Example #1
def get_threshold_index(p_load):
    Return a dataframe with a binary telling you if a particular contact ellicited a spike for each cell
    :param p_load: path to the neo files
    :return: a pandas dataframe with all the contacts for all cells. Cannot reshape since every whisker has a dif. number of contacts
    df_all = pd.DataFrame()
    for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(p_load, '*.h5')):
        blk = neoUtils.get_blk(f)
        num_units = len(blk.channel_indexes[-1].units)
        for unit_num in xrange(num_units):
            df = pd.DataFrame()
            id = neoUtils.get_root(blk, unit_num)
            print('working on {}'.format(id))
            trains = spikeAnalysis.get_contact_sliced_trains(blk, unit_num)[-1]
            dir_idx, med_dir = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(
                blk, plot_tgl=False)
            if dir_idx is -1:
            dir_map = {key: value for (key, value) in enumerate(med_dir)}
            df['id'] = [id for x in xrange(len(trains))]
            df['did_spike'] = [len(x) > 0 for x in trains]
            df['dir_idx'] = dir_idx
            df['med_dir'] = df['dir_idx'].map(dir_map)
            df_all = df_all.append(df)
    return (df_all)
Example #2
def ISI_by_deflection(blk, unit_num=0):
    unit = blk.channel_indexes[-1].units[unit_num]
    ISI = spikeAnalysis.get_contact_sliced_trains(blk, unit)[1]
    CV, LV = spikeAnalysis.get_CV_LV(ISI)
    mean_ISI = np.array([np.mean(x) for x in ISI])
    idx, med_angle = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(blk, plot_tgl=False)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['id'] = [neoUtils.get_root(blk, unit_num) for x in range(len(ISI))]
    df['mean_ISI'] = mean_ISI
    df['CV'] = CV
    df['LV'] = LV
    df['dir_idx'] = idx
    df['med_dir'] = [med_angle[x] for x in idx]

    return (df)
Example #3
def get_onset_and_duration_spikes(p_load, dur=10 * pq.ms):
    loops through all the data we have and gets the
    number of spikes during an onset duration,
    the total number of spikes during the contact duration,
    and the length of the contact. This will allow us to calculate how much
    the spiking occurs in the first interval

    :param p_load: directory where the h5 files live
    :param dur: a python quantity to determine the 'onset' epoch

    :return: a dataframe with a summary of the relevant data
    df_all = pd.DataFrame()
    for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(p_load, '*.h5')):
        blk = neoUtils.get_blk(f)
        num_units = len(blk.channel_indexes[-1].units)
        for unit_num in range(num_units):
            df = pd.DataFrame()
            id = neoUtils.get_root(blk, unit_num)
            print('Working on {}'.format(id))
            _, _, trains = spikeAnalysis.get_contact_sliced_trains(
                blk, unit_num)

            dir_idx, med_angle = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(
                blk, plot_tgl=False)

            dir = []
            full = []
            contact_duration = []
            onset = []
            for train, direction in zip(trains, dir_idx):
                    len(train.time_slice(train.t_start, train.t_start + dur)))
                contact_duration.append(float(train.t_stop - train.t_start))

            df_dir = pd.DataFrame()
            df_dir['dir_idx'] = dir
            df_dir['time'] = contact_duration
            df_dir['total_spikes'] = full
            df_dir['onset_spikes'] = onset
            df_dir['med_angle'] = [med_angle[x] for x in df_dir.dir_idx]
            df_dir['id'] = id
            df_all = df_all.append(df_dir)
            df_all['onset_period'] = dur
    return (df_all)
Example #4
def get_PSTH_by_dir(blk, unit_num=0, norm_dur=True, binsize=5 * pq.ms):
    Gets the PSTHs for each direction.
    :param blk: 
    :param unit_num: 
    :param norm_dur: 
    :param binsize: 
    :return PSTH, t_edges, max_fr: The PSTH binheights, the bin edges, and the max value of FR  
    unit = blk.channel_indexes[-1].units[unit_num]
    _, _, trains = spikeAnalysis.get_contact_sliced_trains(blk, unit)

    b, durations = spikeAnalysis.get_binary_trains(trains)

    idx, med_angle = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(blk, plot_tgl=False)
    if idx is -1:
        return (-1, -1, -1, -1)

    th_contacts, ph_contacts = worldGeometry.get_delta_angle(blk)
    PSTH = []
    t_edges = []
    max_fr = []
    for dir in np.arange(np.max(idx) + 1):
        sub_idx = np.where(idx == dir)[0]
        sub_trains = [trains[ii] for ii in sub_idx]
        if norm_dur:
            t_edges_temp, PSTH_temp, w = spikeAnalysis.get_time_stretched_PSTH(
                sub_trains, nbins=25)
            spt = spikeAnalysis.trains2times(sub_trains, concat_tgl=True)
            PSTH_temp, t_edges_temp = np.histogram(spt,
                                                       0, 500, float(binsize)))
            PSTH_temp = PSTH_temp.astype('f8') / len(durations) / pq.ms * 1000.
            w = binsize

    max_fr = np.max(max_fr)

    return (PSTH, t_edges, max_fr, med_angle)
Example #5
def create_threshold_DF(blk,unit_num=0,time_win=20,max_spikes=3):
    # If we use a constant time window then we are not looking at the magnitude, but th derivative
    # which could be what we want...
    use_flags = neoUtils.concatenate_epochs(blk)

    id = neoUtils.get_root(blk,unit_num)
    if len(use_flags)<10:
        print('{} has too few contacts'.format(id))
        return -1

    onset,offset = neoUtils.get_contact_apex_idx(blk,mode='time_win',time_win=time_win)
    all_var_mag = np.empty([len(onset),0])
    for varname in ['M','F','TH','PHIE']:
        var = neoUtils.get_var(blk,varname)
        if varname in ['TH','PHIE']:
            var = neoUtils.center_var(var,use_flags)
        var_sliced = neoUtils.get_analog_contact_slices(var,use_flags)

        var_onset = worldGeometry.get_onset(var_sliced,onset,to_array=False)

        var_mag = np.array([x[-1] if len(x)>0 else np.zeros(var_sliced.shape[2]) for x in var_onset ])
        all_var_mag = np.concatenate([all_var_mag,var_mag],axis=1)

    c_idx = np.empty(var_sliced.shape[1],dtype='f8')
    c_idx[:] = np.nan
    for n_spikes in range(max_spikes):
        temp_idx = spikeAnalysis.get_onset_contacts(blk,onset,num_spikes=n_spikes)
    X =np.concatenate([all_var_mag,c_idx[:,np.newaxis]],axis=1)
    df = pd.DataFrame(X)
    df = df.rename(columns={0:'Mx',1:'My',2:'Mz',3:'Fx',4:'Fy',5:'Fz',6:'TH',7:'PHI',8:'n_spikes'})

    dir_idx,med_dir = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(blk,False)

    df['dir_idx'] = dir_idx
    df['med_dir'] = df.dir_idx.map({x:med_dir[x] for x in range(len(med_dir))})
    df['id'] = [id for x in range(df.shape[0])]
    df['time_win'] = [time_win for x in range(df.shape[0])]
Example #6
def anova_analysis(blk, unit_num=0):
    use_flags = neoUtils.concatenate_epochs(blk)
    root = neoUtils.get_root(blk, unit_num)
    idx_dir, med_dir = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(blk, plot_tgl=False)
    FR = spikeAnalysis.get_contact_sliced_trains(blk, unit_num)[0].magnitude
    idx_S = worldGeometry.get_radial_distance_group(blk, plot_tgl=False)
    # Create arclength groups
    if idx_S is -1:
        print('Only one arclength group')
        arclength_labels = ['Proximal']
    elif idx_S is -2:
        print('Too few contacts')
        return (-1, -1)
    if np.max(idx_S) == 2:
        arclength_labels = ['Proximal', 'Medial', 'Distal']
    elif np.max(idx_S) == 1:
        arclength_labels = ['Proximal', 'Distal']

    idx_S = [arclength_labels[x] for x in idx_S]
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    directions = pd.DataFrame()
    df['Firing_Rate'] = FR
    df['Arclength'] = idx_S
    df['Direction'] = idx_dir
    df['id'] = root

    directions['med_dir'] = med_dir
    directions['Direction'] = list(set(df['Direction']))
    df = df.merge(directions)


    formula = 'Firing_Rate ~ C(Direction) + C(Arclength) + C(Arclength):C(Direction)'
    model = ols(formula, df).fit(missing='drop')
    aov_table = anova_lm(model, typ=1)
    aov_table['id'] = root

    return df, aov_table
Example #7
def onset_tuning(blk, unit_num=0, use_zeros=True):
    Calculate the onset velocity in both terms of CP and in terms of rotation.
    Calculate the relationship between the onset firing rate and the different velcocities
    :param blk: 
    :param unit_num: 
    :param use_zeros: 
    :return V_cp_fit,V_rot_fit: 
    use_flags = neoUtils.concatenate_epochs(blk)
    trains = spikeAnalysis.get_contact_sliced_trains(blk, unit_num)[-1]
    apex = neoUtils.get_contact_apex_idx(blk) * pq.ms
    apex_idx = apex.magnitude.astype('int')
    id = neoUtils.get_root(blk, unit_num)
    # get MB and FB at apex
    M = neoUtils.get_var(blk)
    MB = neoUtils.get_MB_MD(M)[0]
    MB_contacts = neoUtils.get_analog_contact_slices(MB, use_flags)
    MB_apex = neoUtils.get_value_at_idx(MB_contacts, apex_idx).squeeze()
    MB_dot = MB_apex / apex

    F = neoUtils.get_var(blk, 'F')
    FB = neoUtils.get_MB_MD(F)[0]
    FB_contacts = neoUtils.get_analog_contact_slices(FB, use_flags)
    FB_apex = neoUtils.get_value_at_idx(FB_contacts, apex_idx).squeeze()
    FB_dot = FB_apex / apex
    # Get onset FR
    onset_counts = np.array([
        len(train.time_slice(train.t_start, train.t_start + dur))
        for train, dur in zip(trains, apex)
    onset_FR = np.divide(onset_counts, apex)
    onset_FR.units = 1 / pq.s

    # get V_onset_rot
    V_rot, _, D = worldGeometry.get_onset_velocity(blk)

    dir_idx, dir_angle = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(blk, False)
    if dir_idx is -1:
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['id'] = [id for x in xrange(MB_dot.shape[0])]
    df['MB'] = MB_apex
    df['MB_dot'] = MB_dot
    df['FB_dot'] = FB_dot
    df['FB'] = FB_apex
    df['rot'] = D
    df['rot_dot'] = V_rot

    df['dir_idx'] = dir_idx
    df['FR'] = onset_FR
    df['dir_angle'] = [dir_angle[x] for x in dir_idx]
    df = df.replace(np.inf, np.nan)
    df = df.dropna()

    # FIT:
    fits_all = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['id', 'var', 'rvalue', 'pvalue', 'slope', 'intercept'])
    fits_direction = pd.DataFrame()
    idx = 0
    idx2 = 0
    for var in ['MB', 'MB_dot', 'FB', 'FB_dot', 'rot', 'rot_dot']:
        fit = stats.linregress(df[var], df['FR'])._asdict()
        fits_all.loc[idx, 'id'] = id
        fits_all.loc[idx, 'var'] = var

        for k, v in fit.iteritems():
            fits_all.loc[idx, k] = v
        idx += 1

        for direction in xrange(np.max(dir_idx) + 1):
            temp_idx = df['dir_idx'] == direction
            if not np.any(temp_idx):
            fit = stats.linregress(df[var][temp_idx],
            fits_direction.loc[idx2, 'id'] = id
            fits_direction.loc[idx2, 'var'] = var
            fits_direction.loc[idx2, 'dir_idx'] = direction
            fits_direction.loc[idx2, 'med_dir'] = dir_angle[direction]
            for k, v in fit.iteritems():
                fits_direction.loc[idx2, k] = v
            idx2 += 1
    return (fits_all, fits_direction, df)
Example #8
def plot_spike_trains_by_direction(blk,
                                   binsize=5 * pq.ms):
    unit = blk.channel_indexes[-1].units[unit_num]
    _, _, trains = spikeAnalysis.get_contact_sliced_trains(blk, unit)

    b, durations = spikeAnalysis.get_binary_trains(trains)

    idx, med_angle = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(blk, plot_tgl=False)
    if idx is -1:
        return (-1)

    th_contacts, ph_contacts = worldGeometry.get_delta_angle(blk)

    cc = sns.color_palette("husl", 8)
    f = plt.figure(tight_layout=True)
    f.set_size_inches(9, 9)
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3)
    ax = plt.subplot(gs[1:-1, 1:-1])
    to_rotate = -med_angle[0]
    R = np.array([[np.cos(to_rotate), -np.sin(to_rotate)],
                  [np.sin(to_rotate), np.cos(to_rotate)]])

    # plot deflections
    for ii in xrange(len(idx)):
        th = np.deg2rad(th_contacts[:, ii])
        ph = np.deg2rad(ph_contacts[:, ii])
        X = np.vstack((th, ph))
        X_rot = np.dot(R, X)
        plt.plot(np.rad2deg(X_rot[0, :]),
                 np.rad2deg(X_rot[1, :]),
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ (deg)')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$\phi$ (deg)')

    axis_coords = [[1, 2], [0, 2], [0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1],
                   [2, 2]]

    time_lim = np.percentile(durations,
                             90)  # drop the tenth percentile of durations

    PSTH = []
    t_edges = []
    max_fr = []
    for dir in np.arange(np.max(idx) + 1):
        sub_idx = np.where(idx == dir)[0]
        sub_trains = [trains[ii] for ii in sub_idx]
        if norm_dur:
            t_edges_temp, PSTH_temp, w = spikeAnalysis.get_time_stretched_PSTH(
            spt = spikeAnalysis.trains2times(sub_trains, concat_tgl=True)
            PSTH_temp, t_edges_temp = np.histogram(spt,
                                                       0, 500, float(binsize)))
            PSTH_temp = PSTH_temp.astype('f8') / len(durations) / pq.ms * 1000.
            w = binsize

    max_fr = np.max(max_fr)

    for dir in np.arange(np.max(idx) + 1):
        ax = plt.subplot(gs[axis_coords[dir][0], axis_coords[dir][1]])
        ax.set_ylim([0, 1])

        if norm_dur:
            ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
            ax.set_xlim(0, time_lim)

                PSTH[dir] / max_fr,

    f.suptitle(neoUtils.get_root(blk, unit_num))
    return (0)
Example #9
import glob
import os

p_load = os.path.join(
    r'C:\Users\guru\Box Sync\__VG3D\_deflection_trials\_NEO')
p_save = os.path.join(
    r'C:\Users\guru\Box Sync\__VG3D\_deflection_trials\_NEO\results')

DF = pd.DataFrame()
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(p_load, '*.h5')):
    blk = neoUtils.get_blk(f)
    print('Working on {}'.format(f))
    num_units = len(blk.channel_indexes[-1].units)
    dir_idx, med_angle, projection_angle = worldGeometry.get_contact_direction(
        blk, False)
    for unit_num in range(num_units):
        id = neoUtils.get_root(blk, unit_num)
        df = pd.DataFrame()
        df['Direction_Group'] = dir_idx
        df['Group_Angle'] = [med_angle[x] for x in dir_idx]
        df['Contact_Angle'] = projection_angle
        df['id'] = id
        DF = DF.append(df)
DF.to_csv(os.path.join(p_save, 'Direction_data.csv'), index=False)

master_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
for cell in DF.id.unique():
    df = DF[DF.id == cell]
    field = 'cell_{}'.format(cell)
    contact_angle = df['Contact_Angle'].as_matrix()