def at_object_creation(self): super(NPC, self).at_object_creation() # initialize traits npc = Archetype() for key, kwargs in npc.traits.iteritems(): self.traits.add(key, **kwargs) apply_skills(self)
def at_object_creation(self): super(NPC, self).at_object_creation() self.db.emote_aggressive = "stares about angrily" self.db.slots = {'wield': None, 'armor': None} # initialize traits npc = Archetype() for key, kwargs in npc.traits.iteritems(): self.traits.add(key, **kwargs) apply_skills(self)
}, 'spirit': { 'desc': 'The Spirit focus symbolizes an abundance in mystical powers ' 'swirling with mana. Characters with the spirit focus are ' 'naturally gifted to channelling the magical powers of spells.', 'bonuses': { 'VIT': 1, 'MAG': 2, 'FORT': 1, 'REFL': 1, 'WILL': 1 } } # +2 language } _ARC = Archetype() def load_race(race): """Returns an instance of the named race class. Args: race (str): case-insensitive name of race to load Returns: (Race): instance of the appropriate subclass of `Race` """ race = race.capitalize() if race in ALL_RACES: return globals()[race]() else: