def json2wireframe(self, image_fn): basename = wwtool.get_basename(image_fn) json_file = os.path.join(self.splitted_label_dir, basename + '.json') annotations = mmcv.load(json_file)['annotations'] image_lines = [] for annotation in annotations: roof_mask = annotation['roof'] lines = self.mask2lines(roof_mask) image_lines += lines image_lines = np.array(image_lines).reshape(-1, 2, 2) np_save_file_prefix = os.path.join(self.wireframe_dir, basename) self.save_heatmap(np_save_file_prefix, image_lines)
def get_image_annotation_pairs(self): images = [] annotations = [] index = 0 progress_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(self.imgpaths)) imId = 0 for imgfile, annofile in zip(self.imgpaths, self.annotpaths): # imgpath = os.path.join(self.imgpath, name + self.image_format) # annotpath = os.path.join(self.annopath, name + self.anno_format) name = wwtool.get_basename(imgfile) annotations_coco = self.__generate_coco_annotation__( annofile, imgfile) # if annotation is empty, skip this annotation if annotations_coco != [] or self.groundtruth == False: img = cv2.imread(imgfile) height, width, channels = img.shape images.append({ "date_captured": "2019", "file_name": name + self.image_format, "id": imId + 1, "license": 1, "url": "", "height": height, "width": width }) for annotation in annotations_coco: index = index + 1 annotation["iscrowd"] = 0 annotation["image_id"] = imId + 1 annotation["id"] = index annotations.append(annotation) imId += 1 if imId % 500 == 0: print( "\nImage ID: {}, Instance ID: {}, Small Object Counter: {}, Max Object Number: {}" .format(imId, index, self.small_object_idx, self.max_object_num_per_image)) progress_bar.update() return images, annotations
def __init__(self, imgpath=None, annopath=None, imageset_file=None, image_format='.jpg', anno_format='.txt', data_categories=None, data_info=None, data_licenses=None, data_type="instances", groundtruth=True, small_object_area=0, sub_anno_fold=False, cities=None): super(SIMPLETXT2COCO, self).__init__() self.imgpath = imgpath self.annopath = annopath self.image_format = image_format self.anno_format = anno_format self.categories = data_categories = data_info self.licenses = data_licenses self.type = data_type self.small_object_area = small_object_area self.small_object_idx = 0 self.groundtruth = groundtruth self.max_object_num_per_image = 0 self.sub_anno_fold = sub_anno_fold self.imageset_file = imageset_file self.imgpaths, self.annotpaths = [], [] for city in cities: for image_fn in os.listdir( os.path.join(self.imgpath, city, 'images')): basename = wwtool.get_basename(image_fn) self.imgpaths.append( os.path.join(self.imgpath, city, 'images', basename + '.png')) self.annotpaths.append( os.path.join(self.imgpath, city, 'labels', basename + '.txt'))
def __simpletxt_parse__(self, label_file, image_file): """ (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) """ image_basename = wwtool.get_basename(image_file) origin_image_name = image_basename.split('__')[0].split(sub_fold + '_')[1] # print(image_name_list, origin_image_name) if origin_image_name not in image_name_list: # print("===========================================") return [] with open(label_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() objects = [] total_object_num = 0 for line in lines: object_struct = {} line = line.rstrip().split(' ') label = " ".join(line[-1]) mask = [float(_) for _ in line[0:-1]] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = wwtool.pointobb2bbox(mask) bbox_w = xmax - xmin bbox_h = ymax - ymin total_object_num += 1 object_struct['bbox'] = [xmin, ymin, bbox_w, bbox_h] object_struct['segmentation'] = mask object_struct['label'] = 1 objects.append(object_struct) return objects
def simpletxt2json(self, image_fn): # 1. open the ignore file and get the polygons base_name = wwtool.get_basename(image_fn) sub_fold = base_name.split("__")[0].split('_')[0] ori_image_fn = "_".join(base_name.split("__")[0].split('_')[1:]) # if ori_image_fn in self.wrong_shp_file_dict[sub_fold]: # print("Skip this wrong shape file") # return coord_x, coord_y = base_name.split("__")[1].split( '_') # top left corner coord_x, coord_y = int(coord_x), int(coord_y) print( f"splitted items: {}, {sub_fold}, {ori_image_fn}, {(coord_x, coord_y)}" ) ignore_file = './data/buildchange/{}/{}/{}/pixel_anno_v2/{}'.format( src_version,, sub_fold, ori_image_fn + '.png') # print("ignore file name: ", ignore_file) roof_shp_file = './data/buildchange/{}/{}/{}/roof_shp_4326/{}'.format( src_version,, sub_fold, ori_image_fn + '.shp') geo_info_file = './data/buildchange/{}/{}/{}/geo_info/{}'.format( src_version,, sub_fold, ori_image_fn + '.png') objects = shp_parser(roof_shp_file, geo_info_file) roof_polygon_4326 = [obj['converted_polygon'] for obj in objects] roof_property = [obj['converted_property'] for obj in objects] pixel_anno = cv2.imread(ignore_file) if pixel_anno is None: return objects = mask_parser(pixel_anno[coord_y:coord_y + sub_img_h, coord_x:coord_x + sub_img_w, :], category=255) if objects == []: return ignore_polygons = [obj['polygon'] for obj in objects] # print("ignore polygon: ", ignore_polygons) # 2. read the simpletxt file and convert to polygons objects = self.simpletxt_parse( os.path.join(self.splitted_label_dir, base_name + '.txt')) roof_polygons = [ wwtool.mask2polygon(obj['polygon']) for obj in objects ] # print("roof polygon: ", roof_polygons) _, ignore_indexes = wwtool.cleaning_polygon_by_polygon( roof_polygons[:], ignore_polygons, show=False) ignore_list = len(roof_polygons) * [0] for ignore_index in ignore_indexes: ignore_list[ignore_index] = 1 new_anno_objects = [] for idx, roof_polygon in enumerate(roof_polygons): footprint_polygon, xoffset, yoffset = self.get_footprint( roof_polygon, [coord_x, coord_y], roof_polygon_4326, roof_property) object_struct = dict() ignore_flag = ignore_list[idx] object_struct['roof'] = wwtool.polygon2mask(roof_polygon) object_struct['footprint'] = wwtool.polygon2mask(footprint_polygon) object_struct['offset'] = [xoffset, yoffset] object_struct['ignore'] = ignore_flag new_anno_objects.append(object_struct) image_info = { "ori_filename": ori_image_fn + '.jpg', "subimage_filename": image_fn, "width": 1024, "height": 1024, "city":, "sub_fold": sub_fold, "coordinate": [coord_x, coord_y] } json_data = {"image": image_info, "annotations": new_anno_objects} json_file = os.path.join(self.json_dir, f'{base_name}.json') with open(json_file, "w") as jsonfile: json.dump(json_data, jsonfile, indent=4)
train_rate = 0.8 imagename_sets = defaultdict(set) np.random.seed(seed) for imageset in imagesets: for sub_imageset_fold in sub_imageset_folds[imageset]: print('Processing {} {}'.format(imageset, sub_imageset_fold)) image_path = './data/{}/{}/{}/{}/images'.format(core_dataset_name, src_version, imageset, sub_imageset_fold) for image_fn in os.listdir(image_path): if image_fn.endswith('.jpg') or image_fn.endswith('.png'): pass else: continue image_basename = wwtool.get_basename(image_fn) imagename_sets[imageset].add(image_basename) file_names = list(dict(imagename_sets)[imageset]) file_names = sorted(file_names) np.random.shuffle(file_names) train_file_names = file_names[0 : int(len(file_names) * train_rate)] val_file_names = file_names[int(len(file_names) * train_rate):] save_trainset_fn = './data/{}/{}/{}/trainset.txt'.format(core_dataset_name, src_version, imageset) save_valset_fn = './data/{}/{}/{}/valset.txt'.format(core_dataset_name, src_version, imageset) for save_fn, file_names in zip([save_trainset_fn, save_valset_fn], [train_file_names, val_file_names]): with open(save_fn, 'w') as f: for file_name in file_names: f.write('{}\n'.format(file_name))
if __name__ == '__main__': # cities = ['shanghai', 'beijing', 'jinan', 'haerbin', 'chengdu'] cities = ['shanghai'] label_list = [] for city in cities: for label_fn in os.listdir( './data/buildchange/v2/{}/labels_json'.format(city)): label_list.append([city, label_fn]) label_list = sorted(label_list) np.random.shuffle(label_list) dst_label_dir = './data/buildchange/v2/sampling/labels_json' dst_image_dir = './data/buildchange/v2/sampling/images' wwtool.mkdir_or_exist(dst_label_dir) wwtool.mkdir_or_exist(dst_image_dir) for label_fn in label_list[0:1000]: basename = wwtool.get_basename(label_fn[1]) src_label_file = './data/buildchange/v2/{}/labels_json/{}'.format( label_fn[0], basename + '.json') src_image_file = './data/buildchange/v2/{}/images/{}'.format( label_fn[0], basename + '.png') dst_label_file = os.path.join(dst_label_dir, basename + '.json') dst_image_file = os.path.join(dst_image_dir, basename + '.png') shutil.copy(src_label_file, dst_label_file) shutil.copy(src_image_file, dst_image_file)
import mmcv if __name__ == '__main__': keywords = ['roof', 'footprint'] for key in keywords: csv_file = './data/buildchange/v2/xian_fine/xian_fine_{}_gt.csv'.format( key) first_in = True json_dir = './data/buildchange/v2/xian_fine/labels_json' rgb_img_dir = './data/buildchange/v2/xian_fine/images' for json_fn in os.listdir(json_dir): base_name = wwtool.get_basename(json_fn) rgb_img_file = os.path.join(rgb_img_dir, base_name + '.png') json_file = os.path.join(json_dir, json_fn) annotations = mmcv.load(json_file)['annotations'] masks = [wwtool.mask2polygon(anno[key]) for anno in annotations] csv_image = pandas.DataFrame({ 'ImageId': base_name, 'BuildingId': range(len(masks)), 'PolygonWKT_Pix': masks, 'Confidence': 1 }) if first_in:
if __name__ == '__main__': sub_folds = ['arg', 'google', 'ms'] csv_file = './data/buildchange/v0/xian_fine/xian_fine_gt.csv' first_in = True for sub_fold in sub_folds: shp_dir = f'./data/buildchange/v0/xian_fine/{sub_fold}/roof_shp_pixel' rgb_img_dir = f'./data/buildchange/v0/xian_fine/{sub_fold}/images' for shp_fn in os.listdir(shp_dir): if not shp_fn.endswith('shp'): continue print("Processing: ", shp_fn) base_name = wwtool.get_basename(shp_fn) rgb_img_file = os.path.join(rgb_img_dir, base_name + '.jpg') shp_file = os.path.join(shp_dir, shp_fn) rgb_img = cv2.imread(rgb_img_file) geo_info = shp_parser = wwtool.ShpParse() objects = shp_parser(shp_file, geo_info, coord='pixel', merge_flag=True, connection_mode='floor') gt_polygons = [