Example #1
def write_page(survey_id):
    survey = Survey(survey_id)
    pages = survey.wordpress_client.call(posts.GetPosts({'post_type': 'page'}, results_class=WordPressPage))
    template = Template(filename='/home/tom/src/airbnb/web_page_template.mako')

    content = template.render(
           date = survey.date,
           listings = survey.listings,
           url_root = URL_ROOT,
    page = WordPressPage()
    page.title = ('Airbnb survey ' +
            str(survey.survey_id) +
            ', for ' + survey.city +
            ', collected on ' + survey.date)
    page.content = content
    page.post_status = 'publish'
    # Find if the page exists
    for a_page in pages:
        if page.title==a_page.title:
            page.id = a_page.id
            survey.wordpress_client.call(posts.EditPost(page.id, page))
    page.id = survey.wordpress_client.call(posts.NewPost(page))
Example #2
    def update(self, _page_title, _page_id, _markdown):
        Update an existing wordpress page with generated markdown.
        Assumes you have a markdown file with content you want published
        to an existing wordpress page.
        :param _page_title: post page title
        :param _page_id: post page id
        :param _markdown: path to markdown file for upload

        wp = Client(self.endpoint, self.username, self.password)

        # define pages variable
        page = WordPressPage()
        page.title = _page_title

        # page id can be found by viewing via wp-admin dashboard in URL
        page.id = _page_id

        # set local content file to read handle info into a string
        with open(_markdown, "r") as _file:
            page.content = _file.read()

        # post new content to the page
        wp.call(EditPost(page.id, page))
Example #3
def create_template_files(file_name):

	#1. create scss file
	    fh = open(sass_directory + '_'+ file_name + '.scss','r')
	# if file does not exist, create it
	    fh = open(sass_directory + '_'+ file_name + '.scss','w')

	#2. Import newly created Sass file to global one
	with open('assets/scss/foundation.scss', 'a') as f:
	    f.write('\n@import "templates/' + file_name + '";')

	#3. create image folder
	if not(os.path.exists(image_directory + file_name)):
		os.makedirs(image_directory + file_name)

	#4a. Create page template
	if not(os.path.exists(page_template_directory + file_name) ):
		with open(page_template_directory + file_name + '.php', 'a') as f:
			f.writelines(['<?php \n', '/* Template Name: '+ file_name.capitalize() +' */\n', '  get_header();\n', '?>', '\n\n', '<?php get_footer();'])
		#4b. Create page in wordpress and connect to the template page
		client = Client(site_host + 'xmlrpc.php', username, password)
		page = WordPressPage()
		page.title = file_name.capitalize()
		page.content = ''
		page.post_status = 'publish'
		page.template = 'page-templates/about.php'
		page.id = client.call(posts.NewPost(page))
Example #4
def post_page(wpUrl, wpUserName, wpPassword, articleTitle, articleContent):
    client = Client(wpUrl, wpUserName, wpPassword)
    # Page
    page = WordPressPage()
    page.title = articleTitle
    page.content = articleContent
    # page.terms_names = {'post_tag': articleTags, 'category': articleCategories}
    page.post_status = 'publish'
    # post.thumbnail = attachment_id
    page.id = client.call(posts.NewPost(page))
    print('Post Successfully posted. Its Id is: ', page.id)
    return page.id
Example #5
def update_wiki(url, username, password, _page_title, _page_id, _markdown):
    wp = Client(url, username, password)

    # define pages variable
    page = WordPressPage()
    page.title = _page_title

    # page id can be found by viewing via wp-admin dashboard in URL
    page.id = _page_id

    # set local content file to read handle info into a string
    with open(_markdown, 'r') as _file:
        page.content = _file.read()

    # post new content to the page
    wp.call(EditPost(page.id, page))
Example #6
def _add_page(page_data):
    page = WordPressPage()
    page.title = page_data['fields']['title']
    page.slug = page_data['fields']['slug']
    page.order = page_data['fields']['_order']
    page.date = _return_datetime(page_data['fields']['publish_date'])
    page.date_modified = _return_datetime(page_data['fields']['updated'])
    page.content = page_data['fields']['content']
    if page_data['fields']['status'] == 1:
        page.publish_status = 'publish'
        page.id = API.call(NewPost(page))
        print("created page", page.id, page.title)
    except Fault as err:
        print(err.faultCode, err.faultString)
	def page():

		#get id
		page_id = re.search(':wp_id:((.*)|\n)', asc_file_read_str).group(1).strip()

		#get page status
		page_status = re.search(':wp_status:((.*)|\n)', asc_file_read_str).group(1).strip()

		#get title
		page_title = re.search(':wp_title:((.*)|\n)', asc_file_read_str).group(1).strip()

		#get slug
		page_slug = re.search(':wp_slug:((.*)|\n)', asc_file_read_str).group(1).strip()

		page_thumbnail = re.search(':wp_thumbnail:((.*)|\n)', asc_file_read_str).group(1).strip()

		#post to wordpress
		from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPage, WordPressPost
		from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods import posts
		client = Client(xmlrpc_url, username, password)
		page = WordPressPage()
		post = WordPressPost()

		#id New or Edit
		if not page_id:
			page.date = datetime.now().strftime("%s")
			page.id = client.call(posts.NewPost(page))
			mode = "New"
			asc_file_re = re.sub(r':wp_id:((.*)|\n)', ':wp_id: ' + page.id, asc_file_read_str)
			asc_file_write = open(filepath, 'w')
				asc_file_write.write( asc_file_re )
			page.date_modified = datetime.now().strftime("%s")
			page.id = page_id
			mode = "Edit"

		#page status
		page.post_status = page_status

		#page title
			page.title = page_title
			print 'Title is not exist'

		#page slug
			page.slug =  page_slug
			print 'Slug is not exist'
		#page content
		page.content =  html

		#page thumbnail
			page.thumbnail = page_thumbnail
			page.thumbnail =  ''

		client.call(posts.EditPost(page.id, page))

		page_info = client.call(posts.GetPost(page.id, post))

		#get post info from wordpress
		asc_file_read_slug = open(filepath, 'r')
		asc_file_read_slug_str = asc_file_read_slug.read()

		if page_info:
			asc_file_read_slug_str = re.sub(r':wp_slug:((.*)|\n)', ':wp_slug: ' + page_info.slug, asc_file_read_slug_str)
			if mode == "New":
				new_date = int(page_info.date.strftime("%s"))+(timezone___*60*60)
				new_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(new_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
				asc_file_read_slug_str_ = re.sub(r':wp_date:((.*)|\n)', ':wp_date: ' + new_date, asc_file_read_slug_str)
			elif mode == "Edit":
				edit_date = int(page_info.date_modified.strftime("%s"))+(timezone___*60*60)
				edit_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(edit_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
				asc_file_read_slug_str_ = re.sub(r':wp_modified:((.*)|\n)', ':wp_modified: ' + edit_date, asc_file_read_slug_str)
			asc_file_re_slug_write = open(filepath, 'w')
				asc_file_re_slug_write.write( asc_file_read_slug_str_ )

		print '==========================\n' + mode + ' Page ID: ' + page.id + ' \nStatus: ' + page.post_status + '\nTitle: ' + page.title + '\nSlug: ' + page_info.slug + '\n'
                    "<script type='text/javascript' src='https://stg-tableau.kipp.org/javascripts/api/viz_v1.js'></script><div class='tableauPlaceholder' style='width: 1200px; height: 100px;'><object class='tableauViz' width='1200' height='1000' style='display:none;'><param name='host_url' value='https%3A%2F%2Fstg-tableau.kipp.org%2F' /> <param name='embed_code_version' value='3' /> <param name='site_root' value='&#47;t&#47;KIPPLA' /><param name='name' value='"
                    + user_wb.replace(' ', '').replace('&', '').replace(
                        '/', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '') +
                    "&#47;" + user_v.replace(' ', '').replace('&', '').replace(
                        '/', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '') +
                    "' /><param name='tabs' value='no' /><param name='toolbar' value='yes' /><param name='showAppBanner' value='false' /></object></div>"

                # thumbnail id of the image we just uploaded
                page.thumbnail = thumbnail_id
                # publish page
                page.post_status = 'publish'
                # create page
                page.id = client.call(posts.NewPost(page))

                print(Fore.RED + '\nAdded ' + category + ': ' + view.name +
                      '\n' + 'Owner: ' + owner.fullname + '\n')
            # add wordpress page info
            # get screenshot saved on computer and upload to wordpress
            # windows
            #image_path = 'View Thumbnails//' + user_wb+ '_' + user_v + '.jpg'
            # mac
            image_path = 'View Thumbnails/' + user_wb + '_' + user_v + '.jpg'
            filename = os.path.join(fileDir, image_path)
            data = {
                'name': user_wb + '_' + user_v + '.jpg',
                'type': 'image/jpg',