def init_wyzesense_dongle(): global WYZESENSE_DONGLE, CONFIG if (CONFIG['usb_dongle'].lower() == "auto"): device_list = subprocess.check_output( ["ls", "-la", "/sys/class/hidraw"]).decode("utf-8").lower() for line in device_list.split("\n"): if (("e024" in line) and ("1a86" in line)): for device_name in line.split(" "): if ("hidraw" in device_name): CONFIG['usb_dongle'] = "/dev/%s" % device_name break"Connecting to dongle {CONFIG['usb_dongle']}") try: WYZESENSE_DONGLE = wyzesense.Open(CONFIG['usb_dongle'], on_event) LOGGER.debug(f" MAC: {WYZESENSE_DONGLE.MAC}," f" VER: {WYZESENSE_DONGLE.Version}," f" ENR: {WYZESENSE_DONGLE.ENR}") except IOError: LOGGER.warning(f"No device found on path {CONFIG['usb_dongle']}")
def main(args): if args['--debug']: loglevel = logging.DEBUG - (1 if args['--verbose'] else 0) logging.getLogger("wyzesense").setLevel(loglevel) logging.getLogger().setLevel(loglevel) device = args['--device'] print("Openning wyzesense gateway [%r]" % device) try: ws = wyzesense.Open(device, on_event) if not ws: print("Open wyzesense gateway failed") return 1 print("Gateway info:") print("\tMAC:%s" % ws.MAC) print("\tVER:%s" % ws.Version) print("\tENR:%s" % binascii.hexlify(ws.ENR)) except IOError: print("No device found on path %r" % device) return 2 def List(unused_args): result = ws.List() print("%d sensor paired:" % len(result)) logging.debug("%d sensor paired:", len(result)) for mac in result: print("\tSensor: %s" % mac) logging.debug("\tSensor: %s", mac) def Pair(unused_args): result = ws.Scan() if result: print("Sensor found: mac=%s, type=%d, version=%d" % result) logging.debug("Sensor found: mac=%s, type=%d, version=%d", *result) else: print("No sensor found!") logging.debug("No sensor found!") def Unpair(mac_list): for mac in mac_list: if len(mac) != 8: print("Invalid mac address, must be 8 characters: %s", mac) logging.debug("Invalid mac address, must be 8 characters: %s", mac) continue print("Un-pairing sensor %s:" % mac) logging.debug("Un-pairing sensor %s:", mac) ws.Delete(mac) print("Sensor %s removed" % mac) logging.debug("Sensor %s removed", mac) def HandleCmd(): cmd_handlers = { 'L': ('L to list', List), 'P': ('P to pair', Pair), 'U': ('U to unpair', Unpair), 'X': ('X to exit', None), } for v in list(cmd_handlers.values()): print(v[0]) cmd_and_args = input("Action:").strip().upper().split() if len(cmd_and_args) == 0: return True cmd = cmd_and_args[0] if cmd not in cmd_handlers: return True handler = cmd_handlers[cmd] if not handler[1]: return False handler[1](cmd_and_args[1:]) return True try: while HandleCmd(): pass finally: ws.Stop() return 0
def main(args): global mqtt_client def List(unused_args): result = ws.List() print("%d sensor paired:" % len(result)) logging.debug("%d sensor paired:", len(result)) for mac in result: print("\tSensor: %s" % mac) logging.debug("\tSensor: %s", mac) def Pair(unused_args): result = ws.Scan() if result: print("Sensor found: mac=%s, type=%d, version=%d" % result) logging.debug("Sensor found: mac=%s, type=%d, version=%d", *result) else: print("No sensor found!") logging.debug("No sensor found!") def Unpair(mac_list): for mac in mac_list: if len(mac) != 8: print("Invalid mac address, must be 8 characters: %s", mac) logging.debug("Invalid mac address, must be 8 characters: %s", mac) continue print("Un-pairing sensor %s:" % mac) logging.debug("Un-pairing sensor %s:", mac) ws.Delete(mac) print("Sensor %s removed" % mac) logging.debug("Sensor %s removed", mac) def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): if rc==0: print("connected OK Returned code=",rc) client.connected_flag=True #set flag else: print("Bad connection Returned code=",rc) def on_publish(client,userdata,result): #create function for callback print("data published \n") def on_event(ws, e): global mqtt_client if e.Type == 'state': print("StateEvent: sensor_type=%s, state=%s, battery=%d, signal=%d" % e.Data) topic = "wyzesense/{}/update".format(e.MAC) payload = { "sensor_type" : e.Data[0], "state" : e.Data[1], "battery" : e.Data[2], "signal" : e.Data[3] } mqtt_client.publish(topic, json.dumps(payload), 0, False) if args['--debug']: loglevel = logging.DEBUG - (1 if args['--verbose'] else 0) logging.getLogger("wyzesense").setLevel(loglevel) logging.getLogger().setLevel(loglevel) device = args['--device'] print("Opening wyzesense gateway [{}]".format(device)) try: ws = wyzesense.Open(device, on_event) if not ws: print("Open wyzesense gateway failed") return 1 print("Gateway info:") print("\tMAC:%s" % ws.MAC) print("\tVER:%s" % ws.Version) print("\tENR:%s" % binascii.hexlify(ws.ENR)) except IOError: print("No device found on path %r" % device) return 2 broker_addr = args['--broker'] mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(client_id="wyze-mqtt-{}".format(ws.MAC), clean_session=True, userdata=None, protocol=4, transport="tcp") mqtt_client.connected_flag = False mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect mqtt_client.on_publish = on_publish mqtt_client.loop_start() if '--username' in args and '--password' in args: mqtt_client.username_pw_set(username=args['--username'],password=args['--password']) try: print('connecting to mqtt') mqtt_client.connect(broker_addr, 1883, 60) except: print("Unable to connect to mqtt broker @ {}:1883".format(broker_addr)) return 2 while not mqtt_client.connected_flag: #wait in loop print("In wait loop") time.sleep(1) try: while True: time.sleep(.1) finally: ws.Stop() return 0
def beginConn(): return wyzesense.Open(config[CONF_DEVICE], on_event)