def test_filtfilt_copy(self): """filtfilt must not modify argument.""" cpy = self.dat.copy() fn = self.dat.fs / 2 b, a = butter(4, [6 / fn, 8 / fn], btype='band') filtfilt(self.dat, b, a) self.assertEqual(cpy, self.dat)
def test_filtfilt_swapaxes(self): """filtfilt must work with nonstandard timeaxis.""" fn = self.dat.fs / 2 b, a = butter(4, [6 / fn, 8 / fn], btype='band') dat = filtfilt(swapaxes(self.dat, 0, 1), b, a, timeaxis=1) dat = swapaxes(dat, 0, 1) dat2 = filtfilt(self.dat, b, a) self.assertEqual(dat, dat2)
def preprocess(data, filt=None): # copying data dat = data.copy() fs_n = dat.fs / 2.0 # butter filtering low b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [13 / fs_n], btype='low') #dat = proc.filtfilt(dat, b, a) # butter filtering high b, a = proc.signal.butter(4, [9 / fs_n], btype='high') dat = proc.filtfilt(dat, b, a) # subsampling #dat = proc.subsample(dat, 50) if filt is None: # calculate_csp filt, pattern, _ = proc.calculate_csp(dat) # plot_csp_pattern #plot_csp_pattern(pattern) # apply_csp dat = proc.apply_csp(dat, filt) # variance and logarithm dat = proc.variance(dat) #dat = proc.logarithm(dat) return dat, filt
def offline_experiment(filename_, cfy_, true_labels_): print("\n") cnt = io.load_bcicomp3_ds2(filename_) fs_n = cnt.fs / 2 b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [HIGH_CUT / fs_n], btype='low') cnt = proc.filtfilt(cnt, b, a) b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [LOWER_CUT / fs_n], btype='high') cnt = proc.filtfilt(cnt, b, a) cnt = proc.subsample(cnt, SUBSAMPLING) epo = proc.segment_dat(cnt, MARKER_DEF_TEST, SEG_IVAL) fv = proc.jumping_means(epo, JUMPING_MEANS_INTERVALS) fv = proc.create_feature_vectors(fv) lda_out = proc.lda_apply(fv, cfy_) markers = [fv.class_names[cls_idx] for cls_idx in fv.axes[0]] result = zip(markers, lda_out) endresult = [] markers_processed = 0 letter_prob = {i: 0 for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_'} for s, score in result: if markers_processed == 180: endresult.append( sorted(letter_prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0]) letter_prob = { i: 0 for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789_' } markers_processed = 0 for letter in s: letter_prob[letter] += score markers_processed += 1 print('Letras Encontradas-: %s' % "".join(endresult)) print('Letras Corretas----: %s' % true_labels_) acc = np.count_nonzero( np.array(endresult) == np.array( list(true_labels_.lower()[:len(endresult)]))) / len(endresult) print("Acertividade Final : %d" % (acc * 100))
def highpass_filt_filt_cnt(cnt, low_cut_off_hz, filt_order=3): if (low_cut_off_hz is None) or (low_cut_off_hz == 0):"Not doing any highpass, since low 0 or None") return cnt.copy() b, a = scipy.signal.butter(filt_order, low_cut_off_hz / (cnt.fs / 2.0), btype='highpass') assert filter_is_stable(a) cnt_highpassed = filtfilt(cnt, b, a) return cnt_highpassed
def preprocessing_simple(dat, MRK_DEF, *args, **kwargs): """Simple preprocessing that reaches 97% accuracy. """ fs_n = dat.fs / 2 b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [10 / fs_n], btype='low') dat = proc.filtfilt(dat, b, a) dat = proc.subsample(dat, 20) epo = proc.segment_dat(dat, MRK_DEF, SEG_IVAL) fv = proc.create_feature_vectors(epo) return fv, epo
def lowpass_filt_filt_cnt(cnt, high_cut_off_hz, filt_order=3): if (high_cut_off_hz is None) or (high_cut_off_hz == cnt.fs): "Not doing any lowpass, since ince high cut hz is None or current fs" ) b, a = scipy.signal.butter(filt_order, high_cut_off_hz / (cnt.fs / 2.0), btype='lowpass') assert filter_is_stable(a) cnt_lowpassed = filtfilt(cnt, b, a) return cnt_lowpassed
def preprocess(data, filt=None): dat = data.copy() fs_n = 250 # sample rate is 250 for us b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [13 / fs_n], btype='low') dat = proc.filtfilt(dat, b, a) b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [9 / fs_n], btype='high') dat = proc.filtfilt(dat, b, a) dat = proc.subsample(dat, 50) if filt is None: filt, pattern, _ = proc.calculate_csp(dat) plot_csp_pattern(pattern) dat = proc.apply_csp(dat, filt) dat = proc.variance(dat) dat = proc.logarithm(dat) return dat, filt
def preprocess(data, filt=None): dat = data.copy() fs_n = dat.fs / 2 b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [13 / fs_n], btype='low') dat = proc.filtfilt(dat, b, a) b, a = proc.signal.butter(5, [9 / fs_n], btype='high') dat = proc.filtfilt(dat, b, a) dat = proc.subsample(dat, 50) if filt is None: filt, pattern, _ = proc.calculate_csp(dat) plot_csp_pattern(pattern) dat = proc.apply_csp(dat, filt) dat = proc.variance(dat) dat = proc.logarithm(dat) return dat, filt
def test_bandpass(self): """Band pass filtering.""" # bandpass around the middle frequency fn = self.dat.fs / 2 b, a = butter(4, [6 / fn, 8 / fn], btype='band') ans = filtfilt(self.dat, b, a) # check if the desired band is not damped dat = spectrum(ans) mask = dat.axes[0] == 7 self.assertTrue(([mask] > 6.5).all()) # check if the outer freqs are damped close to zero mask = (dat.axes[0] <= 6) & (dat.axes[0] > 8) self.assertTrue(([mask] < .5).all())
def bandpass_filt_filt_cnt(cnt, low_cut_hz, high_cut_hz, filt_order=3): """Bandpass cnt signal using butterworth filter. Uses lowpass in case low cut hz is exactly zero.""" if (low_cut_hz == 0 or low_cut_hz == None) and (high_cut_hz == None or high_cut_hz == cnt.fs):"Not doing any bandpass, since low 0 or None and " "high None or current fs") return cnt.copy() if low_cut_hz == 0 or low_cut_hz == None:"Using lowpass filter since low cut hz is 0 or None") return lowpass_filt_filt_cnt(cnt, high_cut_hz, filt_order=filt_order) if high_cut_hz == None or high_cut_hz == cnt.fs: "Using highpass filter since high cut hz is None or current fs") return highpass_filt_filt_cnt(cnt, low_cut_hz, filt_order=filt_order) nyq_freq = 0.5 * cnt.fs low = low_cut_hz / nyq_freq high = high_cut_hz / nyq_freq b, a = scipy.signal.butter(filt_order, [low, high], btype='bandpass') assert filter_is_stable(a), "Filter should be stable..." cnt_bandpassed = filtfilt(cnt, b, a) return cnt_bandpassed
def highpass_filt_filt_cnt(cnt, low_cut_off_hz, filt_order=3): b,a = scipy.signal.butter(filt_order, low_cut_off_hz/(cnt.fs/2.0),btype='highpass') assert filter_is_stable(a) cnt_highpassed = filtfilt(cnt,b,a) return cnt_highpassed