Example #1
    def _serialize_frame(self, opcode, payload=b'', fin=True):
        rsv = (False, False, False)
        for extension in reversed(self.extensions):
            if not extension.enabled():

            rsv, payload = extension.frame_outbound(
                self, opcode, rsv, payload, fin)

        fin_rsv = 0
        for bit in rsv:
            fin_rsv <<= 1
            fin_rsv |= int(bit)
        fin_rsv |= (int(fin) << 3)
        fin_rsv_opcode = fin_rsv << 4 | opcode

        payload_length = len(payload)
        quad_payload = False
        if payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL:
            first_payload = payload_length
            second_payload = None
        elif payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE:
            first_payload = PAYLOAD_LENGTH_TWO_BYTE
            second_payload = payload_length
            first_payload = PAYLOAD_LENGTH_EIGHT_BYTE
            second_payload = payload_length
            quad_payload = True

        if self.client:
            first_payload |= 1 << 7

        header = bytes([fin_rsv_opcode, first_payload])
        if second_payload is not None:
            if opcode.iscontrol():
                raise ValueError("payload too long for control frame")
            if quad_payload:
                header += struct.pack('!Q', second_payload)
                header += struct.pack('!H', second_payload)

        if self.client:
            # "The masking key is a 32-bit value chosen at random by the
            # client.  When preparing a masked frame, the client MUST pick a
            # fresh masking key from the set of allowed 32-bit values.  The
            # masking key needs to be unpredictable; thus, the masking key
            # MUST be derived from a strong source of entropy, and the masking
            # key for a given frame MUST NOT make it simple for a server/proxy
            # to predict the masking key for a subsequent frame.  The
            # unpredictability of the masking key is essential to prevent
            # authors of malicious applications from selecting the bytes that
            # appear on the wire."
            #   -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.3
            masking_key = os.urandom(4)
            masker = XorMaskerSimple(masking_key)
            return header + masking_key + masker.process(payload)
            return header + payload
Example #2
    def _serialize_frame(self, opcode, payload=b'', fin=True):
        rsv = RsvBits(False, False, False)
        for extension in reversed(self.extensions):
            rsv, payload = extension.frame_outbound(self, opcode, rsv, payload,

        fin_rsv_opcode = self._make_fin_rsv_opcode(fin, rsv, opcode)

        payload_length = len(payload)
        quad_payload = False
        if payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL:
            first_payload = payload_length
            second_payload = None
        elif payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE:
            first_payload = PAYLOAD_LENGTH_TWO_BYTE
            second_payload = payload_length
            first_payload = PAYLOAD_LENGTH_EIGHT_BYTE
            second_payload = payload_length
            quad_payload = True

        if self.client:
            first_payload |= 1 << 7

        header = bytearray([fin_rsv_opcode, first_payload])
        if second_payload is not None:
            if opcode.iscontrol():
                raise ValueError("payload too long for control frame")
            if quad_payload:
                header += bytearray(struct.pack('!Q', second_payload))
                header += bytearray(struct.pack('!H', second_payload))

        if self.client:
            # "The masking key is a 32-bit value chosen at random by the
            # client.  When preparing a masked frame, the client MUST pick a
            # fresh masking key from the set of allowed 32-bit values.  The
            # masking key needs to be unpredictable; thus, the masking key
            # MUST be derived from a strong source of entropy, and the masking
            # key for a given frame MUST NOT make it simple for a server/proxy
            # to predict the masking key for a subsequent frame.  The
            # unpredictability of the masking key is essential to prevent
            # authors of malicious applications from selecting the bytes that
            # appear on the wire."
            #   -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.3
            masking_key = os.urandom(4)
            masker = XorMaskerSimple(masking_key)
            return header + masking_key + masker.process(payload)

        return header + payload
Example #3
 def _apply_mask(self, mask, data):
     masker = XorMaskerSimple(mask)
     return masker.process(data)
Example #4
 def mask(self, data):
     if self.masking_key:
         masker = XorMaskerSimple(self.masking_key)
         return masker.process(data)
     return data
Example #5
def test_xormasker():
    masker = XorMaskerSimple(b'\xf0\xf0\x0f\x0f')
    assert b'\xf0\xf0\x0f\x0f\xf0\xf0' == masker.process(b'\x00'*6)
    assert masker.pointer() == 6
    assert b'\x0f\x0f\xf0\xf0\x0f\x0f' == masker.process(b'\x00'*6)
    assert masker.pointer() == 12
Example #6
 def _apply_mask(self, mask, data):
     masker = XorMaskerSimple(mask)
     return masker.process(data)
Example #7
 def mask(self, data):
     if self.masking_key:
         masker = XorMaskerSimple(self.masking_key)
         return masker.process(data)
     return data