Example #1
def generate_world(world_name, width, height, seed, num_plates, output_dir,
                   step, ocean_level, temps, humids, world_format='protobuf',
                   gamma_curve=1.25, curve_offset=.2, fade_borders=True,
                   verbose=True, black_and_white=False):
    w = world_gen(world_name, width, height, seed, temps, humids, num_plates, ocean_level,
                  step, gamma_curve=gamma_curve, curve_offset=curve_offset,
                  fade_borders=fade_borders, verbose=verbose)

    print('')  # empty line
    print('Producing ouput:')

    # Save data
    filename = "%s/%s.world" % (output_dir, world_name)
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        if world_format == 'pickle':
            pickle.dump(w, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        elif world_format == 'protobuf':
            print("Unknown format '%s', not saving " % world_format)
    print("* world data saved in '%s'" % filename)

    # Generate images
    filename = '%s/%s_ocean.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
    draw_ocean_on_file(w.ocean, filename)
    print("* ocean image generated in '%s'" % filename)

    if step.include_precipitations:
        filename = '%s/%s_precipitation.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
        draw_precipitation_on_file(w, filename, black_and_white)
        print("* precipitation image generated in '%s'" % filename)
        filename = '%s/%s_temperature.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
        draw_temperature_levels_on_file(w, filename, black_and_white)
        print("* temperature image generated in '%s'" % filename)

    if step.include_biome:
        filename = '%s/%s_biome.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
        draw_biome_on_file(w, filename)
        print("* biome image generated in '%s'" % filename)

    filename = '%s/%s_elevation.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
    sea_level = w.sea_level()
    draw_simple_elevation_on_file(w, filename, sea_level=sea_level)
    print("* elevation image generated in '%s'" % filename)
    return w
Example #2
def generate_world(world_name, width, height, seed, num_plates, output_dir,
                   step, ocean_level, temps, humids,
                   world_format='pickle', fade_borders=True,
                   verbose=True, black_and_white=False):
    w = world_gen(world_name, width, height, seed, temps, humids, num_plates, ocean_level,
                  step, fade_borders=fade_borders, verbose=verbose)

    print('')  # empty line
    print('Producing ouput:')

    # Save data
    filename = "%s/%s.world" % (output_dir, world_name)
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        if world_format == 'pickle':
            pickle.dump(w, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        elif world_format == 'protobuf':
            print("Unknown format '%s', not saving " % world_format)
    print("* world data saved in '%s'" % filename)

    # Generate images
    filename = '%s/%s_ocean.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
    draw_ocean_on_file(w.ocean, filename)
    print("* ocean image generated in '%s'" % filename)

    if step.include_precipitations:
        filename = '%s/%s_precipitation.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
        draw_precipitation_on_file(w, filename, black_and_white)
        print("* precipitation image generated in '%s'" % filename)
        filename = '%s/%s_temperature.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
        draw_temperature_levels_on_file(w, filename, black_and_white)
        print("* temperature image generated in '%s'" % filename)

    if step.include_biome:
        filename = '%s/%s_biome.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
        draw_biome_on_file(w, filename)
        print("* biome image generated in '%s'" % filename)

    filename = '%s/%s_elevation.png' % (output_dir, world_name)
    sea_level = w.sea_level()
    draw_simple_elevation_on_file(w, filename, sea_level=sea_level)
    print("* elevation image generated in '%s'" % filename)
    return w