|no1;no2;no3|text2 \n\n.fpic text1|no1;no2;no3|text2|no1;no2;no3" }) #MADE BY SHIVAM DONT KANG#MADE BY SHIVAM DONT KANG#MADE BY SHIVAM DONT KANG#MADE BY SHIVAM DONT KANG#MADE BY SHIVAM DONT KANG
f"**Error**\nusage `!dealyspam <time in seconds> <count> <text>`") CMD_HELP.update({ "spam": "⚠️ Spam at your own risk !!\ \n\n`!spam/!sp` <count> <text>\ \n**Usage:** Floods text in the chat !!\ \n\n`!scam/!sc` <time in seconds> <action>\ \n**Usage:** Scam by fake actions like typing, sending photo......!!\ \n\n`!cspam/!csp` <text>\ \n**Usage:** Spam the text letter by letter.\ \n\n`!rspam/!rsp` <count> <text>\ \n**Usage:** Repeats the text for a number of times.\ \n\n`!wspam/!wsp` <text>\ \n**Usage:** Spam the text word by word.\ \n\n`!mspam/!msp` <count> <reply to a media message>\ \n**Usage:** As if text spam was not enough !!\ \n\n`!delayspam/!dsp` <delay> <count> <text>\ \n**Usage:** spam with custom delay.\ \n\n`!dmspam/!dmsp` <delay> <count> <reply to a media message>\ \n**Usage:** mspam with custom delay.\ \n\n**Spam_protect**\ \n**Usage:** Protect your groups from scammers.\ \nFor on `!set var SPAM_PROTECT True` , for off `!del var SPAM_PROTECT`\ \n You need to set up api key for that\ \n More information click [here](\ \n\n**All commands support sudo , type !help sudo for more info**\ " })
except Exception as e: error = str(e) if not error: error = f"No response from {chat}" return await rkp.edit(f"**Error**\n\n{error}") CMD_HELP.update({ "bot": "\n\n!info <reply to a message>\ \n**Usage**: get message, user information \ \n\n!lyrics2 <song name>\ \n**Usage**: for get lyrics \ \n\n!fry <reply to a non animated sticker/photo>\ \n**Usage**: fry given img/sticker \ \n\n!ss <reply to a message>\ \n**Usage**: change given text to cool img \ \n\n!ss2 <reply to a photo>\ \n**Usage**: chang img to sticker \ \n\n!ss3 <reply to a photo/sticker>\ \n**Usage**: convert the img/sticker \ \n\n!ss4 <reply to a photo/sticker>\ \n**Usage**: convert the img/sticker \ \n\n!mask <reply to a photo/sticker>\ \n**Usage**: save your sticker/photo from covid-19 \ \n\n!ushort <link>\ \n**Usage**: shorted the url \ \n\n **All Commands support sudo** \ " })
for trigger in to_unblacklist: if sql.rm_from_blacklist(event.chat_id, trigger.lower()): successful += 1 await event.edit( f"Removed {successful} / {len(to_unblacklist)} from the blacklist") @wolfs.on(itzjass(pattern=f"clearblacklist ((.|\n)*)", allow_sudo=True)) async def on_delete_blacklist(event): text = to_unblacklist = list( set(trigger.strip() for trigger in text.split("\n") if trigger.strip())) successful = 0 for trigger in to_unblacklist: if sql.rm_from_blacklist(event.chat_id, trigger.lower()): successful += 1 await event.edit( f"Removed {successful} / {len(to_unblacklist)} from the blacklist") CMD_HELP.update({ "blacklist": "!checkblacklist\ \nUsage: Lists all active wolf blacklists in a chat.\ \n\n!saveblacklist <keyword> <reply text> or reply to a message with !saveblacklist <keyword>\ \nUsage: Delete then non admins blacklisted wards.\ \n\n!clearblacklist <ward>\ \nUsage: Stops the specified blacklist ward." })
CMD_HELP.update({ "heroku": "** heroku apikey, name must set correctly for use this commands get help from** " "\n\n`!usage`" "\nUsage: Check your heroku dyno hours remaining" "\n\n`!set var <NEW VAR> <VALUE>`" "\nUsage: add new variable or update existing value variable" "\nAfter setting a variable the bot will restarted" "\n\n`!get var or !get var <VAR>`" "\nUsage: get your existing varibles, use it only on your private group!" "\nThis returns all of your private information, please be caution..." "\n\n`!del var <VAR>`" "\nUsage: delete existing variable" "\n After deleting variable the bot will restarted" "\n\n`!logs <VAR>`" "\nUsage: get herolu logs" "\n\n`!restart <VAR>`" "\nUsage: Restart Dynos" "\n\n`!shutdown <VAR>`" "\nUsage: off dynos, It will shutdown your wolfs" "\n\n**Sudo commands type !help sudo for more info **" "\n.restart , .shutdown , .logs , .set/get/del var , .usage" })
response.message, reply_to=reply_message) @borg.on(admin_cmd(pattern="limits ?(.*)")) async def _(event): bot = "@SpamBot" if event.fwd_from: return sysarg = if sysarg == "": async with borg.conversation(bot) as conv: try: await conv.send_message("/start") await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message("/start") audio = await conv.get_response() final = ("HeHe", "") await borg.send_message(event.chat_id, audio.text) await event.delete() except YouBlockedUserError: await event.edit("**Error:** `unblock` @spambot `and retry!") CMD_HELP.update({ "bots": ".purl <reply to file>\nUse - Get a direct download link of that file/doc/pic/vid\ \n\n.recognize <reply to any media>\\nUse - send details about it.\ \n\n.limits\nUse - Check if you are limited by telegram." })
CMD_HELP.update({ "person": "** pm protecter**\ \n**Usage:** protect your pm from unknown scammers\ \nFor on !set var PM_PROTECTOR True For off !del var PM_PROTECTOR\ \n\n!allow <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage:** Approves the mentioned/replied person to PM...\ \n\n!disallow <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage:** Disapproves the mentioned/replied person to PM. \ \n\n!block <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage:** Blocks the person. \ \n\n!unblock <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage:** UnBlocks the person.. \ \n\n!notifoff \ \n**Usage:** Clears/Disables any notifications of unapproved PMs. \ \n\n!notifon \ \n**Usage:** Allows notifications for unapproved PMs. \ \n\n **AFK**\ \n\n!afk <reason>\ \n**Usage:** Sets you as afk.\nReplies to anyone who tags/PM's you telling them that you are AFK(reason).\nSwitches off AFK when you type back anything, anywhere.\ \n\n!purge \ \n**Usage:** Purges all messages starting from the reply. \ \n\n!purgeme \ \n**Usage:** Deletes x amount of your latest messages.. \ \n\n!del \ \n**Usage:** Deletes the message you replied to. \ \n\n!edit <newmessage>\ \n**Usage:** Replace your last message with <newmessage>. \ \n\n!sd <x> <message> \ \n**Usage:** Creates a message that selfdestructs in x seconds. \ \n\n!userinfo / !whois <user/reply to a message> \ \n**Usage:** get userinfo. \ \n\n**Sudo Commands purge, purgeme , del, userinfo whois**\ " })
return reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() sql.reset_warns(reply_message.from_id, event.chat_id) await event.edit("Warnings have been reset!") @wolfs.on(itzjass(pattern=f"resetwarns(?: |$)(.*)", allow_sudo=True)) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() sql.reset_warns(reply_message.from_id, event.chat_id) await event.reply("Warnings have been reset!") CMD_HELP.update({ "warn": "!warn\ \nUsage: Warn a user.\ \n\n!warns \ \nUsage: See a user's warnings.\ \n\n!setwarnmode <ban/mute>\ \nUsage: Set the chat's warn mode. \ \n\n!setwarnlimit <number>\ \nUsage: Set the number of warnings before users are punished. \ \n\n!resetwarns \ \nUsage: Reset all of a user's warnings to 0. \ \n\nAll commands support Sudo ( type !help sudo for more info)\ " })
f"`{WOLF_NNAME}:` **Requesting to ungban user!\nunGbanned {a} chats.....**" ) except: b += 1 else: await rkp.edit(f"`{WOLF_NNAME}:` **Reply to a user !! **") try: if ungmute( is False: return await rkp.edit( f"`{WOLF_NNAME}:`**Error! User probably already ungbanned.**") except: pass return await rkp.edit( f"`{WOLF_NNAME}:` **UnGbanned [{user.first_name}](tg://user?id={}) in {a} chat(s) , UnBlocked and removed user from Gban watch **" ) CMD_HELP.update({ "gban-gmute": "!gban <username> / <userid> / <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage**: Globel ban the person in all groups, channels , block in pm , add gban watch (use with solution) \ \n\n!ungban <username> / <userid> / <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage**: unban user from all groups, channels , remove user from gban watch.\ \n\n!gmute <username> / <userid> / <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage**: Globel mute the user \ \n\n!ungmute <username> / <userid> / <reply to a user>\ \n**Usage**: Remove user form gmute list \ \n\n**All commands support sudo**\ " })