def mkvirtualenv(): """ Create the virtualenv project environment """ root = '/'.join([deployment_root(), 'env']) path = '/'.join([root, env.project_fullname]) dirs_created = [] if env.verbosity: print, 'CREATING VIRTUALENV', path if not exists(root): dirs_created += mkdirs(root) with cd(root): run(' '.join(["virtualenv", env.project_fullname])) with cd(path): dirs_created += mkdirs('egg_cache') sudo('chown -R %s:www-data egg_cache' % env.user) sudo('chmod -R g+w egg_cache') run(''.join([ "echo 'cd ", path, '/', 'project', '/', env.project_package_name, '/sitesettings', "' > bin/postactivate" ])) sudo('chmod ugo+rwx bin/postactivate') #Create a state out = State(' '.join([, 'virtualenv', path, 'created'])) out.object = dirs_created + ['bin', 'lib', 'include'] out.failed = False return out
def mkvirtualenv(): """ Create the virtualenv project environment """ root = '/'.join([deployment_root(), 'env']) path = '/'.join([root, env.project_fullname]) dirs_created = [] if env.verbosity: print, 'CREATING VIRTUALENV', path if not exists(root): dirs_created += mkdirs(root) with cd(root): run(' '.join(["virtualenv", env.project_fullname])) with cd(path): dirs_created += mkdirs('egg_cache') sudo('chown -R %s:www-data egg_cache' % env.user) sudo('chmod -R g+w egg_cache') run(''.join([ "echo 'cd ", path, '/', 'project', '/', env.project_package_name, '/sitesettings', "' > bin/postactivate"])) sudo('chmod ugo+rwx bin/postactivate') #Create a state out = State(' '.join([, 'virtualenv', path, 'created'])) out.object = dirs_created + ['bin', 'lib', 'include'] out.failed = False return out
def deploy_wsgi(): """ deploy python wsgi file(s) """ remote_dir = "/".join([deployment_root(), "env", env.project_fullname, "wsgi"]) deployed = [] if env.verbosity: print, "DEPLOYING wsgi", remote_dir domains = domain_sites() for domain in domains: deployed += mkdirs(remote_dir) with cd(remote_dir): u_domain = domain.replace(".", "_") filename = "%s.wsgi" % u_domain context = { "deployment_root": deployment_root(), "user": env.user, "project_name": env.project_name, "u_domain": u_domain, "root_domain": env.root_domain, } upload_template("/".join(["woven", "django-wsgi-template.txt"]), filename, context) if env.verbosity: print " * uploaded", filename # finally set the ownership/permissions # We'll use the group to allow www-data execute sudo("chown %s:www-data %s" % (env.user, filename)) run("chmod ug+xr %s" % filename) return deployed
def pip_install_requirements(): """ Install on current installed virtualenv version from a [dist/project name-version].pybundles or pip ``req.txt``|``requirements.txt`` or a env.pip_requirements list. By default it will look for a pybundle in the dist directory first then a requirements file. The limitations of installing requirements are that you cannot point directly to packages in your local filesystem. In this case you would bundle instead. """ if not server_state('mkvirtualenv'): print,'Error: Cannot run pip_install_requirements. A virtualenv is not created for this version. Run mkvirtualenv first' return if env.verbosity: print, 'PIP INSTALLING REQUIREMENTS:' #Remove any pre-existing pip-log from any previous failed installation pip_log_dir = '/'.join(['/home',env.user,'.pip']) if exists(pip_log_dir): run(' '.join(['rm -rf' ,pip_log_dir])) #determine what req files or bundle files we need to deploy if not env.PIP_REQUIREMENTS: req_files = {}.fromkeys(glob('req*')) else: req_files = {}.fromkeys(env.PIP_REQUIREMENTS) for key in req_files: bundle = ''.join([key.split('.')[0],'.pybundle']) if os.path.exists(os.path.join('dist',bundle)): req_files[key] = bundle #if no requirements file exists create one if not req_files: f = open("requirements.txt","w+") text = render_to_string('woven/requirements.txt') f.write(text) f.close() req_files["requirements.txt"]='' req_files_list = req_files.keys() req_files_list.sort() #determine the django version file_patterns ='' if 'file://' in env.DJANGO_REQUIREMENT: django_req = os.path.split(env.DJANGO_REQUIREMENT.replace('file://',''))[1] file_patterns = ''.join([django_req]) elif env.DJANGO_REQUIREMENT: django_req = env.DJANGO_REQUIREMENT else: django_version = get_version() svn_version = django_version.find('SVN') if svn_version > -1: django_version = django_version[svn_version+4:] django_req = ''.join(['-e svn+',svn_version,'#egg=Django']) else: django_req = ''.join(['Django==',django_version]) req_files[django_req]=None req_files_list.insert(0,django_req) #patterns for bundles if req_files: file_patterns = '|'.join([file_patterns,'req*.pybundle']) #create a pip cache & src directory cache = '/'.join(['/home',env.user,'.package-cache']) src = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'src']) deployed = mkdirs(cache) deployed += mkdirs(src) #deploy bundles and any local copy of django local_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'dist') remote_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'dist']) if file_patterns: deployed += deploy_files(local_dir, remote_dir, pattern=file_patterns) #deploy any requirement files deployed += deploy_files(os.getcwd(), remote_dir, pattern = 'req*') #install in the env out = State(' '.join([,'pip install requirements'])) python_path = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'bin','python']) with settings(warn_only=True): with cd(remote_dir): for req in req_files_list: bundle = req_files[req] if bundle: req=bundle if env.verbosity: print ' * installing',req if '.pybundle' in req.lower(): install = run('pip install %s -q --environment=%s --log=/home/%s/.pip/%s_pip_log.txt'% (req, python_path, env.user, req.replace('.','_'))) elif 'django' in req.lower(): install = run('pip install %s -q --environment=%s --src=%s --download-cache=%s --log=/home/%s/.pip/django_pip_log.txt'% (req, python_path, src, cache, env.user)) else: install = run('pip install -q --environment=%s --src=%s --download-cache=%s --requirement=%s --log=/home/%s/.pip/%s_pip_log.txt'% (python_path,src,cache,req, env.user,req.replace('.','_'))) if install.failed: out.failed =True out.stderr += ' '.join([, "ERROR INSTALLING",req,'\n']) #fabric 1.0 if hasattr(install,'stderr'): out.stderr = '\n'.join([out.stderr,install.stderr]) out.object = deployed if install.failed: print out.stderr sys.exit(1) return out
def deploy_wsgi(): """ deploy python wsgi file(s) """ if 'libapache2-mod-wsgi' in get_packages(): remote_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'wsgi']) wsgi = 'apache2' elif 'gunicorn' in get_packages(): remote_dir = '/etc/init' wsgi = 'gunicorn' deployed = [] #ensure project apps path is also added to environment variables as well as wsgi if env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH: pap = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env', env.project_name,'project',env.project_package_name,env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH]) pap = ''.join(['export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:',pap]) postactivate = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env','postactivate']) if not exists(postactivate): append('#!/bin/bash', postactivate) run('chmod +x %s'% postactivate) if not contains('PYTHONPATH',postactivate): append(pap,postactivate) if env.verbosity: print,"DEPLOYING wsgi", wsgi, remote_dir for file in _sitesettings_files(): deployed += mkdirs(remote_dir) with cd(remote_dir): settings_module = file.replace('.py','') context = {"deployment_root":deployment_root(), "user": env.user, "project_name": env.project_name, "project_package_name": env.project_package_name, "project_apps_path":env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH, "settings": settings_module, } if wsgi == 'apache2': filename = file.replace('.py','.wsgi') upload_template('/'.join(['woven','django-wsgi-template.txt']), filename, context, ) elif wsgi == 'gunicorn': filename = 'gunicorn-%s.conf'% env.project_name upload_template('/'.join(['woven','gunicorn.conf']), filename, context, backup=False, use_sudo=True ) if env.verbosity: print " * uploaded", filename #finally set the ownership/permissions #We'll use the group to allow www-data execute if wsgi == 'apache2': sudo("chown %s:www-data %s"% (env.user,filename)) run("chmod ug+xr %s"% filename) elif wsgi == 'gunicorn': sudo("chown root:root %s"% filename) sudo("chmod go+r %s"% filename) return deployed
def pip_install_requirements(): """ Install on current installed virtualenv version from a pip bundle [dist/project name-version].zip or pip ``req.txt``|``requirements.txt`` or a env.pip_requirements list. By default it will look for a zip bundle in the dist directory first then a requirements file. The limitations of installing requirements are that you cannot point directly to packages in your local filesystem. In this case you would bundle instead. """ if not version_state('mkvirtualenv'): print, 'Error: Cannot run pip_install_requirements. A virtualenv is not created for this version. Run mkvirtualenv first' return if env.verbosity: print, 'PIP INSTALLING REQUIREMENTS:' #Remove any pre-existing pip-log from any previous failed installation pip_log_dir = '/'.join(['/home', env.user, '.pip']) if exists(pip_log_dir): run('rm -f %s/*.txt' % pip_log_dir) #determine what req files or bundle files we need to deploy if not env.PIP_REQUIREMENTS: req_files = {}.fromkeys(glob('req*')) else: req_files = {}.fromkeys(env.PIP_REQUIREMENTS) for key in req_files: bundle = ''.join([key.split('.')[0], '.zip']) if os.path.exists(os.path.join('dist', bundle)): req_files[key] = bundle #determine the django version file_patterns = '' django_version = get_version() svn_version = django_version.find('SVN') if svn_version > -1: django_version = django_version[svn_version + 4:] django_req = ''.join([ '-e svn+', django_version, '#egg=Django' ]) else: other_builds = ['alpha', 'beta', 'rc'] for b in other_builds: if b in django_version: print "ERROR: Unsupported Django version", django_version print "Define a DJANGO_REQUIREMENT pointing to the tar.gz for", django_version print "and re-deploy, or use the official or SVN release of Django." sys.exit(1) django_req = ''.join(['Django==', django_version]) #if no requirements file exists create one if not req_files: f = open("requirements.txt", "w+") text = render_to_string('woven/requirements.txt', {'django': django_req}) f.write(text) f.close() if env.verbosity: print "Created local requirements.txt" req_files["requirements.txt"] = '' req_files_list = req_files.keys() req_files_list.sort() #patterns for bundles if req_files: file_patterns = '|'.join([file_patterns, 'req*.zip']) #create a pip cache & src directory cache = '/'.join([deployment_root(), '.pip', 'cache']) src = '/'.join([deployment_root(), '.pip', 'src']) deployed = mkdirs(cache) deployed += mkdirs(src) #deploy bundles and any local copy of django local_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'dist') remote_dir = '/'.join( [deployment_root(), 'env', env.project_fullname, 'dist']) if os.path.exists(local_dir): if file_patterns: deployed += deploy_files(local_dir, remote_dir, pattern=file_patterns) #deploy any requirement files deployed += deploy_files(os.getcwd(), remote_dir, pattern='req*') #install in the env out = State(' '.join([, 'pip install requirements'])) python_path = '/'.join( [deployment_root(), 'env', env.project_fullname, 'bin', 'python']) with settings(warn_only=True): with cd(remote_dir): for req in req_files_list: bundle = req_files[req] if bundle: req = bundle if env.verbosity: print ' * installing', req if '.zip' in req.lower(): install = run( 'pip install %s -q --environment=%s --log=/home/%s/.pip/%s_pip_log.txt' % (req, python_path, env.user, req.replace('.', '_'))) else: install = run( 'pip install -q --environment=%s --src=%s --download-cache=%s --requirement=%s --log=/home/%s/.pip/%s_pip_log.txt' % (python_path, src, cache, req, env.user, req.replace('.', '_'))) if install.failed: out.failed = True out.stderr += ' '.join( [, "ERROR INSTALLING", req, '\n']) out.object = deployed if out.failed: print out.stderr print "Review the pip install logs at %s/.pip and re-deploy" % deployment_root( ) sys.exit(1) return out
def deploy_wsgi(): """ deploy python wsgi file(s) """ if 'libapache2-mod-wsgi' in get_packages(): remote_dir = '/'.join( [deployment_root(), 'env', env.project_fullname, 'wsgi']) wsgi = 'apache2' elif 'gunicorn' in get_packages(): remote_dir = '/etc/init' wsgi = 'gunicorn' deployed = [] #ensure project apps path is also added to environment variables as well as wsgi if env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH: pap = '/'.join([ deployment_root(), 'env', env.project_name, 'project', env.project_package_name, env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH ]) pap = ''.join(['export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:', pap]) postactivate = '/'.join([deployment_root(), 'env', 'postactivate']) if not exists(postactivate): append('#!/bin/bash', postactivate) run('chmod +x %s' % postactivate) if not contains('PYTHONPATH', postactivate): append(pap, postactivate) if env.verbosity: print, "DEPLOYING wsgi", wsgi, remote_dir for file in _sitesettings_files(): deployed += mkdirs(remote_dir) with cd(remote_dir): settings_module = file.replace('.py', '') context = { "deployment_root": deployment_root(), "user": env.user, "project_name": env.project_name, "project_package_name": env.project_package_name, "project_apps_path": env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH, "settings": settings_module, } if wsgi == 'apache2': filename = file.replace('.py', '.wsgi') upload_template( '/'.join(['woven', 'django-wsgi-template.txt']), filename, context, ) elif wsgi == 'gunicorn': filename = 'gunicorn-%s.conf' % env.project_name upload_template('/'.join(['woven', 'gunicorn.conf']), filename, context, backup=False, use_sudo=True) if env.verbosity: print " * uploaded", filename #finally set the ownership/permissions #We'll use the group to allow www-data execute if wsgi == 'apache2': sudo("chown %s:www-data %s" % (env.user, filename)) run("chmod ug+xr %s" % filename) elif wsgi == 'gunicorn': sudo("chown root:root %s" % filename) sudo("chmod go+r %s" % filename) return deployed
def pip_install_requirements(): """ Install on current installed virtualenv version from a pip bundle [dist/project name-version].zip or pip ``req.txt``|``requirements.txt`` or a env.pip_requirements list. By default it will look for a zip bundle in the dist directory first then a requirements file. The limitations of installing requirements are that you cannot point directly to packages in your local filesystem. In this case you would bundle instead. """ if not version_state('mkvirtualenv'): print,'Error: Cannot run pip_install_requirements. A virtualenv is not created for this version. Run mkvirtualenv first' return if env.verbosity: print, 'PIP INSTALLING REQUIREMENTS:' #Remove any pre-existing pip-log from any previous failed installation pip_log_dir = os.path.join(deployment_root(), '.pip') if exists(pip_log_dir): run('rm -f %s/*.txt'% pip_log_dir) #determine what req files or bundle files we need to deploy if not env.PIP_REQUIREMENTS: req_files = {}.fromkeys(glob('req*')) else: req_files = {}.fromkeys(env.PIP_REQUIREMENTS) for key in req_files: bundle = ''.join([key.split('.')[0],'.zip']) if os.path.exists(os.path.join('dist',bundle)): req_files[key] = bundle #determine the django version file_patterns ='' django_version = get_version() svn_version = django_version.find('SVN') if svn_version > -1: django_version = django_version[svn_version+4:] django_req = ''.join(['-e svn+',django_version,'#egg=Django']) else: other_builds = ['alpha','beta','rc'] for b in other_builds: if b in django_version: print "ERROR: Unsupported Django version", django_version print "Define a DJANGO_REQUIREMENT pointing to the tar.gz for",django_version print "and re-deploy, or use the official or SVN release of Django." sys.exit(1) django_req = ''.join(['Django==',django_version]) #if no requirements file exists create one if not req_files: f = open("requirements.txt","w+") text = render_to_string('woven/requirements.txt', {'django':django_req}) f.write(text) f.close() if env.verbosity: print "Created local requirements.txt" req_files["requirements.txt"]='' req_files_list = req_files.keys() req_files_list.sort() #patterns for bundles if req_files: file_patterns = '|'.join([file_patterns,'req*.zip']) #create a pip cache & src directory cache = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'.pip','cache']) src = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'.pip','src']) deployed = mkdirs(cache) deployed += mkdirs(src) #deploy bundles and any local copy of django local_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'dist') remote_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'dist']) if os.path.exists(local_dir): if file_patterns: deployed += deploy_files(local_dir, remote_dir, pattern=file_patterns) #deploy any requirement files deployed += deploy_files(os.getcwd(), remote_dir, pattern = 'req*') #install in the env out = State(' '.join([,'pip install requirements'])) python_path = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'bin','python']) with settings(warn_only=True): with cd(remote_dir): for req in req_files_list: bundle = req_files[req] if bundle: req=bundle if env.verbosity: print ' * installing',req if '.zip' in req.lower(): install = run('pip install %s -q --environment=%s --log=%s/.pip/%s_pip_log.txt'% (req, python_path, deployment_root(), req.replace('.','_'))) else: install = run('pip install -q --environment=%s --src=%s --download-cache=%s --requirement=%s --log=%s/.pip/%s_pip_log.txt'% (python_path,src,cache,req, deployment_root(),req.replace('.','_'))) if install.failed: out.failed =True out.stderr += ' '.join([, "ERROR INSTALLING",req,'\n']) out.object = deployed if out.failed: print out.stderr print "Review the pip install logs at %s/.pip and re-deploy"% deployment_root() sys.exit(1) return out