Example #1
def install_packages():
    Install a set of baseline packages and configure where necessary

    if env.verbosity:
    #Get a list of installed packages
    p = run("dpkg -l | awk '/ii/ {print $2}'").split('\n')
    #Remove apparmor - TODO we may enable this later
    if env.overwrite or not server_state('apparmor-disabled') and 'apparmor' in p:
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            sudo('/etc/init.d/apparmor stop')
            sudo('update-rc.d -f apparmor remove')

    #The principle we will use is to only install configurations and packages
    #if they do not already exist (ie not manually installed or other method)
    env.installed_packages[env.host] = []
    role = env.role_lookup[env.host_string]
    packages = get_packages()
    for package in packages:
        if not package in p:
            if env.verbosity:
                print ' * installed',package
    if env.overwrite or env.installed_packages[env.host]: #always store the latest complete list
        set_server_state('packages_installed', packages)
        env.installed_packages[env.host] = packages

    if env.overwrite and 'apache2' in env.installed_packages[env.host]: 
            #some sensible defaults -might move to putting this config in a template
            sudo("rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default")
            sed('/etc/apache2/apache2.conf',before='KeepAlive On',after='KeepAlive Off',use_sudo=True, backup='')
            sed('/etc/apache2/apache2.conf',before='StartServers          2', after='StartServers          1', use_sudo=True, backup='')
            sed('/etc/apache2/apache2.conf',before='MaxClients          150', after='MaxClients          100', use_sudo=True, backup='')
            for module in env.APACHE_DISABLE_MODULES:
                sudo('rm -f /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/%s*'% module)
    #Install base python packages
    #We'll use easy_install at this stage since it doesn't download if the package
    #is current whereas pip always downloads.
    #Once both these packages mature we'll move to using the standard Ubuntu packages
    if (env.overwrite or not server_state('pip-venv-wrapper-installed')) and 'python-setuptools' in packages:
        sudo("easy_install virtualenv")
        sudo("easy_install pip")
        sudo("easy_install virtualenvwrapper")
        if env.verbosity:
            print " * easy installed pip, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper"
    user_profile_dir = os.path.join(deployment_user_home(), ".profile")
    if not contains("source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh", user_profile_dir):
        append("export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/env", user_profile_dir)
        append("source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh", user_profile_dir)

    #cleanup after easy_install
    sudo("rm -rf build")
Example #2
def upload_ssh_key(rollback=False):
    Upload your ssh key for passwordless logins
    user_ssh_dir = os.path.join(deployment_user_home(), '.ssh')
    auth_keys = os.path.join(user_ssh_dir, 'authorized_keys')
    if not rollback:
        local_user = getpass.getuser()
        host = socket.gethostname()
        u = '@'.join([local_user,host])
        u = 'ssh-key-uploaded-%s'% u
        if not env.overwrite and server_state(u): return
        if not exists('.ssh'):
            run('mkdir .ssh')
        #determine local .ssh dir
        home = os.path.expanduser('~')
        ssh_dsa = os.path.join(home,'.ssh/id_dsa.pub')
        ssh_rsa =  os.path.join(home,'.ssh/id_rsa.pub')
        if env.KEY_FILENAME:
            if not os.path.exists(env.KEY_FILENAME):
                print "ERROR: The specified KEY_FILENAME (or SSH_KEY_FILENAME) %s does not exist"% env.KEY_FILENAME
                ssh_key = env.KEY_FILENAME
        elif os.path.exists(ssh_dsa):
            ssh_key = ssh_dsa
        elif os.path.exists(ssh_rsa):
            ssh_key = ssh_rsa
            ssh_key = ''
        if ssh_key:
            ssh_file = open(ssh_key,'r').read()
            ssh_file = ssh_file.strip() # remove any trailing \n's
            if exists(auth_keys):
            if env.verbosity:
                print env.host, "UPLOADING SSH KEY"
            append(ssh_file,auth_keys) #append prevents uploading twice
        if exists(auth_keys+'.wovenbak'):
        else: #no pre-existing keys remove the .ssh directory
            sudo('rm -rf ' + user_ssh_dir)
Example #3
def restrict_ssh(rollback=False):
    Set some sensible restrictions in Ubuntu /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart sshd
    UseDNS no #prevents dns spoofing sshd defaults to yes
    X11Forwarding no # defaults to no
    AuthorizedKeysFile  %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

    uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts sshd

    if not rollback:
        if server_state('ssh_restricted'):
            return False

        sshd_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "RESTRICTING SSH with "+sshd_config
        filename = 'sshd_config'
        if not exists(os.path.join(deployment_user_home(), '.ssh', 'authorized_keys')): #do not pass go do not collect $200
            print env.host, 'You need to upload_ssh_key first.'
            return False
        context = {"HOST_SSH_PORT": env.HOST_SSH_PORT}
        # Restart sshd
        sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        # The user can modify the sshd_config file directly but we save
        if (env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD or env.INTERACTIVE) and contains('#PasswordAuthentication no','/etc/ssh/sshd_config',use_sudo=True):
            print "WARNING: You may want to test your node ssh login at this point ssh %s@%s -p%s"% (env.user, env.host, env.port)
            c_text = 'Would you like to disable password login and use only ssh key authentication'
            proceed = confirm(c_text,default=False)
        if not env.INTERACTIVE or proceed or env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD:
            #uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts
            sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        return True
    else: #Full rollback
        if server_state('ssh_port_changed'):
            sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','Port '+ str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),'Port '+str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),use_sudo=True)
            sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        set_server_state('ssh_restricted', delete=True)
        return True
Example #4
def disable_root():
    Disables root and creates a new sudo user as specified by HOST_USER in your
    settings or your host_string
    The normal pattern for hosting is to get a root account which is then disabled.
    returns True on success
    def enter_password():
        password1 = getpass.getpass(prompt='Enter the password for %s:'% sudo_user)
        password2 = getpass.getpass(prompt='Re-enter the password:'******'The password was not the same'
        return password1

    (olduser,host,port) = normalize(env.host_string)
    if env.verbosity and not (env.HOST_USER or env.ROLEDEFS):
        print "\nWOVEN will now walk through setting up your node (host).\n"

        if env.INTERACTIVE:
            root_user = prompt("\nWhat is the default administrator account for your node?", default=env.ROOT_USER)
        else: root_user = env.ROOT_USER
        if root_user == 'root': sudo_user = env.user
        else: sudo_user = root_user
        if env.INTERACTIVE:
            sudo_user = prompt("What is the new or existing account you wish to use to setup and deploy to your node?", default=sudo_user)
        root_user = env.ROOT_USER
        sudo_user = env.user

    original_password = env.get('HOST_PASSWORD','')
    with settings(host_string=host_string,  password=env.ROOT_PASSWORD):
        if not contains('sudo','/etc/group',use_sudo=True):
            sudo('groupadd sudo')

        home_path = deployment_user_home()
        if not exists(home_path):
            if env.verbosity:
                print env.host, 'CREATING A NEW ACCOUNT WITH SUDO PRIVILEGE: %s'% sudo_user
            if not original_password:

                original_password = enter_password()
            add_user(username=sudo_user, password=original_password,group='sudo')

        #Add existing user to sudo group
            sudo('adduser %s sudo'% sudo_user)
        #adm group used by Ubuntu logs
        sudo('usermod -a -G adm %s'% sudo_user)
        #add user to /etc/sudoers
        if not exists('/etc/sudoers.wovenbak',use_sudo=True):
            sudo('cp -f /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.wovenbak')
        sudo('cp -f /etc/sudoers /tmp/sudoers.tmp')
        append("# Members of the sudo group may gain root privileges", '/tmp/sudoers.tmp', use_sudo=True)
        append("%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL", '/tmp/sudoers.tmp', use_sudo=True)
        sudo('visudo -c -f /tmp/sudoers.tmp')
        sudo('cp -f /tmp/sudoers.tmp /etc/sudoers')
        sudo('rm -rf /tmp/sudoers.tmp')
    env.password = original_password

    #finally disable root
    with settings(host_string=host_string):
        if sudo_user <> root_user and root_user == 'root':
            if env.INTERACTIVE:
                d_root = confirm("Disable the root account", default=True)
            else: d_root = env.DISABLE_ROOT
            if d_root:
                if env.verbosity:
                    print env.host, 'DISABLING ROOT'
                sudo("usermod -L %s"% 'root')

    return True