def go(socket, command, arguments): player = socket.player if len(arguments) == 0: global generated if not generated: socket.sysmessage('Generating go menu.') socket.sysmessage('Please wait...') generateGoMenu() generated = 1 menu = findmenu('GOMENU') if menu: socket.sysmessage('Bringing up the travel gump.') menu.send(player) else: socket.sysmessage("Didn't find the GOMENU menu.") return elif arguments.count(',') >= 1: parts = arguments.split(',') pos = player.pos try: pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments) if location: (x, y, z, map) = location.text.split(',') pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() else: socket.sysmessage('Usage: <x, y, z, map>|<location>') return
def go(socket, command, arguments): player = socket.player if len(arguments) == 0: global generated if not generated: socket.sysmessage("Generating go menu.") socket.sysmessage("Please wait...") generateGoMenu() generated = 1 menu = findmenu("GOMENU") if menu: socket.sysmessage("Bringing up the travel gump.") menu.send(player) else: socket.sysmessage("Didn't find the GOMENU menu.") return elif arguments.count(",") >= 1: parts = arguments.split(",") pos = player.pos try: pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments) if location: (x, y, z, map) = location.text.split(",") pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() else: socket.sysmessage("Usage: <x, y, z, map>|<location>") return
def teleport( char, args, target ): source = char.pos # Keeps you from teleporting to weird places. if target.item and target.item.container: target = char.pos else: target = target.pos if not( utilities.isValidPosition(target) ): char.socket.sysmessage( 'Invalid target.' ) return False char.removefromview() char.moveto( target ) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() utilities.smokepuff(char, source) utilities.smokepuff(char, target) if args[0]: char.socket.sysmessage( 'Select your teleport destination.' ) char.socket.attachtarget( "commands.tele.teleport", [True] ) return True
def teleport(char, args, target): source = char.pos # Keeps you from teleporting to weird places. if target.item and target.item.container: target = char.pos else: target = target.pos if not (utilities.isValidPosition(target)): char.socket.sysmessage('Invalid target.') return False char.removefromview() char.moveto(target) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() utilities.smokepuff(char, source) utilities.smokepuff(char, target) if args[0]: char.socket.sysmessage('Select your teleport destination.') char.socket.attachtarget("commands.tele.teleport", [True]) return True
def response(char, args, target): socket = char.socket xmod = int(args[0]) ymod = int(args[1]) zmod = int(args[2]) if (args[3] == None): newmap = None else: newmap = int(args[3]) if target.item: item = target.item pos = item.pos if newmap != None: newposition = wolfpack.coord((pos.x + xmod), (pos.y + ymod), (pos.z + zmod), newmap) else: newposition = wolfpack.coord((pos.x + xmod), (pos.y + ymod), (pos.z + zmod), if not (utilities.isValidPosition(newposition)): char.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False item.moveto(newposition) item.update() return True elif target.char: char = target.char pos = char.pos if newmap != None: newposition = wolfpack.coord((pos.x + xmod), (pos.y + ymod), (pos.z + zmod), newmap) else: newposition = wolfpack.coord((pos.x + xmod), (pos.y + ymod), (pos.z + zmod), if not (utilities.isValidPosition(newposition)): return False char.removefromview() char.moveto(newposition) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() return True return True
def parseTxt( file, map ): warnings = '' count = 0 parseTickCount = 0 createTickCount = 0 propTickCount = 0 moveTickCount = 0 for line in file: step1 = wolfpack.tickcount() # Replace \r and \n's line = line.replace( "\r", "" ) line = line.replace( "\n", "" ) ( id, x, y, z, color ) = line.split( ' ' ) id = hex2dec( id ) baseid = '%x' % id color = hex2dec( color ) x = int( x ) y = int( y ) z = int( z ) step2 = wolfpack.tickcount() newitem = wolfpack.additem( '%s' % baseid ) # Generate a new serial for us step3 = wolfpack.tickcount() newitem.decay = 0 newitem.color = color = id step4 = wolfpack.tickcount() newposition = wolfpack.coord( x, y, z, map ) if not isValidPosition( newposition ): newitem.delete() continue newitem.moveto( newposition ) step5 = wolfpack.tickcount() parseTickCount += step2 - step1 createTickCount += step3 - step2 propTickCount += step4 - step3 moveTickCount += step5 - step4 newitem.update() count += 1 print "Parsing: %i ticks" % parseTickCount print "Creating: %i ticks" % createTickCount print "Prop: %i ticks" % propTickCount print "Move: %i ticks" % moveTickCount return ( count, warnings )
def response( char, args, target ): socket = char.socket xmod = int( args[0] ) ymod = int( args[1] ) zmod = int( args[2] ) if( args[3] == None ): newmap = None else: newmap = int( args[3] ) if target.item: item = target.item pos = item.pos if newmap != None: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod) , (pos.y + ymod ), (pos.z + zmod), newmap ) else: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod) , (pos.y + ymod ), (pos.z + zmod), ) if not( utilities.isValidPosition(newposition) ): char.socket.sysmessage( "Error: Destination invalid!" ) return False item.moveto( newposition ) item.update() return True elif target.char: char = target.char pos = char.pos if newmap != None: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod) , (pos.y + ymod ), (pos.z + zmod), newmap ) else: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod) , (pos.y + ymod ), (pos.z + zmod), ) if not( utilities.isValidPosition(newposition) ): return False char.removefromview() char.moveto( newposition ) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() return True return True
def onCollide(player, item): if item.hastag('playersonly') and player.npc: return False if not item.hastag('target'): if player.socket: player.socket.sysmessage( tr('This gate leads nowhere...') ) else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, tr("NPC [%x] using gate [%x] without target.\n") % (player.serial, item.serial)) return False target = item.gettag('target').split(',') # Convert the target of the gate. try: target = map(int, target) except: player.socket.sysmessage( tr('This gate leads nowhere...') ) return False # Validate the coord try: m = target[3] except: m = pos = wolfpack.coord( target[0], target[1], target[2], m ) if not utilities.isValidPosition( pos ): player.socket.sysmessage( tr('This gate leads nowhere...') ) return False if not utilities.isMapAvailableTo( player, ): return False # Move his pets if he has any if player.player: for follower in player.followers: if follower.wandertype == 4 and follower.distanceto(player) < 5: follower.removefromview() follower.moveto(pos) follower.update() player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() if player.socket: player.socket.resendworld() # show some nice effects if not item.hastag('silent'): item.soundeffect(0x1fe) utilities.smokepuff(player, pos) utilities.smokepuff(player, item.pos) return True
def parseSphere51a(file, map): itemid = -1 props = {} count = 0 warnings = '' while 1: line = file.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() if line.startswith('[WORLDITEM ') and line.endswith(']'): itemid = int(line[11:len(line)-1], 16) elif itemid != -1 and "=" in line: (key, value) = line.split('=', 1) props[key.lower()] = value elif itemid != -1 and len(line) == 0: if props.has_key('p'): (x, y, z) = props['p'].split(',') x = int(x) y = int(y) z = int(z) if props.has_key('color'): color = int(props['color'], 16) else: color = 0 item = wolfpack.additem('%x' % itemid) if item: item.decay = 0 item.movable = 3 item.color = color newposition = wolfpack.coord( x, y, z, map ) if not isValidPosition( newposition ): item.delete() continue item.moveto( newposition ) item.update() else: warnings += "Found an invalid item id '%x' at %u,%u,%d,%u<br>" % (itemid, x, y, z, map) count += 1 itemid = -1 props = {} return (count, warnings)
def check(char): target_serial = char.gettag("target") target = wolfpack.findchar(target_serial) if not target or target.dead: char.kill() return False elif ( != or char.distanceto(target) > 15: for i in range(0, 5): loc = wolfpack.coord( target.pos.x - 4 + random.randint(0, 9), target.pos.y - 4 + random.randint(0, 9), target.pos.z,, ) if isValidPosition(loc): break char.pos.effect(0x3728, 1, 13, 37, 7) char.moveto(loc) char.removefromview() char.update() char.effect(0x3728, 1, 13, 37, 7) char.soundeffect(0x37D) return True
def parseWsc( file, map ): warnings = '' count = 0 while 1: line = file.readline() if not line: break # Replace \r and \n's line = line.replace( "\r", "" ) line = line.replace( "\n", "" ) # SECTION WORLDITEM : 17 byte if line[:17] == 'SECTION WORLDITEM': item = {} while 1: line = file.readline() if not line or len( line ) == 0 or line[0] == '}': break if line[0] == '{': continue line = line.replace( "\r", "" ) line = line.replace( "\n", "" ) if line.find( ' ' ) == -1: continue # Space has to be in there ( key, value ) = line.split( ' ', 1 ) item[ key ] = value # Check if we can import this item serial = 'Unset' if item.has_key( 'SERIAL' ): serial = hex( int( item[ 'SERIAL' ] ) ) if item.has_key( 'BASEID' ): baseid = item[ 'BASEID' ] else: baseid = '' if not item.has_key( 'ID' ): warnings += 'Item (%s) has no ID property. Skipping.<br>' % ( serial ) continue id = int( item['ID'] ) if not item.has_key( 'X' ) or not item.has_key( 'Y' ): warnings += 'Item (Serial: %s, ID: %x) has no X or Y property. Skipping.<br>' % ( serial, id ) continue if item.has_key('X'): x = int( item['X'] ) else: x = 0 if item.has_key('Y'): y = int( item['Y'] ) else: y = 0 if item.has_key('Z'): z = int( item['Z'] ) else: z = 0 if item.has_key('MAP'): map = int( item['MAP'] ) color = 0 if item.has_key( 'COLOR' ): color = int( item[ 'COLOR' ] ) if item.has_key( 'CONT' ) and item[ 'CONT' ] != '-1': # warnings += 'Item (Serial: %s, ID: %x) is contained in container %s. Skipping' % ( serial, id, item[ 'CONT' ] ) continue amount = 1 if item.has_key( 'AMOUNT' ): amount = int( item[ 'AMOUNT' ] ) name = '#' if item.has_key( 'NAME' ): name = item[ 'NAME' ] if item.has_key( 'TYPE' ): type = item[ 'TYPE' ] #print 'Item %x, Color %x, Pos %i,%i,%i<br>' % ( id, color, x, y, z ) # REMEMBER: Set them to nodecay!!! if baseid != '': newitem = wolfpack.additem( "%s" % baseid ) # Generate a new serial for us else: baseid = lstrip( str( hex( id ) ), "0x" ) # Multi ? if id >= 0x4000: newitem = wolfpack.addmulti( "%s" % baseid ) # Generate a new serial for us else: newitem = wolfpack.additem( "%s" % baseid ) # Generate a new serial for us if not newitem: warnings += "Found an invalid item id '%s' at %s<br>" % (baseid, str(newposition)) continue newitem.decay = 0 newitem.movable = 3 # Make everything gm movable by default newitem.color = color = id newitem.amount = amount if name != "#": = name newposition = wolfpack.coord( x, y, z, map ) if not isValidPosition( newposition ): newitem.delete() continue newitem.moveto( newposition ) #newitem.moveto( x, y, z, map ) newitem.update() count += 1 elif line[:17] == 'SECTION WORLDCHAR': warnings += "Found character in import file. Importing characters is not allowed.<br>" return ( count, warnings )
def commandMove( socket, cmd, args ): moveself = cmd.upper() == 'SMOVE' char = socket.player args = args.strip() if len(args) == 0: socket.sysmessage( "Moves an object relative to its current position." ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x],[y]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x],[y],[z]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x],[y],[z],[map]" ) return False else: args = args.split( "," ) for i in args: try: i = int(i) except: socket.sysmessage( "'%s' must be a number." % i ) return True if len( args ) >= 1 and len( args ) <= 4: if len( args ) == 4: xmod = int( args[0] ) ymod = int( args[1] ) zmod = int( args[2] ) newmap = int( args[3] ) if not wolfpack.hasmap( newmap ): newmap = None elif len( args ) == 3: xmod = int( args[0] ) ymod = int( args[1] ) zmod = int( args[2] ) newmap = None elif len( args ) == 2: xmod = int( args[0] ) ymod = int( args[1] ) zmod = 0 newmap = None elif len( args ) == 1: xmod = int( args[0] ) ymod = 0 zmod = 0 newmap = None if moveself: pos = char.pos if newmap != None: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod) , (pos.y + ymod ), (pos.z + zmod), newmap ) else: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod) , (pos.y + ymod ), (pos.z + zmod), ) if not( utilities.isValidPosition(newposition) ): char.socket.sysmessage( "Error: Destination invalid!" ) return False char.removefromview() char.moveto( newposition ) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() return True else: if newmap != None: socket.sysmessage( "Please select a target to move %i,%i,%i,%i" % ( xmod, ymod, zmod, newmap ) ) else: socket.sysmessage( "Please select a target to move %i,%i,%i" % ( xmod, ymod, zmod ) ) socket.attachtarget( "commands.move.response", [ int(xmod), int(ymod), int(zmod), newmap ] ) return True else: socket.sysmessage( "Moves an object relative to its current position." ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x],[y]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x],[y],[z]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: move [x],[y],[z],[map]" ) return False
def commandMove(socket, cmd, args): moveself = cmd.upper() == 'SMOVE' char = socket.player args = args.strip() if len(args) == 0: socket.sysmessage("Moves an object relative to its current position.") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x]") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x],[y]") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x],[y],[z]") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x],[y],[z],[map]") return False else: args = args.split(",") for i in args: try: i = int(i) except: socket.sysmessage("'%s' must be a number." % i) return True if len(args) >= 1 and len(args) <= 4: if len(args) == 4: xmod = int(args[0]) ymod = int(args[1]) zmod = int(args[2]) newmap = int(args[3]) if not wolfpack.hasmap(newmap): newmap = None elif len(args) == 3: xmod = int(args[0]) ymod = int(args[1]) zmod = int(args[2]) newmap = None elif len(args) == 2: xmod = int(args[0]) ymod = int(args[1]) zmod = 0 newmap = None elif len(args) == 1: xmod = int(args[0]) ymod = 0 zmod = 0 newmap = None if moveself: pos = char.pos if newmap != None: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod), (pos.y + ymod), (pos.z + zmod), newmap) else: newposition = wolfpack.coord( (pos.x + xmod), (pos.y + ymod), (pos.z + zmod), if not (utilities.isValidPosition(newposition)): char.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False char.removefromview() char.moveto(newposition) char.update() if char.socket: char.socket.resendworld() return True else: if newmap != None: socket.sysmessage( "Please select a target to move %i,%i,%i,%i" % (xmod, ymod, zmod, newmap)) else: socket.sysmessage( "Please select a target to move %i,%i,%i" % (xmod, ymod, zmod)) socket.attachtarget( "commands.move.response", [int(xmod), int(ymod), int(zmod), newmap]) return True else: socket.sysmessage( "Moves an object relative to its current position.") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x]") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x],[y]") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x],[y],[z]") socket.sysmessage("Usage: move [x],[y],[z],[map]") return False
def gateCallback( char, args, target ): if( len( args ) < 1 ): char.socket.sysmessage( "script error 1. contact GM." ) return 1 item = args[0] if not item and not : char.socket.sysmessage( "script error 2. contact GM." ) return 1 if not and ( char.distanceto( item ) > 3): char.socket.clilocmessage( 500295 ) # You are too far away to do that. return 1 if( target.button != 1 ): char.socket.sysmessage( tr("Canceled.") ) return 1 if( len( target.switches ) == 0 ): return 1 button = int( target.switches[0] ) # set world number numWorld = 0 if( ( button > 9 ) and ( button < 19 ) ): numWorld = 1 elif ( ( button > 18 ) and ( button < 28 ) ): numWorld = 0 elif( ( button > 27 ) and ( button < 37 ) ): numWorld = 2 elif( ( button > 36 ) and ( button < 45 ) ): numWorld = 3 elif( ( button > 44 ) and ( button < 48 ) ): numWorld = 3 else: char.socket.sysmessage( "script error 4. contact GM." ) char.socket.sysmessage( "button = %i" % button ) return 1 # teleport coord = [] oldcoord = [ char.pos.x, char.pos.y, char.pos.z ] if( ( button == 10 ) or ( button == 19 ) ): coord = [ 1336, 1998, 5, numWorld ] elif( ( button == 11 ) or ( button == 20 ) ): coord = [ 3564, 2141, 33, numWorld ] elif( ( button == 12 ) or ( button == 21 ) ): coord = [ 4467, 1284, 5, numWorld ] elif( ( button == 13 ) or ( button == 22 ) ): coord = [ 643, 2068, 5, numWorld ] elif( ( button == 14 ) or ( button == 23 ) ): coord = [ 1828, 2949, -20, numWorld ] elif( ( button == 15 ) or ( button == 24 ) ): coord = [ 2701, 694, 4, numWorld ] elif( ( button == 16 ) or ( button == 25 ) ): coord = [ 771, 754, 4, numWorld ] elif( ( button == 17 ) or ( button == 26 ) ): coord = [ 1499, 3772, 5, numWorld ] elif( button == 18 ): coord = [ 3763, 2771, 50, 1 ] elif( button == 27 ): coord = [ 2712, 2234, 0, 0 ] elif( button == 28 ): coord = [ 1216, 468, -13, 2 ] elif( button == 29 ): coord = [ 722, 1364, -60, 2 ] elif( button == 30 ): coord = [ 750, 724, -28, 2 ] elif( button == 31 ): coord = [ 282, 1015, 0, 2 ] elif( button == 32 ): coord = [ 987, 1010, -32, 2 ] elif( button == 32 ): coord = [ 1174, 1286, -30, 2 ] elif( button == 34 ): coord = [1532, 1340, -4, 2 ] elif( button == 35 ): coord = [ 528, 219, -42, 2 ] elif( button == 36 ): coord = [ 1721, 218, 96, 2 ] elif( button == 37 ): coord = [ 1015, 527, -65, 3 ] elif( button == 38 ): coord = [ 991, 519, -50, 3 ] elif( button == 39 ): coord = [ 1023, 503, -70, 3 ] elif( button == 40 ): coord = [ 989, 595, -90, 3 ] elif( button == 41 ): coord = [ 961, 638, -90, 3 ] elif( button == 42 ): coord = [ 1997, 1386, -85, 3 ] elif( button == 43 ): coord = [ 1941, 1321, -88, 3 ] elif( button == 44 ): coord = [ 1992, 1326, -90, 3 ] elif( button == 45 ): coord = [ 718, 1159, 25, 4 ] elif( button == 46 ): coord = [ 1169, 998, 41, 4 ] elif( button == 47 ): coord = [ 270, 628, 15, 4 ] char.soundeffect( 0x1fc ) char.removefromview() pos = wolfpack.coord( coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], coord[3] ) if not isValidPosition( pos ): char.socket.sysmessage( tr("Destination Invalid!") ) return False char.moveto( pos ) char.update() char.soundeffect( 0x1fc ) char.effect( 0x372a ) # move followers followers = char.followers if( len( followers ) > 0 ): for i in range( 0, len( char.followers ) ): follower = char.followers[i] # only transport follower which is within 5 tile from the character if( char.distanceto( follower ) < 5 ): follower.removefromview() follower.moveto( pos ) follower.update() follower.effect( 0x372a ) # else it will not follow him/her else: char.removefollower( follower ) char.socket.resendplayer() char.socket.resendworld() return 1
def sendresponse(player, arguments, target): if target.item: object = target.item elif target.char: if target.char.rank > player.rank and player != target.char: player.socket.sysmessage("You've burnt your fingers!") return object = target.char else: player.socket.sysmessage('You need to target a character or an item.') return # Maybe we need to choose a location if len(arguments) == 0: player.socket.sysmessage( 'Where do you want to send the targetted object?') player.socket.attachtarget('commands.go.sendresponse2', [object.serial]) else: # Try to parse a target location for the object. parts = arguments[0].split(',') pos = player.pos try: if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if not isValidPosition(pos): player.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if not object.ischar() or not object.socket: return object.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments[0]) if location: (x, y, z, map) = location.text.split(',') pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) if not isValidPosition(pos): player.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if object.ischar() and object.socket: object.socket.resendworld() else: player.socket.sysmessage('Usage: send <x, y, z, map>|<location>') return
def gateCallback(char, args, target): if (len(args) < 1): char.socket.sysmessage("script error 1. contact GM.") return 1 item = args[0] if not item and not char.socket.sysmessage("script error 2. contact GM.") return 1 if not and (char.distanceto(item) > 3): char.socket.clilocmessage(500295) # You are too far away to do that. return 1 if (target.button != 1): char.socket.sysmessage(tr("Canceled.")) return 1 if (len(target.switches) == 0): return 1 button = int(target.switches[0]) # set world number numWorld = 0 if ((button > 9) and (button < 19)): numWorld = 1 elif ((button > 18) and (button < 28)): numWorld = 0 elif ((button > 27) and (button < 37)): numWorld = 2 elif ((button > 36) and (button < 45)): numWorld = 3 elif ((button > 44) and (button < 48)): numWorld = 3 else: char.socket.sysmessage("script error 4. contact GM.") char.socket.sysmessage("button = %i" % button) return 1 # teleport coord = [] oldcoord = [char.pos.x, char.pos.y, char.pos.z] if ((button == 10) or (button == 19)): coord = [1336, 1998, 5, numWorld] elif ((button == 11) or (button == 20)): coord = [3564, 2141, 33, numWorld] elif ((button == 12) or (button == 21)): coord = [4467, 1284, 5, numWorld] elif ((button == 13) or (button == 22)): coord = [643, 2068, 5, numWorld] elif ((button == 14) or (button == 23)): coord = [1828, 2949, -20, numWorld] elif ((button == 15) or (button == 24)): coord = [2701, 694, 4, numWorld] elif ((button == 16) or (button == 25)): coord = [771, 754, 4, numWorld] elif ((button == 17) or (button == 26)): coord = [1499, 3772, 5, numWorld] elif (button == 18): coord = [3763, 2771, 50, 1] elif (button == 27): coord = [2712, 2234, 0, 0] elif (button == 28): coord = [1216, 468, -13, 2] elif (button == 29): coord = [722, 1364, -60, 2] elif (button == 30): coord = [750, 724, -28, 2] elif (button == 31): coord = [282, 1015, 0, 2] elif (button == 32): coord = [987, 1010, -32, 2] elif (button == 32): coord = [1174, 1286, -30, 2] elif (button == 34): coord = [1532, 1340, -4, 2] elif (button == 35): coord = [528, 219, -42, 2] elif (button == 36): coord = [1721, 218, 96, 2] elif (button == 37): coord = [1015, 527, -65, 3] elif (button == 38): coord = [991, 519, -50, 3] elif (button == 39): coord = [1023, 503, -70, 3] elif (button == 40): coord = [989, 595, -90, 3] elif (button == 41): coord = [961, 638, -90, 3] elif (button == 42): coord = [1997, 1386, -85, 3] elif (button == 43): coord = [1941, 1321, -88, 3] elif (button == 44): coord = [1992, 1326, -90, 3] elif (button == 45): coord = [718, 1159, 25, 4] elif (button == 46): coord = [1169, 998, 41, 4] elif (button == 47): coord = [270, 628, 15, 4] char.soundeffect(0x1fc) char.removefromview() pos = wolfpack.coord(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], coord[3]) if not isValidPosition(pos): char.socket.sysmessage(tr("Destination Invalid!")) return False char.moveto(pos) char.update() char.soundeffect(0x1fc) char.effect(0x372a) # move followers followers = char.followers if (len(followers) > 0): for i in range(0, len(char.followers)): follower = char.followers[i] # only transport follower which is within 5 tile from the character if (char.distanceto(follower) < 5): follower.removefromview() follower.moveto(pos) follower.update() follower.effect(0x372a) # else it will not follow him/her else: char.removefollower(follower) char.socket.resendplayer() char.socket.resendworld() return 1
def sendresponse(player, arguments, target): if target.item: object = target.item elif target.char: if target.char.rank > player.rank and player != target.char: player.socket.sysmessage("You've burnt your fingers!") return object = target.char else: player.socket.sysmessage("You need to target a character or an item.") return # Maybe we need to choose a location if len(arguments) == 0: player.socket.sysmessage("Where do you want to send the targetted object?") player.socket.attachtarget("commands.go.sendresponse2", [object.serial]) else: # Try to parse a target location for the object. parts = arguments[0].split(",") pos = player.pos try: if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if not isValidPosition(pos): player.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if not object.ischar() or not object.socket: return object.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments[0]) if location: (x, y, z, map) = location.text.split(",") pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) if not isValidPosition(pos): player.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if object.ischar() and object.socket: object.socket.resendworld() else: player.socket.sysmessage("Usage: send <x, y, z, map>|<location>") return