def loop(): # Commandes de dĂ©placements if key_press["Right"]: world.getVessel().move(vector(10, 0)) if key_press["Left"]: world.getVessel().move(vector(-10, 0)) if key_press["Up"]: world.getVessel().move(vector(0, -10)) if key_press["Down"]: world.getVessel().move(vector(0, 10)) if key_press["space"]: world.getVessel().shot() if key_press["Escape"]: world.destroy() window.destroy() return world.update(16) # Destruction de la fenĂȘtre si mort du vaisseau if world.end: world.destroy() window.destroy() return # Assignation de fonctions sur world et window world.enemiesUpdate() window.after(16, loop)
def connection(username, terminal=False): global c c = Connection(username) def update_world(): """sync blocks""" while True: data = c.get_data() cmd, args = data.split(':', 1) if cmd == 'world': world.reset(args) elif cmd == 'update': world.update(args) elif cmd == 'move': world.update_player(args) else: print 'bad server data' a = threading.Thread(target=update_world) a.daemon = True a.start() while terminal: command = raw_input('command: ') if command == 'save': c.send('save') elif command == 'load': c.send('load') else: try: world.update(command) c.send('update:' + command) except world.BlockFormatError: print 'bad input'
def update_world(): world.update(time_in_ms()) snakes = [ serialize_coordinates(world.snakes[id].body) for id in world.snakes ] food = serialize_coordinates( return json.dumps({'snakes': snakes, 'food': food})
def update_world(): """sync blocks""" while True: data = c.get_data() cmd, args = data.split(':', 1) if cmd == 'world': world.reset(args) elif cmd == 'update': world.update(args) elif cmd == 'move': world.update_player(args) else: print 'bad server data'
def make_map_players(world, num_players=7, num_ai=6): if num_players < 2:num_players = 2 if num_players > 7:num_players = 7 if num_ai < 0:num_ai = 0 if num_ai > 7:num_ai = 7 mg = MapGrid(util.make_random_map()) world.grid = mg world.map_size = () players = [] pterr = list(mg.comp_terrs) random.shuffle(pterr) colors = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255), (255, 125, 125)] for i in xrange(num_players): new = random.choice(pterr) pterr.remove(new) players.append([[new], colors[i]]) while pterr: for i in players: if pterr: new = random.choice(pterr) pterr.remove(new) i[0].append(new) ret = [] for i in players: ret.append(Player(i[0], i[1])) for x in i[0]: x.player = ret[-1] world.players = ret world.update() controllers = [] for i in xrange(num_players-num_ai): controllers.append("human") for i in xrange(num_ai): controllers.append(ai.AI("AI-%s"%i, world)) return controllers
def start(): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption(GAME_NAME) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) world.init(GAME_SIZE) clock = pygame.time.Clock() game_exit = False while not game_exit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: game_exit = True world.update(event, screen) ui.update(event, screen) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS) pygame.quit()
def run(): done = False while(not done): clock.tick(config.fps) world.update() temp = world.collide() if(temp == "SpawnMore" ): x = 5000 * random.random() - 2500 y = 5000* random.random() - 2500 ships.append( addShip( (x,y) ) ) elif(temp == "GameOver" ): done = True world.drawBG(( -(bg_surface.get_width() / 2.0) -player.x() / 5.00 , -(bg_surface.get_height() / 2.0) -player.y() / 5.00 )) world.drawAndClearRemovables() world.drawObjects() world.drawHUD() removables.clear() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: keysDown.append(event.key) elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key in keysDown: keysDown.remove(event.key) elif event.type == QUIT: done = True for key in keysDown: if (action(player, key, done) == True): done = True pass pass
def run(): done = False while (not done): clock.tick(config.fps) world.update() temp = world.collide() if (temp == "SpawnMore"): x = 5000 * random.random() - 2500 y = 5000 * random.random() - 2500 ships.append(addShip((x, y))) elif (temp == "GameOver"): done = True world.drawBG((-(bg_surface.get_width() / 2.0) - player.x() / 5.00, -(bg_surface.get_height() / 2.0) - player.y() / 5.00)) world.drawAndClearRemovables() world.drawObjects() world.drawHUD() removables.clear() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: keysDown.append(event.key) elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key in keysDown: keysDown.remove(event.key) elif event.type == QUIT: done = True for key in keysDown: if (action(player, key, done) == True): done = True pass pass
def game(screen, myConfig, nump, numai): screen_size = screen.get_size() world_height = round(screen_size[1]*0.666) # World uses 2/3 of the screen app = gui.App(screen, background_color=None) aapp = gui.App(screen, background_color = None) aapp.always_render = True app.theme = gui.make_theme(os.path.join("data", "gui")) app.always_render = True end_turn_button = gui.Button(app, (-1, screen_size[1]), "End Turn", "End Turn", widget_pos="bottomleft") whos_turn_label = gui.Label(app, (-1, screen_size[1]), "WT Label", "It is player 1's turn", widget_pos="bottomright") whos_turn_label.theme.label["text-color"] = [255,0,0] whos_turn_label.make_image() if myConfig.fps_counter: fps_label = gui.Label(app, (0, screen_size[1]), "FPS Label", "FPS: ", widget_pos="bottomleft") fps_label.theme.label["text-color"] = [255,0,0] fps_label.make_image() mg = MapGrid(util.make_random_map()) pad_up_button = gui.Button(app, (0, 0), "PAD_UP_BUTTON", "", widget_pos="topleft") pad_up_button.over_width = screen_size[0] pad_up_button.over_height = 15 pad_up_button.make_image() pad_down_button = gui.Button(app, (0, world_height), "PAD_DOWN_BUTTON", "", widget_pos="bottomleft") pad_down_button.over_width = screen_size[0] pad_down_button.over_height = 15 pad_down_button.make_image() pad_left_button = gui.Button(app, (0, pad_up_button.image.get_height()), "PAD_LEFT_BUTTON", "", widget_pos="topleft") pad_left_button.over_width = 15 pad_left_button.over_height = world_height - pad_up_button.image.get_height()*2 pad_left_button.make_image() pad_right_button = gui.Button(app, (screen_size[0], pad_up_button.image.get_height()), "PAD_RIGHT_BUTTON", "", widget_pos="topright") pad_right_button.over_width = 15 pad_right_button.over_height = world_height - pad_up_button.image.get_height()*2 pad_right_button.make_image() pad_height = pad_up_button.image.get_height() pad_width = pad_left_button.image.get_width() aleft = wui.Arrow(aapp, (1, int(world_height/2)), "ArrowLeft", "left") aright = wui.Arrow(aapp, (screen_size[0]-16, int(world_height/2)), "ArrowRight", "right") aup = wui.Arrow(aapp, (int(screen_size[0]/2), 1), "ArrowUp", "up") adown = wui.Arrow(aapp, (int(screen_size[0]/2), world_height-16), "ArrowDown", "down") world_screen = screen.subsurface((pad_width, pad_height, screen_size[0]-pad_width*2, world_height-pad_height*2)) world = World(world_screen, map_grid=mg, background=pygame.image.load(os.path.join("data", "images", "bg1.png")).convert()) controllers = make_map_players(world, nump, numai) world_rect = world.display.get_rect() world_rect.topleft = world.display.get_offset() if'data','music','slowtheme.ogg')) sfx_battle = [pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join("data", "sfx", "battle1.ogg")), pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join("data", "sfx", "battle2.ogg")), pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join("data", "sfx", "battle3.ogg"))] for i in sfx_battle: i.set_volume(myConfig.sound_volume*0.02) sfx_victory = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join("data", "sfx", "victory.ogg")) sfx_defeat = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join("data", "sfx", "defeat.ogg")) sfx_victory.set_volume(myConfig.sound_volume*0.02) sfx_defeat.set_volume(myConfig.sound_volume*0.02) sfx_select = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join("data", "sfx", "select.ogg")) sfx_select.set_volume(myConfig.sound_volume*0.02) picktwo = [] whos_turn = 0 keys_down = set() clock = pygame.time.Clock() zoom_states = [(10, 5), (20, 10), (40, 20), (80, 40)] zoom_state = 0 world_zoom_once = True while 1: clock.tick(600) if myConfig.fps_counter: if not pygame.time.get_ticks() % 10: fps_label.text = "FPS: %i" % clock.get_fps() fps_label.make_image() for event in app.get_events(): if event.type == QUIT: return "QUIT" if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_s: a = time.localtime() a = "%s-%s-%s-%s"%(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]), os.path.join("data", "screenshots", "screenie %s.jpg"%a)) if event.key == K_ESCAPE: a = wui.escape_screen(screen, myConfig) if a == "QUIT" or a == "LEAVE": return a else: pass#we returned to game! if event.key == K_LEFT or K_RIGHT or K_UP or K_DOWN: keys_down.add(event.key) if event.type == KEYUP: try: # Ignore any attempts to remove non-existant keys keys_down.remove(event.key) except KeyError: continue if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: x = world.get_mouse_terr() if x: if controllers[whos_turn] == "human": picktwo.append(x) if event.button == 4: if zoom_state < 3: zoom_state += 1 world.tile_size = zoom_states[zoom_state] world.update() if event.button == 5: if zoom_state > 0: zoom_state -= 1 world.tile_size = zoom_states[zoom_state] world.update() if event.type == gui.GUI_EVENT: if event.widget == gui.Button: if if == "End Turn": if event.action == gui.GUI_EVENT_CLICK: if controllers[whos_turn] == "human": if myConfig.new_unit_dialog: a = wui.gain_troops(screen, world.players[whos_turn], myConfig) if a == "QUIT": return "QUIT" if a[1]: #don't do again! myConfig.new_unit_dialog = 0 myConfig.save_settings() world.players[whos_turn].end_turn() whos_turn += 1 if whos_turn >= len(world.players): whos_turn = 0 whos_turn_label.text = "It is player %ss turn"%(whos_turn+1) whos_turn_label.theme.label["text-color"] = world.players[whos_turn].color whos_turn_label.make_image() for i in picktwo: i[1].highlighted = False picktwo = [] world.update() if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: if world_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): world.offset[0] -= event.rel[0] world.offset[1] -= event.rel[1] if world.players[whos_turn].dead: whos_turn += 1 if whos_turn >= len(world.players): whos_turn = 0 whos_turn_label.text = "It is player %ss turn"%(whos_turn+1) whos_turn_label.theme.label["text-color"] = world.players[whos_turn].color whos_turn_label.make_image() if world.one_winner()[0]: finish_label = gui.Label(app, (-1, 375), "Finish Label", "Player %s WON!"%(world.one_winner()[1]+1), widget_pos="center") finish_label.theme.label["text-color"] = world.players[world.one_winner()[1]].color finish_label.theme.label["font"] = pygame.font.Font(None, 45) world.update() world.render() return wui.win_screen(screen, world, myConfig) for i in picktwo: if not i[1].highlighted: # Don't force a re-render if already highlighted i[1].highlighted = True world.update() world.render() #BATTLES! if len(picktwo) == 1: if (picktwo[0][0] != whos_turn) or\ (picktwo[0][1].units == 1) or\ (not picktwo[0][1].can_move): picktwo[0][1].highlighted = False picktwo = [] world.update() if len(picktwo) == 2: if picktwo[0][0] == whos_turn: if (not picktwo[0][1] == picktwo[1][1]) and \ util.connected_mass(picktwo[0][1].terr, picktwo[1][1].terr): if not picktwo[0][0] == picktwo[1][0]: if picktwo[0][1].can_move: if myConfig.attack_dialog: a = wui.do_battle(screen, picktwo, world, myConfig) if a == "QUIT": return "QUIT" if a[1]: #don't do again! myConfig.attack_dialog = 0 myConfig.save_settings() a = a[0] else: a = True if a: if a = random.choice(sfx_battle) time.sleep(a.get_length()+0.1) x, y = rules.perform_battle(picktwo[0][1], picktwo[1][1]) picktwo[0][1].units -= x picktwo[1][1].units -= y if x > y: if else: if if picktwo[1][1].units == 0: world.players[picktwo[1][0]].territories.remove(picktwo[1][1]) world.players[picktwo[0][0]].territories.append(picktwo[1][1]) picktwo[1][1].player = world.players[picktwo[0][0]] world.world_image = None #force rerender if picktwo[1][1].max_units > picktwo[0][1].units - 1: picktwo[1][1].units = picktwo[0][1].units - 1 picktwo[0][1].units = 1 else: picktwo[1][1].units = picktwo[1][1].max_units picktwo[0][1].units -= picktwo[1][1].units picktwo[0][1].update() picktwo[1][1].update() print "casualties: %s, %s"%(x, y) else: print "attack canceled!" else: print "%s cannot move this turn!"%picktwo[0][1] else: print "player territories - moving units" if picktwo[0][1].can_move: if myConfig.move_dialog: a = wui.move_troops(screen, picktwo, world, myConfig) if a == "QUIT": return "QUIT" if a[1]: #don't do again! myConfig.move_dialog = 0 myConfig.save_settings() a = a[0] else: a = True if a: x = picktwo[0][1].units - 1 if picktwo[1][1].max_units >= picktwo[1][1].units + x: pass else: x = picktwo[1][1].max_units - picktwo[1][1].units picktwo[0][1].units -= x picktwo[1][1].units += x picktwo[0][1].update() picktwo[1][1].update() picktwo[1][1].can_move = False else: pass else: print "%s cannot move this turn!"%picktwo[0][1] else: print "not touching territories" else: print "it is player %ss turn!"%whos_turn for i in picktwo: i[1].highlighted = False world.update() picktwo = [] if not controllers[whos_turn] == "human": end_turn_button.visible = False u = controllers[whos_turn] msg = u.update(whos_turn) # get messages from ai if msg[0] == "battle": u1, u2 = msg[1], msg[2] x, y = rules.perform_battle(u1, u2) u1.units -= x u2.units -= y if u2.units == 0: u2.player.territories.remove(u2) u1.player.territories.append(u2) u2.player = u1.player world.world_image = None #force rerender if u2.max_units > u1.units - 1: u2.units = u1.units - 1 u1.units = 1 else: u2.units = u2.max_units u1.units -= u2.units u1.update() u2.update() if msg[0] == "move": u1, u2 = msg[1], msg[2] x = u1.units - 1 if u2.max_units >= u2.units + x: pass else: x = u2.max_units - u2.units u1.units -= x u2.units += x u1.update() u2.update() u1.can_move = False if msg[0] == "end_turn": controllers[whos_turn].mode = "attack" world.players[whos_turn].end_turn() whos_turn += 1 if whos_turn >= len(world.players): whos_turn = 0 whos_turn_label.text = "It is player %ss turn"%(whos_turn+1) whos_turn_label.theme.label["text-color"] = world.players[whos_turn].color whos_turn_label.make_image() for i in picktwo: i[1].highlighted = False picktwo = [] world.update() else: end_turn_button.visible = True screen.fill((0,0,0)) world.render() for i in world.players: if len(i.territories) == 0: i.dead = True if world_zoom_once: world_zoom_once = False world.tile_size = zoom_states[zoom_state] world.update() if pad_up_button.is_clicked(): world.offset[1] -= SCROLL_SPEED if pad_down_button.is_clicked(): world.offset[1] += SCROLL_SPEED if pad_left_button.is_clicked(): world.offset[0] -= SCROLL_SPEED if pad_right_button.is_clicked(): world.offset[0] += SCROLL_SPEED app.render() aapp.render() pygame.display.flip() if not controllers[whos_turn] == "human": time.sleep(0.1)
or event.key == pygame.K_s) and acc[1][1] != 0: acc[1][1] -= 1 dt = time.time() - last_time last_time = time.time() if dt < 1 / 60: time.sleep(1 / 60 - dt) dt = 1 / 60 human = world.entities[world.get_player_idx()] human.velocity[0] += (acc[0][0] + acc[0][1]) * dt * 50 human.velocity[1] += (acc[1][0] + acc[1][1]) * dt * 50 udt = dt while udt > 1 / 60: world.update(1 / 60) udt -= 1 / 60 world.update(udt) screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) world.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() last_dts.append(dt) if time.time() - time_since_debug_print > 1: time_since_debug_print = time.time() average_dt = sum(last_dts) / len(last_dts) last_dts = []
def update(dt): player.update(dt) world.update(dt)
"magenta") kb = keyboard.KeyboardController(world) gv = view.GraphicView(world) cp = cProfile.Profile() cp.enable() # main loop turn = 0 while nturns == 0 or turn < nturns: # make sure game doesn't run at more than FPS frames per second dt = clock.tick(view.FPS) if not kb.tick(dt): break world.update(dt) turn += 1 gv.update(dt) if (turn % 10 == 0): print("{} {} {}".format(turn, colony1.getColor(), colony1.getFood())) print("{} {} {}".format(turn, colony2.getColor(), colony2.getFood())) # quit print("Game Over!") pygame.quit() # profiler cp.disable() # cp.print_stats() cp.dump_stats("mystats") p = pstats.Stats("mystats")
import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * import world version = "2.0" pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() WIN_SIZE = width, height = 1080, 720 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WIN_SIZE, 0, 32) world = world.World(screen, 5) while True: screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) world.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.set_caption( f' v{version} | FPS: {clock.get_fps() : .2f}') clock.tick(60) pygame.display.flip()
CLIENTS[addr] = data print "%s %s" % (addr, data) cmd_args = data.split(':', 1) cmd = cmd_args[0] if cmd not in ('save', 'load'): args = cmd_args[1] if cmd == 'connect': CLIENTS[addr] = args print '%s connected' % args start = 'world:' + world.get_all() s.sendto(start, addr) elif cmd == 'move': world.update_player(args) for client in CLIENTS: if addr == client: continue s.sendto(data, client) elif cmd == 'update': world.update(args) # naively echo to all other clients for client in CLIENTS: if addr == client: continue s.sendto(data, client) elif cmd == 'save': elif cmd == 'load': # Any clients that are connected now disagree with the server. world.load() finally: print 'Goodbye world' s.close()
def update(): world.update() for obj in objects: obj.update()