def storeWavefrontInfo(wfr): sz0 = get_axial_power_density(wfr, spectrum = False) sz1 = get_axial_power_density(wfr, spectrum = True) fwhm = calculate_fwhm(wfr) srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr._srwl_wf, 't') pulseEn, photons_per_pulse = calc_pulse_energy(wfr) srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr._srwl_wf, 'f') divergence = wfr.get_divergence() wfr.custom_fields['/source/t_spectrum'] = sz0 wfr.custom_fields['/source/f_spectrum'] = sz1 wfr.custom_fields['/source/xFWHM'] = fwhm['fwhm_x'] wfr.custom_fields['/source/yFWHM'] = fwhm['fwhm_y'] wfr.custom_fields['/source/divX'] = divergence[0] wfr.custom_fields['/source/divX'] = divergence[1] wfr.custom_fields['/source/pulseEn'] = pulseEn wfr.custom_fields['/source/nPhotons'] = photons_per_pulse
def get_energy_statistics(self, integrate=False, VERBOSE=False, mpi=True, write=False): self.set_electric_field_representation('t') energy = calc_pulse_energy(self) self.set_electric_field_representation('f') self.custom_fields['pulse energy'] = energy[0] self.custom_fields['nphotons'] = energy[1] return energy
def storePhotonEnergy(wfr, fname): enDir = directoryName + "pulseEnergy/" mkdir_p(enDir) effDir = directoryName + "systemEff/" mkdir_p(effDir) srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr._srwl_wf, 't') pulseEn, photons_per_pulse = calc_pulse_energy(wfr) srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr._srwl_wf, 'f') effPhotons = photons_per_pulse / wfr.custom_fields['source']['nPhotons'] effEn = pulseEn / wfr.custom_fields['source']['pulseEn'] + fname, [pulseEn, photons_per_pulse]) + fname, [effPhotons, effEn]) print("Photon Energy Saved: {}".format(fname))
def integratedAnalysis(indir, outfile): data = [] for f in os.listdir(indir): print("Processing: {}".format(f)) d = [] wfr = loadWavefront(f) cen = get_centroid(wfr, mode='integrated') srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr._srwl_wf, 't') pulseEn, photons_per_pulse = calc_pulse_energy(wfr) srwlib.srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr._srwl_wf, 'f') d.append([f, cen, pulseEn, photons_per_pulse]) data.append(d) data = np.asarray(data), data)
def get_pulse_energy(wfr): wfr.set_electric_field_representation('t') energy = calc_pulse_energy(wfr)[0] wfr.set_electric_field_representation('f') return energy
def propToBeamParameters(prop_output_path): """ Utility to setup a PhotonBeamParameters instance from propagation output. """ # Check prop out exists. if not os.path.isfile(prop_output_path): raise IOError("File not found: %s." % (prop_output_path)) # Construct the wavefront. wavefront = Wavefront() wavefront.load_hdf5(prop_output_path) pulse_energy = wpg_uti_wf.calc_pulse_energy(wavefront) mesh = wavefront.params.Mesh dx = (mesh.xMax - mesh.xMin) / (mesh.nx - 1) dy = (mesh.yMax - mesh.yMin) / (mesh.ny - 1) int0 = wavefront.get_intensity().sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) # I(slice_num) total_intensity = int0 * dx * dy # [J] times = numpy.linspace(mesh.sliceMin, mesh.sliceMax, mesh.nSlices) t = times[:-1] dt = times[1:] - times[:-1] It = total_intensity[:-1] m0 = numpy.sum(It * dt) m1 = numpy.sum(It * t * dt) / m0 m2 = numpy.sum(It * t**2 * dt) / m0 rms = math.sqrt(m2 - m1**2) spike_fwhm_J = constants.hbar / rms spike_fwhm_eV = spike_fwhm_J / constants.e # Switch to energy domain srwl.SetRepresElecField(wavefront._srwl_wf, 'f') mesh = wavefront.params.Mesh spectrum = wavefront.get_intensity().sum(axis=0).sum( axis=0) # I(slice_num) energies = numpy.linspace(mesh.sliceMin, mesh.sliceMax, mesh.nSlices) w = energies[:-1] dw = energies[1:] - energies[:-1] Iw = spectrum[:-1] m0 = numpy.sum(Iw * dw) m1 = numpy.sum(Iw * w * dw) / m0 m2 = numpy.sum(Iw * w**2 * dw) / m0 rms = math.sqrt(m2 - m1**2) photon_energy = m1 #spec_fwhm_eV = rms # Extract beam diameter fwhm xy_fwhm = wpg_uti_wf.calculate_fwhm(wavefront) # Extract divergence # Switch to reciprocal space srwl.SetRepresElecField(wavefront._srwl_wf, 'a') qxqy_fwhm = wpg_uti_wf.calculate_fwhm(wavefront) del wavefront beam_parameters = PhotonBeamParameters( photon_energy=photon_energy * electronvolt, photon_energy_relative_bandwidth=spike_fwhm_eV / photon_energy, pulse_energy=pulse_energy * joule, divergence=max([qxqy_fwhm['fwhm_x'], qxqy_fwhm['fwhm_y']]) / 2. * radian, beam_diameter_fwhm=max([xy_fwhm['fwhm_x'], xy_fwhm['fwhm_y']]) * meter, photon_energy_spectrum_type="SASE", ) return beam_parameters
def show_slices_hsv(wf, slice_numbers=None, pretitle=''): """ Show slices: intensity, phase, gaussian approximation parameters and cuts. @TBD:All gaussian parameters in pixels now. Should be fixed. @TBD: Add normalization to averaged slice intensity :params wf: wpg.Wavefront :params slice_numbers: slices to be shown, may by list, int, or None (for all slices) :params pretitle: string to be add in the beginning of the title line """ from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb from wpg.useful_code.backpropagation import fit_gaussian, gaussian from wpg.wpg_uti_wf import calc_pulse_energy J2eV = 6.24150934e18 wf_intensity = wf.get_intensity(polarization='horizontal') wf_phase = wf.get_phase(polarization='horizontal') if wf.params.wSpace == 'R-space': pulse_energy = wf.get_intensity().sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) energyJ = calc_pulse_energy(wf) dx = (wf.params.Mesh.xMax - wf.params.Mesh.xMin) // \ (wf.params.Mesh.nx - 1) dy = (wf.params.Mesh.yMax - wf.params.Mesh.yMin) // \ (wf.params.Mesh.ny - 1) elif wf.params.wSpace == 'Q-space': dx = (wf.params.Mesh.qxMax - wf.params.Mesh.qxMin) // \ (wf.params.Mesh.nx - 1) dy = (wf.params.Mesh.qyMax - wf.params.Mesh.qyMin) // \ (wf.params.Mesh.ny - 1) else: raise TypeError('wSpace should be "R-space" or "Q-space"') dt = (wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax - wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin) // \ (wf.params.Mesh.nSlices - 1) print('dt', dt) if slice_numbers is None: slice_numbers = range(wf_intensity.shape[-1]) if isinstance(slice_numbers, int): slice_numbers = [ slice_numbers, ] intense = wf_intensity.sum(0).sum(0) intense = numpy.squeeze(intense) intense = intense * dx * dy * 1e6 * 1e-9 # [GW], dx,dy [mm] print('Z coord: {0:.4f} m.'.format(wf.params.Mesh.zCoord)) pylab.figure() if wf.params.wDomain == 'time': pylab.plot( numpy.linspace(wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin, wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax, wf.params.Mesh.nSlices) * 1e15, intense) pylab.plot(slice_numbers, intense[slice_numbers], color='g', linestyle='None', markersize=5, marker='o', markerfacecolor='w', markeredgecolor='g') pylab.title(pretitle + ' Instanteneous power') pylab.xlim(wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin * 1e15, wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax * 1e15) pylab.xlabel('fs') pylab.ylabel('[GW]') else: # if wDomain=='frequency' pylab.plot( numpy.linspace( -wf.params.Mesh.nSlices * dt / 2, wf.params.Mesh.nSlices * dt / 2, wf.params.Mesh.nSlices) / wf.params.photonEnergy * 1e3, intense) pylab.plot((slice_numbers * dt - wf.params.Mesh.nSlices * dt / 2) / wf.params.photonEnergy * 1e3, intense[slice_numbers], color='g', linestyle='None', markersize=5, marker='o', markerfacecolor='w', markeredgecolor='g') pylab.title(pretitle + ' Spectrum') pylab.xlabel('$\Delta \omega / \omega _0 10^{3}$') pylab.ylabel('[a.u.]') total_intensity = wf_intensity.sum(axis=-1) data = total_intensity * dt fit_result = fit_gaussian(data) fit_result = fit_gaussian(data) (height, center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y) = fit_result['params'] rsquared = fit_result['rsquared'] fit = gaussian(height, center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y) fit_data = fit(*numpy.indices(data.shape)) if wf.params.wDomain == 'time' and wf.params.wSpace == 'R-space': print('Total pulse intinsity {:.2f} [mJ]'.format(energyJ * 1e3)) print('''Gaussian approximation parameters: center_x : {0:.2f}um.\t center_y : {1:.2f}um. width_x : {2:.2f}um\t width_y : {3:.2f}um. rsquared : {4:0.4f}.'''.format( (center_x - numpy.floor(wf.params.Mesh.nx / 2)) * dx * 1e6, (center_y - numpy.floor(wf.params.Mesh.ny / 2)) * dy * 1e6, width_x * dx * 1e6, width_y * dy * 1e6, rsquared)) if wf.params.wSpace == 'R-space': x_axis = numpy.linspace(wf.params.Mesh.xMin, wf.params.Mesh.xMax, wf.params.Mesh.nx) elif wf.params.wSpace == 'Q-space': x_axis = numpy.linspace(wf.params.Mesh.qxMin, wf.params.Mesh.qxMax, wf.params.Mesh.nx) else: raise TypeError('wSpace should be "R-space" or "Q-space"') y_axis = x_axis pylab.figure(figsize=(15, 7)) pylab.subplot(121) pylab.imshow(data * dx * dy * 1e6 * J2eV / wf.params.photonEnergy, extent=wf.get_limits()) pylab.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') if wf.params.wSpace == 'R-space': pylab.title('Nphotons per ' + str(numpy.floor(dx * 1e6)) + 'x' + str(numpy.floor(dx * 1e6)) + ' $\mu m ^2$ pixel') pylab.subplot(122) pylab.plot(y_axis * 1e6, data[:, int(center_x)] * 1e3, 'b', label='Y-cut') pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(y_axis * 1e6, fit_data[:, int(center_x)] * 1e3, 'b:', label='Gaussian fit') pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(x_axis * 1e6, data[int(center_y), :] * 1e3, 'g', label='X-cut') pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(x_axis * 1e6, fit_data[int(center_y), :] * 1e3, 'g--', label='Gaussian fit') pylab.xlabel('[$\mu$m]') pylab.ylabel('mJ/mm$^2$') pylab.grid(True) pylab.legend() for sn in slice_numbers: data = wf_intensity[:, :, sn] data = data * dt phase = wf_phase[:, :, sn] fit_result = fit_gaussian(data) fit_result = fit_gaussian(data) (height, center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y) = fit_result['params'] rsquared = fit_result['rsquared'] fit = gaussian(height, center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y) fit_data = fit(*numpy.indices(data.shape)) # $center_x = int(wf.params.Mesh.nSlices/2); center_y = center_x print('Slice number: {}'.format(sn)) print('''Gaussian approximation parameters: center_x : {0:.2f}um.\t center_y : {1:.2f}um. width_x : {2:.2f}um\t width_y : {3:.2f}um. rsquared : {4:0.4f}.'''.format( (center_x - numpy.floor(wf.params.Mesh.nx / 2)) * dx * 1e6, (center_y - numpy.floor(wf.params.Mesh.ny / 2)) * dy * 1e6, width_x * dx * 1e6, width_y * dy * 1e6, rsquared)) pylab.figure(figsize=(15, 7)) pylab.subplot(121) # number of photons in a slice of thickness dt intensity = data * dx * dy * 1e6 * J2eV / wf.params.photonEnergy * 1e-6 phase = wf_phase[:, :, sn] H = intensity V = phase S = numpy.ones_like(V) # V=(V-V.min())/(V.max()-V.min()) h = (H - H.min()) / (H.max() - H.min()) v = V / (2 * numpy.pi) + 0.5 HSV = numpy.dstack((v, S, h)) RGB = hsv_to_rgb(HSV) pylab.imshow(RGB) pylab.title('Nphotons x10$^6$ per ' + str(numpy.floor(dx * 1e6)) + 'x' + str(numpy.floor(dx * 1e6)) + ' $\mu m ^2$ pixel') # pylab.contour(fit_data, # pylab.subplot(142) # pylab.imshow(wf_phase[:, :, sn]) # pylab.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') pylab.subplot(143) pylab.plot(y_axis * 1e6, data[:, int(center_x)] * 1e3, 'b', label='Y-cut') pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(y_axis * 1e6, fit_data[:, int(center_x)] * 1e3, 'b:', label='Gaussian fit') pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(x_axis * 1e6, data[int(center_y), :] * 1e3, 'g', label='X-cut') pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(x_axis * 1e6, fit_data[int(center_y), :] * 1e3, 'g--', label='Gaussian fit') pylab.xlabel('[$\mu$m]') pylab.ylabel('mJ/mm$^2$') pylab.grid(True) pylab.legend() pylab.subplot(144) pylab.plot(y_axis * 1e6, phase[:, int(center_x)], label='Y-cut', marker='d', markersize=4) pylab.plot(x_axis * 1e6, phase[int(center_y), :], label='X-cut', marker='o', markersize=4) pylab.xlabel('[$\mu$m]') pylab.legend()
def pulse_energy(self): self.set_electric_field_representation('t') e = calc_pulse_energy(self)[0] self.set_electric_field_representation('f') return e