Example #1
 def get_population(ids_el):
     cell_indices = df.index.get_indexer_for(ids_el)
     cell_indices = cell_indices[cell_indices > -1]
     if len(cell_indices) is 0:
         return None
     p = np.zeros(len(df), dtype=np.float64)
     p[cell_indices] = 1.0
     return Population(day, p / np.sum(p))
Example #2
    def pull_back(self,
        Pulls the population back through the computed transport maps

        *populations : wot.Population
            Measure over the cells at a given timepoint to be pushed forward.
        to_time : int or float, optional
            Destination timepoint to pull back to.
        normalize : bool, optional, default: True
            Wether to normalize to a probability distribution or keep growth.
        as_list : bool, optional, default: False
            Wether to return a listof length 1 when a single element is passed, or a Population

        result : wot.Population
            The pull back of the input population through the proper transport map.
            Array of populations if several populations were given as input.

            If there is no previous timepoint to pull the population back.
            If several populations are given as input but dot live in the same timepoint.

        >>> self.pull_back(pop, to_time = 0) # -> wot.Population
        Pushing several populations at once
        >>> self.pull_back(pop1, pop2, pop3) # -> list of wot.Population
        Pulling back after pushing forward
        >>> self.pull_back(self.push_forward(pop))
        Same, but several populations at once
        >>> self.pull_back(* self.push_forward(pop1, pop2, pop3))
        i = self.timepoints.index(wot.tmap.unique_timepoint(*populations))
        j = i - 1 if to_time is None else self.timepoints.index(to_time)

        if i == -1:
            raise ValueError("Timepoint not found")
        if i == 0:
            raise ValueError("No previous timepoints. Unable to pull back")
        if j == -1:
            raise ValueError("Destination timepoint not found")
        if i < j:
            raise ValueError(
                "Destination timepoint is after source. Unable to pull back")

        p = np.vstack([pop.p for pop in populations])
        while i > j:
            t1 = self.timepoints[i]
            t0 = self.timepoints[i - 1]
            tmap = self.get_coupling(t0, t1)
            p = (tmap.X @ p.T).T
            if normalize:
                p = (p.T / np.sum(p, axis=1)).T
            i -= 1

        result = [
            Population(self.timepoints[i], p[k, :]) for k in range(p.shape[0])
        if len(result) == 1 and not as_list:
            return result[0]
            return result