def upload(self, chapter=''):
     print cherrypy.request.headers
     from tempfile import gettempdir
     from shutil import copyfileobj, rmtree
     from os.path import join, split, exists
     from zipfile import ZipFile
     from worknoteBookHelpers import unzip_worknote
     print 'Receiving file...'
     dst_file = join(gettempdir(), '')   
     with open(dst_file, 'wb') as outfile:
         copyfileobj(cherrypy.request.body, outfile)
     if 'X-Worknote-Workdir' in cherrypy.request.headers:
         wn_dir = cherrypy.request.headers['X-Worknote-Workdir']
         print 'Header set worknote directory: "{:s}"'.format(wn_dir)
         zipfile = ZipFile(dst_file, 'r')
         wn_dir = split(zipfile.namelist()[0])[0]
         print 'File set worknote directory: "{:s}"'.format(wn_dir)
     if chapter == '':
         print 'Upload to default storage dir...'
         storagedir = self.storagedir
         print 'Upload to chapter "{:s}"...'.format(chapter)
         if not chapter in self.chapters:
             print 'ERROR: Chapter not found'
             return 'Fail (Chapter {:s} not found)'.format(chapter)
         storagedir = self.chapters[chapter]['chapter_dir']
         print '\tStorage dir: "{:s}"'.format(storagedir)
     if 'X-Worknote-Overwrite' in cherrypy.request.headers:
         overwrite = cherrypy.request.headers['X-Worknote-Overwrite'] == 'True'
         print 'Overwrite set in header, emptying directory "{:s}"...'.format(join(storagedir, wn_dir))
         if  overwrite:
             if exists(join(storagedir, wn_dir)):
                 rmtree(join(storagedir, wn_dir))
         print 'Unzipping worknote...'
         unzip_worknote(dst_file, join(storagedir, wn_dir))
     except OSError, e:
         print 'ERROR: Unzip failed'
         return 'Fail (' + str(e) + ')'
     if len(index) == 1:
         index = '{:d}'.format(index[0])
     elif len(index) == 2:
         index = '{:d}:{:d}'.format(index[0], index[1])
     tmpfn = join(gettempdir(), '')
     server_url = 'http://{server:s}/download?index={index:s}'.format(server = self.get_server(servername), 
                                                                      index = index)
         server = urlopen(server_url)
         with open(tmpfn, 'wb') as tmpfile:
     except URLError, e:
         print 'ERROR: Download failed ({:s})'.format(str(e))
         unzip_worknote(tmpfn, workdir)
     except OSError, e:
         print 'ERROR: Unable to download file ({:s})'.format(str(e))
     except IOError:
         with open(tmpfn, 'r') as errfile:
             print 'ERROR: Not a zip file ({:s})'.format(
 def delete(self, index, servername=None):
     from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError, HTTPCookieProcessor, build_opener, install_opener
     from base64 import b64encode
     from worknoteBookHelpers import parse_index
     from cookielib import CookieJar
     jar = CookieJar()
     opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
     if servername is None: