Example #1
    def _GenRtf(self):
        """Generates the RTF equivalent of the displayed text in the current
        stc document window.
        @precondition: self._stc must have been set by a call to Generate
        @return: generated rtf marked up text

        # Buffer hasn't been set
        if self._stc is None:
            return u''

        # Optimizations
        stc = self._stc
        def_fore = stc.GetDefaultForeColour(as_hex=True)
        def_back = stc.GetDefaultBackColour(as_hex=True)
        last_pos = stc.GetLineEndPosition(stc.GetLineCount())
        parse_pos = 0
        last_id = None
        last_fore = None
        last_back = None
        start = end = 0
        tmp_txt = list()
        font_tmp = "\\f0"
        fore_tmp = "\\cf%d"
        back_tmp = "\\cb%d"
        AddColor = self._colortbl.AddColor
        GetColorIndex = self._colortbl.GetColorIndex
        GetStyleAt = stc.GetStyleAt

        # Parse all characters/style bytes in document
        for parse_pos in xrange(last_pos + 1):
            sty_id = GetStyleAt(parse_pos)
            end = parse_pos

            # If style has changed build the previous section
            if sty_id != last_id:
                tag = stc.FindTagById(last_id)
                s_item = stc.GetItemByName(tag)
                tplate = font_tmp
                fid = GetColorIndex(s_item.GetFore())
                if fid != last_fore:
                    last_fore = fid
                    tplate = tplate + (fore_tmp % fid)
                bid = GetColorIndex(s_item.GetBack())
                if bid != last_back:
                    last_back = bid
                    tplate = tplate + (back_tmp % bid)
                tmp_txt.append(tplate + " " + \
                               self.TransformText(stc.GetTextRange(start, end)))
                start = end
            last_id = sty_id

        head = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0 %s;}}" % \
        return u"%s%s%s}" % (head, self._colortbl, "".join(tmp_txt))
Example #2
    def GenDoc(self):
        """Generates the document body of the LaTeX document
        @returns: the main body of the reference document marked up with latex

        tex = list()
        tmp = u''
        start = parse_pos = 0
        last_pos = self._stc.GetLineEndPosition(self._stc.GetLineCount())

        # Define the default style
        self.RegisterStyleCmd('default_style', \

        # Get Document start point info
        last_id = self._stc.GetStyleAt(parse_pos)
        tmp = self.TransformText(
            self._stc.GetTextRange(parse_pos, parse_pos + 1))
        tag = self._stc.FindTagById(last_id)
        if tag != wx.EmptyString:
            self.RegisterStyleCmd(tag, self._stc.GetItemByName(tag))

        # Optimizations
        stc = self._stc
        GetStyleAt = stc.GetStyleAt
        GetTextRange = stc.GetTextRange
        TransformText = self.TransformText

        # Build LaTeX
        for parse_pos in xrange(last_pos + 1):
            curr_id = GetStyleAt(parse_pos)
            if parse_pos > 1:
                # This is the performance bottleneck, changeing the text
                # collection to when the style changes is much faster as
                # it only needs to be done once per style section instead
                # of once per character. Doing that however causes problems
                # with the style and resulting document formatting.
                tmp = TransformText(GetTextRange((parse_pos - 1), parse_pos))

            if curr_id == 0 and GetStyleAt(parse_pos + 1) == last_id:
                curr_id = last_id

            # If style region has changed close section
            if curr_id != last_id or tmp[-1] == "\n":
                tmp_tex = TransformText(GetTextRange(start, parse_pos))
                #                 tmp_tex = u"".join(tmp)
                if tag == "operator_style" or \
                   (tag == "default_style" and \
                    tmp_tex.isspace() and len(tmp_tex) <= 2):
                    if "\\\\\n" in tmp_tex:
                        tmp_tex = tmp_tex.replace("\\\\\n", "")
                        tmp2 = "\\%s{%s}\\\\\n"
                        tmp2 = "\\%s{%s}"

                    cmd = self.CreateCmdName(tag)
                    if cmd in [None, wx.EmptyString]:
                        cmd = "defaultstyle"
                    tex.append(tmp2 % (cmd, tmp_tex))

                last_id = curr_id
                tag = stc.FindTagById(last_id)
                if tag not in [None, wx.EmptyString]:
                    self.RegisterStyleCmd(tag, stc.GetItemByName(tag))
                tmp = list()
                start = parse_pos

        # Case for unstyled documents
        if tex == wx.EmptyString:
        return "\\begin{document}\n%s\n\\end{document}" % "".join(tex)