class Encoder(Sensor): """ Sensor wrapper for a quadrature encoder. Has double attributes distance, rate (distance/second); boolean attributes stopped and direction. """ distance = rate = 0 stopped = direction = True def __init__(self, channel_a, channel_b, pulse_dist=1.0, reverse=False, modnum=1, cpr=128, enctype=CounterBase.EncodingType.k4X): """ Initializes the encoder with two channels, distance per pulse (usu. feet, default 1), no reversing, on module number 1, 128 CPR, and with 4x counting. """ super().__init__() self.e = WEncoder(channel_a, channel_b, reverse, enctype) self.cpr = cpr self.e.setDistancePerPulse(pulse_dist) def poll(self): self.distance = self.e.getDistance() self.rate = self.e.getRate() self.stopped = self.e.getStopped() self.direction = self.e.getDirection()
class Robot(TimedRobot): def robotInit(self): # Right Motors self.RightMotor1 = WPI_TalonFX(1) self.RightMotor2 = WPI_TalonFX(2) self.RightMotor3 = WPI_TalonFX(3) self.rightDriveMotors = SpeedControllerGroup(self.RightMotor1, self.RightMotor2, self.RightMotor3) # Left Motors self.LeftMotor1 = WPI_TalonFX(4) self.LeftMotor2 = WPI_TalonFX(5) self.LeftMotor3 = WPI_TalonFX(6) self.leftDriveMotors = SpeedControllerGroup(self.LeftMotor1, self.LeftMotor2, self.LeftMotor3) = DifferentialDrive(self.leftDriveMotors, self.rightDriveMotors) self.testEncoder = Encoder(1, 2, 3) self.dashboard = NetworkTables.getTable("SmartDashboard") def disabledInit(self): pass def autonomousInit(self): pass def teleopInit(self): pass def testInit(self): pass def robotPeriodic(self): self.dashboard.putNumber("Encoder", self.testEncoder.getRate()) def disabledPeriodic(self): pass def autonomousPeriodic(self):, 0) def teleopPeriodic(self): pass def testPeriodic(self): pass
class Drivetrain(SubsystemBase): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Create the motor controllers and their respective speed controllers. self.leftMotors = SpeedControllerGroup( PWMSparkMax(constants.kLeftMotor1Port), PWMSparkMax(constants.kLeftMotor2Port), ) self.rightMotors = SpeedControllerGroup( PWMSparkMax(constants.kRightMotor1Port), PWMSparkMax(constants.kRightMotor2Port), ) # Create the differential drivetrain object, allowing for easy motor control. = DifferentialDrive(self.leftMotors, self.rightMotors) # Create the encoder objects. self.leftEncoder = Encoder( constants.kLeftEncoderPorts[0], constants.kLeftEncoderPorts[1], constants.kLeftEncoderReversed, ) self.rightEncoder = Encoder( constants.kRightEncoderPorts[0], constants.kRightEncoderPorts[1], constants.kRightEncoderReversed, ) # Configure the encoder so it knows how many encoder units are in one rotation. self.leftEncoder.setDistancePerPulse( constants.kEncoderDistancePerPulse) self.rightEncoder.setDistancePerPulse( constants.kEncoderDistancePerPulse) # Create the gyro, a sensor which can indicate the heading of the robot relative # to a customizable position. self.gyro = ADXRS450_Gyro() # Create the an object for our odometry, which will utilize sensor data to # keep a record of our position on the field. self.odometry = DifferentialDriveOdometry(self.gyro.getRotation2d()) # Reset the encoders upon the initilization of the robot. self.resetEncoders() def periodic(self): """ Called periodically when it can be called. Updates the robot's odometry with sensor data. """ self.odometry.update( self.gyro.getRotation2d(), self.leftEncoder.getDistance(), self.rightEncoder.getDistance(), ) def getPose(self): """Returns the current position of the robot using it's odometry.""" return self.odometry.getPose() def getWheelSpeeds(self): """Return an object which represents the wheel speeds of our drivetrain.""" speeds = DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds(self.leftEncoder.getRate(), self.rightEncoder.getRate()) return speeds def resetOdometry(self, pose): """ Resets the robot's odometry to a given position.""" self.resetEncoders() self.odometry.resetPosition(pose, self.gyro.getRotation2d()) def arcadeDrive(self, fwd, rot): """Drive the robot with standard arcade controls.""", rot) def tankDriveVolts(self, leftVolts, rightVolts): """Control the robot's drivetrain with voltage inputs for each side.""" # Set the voltage of the left side. self.leftMotors.setVoltage(leftVolts) # Set the voltage of the right side. It's # inverted with a negative sign because it's motors need to spin in the negative direction # to move forward. self.rightMotors.setVoltage(-rightVolts) # Resets the timer for this motor's MotorSafety def resetEncoders(self): """Resets the encoders of the drivetrain.""" self.leftEncoder.reset() self.rightEncoder.reset() def getAverageEncoderDistance(self): """ Take the sum of each encoder's traversed distance and divide it by two, since we have two encoder values, to find the average value of the two. """ return (self.leftEncoder.getDistance() + self.rightEncoder.getDistance()) / 2 def getLeftEncoder(self): """Returns the left encoder object.""" return self.leftEncoder def getRightEncoder(self): """Returns the right encoder object.""" return self.rightEncoder def setMaxOutput(self, maxOutput): """Set the max percent output of the drivetrain, allowing for slower control.""" def zeroHeading(self): """Zeroes the gyro's heading.""" self.gyro.reset() def getHeading(self): """Return the current heading of the robot.""" return self.gyro.getRotation2d().getDegrees() def getTurnRate(self): """Returns the turning rate of the robot using the gyro.""" # The minus sign negates the value. return -self.gyro.getRate()