Example #1
    def handle_application_error(self, environ, start_response):
        status = "500 Internal Server Error"
        headers = Headers([])

        # Package the exception info as into a special header and
        # send it to the client
        type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()

        tbfile = StringIO()

        headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'

        LOG.debug("Packing traceback context into debug header: %s",
        debug_header = self.pack_header(Traceback(tb))
        LOG.debug("Debug header (%d bytes): %s",
                  len(debug_header), debug_header)
        headers[self.debug_header] = debug_header

        app_uri = application_uri(environ)
        headers["Location"] = app_uri[:-1] + self.debug_uri

        start_response(status, headers.items())
        return [tbfile.getvalue().encode('utf-8')]
Example #2
        def patched_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
            # if self._should_handle(headers)
            wsgi_headers = Headers(headers)

            # If we're debugging, or the response already has an expires
            # header, just skip this.
            if not self.debug and "Expires" not in wsgi_headers:
                mime = wsgi_headers.get("Content-Type", "*").split(";")[0]

                # If the mime type is explicitly called out, use the expire
                # delay specified.
                if mime in self.expire_seconds:
                    expire_time = self.make_expire_time_for(mime)

                # If there's a catch-all wildcard delay, use that.
                elif "*" in self.expire_seconds:
                    expire_time = self.make_expire_time_for("*")

                # Otherwise, don't set the header.
                    expire_time = None

                if expire_time is not None:
                    log.debug("Adding expires header value: " + expire_time)
                    headers.append(("Expires", expire_time))

            return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
Example #3
def thread_app(env, resp):
    path = env['PATH_INFO']
    # utils.log('thread_app', path)
    m = thread_re.match(path)
    board, datkey = m.group(1), m.group(2)

    key = keylib.get_filekey(datkey)
    data = cache.Cache(key)

    if check_get_cache(env):
        if not data.exists() or len(data) == 0:
            # when first access, load data from network

        elif _count_is_update(key):
            # update thread
            # limit `data.search` calling. it's slow!
            threading.Thread(target=data.search, daemon=True).start()

    if not data.exists():
        resp('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS')])
        return [b'404 Not Found']

    thread = dat.make_dat(data, env, board)

    headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS')])
    last_m = eutils.formatdate(data.stamp)
    headers['Last-Modified'] = last_m
    resp("200 OK", headers.items())

    return (c.encode('cp932', 'replace') for c in thread)
Example #4
        def patched_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
            # if self._should_handle(headers)
            wsgi_headers = Headers(headers)

            # If we're debugging, or the response already has an expires
            # header, just skip this.
            log.debug('Skipping expired headers' if self.debug else 'Calculating expires headers')
            if not self.debug and 'Expires' not in wsgi_headers:
                mime = wsgi_headers.get('Content-Type', '*').split(';')[0]
                log.debug('See mime type ' + mime)

                # If the mime type is explicitly called out, use the expire
                # delay specified.
                if mime in self.expire_seconds:
                    log.debug('Matched mimetype exactly.')
                    expire_time = self.make_expire_time_for(mime)

                # If there's a catch-all wildcard delay, use that.
                elif '*' in self.expire_seconds:
                    log.debug('Matched mimetype with universal.')
                    expire_time = self.make_expire_time_for('*')

                # Otherwise, don't set the header.
                    log.debug('No mimetype match.')
                    expire_time = None

                if expire_time is not None:
                    log.debug('Adding expires header value: ' + expire_time)
                    headers.append(('Expires', expire_time))

            return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
Example #5
def board_app(env, resp):
    path = env['PATH_INFO']
    m = board_re.match(path)
    board = m.group(1)
    message = gateway.search_message(env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', 'ja'))

    headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=Shift_JIS')])
    resp("200 OK", headers.items())

    board = utils.sanitize(utils.get_board(path))

    if board:
        fmt = '{logo} - {board} - {desc}'
        fmt = '{logo} - {desc}'

    text = fmt.format(logo=message['logo'], desc=message['description'], board=board)

    html = '''
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">
        <meta name="description" content="{text}">
    return [html.encode('cp932', 'replace')]
Example #6
    def testMappingInterface(self):
        test = [("x", "y")]
        self.assertEqual(len(Headers([])), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(Headers(test[:])), 1)
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).keys(), ["x"])
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).values(), ["y"])
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).items(), test)
        self.assertIsNot(Headers(test).items(), test)  # must be copy!

        h = Headers([])
        del h["foo"]  # should not raise an error

        h["Foo"] = "bar"
        for m in h.has_key, h.__contains__, h.get, h.get_all, h.__getitem__:

        self.assertEqual(h["foo"], "bar")
        h["foo"] = "baz"
        self.assertEqual(h["FOO"], "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h.get_all("foo"), ["baz"])

        self.assertEqual(h.get("foo", "whee"), "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h.get("zoo", "whee"), "whee")
        self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("foo", "whee"), "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("zoo", "whee"), "whee")
        self.assertEqual(h["foo"], "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h["zoo"], "whee")
Example #7
    def testMappingInterface(self):
        test = [('x','y')]
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).keys(), ['x'])
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).values(), ['y'])
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).items(), test)
        self.assertFalse(Headers(test).items() is test)  # must be copy!

        del h['foo']   # should not raise an error

        h['Foo'] = 'bar'
        for m in h.__contains__, h.get, h.get_all, h.__getitem__:

        h['foo'] = 'baz'

        self.assertEqual(h.get("foo","whee"), "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h.get("zoo","whee"), "whee")
        self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("foo","whee"), "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("zoo","whee"), "whee")
Example #8
def parse_http_headers(environ):
    h = Headers([])
    for k, v in environ.items():
        if k.startswith('HTTP_'):
            name = k[5:]
            h.add_header(name, v)
    return h
Example #9
    def getTileResponse(self, coord, extension, ignore_cached=False):
        """ Get status code, headers, and a tile binary for a given request layer tile.
            - coord: one ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate corresponding to a single tile.
            - extension: filename extension to choose response type, e.g. "png" or "jpg".
            - ignore_cached: always re-render the tile, whether it's in the cache or not.
            This is the main entry point, after site configuration has been loaded
            and individual tiles need to be rendered.
        start_time = time()
        mimetype, format = self.getTypeByExtension(extension)

        # default response values
        status_code = 200
        headers = Headers([('Content-Type', mimetype)])
        body = None

        cache = self.config.cache

        if not ignore_cached:
            # Start by checking for a tile in the cache.
                body = cache.read(self, coord, format)
            except TheTileLeftANote, e:
                headers = e.headers
                status_code = e.status_code
                body = e.content

                if e.emit_content_type:
                    headers.setdefault('Content-Type', mimetype)

            tile_from = 'cache'
Example #10
class Response(threading.local):
    """ Represents a single response using thread-local namespace. """

    def bind(self, app):
        """ Clears old data and creates a brand new Response object """
        self._COOKIES = None
        self.status = 200
        self.header_list = []
        self.header = HeaderWrapper(self.header_list)
        self.charset = 'UTF-8'
        self.content_type = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
        self.error = None
        self.app = app

    def add_header(self, key, value):
        self.header.add_header(key.title(), str(value))

    def wsgiheaders(self):
        ''' Returns a wsgi conform list of header/value pairs '''
        for c in self.COOKIES.values():
            self.add_header('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString())
        return self.header_list

    def COOKIES(self):
        if not self._COOKIES:
            self._COOKIES = SimpleCookie()
        return self._COOKIES

    def set_cookie(self, key, value, **kargs):
        Sets a Cookie. Optional settings:
        expires, path, comment, domain, max-age, secure, version, httponly
        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            sec = self.app.config['securecookie.key']
            value = cookie_encode(value, sec)
        self.COOKIES[key] = value
        for k, v in kargs.iteritems():
            self.COOKIES[key][k] = v

    def get_content_type(self):
        """ Get the current 'Content-Type' header. """
        return self.header['Content-Type']
    def set_content_type(self, value):
        if 'charset=' in value:
            self.charset = value.split('charset=')[-1].split(';')[0].strip()
        self.header['Content-Type'] = value

    content_type = property(get_content_type, set_content_type, None,
Example #11
 def get_alternatives(base_headers, files):
     # Sort by size so that the smallest compressed alternative matches first
     alternatives = []
     files_by_size = sorted(files.items(), key=lambda i: i[1].stat.st_size)
     for encoding, file_entry in files_by_size:
         headers = Headers(base_headers.items())
         headers['Content-Length'] = str(file_entry.stat.st_size)
         if encoding:
             headers['Content-Encoding'] = encoding
             encoding_re = re.compile(r'\b%s\b' % encoding)
             encoding_re = re.compile('')
         alternatives.append((encoding_re, file_entry.path, headers.items()))
     return alternatives
Example #12
    def signal_land_or_sea(self, body, layer, coord, format):
        if body:
            md5sum = self.md5sum(body)
            second_md5sum = self.md5sum(Disk.read(self, self.second, coord, format))
            headers = Headers([('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', 'X-Land-Or-Sea')])
            headers.setdefault('X-Land-Or-Sea', '0')
            if second_md5sum and md5sum == second_md5sum:
                if md5sum == self.land_md5:
                    headers['X-Land-Or-Sea'] = '1'
                elif md5sum == self.sea_md5:
                    headers['X-Land-Or-Sea'] = '2'

            raise TheTileLeftANote(content=body, headers=headers)
Example #13
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        key_morsel = Cookie(environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "")).get(self.toggle_key)
        # useful vars
        query = query_str2dict(environ.get("QUERY_STRING"))
        enable_by_cookie = key_morsel.value == self.enable_value if key_morsel else False
        enable_by_query = query.get(self.toggle_key) == self.enable_value
        # pop toggle_key from query dic to avoid case: '?_profile=on&_profile='
        disable = query.pop(self.toggle_key, None) == ""  # only can be disabled by query
        enable = not disable and (enable_by_query or enable_by_cookie)

        run_app, resp_body, saved_ss_args = self._intercept_call()

        # processing cookies and queries
        so = query.pop(self.SIMPLE_OUTPUT_TOGGLE_KEY, None)
        if so is not None:
            self.simple_output = so == "True"
        cookie_to_set = None
        if enable_by_query and not enable_by_cookie:
            cookie_to_set = "%s=%s; Path=/; HttpOnly" % (self.toggle_key, self.enable_value)
        elif disable:
            cookie_to_set = "%s=; Path=/; Max-Age=1; HttpOnly" % self.toggle_key

        if enable:
            start = time.time()
            profile = Profile()
            profile.runcall(run_app, environ)  # here we call the WSGI app
            elapsed = time.time() - start
            profile = elapsed = None  # for annoying IDE

        status, headers = saved_ss_args[:2]
        headers_dic = Headers(headers)
        if cookie_to_set:
            headers_dic.add_header("Set-Cookie", cookie_to_set)

        # insert result into response
        content_type = headers_dic.get("Content-Type", "")
        if enable and status.startswith("200") and content_type.startswith("text/html"):
            environ["QUERY_STRING"] = dict2query_str(query)

            matched = _find_charset.match(content_type)
            encoding = matched.group(1) if matched else "ascii"
            rendered = self.render_result(profile, elapsed, environ).encode(encoding, "replace")
            resp_body = [insert_into_body(rendered, b"".join(resp_body))]
            headers_dic["Content-Length"] = str(len(resp_body[0]))
        start_response(status, headers, saved_ss_args[2] if len(saved_ss_args) == 3 else None)
        return resp_body
Example #14
 def get_static_file(self, path, url, stat_cache=None):
     # Optimization: bail early if file does not exist
     if stat_cache is None and not os.path.exists(path):
         raise MissingFileError(path)
     headers = Headers([])
     self.add_mime_headers(headers, path, url)
     self.add_cache_headers(headers, path, url)
     if self.allow_all_origins:
         headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
     if self.add_headers_function:
         self.add_headers_function(headers, path, url)
     return StaticFile(
             path, headers.items(),
               'gzip': path + '.gz', 'br': path + '.br'})
Example #15
def _parse_headers(environ):
    Parse the environmental variables, looking for HTTP request headers.
    :param environ: environmental variables
    :type environ: dict
    :return: request headers
    :rtype: dict
    headers = Headers([])
    for key, value in environ.items():
        match = _HTTP_HEADER_REGEX.match(key)
        if match is None:
        name = _normalize_header_name(match.group(0))
        headers.add_header(name, value)
    return headers
Example #16
    def __init__(self, path, is_immutable, guess_type=mimetypes.guess_type, **config):
        self.path = path
        stat = os.stat(path)
        self.mtime_tuple = gmtime(stat.st_mtime)
        mimetype, encoding = guess_type(path)
        mimetype = mimetype or 'application/octet-stream'
        charset = self.get_charset(mimetype)
        params = {'charset': charset} if charset else {}
        self.headers = Headers([
            ('Last-Modified', formatdate(stat.st_mtime, usegmt=True)),
            ('Content-Length', str(stat.st_size)),
        self.headers.add_header('Content-Type', str(mimetype), **params)
        if encoding:
            self.headers['Content-Encoding'] = encoding

        max_age = self.FOREVER if is_immutable else config['max_age']
        if max_age is not None:
            self.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=%s' % max_age

        if config['allow_all_origins']:
            self.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'

        gzip_path = path + self.GZIP_SUFFIX
        if os.path.isfile(gzip_path):
            self.gzip_path = gzip_path
            self.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding'
            # Copy the headers and add the appropriate encoding and length
            self.gzip_headers = Headers(self.headers.items())
            self.gzip_headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
            self.gzip_headers['Content-Length'] = str(os.stat(gzip_path).st_size)
            self.gzip_path = self.gzip_headers = None
Example #17
 def bind(self):
     """ Clears old data and creates a brand new Response object """
     self._COOKIES = None
     self.status = 200
     self.header_list = []
     self.header = HeaderWrapper(self.header_list)
     self.content_type = 'text/html'
     self.error = None
Example #18
    def __init__(self, body=b'', status=None, headers=None):
        self.headers = Headers()
        self._body = body
        self._status_code = status or self.default_status
        self._cookies = SimpleCookie()

        if headers:
            for name, value in headers.items():
                self.headers.add_header(name, value)
Example #19
    def newapp(environ, start_response):
        body = app(environ, capture)
        status = resp['status']
        headers = Headers(resp['headers'])

        already = 'Content-Encoding' in headers
        accepted = 'gzip' in environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '')
        if not accepted or already:
            # no compress
            start_response(status, list(headers.items()))
            return body

        content = gzip.compress(b''.join(body))
        if hasattr(body, 'close'):
        headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
        start_response(status, list(headers.items()))
        return [content]
Example #20
class Response(threading.local):
    """ Represents a single response using thread-local namespace. """

    def bind(self):
        """ Clears old data and creates a brand new Response object """
        self._COOKIES = None
        self.status = 200
        self.header_list = []
        self.header = HeaderWrapper(self.header_list)
        self.content_type = "text/html"
        self.error = None
        self.charset = "utf8"

    def wsgiheaders(self):
        """ Returns a wsgi conform list of header/value pairs """
        for c in self.COOKIES.itervalues():
            self.header.add_header("Set-Cookie", c.OutputString())
        return [(h.title(), str(v)) for h, v in self.header.items()]

    def COOKIES(self):
        if not self._COOKIES:
            self._COOKIES = SimpleCookie()
        return self._COOKIES

    def set_cookie(self, key, value, **kargs):
        Sets a Cookie. Optional settings:
        expires, path, comment, domain, max-age, secure, version, httponly
        self.COOKIES[key] = value
        for k, v in kargs.iteritems():
            self.COOKIES[key][k] = v

    def get_content_type(self):
        """ Get the current 'Content-Type' header. """
        return self.header["Content-Type"]

    def set_content_type(self, value):
        if "charset=" in value:
            self.charset = value.split("charset=")[-1].split(";")[0].strip()
        self.header["Content-Type"] = value

    content_type = property(get_content_type, set_content_type, None, get_content_type.__doc__)
Example #21
File: bottle.py Project: apg/bottle
 def bind(self, app):
     """ Clears old data and creates a brand new Response object """
     self._COOKIES = None
     self.status = 200
     self.header_list = []
     self.header = HeaderWrapper(self.header_list)
     self.charset = "UTF-8"
     self.content_type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
     self.error = None
     self.app = app
Example #22
    def newapp(environ, start_response):
        raw = app(environ, capture)
        status = resp['status']
        headers = Headers(resp['headers'])

        if (not 'Last-Modified' in headers
            or not environ.get('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE')):
            start_response(status, list(headers.items()))
            return raw

        last_m = eutils.parsedate(headers['Last-Modified'])
        since_m = eutils.parsedate(environ['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])
        if since_m < last_m:
            start_response(status, list(headers.items()))
            return raw
            start_response('304 Not Modified', list(headers.items()))
            if hasattr(raw, 'close'):
            return [b'']
Example #23
def board_app(env, resp):
    path = env['PATH_INFO']
    m = board_re.match(path)
    board = m.group(1)
    message = gateway.search_message(env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', 'ja'))

    headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=Shift_JIS')])
    resp("200 OK", headers.items())

    html = [
        '<!DOCTYPE html>',
        '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">',
        '<title>%s - %s</title>' % (message['logo'], message['description']),
        '<meta name="description" content="%s - %s">' % (message['logo'], message['description']),
        '<h1>%s - %s</h1>' % (message['logo'], message['description']),
    return ((c + '\n').encode('sjis', 'ignore') for c in html)
Example #24
 def finish_header(self):
     self.file = BytesIO()
     self.headers = Headers(self.headerlist)
     cdis = self.headers.get('Content-Disposition', '')
     ctype = self.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
     if not cdis:
         raise MultipartError('Content-Disposition header is missing.')
     self.disposition, self.options = parse_options_header(cdis)
     self.name = self.options.get('name')
     self.filename = self.options.get('filename')
     self.content_type, options = parse_options_header(ctype)
     self.charset = options.get('charset') or self.charset
     self.content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', '-1'))
Example #25
class Response(threading.local):
    """ Represents a single response using thread-local namespace. """

    def bind(self):
        """ Clears old data and creates a brand new Response object """
        self._COOKIES = None
        self.status = 200
        self.header_list = []
        self.header = HeaderWrapper(self.header_list)
        self.content_type = 'text/html'
        self.error = None

    def wsgiheaders(self):
        ''' Returns a wsgi conform list of header/value pairs '''
        for c in self.COOKIES.itervalues():
            self.header.add_header('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString())
        return [(h.title(), str(v)) for h, v in self.header_list]

    def COOKIES(self):
        if not self._COOKIES:
            self._COOKIES = SimpleCookie()
        return self._COOKIES

    def set_cookie(self, key, value, **kargs):
        """ Sets a Cookie. Optional settings: expires, path, comment, domain, max-age, secure, version, httponly """
        self.COOKIES[key] = value
        for k in kargs:
            self.COOKIES[key][k] = kargs[k]

    def get_content_type(self):
        '''Gives access to the 'Content-Type' header and defaults to 'text/html'.'''
        return self.header['Content-Type']
    def set_content_type(self, value):
        self.header['Content-Type'] = value
    content_type = property(get_content_type, set_content_type, None, get_content_type.__doc__)
Example #26
 def finish_header(self):
     self.file = BytesIO()
     self.headers = Headers(self.headerlist)
     cdis = self.headers.get("Content-Disposition", "")
     ctype = self.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
     clen = self.headers.get("Content-Length", "-1")
     if not cdis:
         raise MultipartError("Content-Disposition header is missing.")
     self.disposition, self.options = parse_options_header(cdis)
     self.name = self.options.get("name")
     self.filename = self.options.get("filename")
     self.content_type, options = parse_options_header(ctype)
     self.charset = options.get("charset") or self.charset
     self.content_length = int(self.headers.get("Content-Length", "-1"))
Example #27
class Response(object):
    Wrapper class around the start_response and return iterable of the WSGI

    :ivar status: HTTP status of the response
    :type status: int
    :ivar headers: response headers
    :type headers: dict
    :ivar cookies: cookies to set
    :type cookies: dict

    def __init__(self):
        self.status = None
        self.__header_list = []
        self.headers = Headers(self.__header_list)
        self.headers['date'] = rfc1123_date()
        self.cookies = SimpleCookie()

    def start_response_args(self, body):
        Return a status string and a list of headers for this response,
        appropriate as arguments to the start_response function.
        :param body: response body
        :type body: str
        :return: tuple of status string and list of header tuples
        :rtype: (str, list)
        if self.status is None:
            raise RuntimeError('response status was not set')
        self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(body))
        for cookie in self.cookies:
            self.headers.add_header('set-cookie', cookie.output(header=''))
        status_str = '%d %s' % (self.status, httplib.responses[self.status])
        return (status_str, self.__header_list)
Example #28
 def finish_header(self):
     self.file = BytesIO()
     self.headers = Headers(self.headerlist)
     cdis = self.headers.get('Content-Disposition','')
     ctype = self.headers.get('Content-Type','')
     clen = self.headers.get('Content-Length','-1')
     if not cdis:
         raise MultipartError('Content-Disposition header is missing.')
     self.disposition, self.options = parse_options_header(cdis)
     self.name = self.options.get('name')
     self.filename = self.options.get('filename')
     self.content_type, options = parse_options_header(ctype)
     self.charset = options.get('charset') or self.charset
     self.content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length','-1'))
     self.content_transfer_encoding = self.headers.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding')
     if self.content_transfer_encoding not in [None, 'base64', 'quoted-printable']:
         raise MultipartError('invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding')
Example #29
    def testExtras(self):
        h = Headers([])
        self.assertEqual(str(h), "\r\n")

        h.add_header("foo", "bar", baz="spam")
        self.assertEqual(h["foo"], 'bar; baz="spam"')
        self.assertEqual(str(h), 'foo: bar; baz="spam"\r\n\r\n')

        h.add_header("Foo", "bar", cheese=None)
        self.assertEqual(h.get_all("foo"), ['bar; baz="spam"', "bar; cheese"])

        self.assertEqual(str(h), 'foo: bar; baz="spam"\r\n' "Foo: bar; cheese\r\n" "\r\n")
Example #30
    def testExtras(self):
        h = Headers([])

        self.assertEqual(h['foo'], 'bar; baz="spam"')
        self.assertEqual(str(h),'foo: bar; baz="spam"\r\n\r\n')

            ['bar; baz="spam"', 'bar; cheese'])

            'foo: bar; baz="spam"\r\n'
            'Foo: bar; cheese\r\n'
Example #31
class MultipartPart(object):
    def __init__(self,
        self.headerlist = []
        self.headers = None
        self.file = False
        self.size = 0
        self._buf = b""
        self.disposition = None
        self.name = None
        self.filename = None
        self.content_type = None
        self.charset = charset
        self.memfile_limit = memfile_limit
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size

    def feed(self, line, nl=""):
        if self.file:
            return self.write_body(line, nl)

        return self.write_header(line, nl)

    def write_header(self, line, nl):
        line = line.decode(self.charset)

        if not nl:
            raise MultipartError("Unexpected end of line in header.")

        if not line.strip():  # blank line -> end of header segment
        elif line[0] in " \t" and self.headerlist:
            name, value = self.headerlist.pop()
            self.headerlist.append((name, value + line.strip()))
            if ":" not in line:
                raise MultipartError("Syntax error in header: No colon.")

            name, value = line.split(":", 1)
            self.headerlist.append((name.strip(), value.strip()))

    def write_body(self, line, nl):
        if not line and not nl:
            return  # This does not even flush the buffer

        self.size += len(line) + len(self._buf)
        self.file.write(self._buf + line)
        self._buf = nl

        if self.content_length > 0 and self.size > self.content_length:
            raise MultipartError("Size of body exceeds Content-Length header.")

        if self.size > self.memfile_limit and isinstance(self.file, BytesIO):
            # TODO: What about non-file uploads that exceed the memfile_limit?
            self.file, old = TemporaryFile(mode="w+b"), self.file
            copy_file(old, self.file, self.size, self.buffer_size)

    def finish_header(self):
        self.file = BytesIO()
        self.headers = Headers(self.headerlist)
        content_disposition = self.headers.get("Content-Disposition", "")
        content_type = self.headers.get("Content-Type", "")

        if not content_disposition:
            raise MultipartError("Content-Disposition header is missing.")

        self.disposition, self.options = parse_options_header(
        self.name = self.options.get("name")
        self.filename = self.options.get("filename")
        self.content_type, options = parse_options_header(content_type)
        self.charset = options.get("charset") or self.charset
        self.content_length = int(self.headers.get("Content-Length", "-1"))

    def is_buffered(self):
        """ Return true if the data is fully buffered in memory."""
        return isinstance(self.file, BytesIO)

    def value(self):
        """ Data decoded with the specified charset """

        return self.raw.decode(self.charset)

    def raw(self):
        """ Data without decoding """
        pos = self.file.tell()

            val = self.file.read()
        except IOError:

        return val

    def save_as(self, path):
        with open(path, "wb") as fp:
            pos = self.file.tell()

                size = copy_file(self.file, fp)

        return size

    def close(self):
        if self.file:
            self.file = False
 def _start_response(self, status: str, response_headers: List[Any]):
     self._status = status
     self._headers = Headers(response_headers)  # type: ignore
     self._status_code = int(self._status.split(' ')[0])  # 200 OK
Example #33
class SimDistribHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, archive, wsgienv, start_resp):
        self.arch = archive
        self._env = wsgienv
        self._start = start_resp
        self._meth = wsgienv.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET')
        self._hdr = Headers([])
        self._code = 0
        self._msg = "unknown status"

    def send_error(self, code, message):
        status = "{0} {1}".format(str(code), message)
        self._start(status, [], sys.exc_info())
        return []

    def add_header(self, name, value):
        self._hdr.add_header(name, value)

    def set_response(self, code, message):
        self._code = code
        self._msg = message

    def end_headers(self):
        status = "{0} {1}".format(str(self._code), self._msg)
        self._start(status, self._hdr.items())

    def handle(self, env, start_resp):
        meth_handler = 'do_' + self._meth

        path = self._env.get('PATH_INFO', '/')[1:]
        params = cgi.parse_qs(self._env.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))

        if hasattr(self, meth_handler):
            return getattr(self, meth_handler)(path, params)
            return self.send_error(
                403, self._meth + " not supported on this resource")

    def do_HEAD(self, path, params=None, forhead=False):
        return self.do_GET(path, params, True)

    def do_GET(self, path, params=None, forhead=False):
        aid = None
        vers = None
        path = path.strip('/')
        if path.startswith("od/ds/"):
            path = path[len("od/ds/"):]
        print("processing " + path)

        # refresh the archive

        if not path:
                out = json.dumps(self.arch.aipids) + '\n'
            except Exception as ex:
                return self.send_error(500, "Internal error")

            self.set_response(200, "AIP Identifiers")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            self.add_header('Content-Length', str(len(out)))
            if forhead:
                return []
            return [out]

        elif path.startswith("_aip/"):
            # requesting a bag file
            path = path[len("_aip/"):].strip('/')
            filepath = os.path.join(self.arch.dir, path)
            if os.path.isfile(filepath):
                self.set_response(200, "Bag file found")
                self.add_header('Content-Type', "application/zip")
                if forhead:
                    return []
                return self.iter_file(filepath)
                return self.send_error(404, "bag file does not exist")

        elif '/' in path:
            parts = path.split('/', 1)
            aid = parts[0]
            path = (len(parts) > 1 and parts[1]) or ''
            print("accessing " + aid)

        elif path:
            aid = path
            path = ''

            return self.send_error(404, "resource does not exist")

        # path-info is now captured as aid and path
        if aid not in self.arch._aips:
            return self.send_error(404, "resource does not exist")

        if not path:
            self.set_response(200, "AIP Identifier exists")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            self.add_header('Content-Length', str(len(aid) + 4))
            if forhead:
                return []
            return ['["' + aid + '"]']

        elif path == "_aip":
                out = json.dumps(self.arch.list_bags(aid)) + '\n'
            except Exception, ex:
                return self.send_error(500, "Internal error")

            self.set_response(200, "All bags for ID")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            self.add_header('Content-Length', str(len(out)))
            if forhead:
                return []
            return [out]

        elif path == "_aip/_head":
                out = self.arch.head_for(aid)
                if out:
                    out = json.dumps(out) + '\n'
            except Exception, ex:
                    "Failed to create JSON output for head bag, aid={0}: {2}".
                    format(aid, vers, str(ex)))
                return self.send_error(500, "Internal error")
Example #34
 def __init__(self, path):
     self.path = path
     self.headers = Headers([])
Example #35
class SimIngestHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, wsgienv, start_resp):
        self._env = wsgienv
        self._start = start_resp
        self._meth = wsgienv.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET')
        self._hdr = Headers([])
        self._code = 0
        self._msg = "unknown status"
        self._auth = (authmeth, authkey)

    def send_error(self, code, message):
        status = "{0} {1}".format(str(code), message)
        self._start(status, [], sys.exc_info())
        return []

    def add_header(self, name, value):
        self._hdr.add_header(name, value)

    def set_response(self, code, message):
        self._code = code
        self._msg = message

    def end_headers(self):
        status = "{0} {1}".format(str(self._code), self._msg)
        self._start(status, self._hdr.items())

    def handle(self, env, start_resp):
        meth_handler = 'do_' + self._meth

        path = self._env.get('PATH_INFO', '/')[1:]
        params = cgi.parse_qs(self._env.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
        print("AUTH METHOD: %s" % self._auth[0], file=sys.stderr)
        if not self.authorize():
            return self.send_unauthorized()

        if hasattr(self, meth_handler):
            return getattr(self, meth_handler)(path, params)
            return self.send_error(
                403, self._meth + " not supported on this resource")

    def authorize(self):
        if self._auth[0] == 'header':
            return self.authorize_via_headertoken()
            return self.authorize_via_queryparam()

    def authorize_via_queryparam(self):
        params = cgi.parse_qs(self._env.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
        auths = params.get('auth', [])
        if self._auth[1]:
            # match the last value provided
            return len(auths) > 0 and self._auth[1] == auths[-1]
        if len(auths) > 0:
                "Authorization key provided, but none has been configured")
        return len(auths) == 0

    def authorize_via_headertoken(self):
        authhdr = self._env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', "")
        print("Request HTTP_AUTHORIZATION: %s" % authhdr, file=sys.stderr)
        parts = authhdr.split()
        if self._auth[1]:
            return len(parts) > 1 and parts[0] == "Bearer" and \
                self._auth[1] == parts[1]
        if authhdr:
                "Authorization key provided, but none has been configured")
        return authhdr == ""

    def send_unauthorized(self):
        self.set_response(401, "Not authorized")
        if self._auth[0] == 'header':
            self.add_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Bearer')
        return []

    def do_GET(self, path, params=None):
        path = path.strip('/')
        if not path:
                out = json.dumps(["nerdm", "invalid"]) + '\n'
            except Exception, ex:
                return self.send_error(500, "Internal error")

            self.set_response(200, "Supported Record Types")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            return [out]
        elif path in "nerdm invalid".split():
            self.set_response(200, "Service is ready")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            return ["Service ready\n"]
Example #36
def test_auth_ok(static_auth):
    request = mock.Mock()
    request.headers = Headers([("authorization", "Bearer test")])
    assert static_auth.is_authorized(request)
Example #37

    'ketab': ketabir_scr,
    'noorlib': noorlib_scr,
    'noormags': noormags_scr,
    'web.archive': waybackmachine_scr,
    'web-beta.archive': waybackmachine_scr,
    'books.google.co': googlebooks_scr,
    'books.google.com': googlebooks_scr,
    'books.google': googlebooks_scr,
    'google': google_encrypted_scr,
    'encrypted.google': google_encrypted_scr,

RESPONSE_HEADERS = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')])


def get_root_logger():
    custom_logger = getLogger()
    srcdir = dirname(__file__)
    handler = RotatingFileHandler(filename=f'{srcdir}/citer.log',
Example #38
        'application/x-jpg': '.jpg',
        'application/x-bmp': '.bmp',
        'application/msword': '.doc',
        '': '',
    return dict[type] if type in dict.keys() else ''


     'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.117 Safari/537.36'
     ), ('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate, br'),
    ('Accept-Language', 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9')

class UrlPool(Packer, object):
    def __init__(self,
        self.parent = parent
        self.list = []
        self.dict = {}
Example #39
    def newapp(environ, start_response):
        raw = app(environ, capture)
        status = resp['status']
        headers = Headers(resp['headers'])

        headers.setdefault('Accept-Range', 'bytes')
        range = environ.get('HTTP_RANGE')

        if (range is None or ',' in range  # not deal with multi-part range
                or not status.startswith('2')):  # not success status
            start_response(status, list(headers.items()))
            return raw

        def error_416():
            start_response('416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
            if hasattr(raw, 'close'):
            return [b'']

        m = re.match(r'bytes=([0-9]+)?-([0-9]+)?', range)
        if not m or (not m.group(1) and not m.group(2)):
            return error_416()

        content = b''.join(raw)
        begin = int(m.group(1)) if m.group(1) else None
        end = int(m.group(2)) if m.group(2) else None

        # because 0 is False
        has_begin = begin is not None
        has_end = end is not None

        if (has_begin and has_end) and end < begin:
            return error_416()
        if has_end and len(content) <= end:
            return error_416()
        if has_begin and len(content) <= begin:
            return error_416()

        if has_begin and has_end:
            # bytes=begin-end
            c_range = 'bytes {}-{}/{}'.format(begin, end, len(content))
            body = content[begin:end + 1]

        elif has_begin:
            # bytes=begin-
            c_range = 'bytes {}-{}/{}'.format(begin,
                                              len(content) - 1, len(content))
            body = content[begin:]

            # bytes=-end
            c_range = 'bytes {}-{}/{}'.format(
                len(content) - end,
                len(content) - 1, len(content))
            body = content[len(content) - end:]

        headers['Content-Range'] = c_range
        start_response('206 Partial Content', list(headers.items()))
        if hasattr(raw, 'close'):
        return [body]
Example #40
def getPreview(layer):
    """ Get a type string and dynamic map viewer HTML for a given layer.
    return 200, Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html')]), Core._preview(layer)
Example #41
    def testMappingInterface(self):
        test = [('x','y')]
        self.assertEqual(len(Headers()), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).keys(), ['x'])
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).values(), ['y'])
        self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).items(), test)
        self.assertIsNot(Headers(test).items(), test)  # must be copy!

        h = Headers()
        del h['foo']   # should not raise an error

        h['Foo'] = 'bar'
        for m in h.__contains__, h.get, h.get_all, h.__getitem__:

        h['foo'] = 'baz'

        self.assertEqual(h.get("foo","whee"), "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h.get("zoo","whee"), "whee")
        self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("foo","whee"), "baz")
        self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("zoo","whee"), "whee")
Example #42
def requestHandler2(config_hint, path_info, query_string=None, script_name=''):
    """ Generate a set of headers and response body for a given request.

        TODO: Replace requestHandler() with this function in TileStache 2.0.0.

        Requires a configuration and PATH_INFO (e.g. "/example/0/0/0.png").

        Config_hint parameter can be a path string for a JSON configuration file
        or a configuration object with 'cache', 'layers', and 'dirpath' properties.

        Query string is optional, currently used for JSON callbacks.

        Calls Layer.getTileResponse() to render actual tiles, and getPreview() to render preview.html.
    headers = Headers([])

        # ensure that path_info is at least a single "/"
        path_info = '/' + (path_info or '').lstrip('/')

        layer = requestLayer(config_hint, path_info)
        query = parse_qs(query_string or '')
            callback = query['callback'][0]
        except KeyError:
            callback = None

        # Special case for index page.
        if path_info == '/':
            mimetype, content = getattr(
                layer.config, 'index',
                ('text/plain', 'TileStache says hello.'))
            return 200, Headers([('Content-Type', mimetype)]), content

        coord, extension = splitPathInfo(path_info)[1:]

        if extension == 'html' and coord is None:
            status_code, headers, content = getPreview(layer)

        elif extension.lower() in layer.redirects:
            other_extension = layer.redirects[extension.lower()]

            redirect_uri = script_name
            redirect_uri += mergePathInfo(layer.name(), coord, other_extension)

            if query_string:
                redirect_uri += '?' + query_string

            headers['Location'] = redirect_uri
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'

            return 302, headers, 'You are being redirected to %s\n' % redirect_uri

            status_code, headers, content = layer.getTileResponse(
                coord, extension)

        if layer.allowed_origin:

        if callback and 'json' in headers['Content-Type']:
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/javascript; charset=utf-8'
            content = '%s(%s)' % (callback, content)

        if layer.max_cache_age is not None:
            expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(
                               expires.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'))
                               'public, max-age=%d' % layer.max_cache_age)

    except Core.KnownUnknown as e:
        out = StringIO()

        print('Known unknown!', file=out)
        print(e, file=out)
        print('', file=out)
        print('\n'.join(Core._rummy()), file=out)

        headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
        status_code, content = 500, out.getvalue().encode('ascii')

    return status_code, headers, content
 def __getitem__(self, name):
     ret = Headers.__getitem__(self, name)
     if ret is None:
         return ''
         return str(ret)
Example #44
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        '''Main function for handling a single request. Follows the

		@param environ: dictionary with environment variables for the
		request and some special variables. See the PEP for expected

		@param start_response: a function that can be called to set the
		http response and headers. For example::

			start_response(200, [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])

		@returns: the html page content as a list of lines
        headerlist = []
        headers = Headers(headerlist)
        path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '/')
            methods = ('GET', 'HEAD')
            if not environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] in methods:
                raise WWWError('405', headers=[('Allow', ', '.join(methods))])

            # cleanup path
            #~ print 'INPUT', path
            path = path.replace('\\', '/')  # make it windows save
            isdir = path.endswith('/')
            parts = [p for p in path.split('/') if p and not p == '.']
            if [p for p in parts if p.startswith('.')]:
                # exclude .. and all hidden files from possible paths
                raise PathNotValidError()
            path = '/' + '/'.join(parts)
            if isdir and not path == '/': path += '/'
            #~ print 'PATH', path

            if not path:
                path = '/'
            elif path == '/favicon.ico':
                path = '/+resources/favicon.ico'
                path = urllib.unquote(path)

            if path == '/':
                content = self.render_index()
            elif path.startswith('/+docs/'):
                dir = self.notebook.document_root
                if not dir:
                    raise PageNotFoundError(path)
                file = dir.file(path[7:])
                content = [file.raw()]
                # Will raise FileNotFound when file does not exist
                headers['Content-Type'] = file.get_mimetype()
            elif path.startswith('/+file/'):
                file = self.notebook.dir.file(path[7:])
                # TODO: need abstraction for getting file from top level dir ?
                content = [file.raw()]
                # Will raise FileNotFound when file does not exist
                headers['Content-Type'] = file.get_mimetype()
            elif path.startswith('/+resources/'):
                if self.template.resources_dir:
                    file = self.template.resources_dir.file(path[12:])
                    if not file.exists():
                        file = data_file('pixmaps/%s' % path[12:])
                    file = data_file('pixmaps/%s' % path[12:])

                if file:
                    content = [file.raw()]
                    # Will raise FileNotFound when file does not exist
                    headers['Content-Type'] = file.get_mimetype()
                    raise PageNotFoundError(path)
                # Must be a page or a namespace (html file or directory path)
                if path.endswith('.html'):
                    pagename = path[:-5].replace('/', ':')
                elif path.endswith('/'):
                    pagename = path[:-1].replace('/', ':')
                    raise PageNotFoundError(path)

                path = self.notebook.resolve_path(pagename)
                page = self.notebook.get_page(path)
                if page.hascontent:
                    content = self.render_page(page)
                elif page.haschildren:
                    content = self.render_index(page)
                    raise PageNotFoundError(page)
        except Exception, error:
            headerlist = []
            headers = Headers(headerlist)
            headers.add_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain', charset='utf-8')
            if isinstance(error, (WWWError, FileNotFoundError)):
                if isinstance(error, FileNotFoundError):
                    error = PageNotFoundError(path)
                    # show url path instead of file path
                if error.headers:
                    for key, value in error.headers:
                        headers.add_header(key, value)
                start_response(error.status, headerlist)
                content = unicode(error).splitlines(True)
            # TODO also handle template errors as special here
                # Unexpected error - maybe a bug, do not expose output on bugs
                # to the outside world
                logger.exception('Unexpected error:')
                start_response('500 Internal Server Error', headerlist)
                content = ['Internal Server Error']
            if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD':
                return []
                return [string.encode('utf-8') for string in content]
Example #45
def test_no_auth_header(static_auth):
    request = mock.Mock()
    request.headers = Headers([])
    assert not static_auth.is_authorized(request)
Example #46
 def update(self, url=None, headers=None):
     if url:
     if headers:
         self.headers = Headers(headers)
Example #47
class BaseResponse:
    """Base class for Response."""
    default_status = 200
    default_content_type = 'text/plain;'

    def __init__(self, body=None, status=None, headers=None):
        self._body = body if body else [b'']
        self._status_code = status or self.default_status
        self.headers = Headers()
        self._cookies = SimpleCookie()

        if headers:
            for name, value in headers.items():
                self.headers.add_header(name, value)

    def body(self):
        return self._body

    def status_code(self):
        """ The HTTP status code as an integer (e.g. 404)."""
        return self._status_code

    def status(self):
        """ The HTTP status line as a string (e.g. ``404 Not Found``)."""
        status = _HTTP_STATUS_LINES.get(self._status_code)
        return str(status or ('{} Unknown'.format(self._status_code)))

    def status(self, status_code):
        if not 100 <= status_code <= 999:
            raise ValueError('Status code out of range.')
        self._status_code = status_code

    def headerlist(self):
        """ WSGI conform list of (header, value) tuples. """
        if 'Content-Type' not in self.headers:
            self.headers.add_header('Content-Type', self.default_content_type)
        if self._cookies:
            for c in self._cookies.values():
                self.headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString())
        return self.headers.items()

    def set_cookie(self,
        from kobin.app import current_config
        if secret is None:
            secret = current_config('SECRET_KEY')
        if secret:
            if isinstance(secret, str):
                secret = secret.encode('utf-8')
            encoded = base64.b64encode(
                pickle.dumps((key, value), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
            sig = base64.b64encode(
                hmac.new(secret, encoded, digestmod=digestmod).digest())
            value_bytes = b'!' + sig + b'?' + encoded
            value = value_bytes.decode('utf-8')

        self._cookies[key] = value
        if len(key) + len(value) > 3800:
            raise ValueError('Content does not fit into a cookie.')

        if max_age is not None:
            if isinstance(max_age, int):
                max_age_value = max_age
                max_age_value = max_age.seconds + max_age.days * 24 * 3600
            self._cookies[key]['max-age'] = max_age_value
        if expires is not None:
            if isinstance(expires, int):
                expires_value = expires
                expires_value = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
            self._cookies[key]['expires'] = expires_value
        if path:
            self._cookies[key]['path'] = path

    def delete_cookie(self, key, **kwargs):
        kwargs['max_age'] = -1
        kwargs['expires'] = 0
        self.set_cookie(key, '', **kwargs)
Example #48
class Response:
    default_status = 200
    default_content_type = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'

    def __init__(self, body: str='', status: int=None, headers: Dict=None,
                 **more_headers) -> None:
        self.headers = Headers()
        self.body = body
        self._status_code = status or self.default_status
        self._cookies = SimpleCookie()  # type: ignore

        if headers:
            for name, value in headers.items():
                self.headers.add_header(name, value)
        if more_headers:
            for name, value in more_headers.items():
                self.headers.add_header(name, value)

    def status_code(self):
        """ The HTTP status code as an integer (e.g. 404)."""
        return self._status_code

    def status(self):
        """ The HTTP status line as a string (e.g. ``404 Not Found``)."""
        if not 100 <= self._status_code <= 999:
            raise ValueError('Status code out of range.')
        status = _HTTP_STATUS_LINES.get(self._status_code)
        return str(status or ('{} Unknown'.format(self._status_code)))

    def status(self, status_code: int):
        if not 100 <= status_code <= 999:
            raise ValueError('Status code out of range.')
        self._status_code = status_code

    def headerlist(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
        """ WSGI conform list of (header, value) tuples. """
        out = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
        if 'Content-Type' not in self.headers:
            self.headers.add_header('Content-Type', self.default_content_type)
        out += [(key, value)
                for key in self.headers.keys()
                for value in self.headers.get_all(key)]
        if self._cookies:
            for c in self._cookies.values():
                out.append(('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString()))
        return [(k, v.encode('utf8').decode('latin1')) for (k, v) in out]

    def set_cookie(self, key: str, value: Any, expires: str=None, path: str=None, **options: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date
        import time
        self._cookies[key] = value
        if expires:
            self._cookies[key]['expires'] = expires
        if path:
            self._cookies[key]['path'] = path

        for k, v in options.items():
            if k == 'max_age':
                if isinstance(v, timedelta):
                    v = v.seconds + v.days * 24 * 3600  # type: ignore
            if k == 'expires':
                if isinstance(v, (date, datetime)):
                    v = v.timetuple()  # type: ignore
                elif isinstance(v, (int, float)):
                    v = v.gmtime(value)  # type: ignore
                v = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", v)  # type: ignore
            self._cookies[key][k.replace('_', '-')] = v  # type: ignore

    def delete_cookie(self, key, **kwargs) -> None:
        kwargs['max_age'] = -1
        kwargs['expires'] = 0
        self.set_cookie(key, '', **kwargs)

    def apply(self, other):
        self.status = other._status_code
        self._cookies = other._cookies
        self.headers = other.headers
        self.body = other.body
Example #49
 def __init__(self: 'Response', start_response, request: Request):
     self.request = request
     self.id = request.id
     self._start_response = start_response
     self.headers = Headers()
     self.status_code = 200
Example #50
    def run_app(self, conn):
        self.status = "200 OK"
        self.size = 0
        self.expires = None
        self.etag = None
        self.content_type = 'text/plain'
        self.content_length = None

        if __debug__:
            self.err_log.debug('Getting sock_file')

        # Build our file-like object
        sock_file = conn.makefile('rb', BUF_SIZE)
        request = self.read_request_line(sock_file)
        if request['method'].upper() not in ('GET', ):
            self.status = "501 Not Implemented"

            # Get our file path
            headers = dict([(str(k.lower()), v)
                            for k, v in self.read_headers(sock_file).items()])
            rpath = request.get('path', '').lstrip('/')
            filepath = os.path.join(self.root, rpath)
            filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Request for path: %s' % filepath)

            self.closeConnection = headers.get('connection',
                                               'close').lower() == 'close'
            self.headers = Headers([
                ('Date', formatdate(usegmt=True)),
                ('Server', HTTP_SERVER_SOFTWARE),
                ('Connection', headers.get('connection', 'close')),

            if not filepath.lower().startswith(self.root.lower()):
                # File must be within our root directory
                self.status = "400 Bad Request"
                self.closeConnection = True
            elif not os.path.exists(filepath):
                self.status = "404 File Not Found"
                self.closeConnection = True
            elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
                self.serve_dir(filepath, rpath)
            elif os.path.isfile(filepath):
                self.serve_file(filepath, headers)
                # It exists but it's not a file or a directory????
                # What is it then?
                self.status = "501 Not Implemented"
                self.closeConnection = True

            h = self.headers
            statcode, statstr = self.status.split(' ', 1)
            statcode = int(statcode)
            if statcode >= 400:
                h.add_header('Content-Type', self.content_type)
                self.data = [statstr]

            # Build our output headers
            header_data = HEADER_RESPONSE % (self.status, str(h))

            # Send the headers
            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Sending Headers: %s' % repr(header_data))

            for data in self.data:

            if hasattr(self.data, 'close'):

            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Finally closing sock_file')
Example #51
class Handler(object):

    badidre = re.compile(r"[<>\s]")

    def __init__(self, service, siptype, wsgienv, start_resp, auth=None):
        self._svc = service
        self._env = wsgienv
        self._start = start_resp
        self._meth = wsgienv.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET')
        self._hdr = Headers([])
        self._code = 0
        self._msg = "unknown status"
        self._auth = auth

    def send_error(self, code, message):
        stat = "{0} {1}".format(str(code), message)
        self._start(stat, [], sys.exc_info())

    def add_header(self, name, value):
        # Caution: HTTP does not support Unicode characters (see
        # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/#unicode-issues);
        # thus, this will raise a UnicodeEncodeError if the input strings
        # include Unicode (char code > 255).
        e = "ISO-8859-1"
        self._hdr.add_header(name.encode(e), value.encode(e))

    def set_response(self, code, message):
        self._code = code
        self._msg = message

    def end_headers(self):
        stat = "{0} {1}".format(str(self._code), self._msg)
        self._start(stat, self._hdr.items())

    def handle(self):
        meth_handler = 'do_' + self._meth

        path = self._env.get('PATH_INFO', '/').strip('/')
        if not self.authorize():
            return self.send_unauthorized()

        if hasattr(self, meth_handler):
            out = getattr(self, meth_handler)(path)
            if isinstance(out, list) and len(out) > 0:
            return out
            return self.send_error(
                403, self._meth + " not supported on this resource")

    def authorize(self):
        if self._auth[0] == 'header':
            return self.authorize_via_headertoken()
            return self.authorize_via_queryparam()

    def authorize_via_queryparam(self):
        params = cgi.parse_qs(self._env.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
        auths = params.get('auth', [])
        if self._auth[1]:
            # match the last value provided
            return len(auths) > 0 and self._auth[1] == auths[-1]
        if len(auths) > 0:
                "Authorization key provided, but none has been configured")
        return len(auths) == 0

    def authorize_via_headertoken(self):
        authhdr = self._env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', "")
        parts = authhdr.split()
        if self._auth[1]:
            return len(parts) > 1 and parts[0] == "Bearer" and \
                self._auth[1] == parts[1]
        if authhdr:
                "Authorization key provided, but none has been configured")
        return authhdr == ""

    def send_unauthorized(self):
        self.set_response(401, "Not authorized")
        if self._auth[0] == 'header':
            self.add_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Bearer')
        return []

    def do_GET(self, path):
        # return the status on request or a list of previous requests
        steps = path.split('/')
        if steps[0] == '':
                out = json.dumps(['midas'])
            except Exception, ex:
                log.exception("Internal error: " + str(ex))
                self.send_error(500, "Internal error")
                return ["[]"]

            self.set_response(200, "Supported SIP Types")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            return [out]

        elif steps[0] == 'midas':
            if len(steps) > 2:
                path = '/'.join(steps[1:])
                self.send_error(400, "Unsupported SIP identifier: " + path)
                return []
            elif len(steps) > 1:
                if steps[1].startswith("_") or steps[1].startswith(".") or \

                    self.send_error(400, "Unsupported SIP identifier: " + path)
                    return []

                return self.request_status(steps[1])

                return self.requests()
Example #52
    def run_app(self, conn):
        self.size = 0
        self.header_set = Headers([])
        self.headers_sent = False
        self.error = (None, None)
        self.chunked = False
        sections = None
        output = None

        if __debug__:
            self.err_log.debug('Getting sock_file')

        # Build our file-like object
        if PY3K:
            sock_file = conn.makefile(mode='rb', buffering=BUF_SIZE)
            sock_file = conn.makefile(BUF_SIZE)

            # Read the headers and build our WSGI environment
            self.environ = environ = self.build_environ(sock_file, conn)

            # Handle 100 Continue
            if environ.get('HTTP_EXPECT', '') == '100-continue':
                res = environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] + ' 100 Continue\r\n\r\n'

            # Send it to our WSGI application
            output = self.app(environ, self.start_response)

            if not hasattr(output, '__len__') and not hasattr(
                    output, '__iter__'):
                self.error = ('500 Internal Server Error',
                              'WSGI applications must return a list or '
                              'generator type.')

            if hasattr(output, '__len__'):
                sections = len(output)

            for data in output:
                # Don't send headers until body appears
                if data:
                    self.write(data, sections)

            if not self.headers_sent:
                # Send headers if the body was empty
                self.send_headers('', sections)

            if self.chunked and self.request_method != 'HEAD':
                # If chunked, send our final chunk length

        # Don't capture exceptions here.  The Worker class handles
        # them appropriately.
            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Finally closing output and sock_file')

            if hasattr(output, 'close'):

Example #53
 def __init__(self, status, content_type):
     self.__status = status
     self.__ct = content_type
     self.__header = Headers()
Example #54
def test_wrong_token(static_auth):
    request = mock.Mock()
    request.headers = Headers([("authorization", "Bearer wrong")])
    assert not static_auth.is_authorized(request)
Example #55
class Route():

    def __init__(self, path, method, callback, status=200, content_type=None):
        self.path = path
        self.method = method
        self.callback = callback

        self.__status = status

        if content_type is None: content_type = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
        self.__ct = content_type

        self.__header = Headers()

    def status_code(self):
        return '{} {}'.format(self.__status, responses[self.__status])

    def headers(self):
        self.__header.add_header('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains')
        self.__header.add_header('Content-Security-Policy', "default-src 'self'")
        self.__header.add_header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')
        self.__header.add_header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN')
        self.__header.add_header('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block')
        self.__header.add_header('Content-type', self.__ct)
        return self.__header.items()
Example #56
    def getTileResponse(self, coord, extension, ignore_cached=False):
        """ Get status code, headers, and a tile binary for a given request layer tile.

            - coord: one ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate corresponding to a single tile.
            - extension: filename extension to choose response type, e.g. "png" or "jpg".
            - ignore_cached: always re-render the tile, whether it's in the cache or not.

            This is the main entry point, after site configuration has been loaded
            and individual tiles need to be rendered.
        start_time = time()

        mimetype, format = self.getTypeByExtension(extension)

        # default response values
        status_code = 200
        headers = Headers([('Content-Type', mimetype)])
        body = None

        cache = self.config.cache

        if not ignore_cached:
            # Start by checking for a tile in the cache.
                body = cache.read(self, coord, format)
            except TheTileLeftANote as e:
                headers = e.headers
                status_code = e.status_code
                body = e.content

                if e.emit_content_type:
                    headers.setdefault('Content-Type', mimetype)

            tile_from = 'cache'

            # Then look in the bag of recent tiles.
            body = _getRecentTile(self, coord, format)
            tile_from = 'recent tiles'

        # If no tile was found, dig deeper
        if body is None:
                lockCoord = None

                if self.write_cache:
                    # this is the coordinate that actually gets locked.
                    lockCoord = self.metatile.firstCoord(coord)

                    # We may need to write a new tile, so acquire a lock.
                    cache.lock(self, lockCoord, format)

                if not ignore_cached:
                    # There's a chance that some other process has
                    # written the tile while the lock was being acquired.
                    body = cache.read(self, coord, format)
                    tile_from = 'cache after all'

                if body is None:
                    # No one else wrote the tile, do it here.
                    buff = BytesIO()

                        tile = self.render(coord, format)
                        save = True
                    except NoTileLeftBehind as e:
                        tile = e.tile
                        save = False
                        status_code = 404

                    if not self.write_cache:
                        save = False

                    if format.lower() == 'jpeg':
                        save_kwargs = self.jpeg_options
                    elif format.lower() == 'png':
                        save_kwargs = self.png_options
                        save_kwargs = {}

                    tile.save(buff, format, **save_kwargs)
                    body = buff.getvalue()

                    if save:
                        cache.save(body, self, coord, format)

                    tile_from = 'layer.render()'

            except TheTileLeftANote as e:
                headers = e.headers
                status_code = e.status_code
                body = e.content

                if e.emit_content_type:
                    headers.setdefault('Content-Type', mimetype)

                if lockCoord:
                    # Always clean up a lock when it's no longer being used.
                    cache.unlock(self, lockCoord, format)

        _addRecentTile(self, coord, format, body)
            'TileStache.Core.Layer.getTileResponse() %s/%d/%d/%d.%s via %s in %.3f',
            self.name(), coord.zoom, coord.column, coord.row, extension,
            time() - start_time)

        return status_code, headers, body
Example #57
class Handler(object):

    def __init__(self, loaders, wsgienv, start_resp, archdir, auth=None, postexec=None):
        self._env = wsgienv
        self._start = start_resp
        self._meth = wsgienv.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET')
        self._hdr = Headers([])
        self._code = 0
        self._msg = "unknown status"
        self._auth = auth
        self._archdir = archdir
        self._postexec = postexec

        self._loaders = loaders

    def send_error(self, code, message):
        status = "{0} {1}".format(str(code), message)
        self._start(status, [], sys.exc_info())
        return []

    def add_header(self, name, value):
        self._hdr.add_header(name, value)

    def set_response(self, code, message):
        self._code = code
        self._msg = message

    def end_headers(self):
        status = "{0} {1}".format(str(self._code), self._msg)
        self._start(status, list(self._hdr.items()))

    def handle(self):
        meth_handler = 'do_'+self._meth

        path = self._env.get('PATH_INFO', '/')[1:]
        if not self.authorize():
            return self.send_unauthorized()

        if hasattr(self, meth_handler):
            return getattr(self, meth_handler)(path)
            return self.send_error(403, self._meth +
                                   " not supported on this resource")

    def authorize(self):
        if self._auth[0] == 'header':
            return self.authorize_via_headertoken()
            return self.authorize_via_queryparam()

    def authorize_via_queryparam(self):
        params = parse_qs(self._env.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
        auths = params.get('auth',[])
        if self._auth[1]:
            # match the last value provided
            return len(auths) > 0 and self._auth[1] == auths[-1]  
        if len(auths) > 0:
            log.warning("Authorization key provided, but none has been configured")
        return len(auths) == 0

    def authorize_via_headertoken(self):
        authhdr = self._env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', "")
        log.debug("Request HTTP_AUTHORIZATION: %s", authhdr)
        parts = authhdr.split()
        if self._auth[1]:
            return len(parts) > 1 and parts[0] == "Bearer" and \
                self._auth[1] == parts[1]
        if authhdr:
            log.warning("Authorization key provided, but none has been configured")
        return authhdr == ""

    def send_unauthorized(self):
        self.set_response(401, "Not authorized")
        if self._auth[0] == 'header':
            self.add_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Bearer')
        return []

    def do_GET(self, path):
        path = path.strip('/')
        if not path:
                out = json.dumps(list(self._loaders.keys())) + '\n'
                out = out.encode()
            except Exception as ex:
                log.exception("Internal error: "+str(ex))
                return self.send_error(500, "Internal error")

            self.set_response(200, "Supported Record Types")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            self.add_header('Content-Length', str(len(out)))
            return [out]
        elif path in self._loaders:
            self.set_response(200, "Service is ready")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            return [b"Service ready\n"]
            return self.send_error(404, "resource does not exist")
    def do_POST(self, path):
        path = path.strip('/')
        steps = path.split('/')
        if len(steps) == 0:
            return self.send_error(405, "POST not supported on this resource")
        elif len(steps) == 1:
            if steps[0] == 'nerdm':
                return self.ingest_nerdm_record()
                return self.send_error(403, "new records are not allowed for " +
                                       "submission to this resource")
            return self.send_error(404, "resource does not exist")

    def nerdm_archive_cache(self, rec):
        cache a NERDm record into a local disk archive.  The cache is for 
        records that have been accepted but not ingested.  
            arkid = re.sub(r'/.*$', '', re.sub(r'ark:/\d+/', '', rec['@id']))
            ver = rec.get('version', '1.0.0').replace('.', '_')
            recid = "%s-v%s" % (os.path.basename(arkid), ver)
            outfile = os.path.join(self._archdir, '_cache', recid+".json")
            with open(outfile, 'w') as fd:
                json.dump(rec, fd, indent=2)

            return recid
        except KeyError as ex:
            # this shouldn't happen if the record was already validated
            raise RecordIngestError("submitted record is missing the @id "+
        except ValueError as ex:
            # this shouldn't happen if the record was already validated
            raise RecordIngestError("submitted record is apparently invalid; "+
                                    "unable to submit")
        except OSError as ex:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to cache record ({0}): {1}"
                               .format(arkid, str(ex)))

    def nerdm_archive_commit(self, recid):
        commit a previously cached record to the local disk archive.  This
        method is called after the record has been successfully ingested to
        the RMM's database.
        outfile = os.path.join(self._archdir, '_cache', recid+".json")
        if not os.path.exists(outfile):
            raise RuntimeError("record to commit ({0}) not found in cache: {1}"
                               .format(recid, outfile))
                      os.path.join(self._archdir, os.path.basename(outfile)))
        except OSError as ex:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to archvie record ({0}): {1}"
                               .format(recid, str(ex)))

    def ingest_nerdm_record(self):
        Accept a NERDm record for ingest into the RMM
        loader = self._loaders['nerdm']

            clen = int(self._env['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
        except KeyError as ex:
            log.exception("Content-Length not provided for input record")
            return self.send_error(411, "Content-Length is required")
        except ValueError as ex:
            log.exception("Failed to parse input JSON record: "+str(e))
            return self.send_error(400, "Content-Length is not an integer")

            bodyin = self._env['wsgi.input']
            doc = bodyin.read(clen)
            rec = json.loads(doc)
        except Exception as ex:
            log.exception("Failed to parse input JSON record: "+str(ex))
            log.warning("Input document starts...\n{0}...\n...{1} ({2}/{3} chars)"
                        .format(doc[:75], doc[-20:], len(doc), clen))
            return self.send_error(400,
                                   "Failed to load input record (bad format?): "+

            recid = self.nerdm_archive_cache(rec)
            res = loader.load(rec, validate=True)
            if res.failure_count > 0:
                res = res.failures()[0]
                logmsg = "Failed to load record with "+str(res.key)
                for e in res.errs:
                    logmsg += "\n  "+str(e)
                self.set_response(400, "Input record is not valid")
                self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                out = json.dumps([str(e) for e in res.errs]) + '\n'
                return [ out.encode() ]

        except RecordIngestError as ex:
            log.exception("Failed to load posted record: "+str(ex))
            self.set_response(400, "Input record is not valid (missing @id)")
            self.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            out = json.dumps([ "Record is missing @id property" ]) + '\n'
            return [ out.encode() ]

        except Exception as ex:
            log.exception("Loading error: "+str(ex))
            return self.send_error(500, "Load failure due to internal error")

        except Exception as ex:
            log.exception("Commit error: "+str(ex))

        if self._postexec:
            # run post-commit script
            except Exception as ex:
                log.exception("Post-commit error: "+str(ex))

        log.info("Accepted record %s with @id=%s",
                 rec.get('ediid','?'), rec.get('@id','?'))
        self.set_response(200, "Record accepted")
        return []

    def nerdm_post_commit(self, recid):
        run an external executable for further processing after the record is commited to 
        the database (e.g. update an external index)
        cmd = _mkpostcomm(self._postexec, recid)

            log.debug("Executing post-commit script:\n  %s", " ".join(cmd))
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            (out, err) = p.communicate()
            if p.returncode != 0:
                log.error("Error occurred while running post-commit script:\n"+(err or out))
        except OSError as ex:
            log.error("Failed to execute post-commit script:\n  %s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), str(ex))
        except Exception as ex:
            log.error("Unexpected failure executing post-commit script:\n  %s\n%s", " ".join(cmd), str(ex))
Example #58
class Url(Packer, object):
    def __init__(self,
                 range_format='Range: bytes=%d-%d'):

        self.id = id

        self.url = url

        self.host = host if host is not None else getattr(self, 'host', None)
        self.port = port if port is not None else getattr(self, 'port', None)

        self.path = path if path is not None else getattr(self, 'path', None)
        self.protocol = protocol if protocol is not None else getattr(
            self, 'protocol', None)

        self.cookie = cookie

        if isinstance(headers, Headers):
            self.headers = headers
        elif isinstance(headers, dict):
            self.headers = Headers(list(headers.items()))
            raise ValueError('headers must be an instance of dict or Headers')

        self.etag = None

        self.proxy = proxy
        self.target = Target()

        self.max_thread = max_thread

        self.range_format = range_format

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Url):
            return self.url == other.url and \
                self.cookie == other.cookie and \
                self.proxy == other.proxy and \
                self.range_format == other.range_format
            object.__eq__(self, other)

    def config(self):

    def getContentSize(self):
        if self.target.code == 200 and int(
                self.target.headers.get('Content-Length', -1)) != -1:
            return int(self.target.headers.get('Content-Length'))
        elif self.target.code == 206 and self.target.headers.get(
            return int(self.target.headers.get('Content-Range').split('/')[-1])
            return -1

    def getFileName(self):

        ctd = self.target.headers.get('Content-Disposition')
        if ctd is not None:
            filename = re.findall(r'filename="(.*?)"', ctd)
            if filename:
                return filename[0]

        filename = self.path.split('?')[0].split('/')[-1]

        if filename != '':
            if '.' not in filename or filename.split('.')[-1] == '':

                extension = _content_type(
                filename = filename + extension

            filename = None

        return filename

    def reload(self):

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        object.__setattr__(self, key, value)
        if key == 'url':
            self.protocol, s1 = splittype(self.url)
            if s1:
                s2, self.path = splithost(s1)
                if s2:
                    self.host, port = splitport(s2)
                    self.port = int(port) if port is not None else None

            if not getattr(self, 'port', None):
                if self.protocol == 'http':
                    self.port = 80
                elif self.protocol == 'https':
                    self.port = 443

    def activate(self):
        res, cookie_dict = self.__request__()
        # if res.getcode() == 200 or res.getcode() == 206:
        headers_items = ()
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            headers_items = res.info().items()

        if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
            headers_items = res.getheaders()
        self.target.update(res.geturl(), headers_items, res.getcode())
        # else:
        #     raise Exception('UrlNoRespond or UrlError')

    def __request__(self):

        Cookiejar = CookieJar()
        opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(Cookiejar))
        _header = dict(self.headers.items())
        if self.cookie:
            _header.update({'Cookie': self.cookie})
        req = Request(self.url, headers=_header, origin_req_host=self.host)
        error_counter = 0
        while error_counter < 3:
                res = opener.open(req)
            except Exception as e:
                # traceback.print_exc()
                error_counter += 1
            raise Exception('UrlNotRespond')

        return res, Cookiejar._cookies

    def getHeader(self, name, default=None):
        return self.headers.get(name, default)

    def __packet_params__(self):
        return [
            'id', 'url', 'host', 'port', 'protocal', 'cookie', 'etag', 'proxy',
            'max_thread', 'range_format', 'headers'
Example #59
class MultipartPart(object):

    def __init__(self, buffer_size=2 ** 16, memfile_limit=2 ** 18, charset='latin1'):
        self.headerlist = []
        self.headers = None
        self.file = False
        self.size = 0
        self._buf = tob('')
        self.disposition, self.name, self.filename = None, None, None
        self.content_type, self.charset = None, charset
        self.memfile_limit = memfile_limit
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size

    def feed(self, line, nl=''):
        if self.file:
            return self.write_body(line, nl)
        return self.write_header(line, nl)

    def write_header(self, line, nl):
        line = line.decode(self.charset or 'latin1')
        if not nl:
            raise MultipartError('Unexpected end of line in header.')
        if not line.strip():  # blank line -> end of header segment
        elif line[0] in ' \t' and self.headerlist:
            name, value = self.headerlist.pop()
            self.headerlist.append((name, value + line.strip()))
            if ':' not in line:
                raise MultipartError("Syntax error in header: No colon.")
            name, value = line.split(':', 1)
            self.headerlist.append((name.strip(), value.strip()))

    def write_body(self, line, nl):
        if not line and not nl:
            return  # This does not even flush the buffer
        self.size += len(line) + len(self._buf)
        self.file.write(self._buf + line)
        self._buf = nl
        if self.content_length > 0 and self.size > self.content_length:
            raise MultipartError('Size of body exceeds Content-Length header.')
        if self.size > self.memfile_limit and isinstance(self.file, BytesIO):
            # TODO: What about non-file uploads that exceed the memfile_limit?
            self.file, old = TemporaryFile(mode='w+b'), self.file
            copy_file(old, self.file, self.size, self.buffer_size)

    def finish_header(self):
        self.file = BytesIO()
        self.headers = Headers(self.headerlist)
        cdis = self.headers.get('Content-Disposition', '')
        ctype = self.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
        self.headers.get('Content-Length', '-1')
        if not cdis:
            raise MultipartError('Content-Disposition header is missing.')
        self.disposition, self.options = parse_options_header(cdis)
        self.name = self.options.get('name')
        self.filename = self.options.get('filename')
        self.content_type, options = parse_options_header(ctype)
        self.charset = options.get('charset') or self.charset
        self.content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', '-1'))

    def is_buffered(self):
        ''' Return true if the data is fully buffered in memory.'''
        return isinstance(self.file, BytesIO)

    def value(self):
        ''' Data decoded with the specified charset '''
        pos = self.file.tell()
        val = self.file.read()
        return val.decode(self.charset)

    def save_as(self, path):
        fp = open(path, 'wb')
        pos = self.file.tell()
            size = copy_file(self.file, fp)
        return size
 def _handle_http_response_start(self, message: Dict[str, Any]):
     self._headers = Headers(
         [(k.decode(), v.decode())
          for k, v in message["headers"]])
     self._status_code = message["status"]