Example #1
def get_servers(CFG):
    Given a configuration file, instantiate and return a list of enabled
    servers = []

    if (CFG.has_section('telnet') and
            (not CFG.has_option('telnet', 'enabled')
             or CFG.getboolean('telnet', 'enabled'))):
        # start telnet server instance
        from x84.telnet import TelnetServer

    if (CFG.has_section('ssh') and
            not CFG.has_option('ssh', 'enabled')
            or CFG.getboolean('ssh', 'enabled')):
        # start ssh server instance
        # may raise an ImportError for systems where pyOpenSSL and etc. could
        # not be installed (due to any issues with missing python-dev, libffi,
        # cc, etc.).  Allow it to raise naturally, the curious user should
        # either discover and resolve the root issue, or disable ssh if it
        # cannot be resolved.
        from x84.ssh import SshServer

    if (CFG.has_section('rlogin') and
            (not CFG.has_option('rlogin', 'enabled')
             or CFG.getboolean('rlogin', 'enabled'))):
        # start rlogin server instance
        from x84.rlogin import RLoginServer

    return servers
Example #2
def get_servers(CFG):
    """ Instantiate and return enabled servers by configuration ``CFG``. """
    servers = []

    if (CFG.has_section('telnet') and
            (not CFG.has_option('telnet', 'enabled')
             or CFG.getboolean('telnet', 'enabled'))):
        # start telnet server instance
        from x84.telnet import TelnetServer

    if (CFG.has_section('ssh') and
            not CFG.has_option('ssh', 'enabled')
            or CFG.getboolean('ssh', 'enabled')):
        # start ssh server instance
        # may raise an ImportError for systems where pyOpenSSL and etc. could
        # not be installed (due to any issues with missing python-dev, libffi,
        # cc, etc.).  Allow it to raise naturally, the curious user should
        # either discover and resolve the root issue, or disable ssh if it
        # cannot be resolved.
        from x84.ssh import SshServer

    if (CFG.has_section('rlogin') and
            (not CFG.has_option('rlogin', 'enabled')
             or CFG.getboolean('rlogin', 'enabled'))):
        # start rlogin server instance
        from x84.rlogin import RLoginServer

    return servers
Example #3
def describe_ssh_availability(term, session):
    from x84.bbs.ini import CFG
    if session.kind == 'ssh':
        # what a good citizen!

    if not (CFG.has_section('ssh') and not CFG.has_option('ssh', 'enabled')
            or CFG.getboolean('ssh', 'enabled')):
        # ssh not enabled

    about_key = (u"You may even use an ssh key, which you can configure from "
                 u"your user profile, "
                 if not session.user.get('pubkey') else u'')
    big_msg = term.bold_blue("Big Brother is Watching You")
    description = (
        u"    {term.red}You are using {session.kind}, but ssh is available "
        u"on port {ssh_port} of this server.  If you want a secure connection "
        u"with shorter latency, we recommend instead to use ssh!  {about_key}"
        u"Remember: {big_msg}!\r\n\r\n".format(term=term,

    show_description(term, description, color=None)
Example #4
File: top.py Project: gofore/x84
def describe_ssh_availability(term, session):
    from x84.bbs.ini import CFG
    if session.kind == 'ssh':
        # what a good citizen!

    if not (CFG.has_section('ssh') and
            not CFG.has_option('ssh', 'enabled')
            or CFG.getboolean('ssh', 'enabled')):
        # ssh not enabled

    about_key = (u"You may even use an ssh key, which you can configure from "
                 u"your user profile, " if not session.user.get('pubkey')
                 else u'')
    big_msg = term.bold_blue("Big Brother is Watching You")
    description = (
        u"    {term.red}You are using {session.kind}, but ssh is available "
        u"on port {ssh_port} of this server.  If you want a secure connection "
        u"with shorter latency, we recommend instead to use ssh!  {about_key}"
        u"Remember: {big_msg}!\r\n\r\n".format(
            term=term, session=session, ssh_port=ssh_port,
            about_key=about_key, big_msg=big_msg))

    show_description(term, description, color=None)
Example #5
File: top.py Project: tehmaze/x84
def describe_ssh_availability(term, session):
    from x84.bbs.ini import CFG
    if session.kind == 'ssh':
        # what a good citizen!

    if not (CFG.has_section('ssh') and
            not CFG.has_option('ssh', 'enabled')
            or CFG.getboolean('ssh', 'enabled')):
        # ssh not enabled

    about_key = (u"You may even use an ssh key, which you can configure from "
                 u"your user profile, " if not session.user.get('pubkey')
                 else u'')
    big_msg = term.bold_blue("Big Brother is Watching You")
    description = (
        "    {term.red}You are using {session.kind}, but ssh is available "
        "on port {ssh_port} of this server.  If you want a secure connection "
        "with shorter latency, we recommend instead to use ssh!  {about_key}"
        "Remember: {big_msg}!"

    for txt in term.wrap(description, width=min(80, term.width)):
        echo(term.move_x(max(0, (term.width // 2) - 40)))
        echo(term.red(txt.rstrip() + '\r\n'))
    echo(term.center(term.bold_black('Press any key to continue: ')).rstrip())
Example #6
def main():
    x84 main entry point. The system begins and ends here.

    Command line arguments to engine.py:

    - ``--config=`` location of alternate configuration file
    - ``--logger=`` location of alternate logging.ini file
    import x84.bbs.ini

    # load existing .ini files or create default ones.
    from x84.bbs import get_ini
    from x84.bbs.ini import CFG

    if sys.maxunicode == 65535:
        # apple is the only known bastardized variant that does this;
        # presumably for memory/speed savings (UCS-2 strings are faster
        # than UCS-4).  Python 3 dynamically allocates string types by
        # their widest content, so such things aren't necessary ...
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('This python is built without wide unicode support. '
                      'some internationalized languages will not be possible.')

    # retrieve list of managed servers
    servers = get_servers(CFG)

    # begin unmanaged servers
    if (CFG.has_section('web') and
            (not CFG.has_option('web', 'enabled')
             or CFG.getboolean('web', 'enabled'))):
        # start https server for one or more web modules.
        from x84 import webserve

    if get_ini(section='msg', key='network_tags'):
        # start background timer to poll for new messages
        # of message networks we may be a member of.
        from x84 import msgpoll

        # begin main event loop
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # exit on ^C, killing any client sessions.
        from x84.terminal import kill_session
        for server in servers:
            for idx, thread in enumerate(server.threads[:]):
                if not thread.stopped:
                    thread.stopped = True
            for key, client in server.clients.items()[:]:
                kill_session(client, 'server shutdown')
                del server.clients[key]
    return 0
Example #7
def main():
    x84 main entry point. The system begins and ends here.

    Command line arguments to engine.py:

    - ``--config=`` location of alternate configuration file
    - ``--logger=`` location of alternate logging.ini file
    # load existing .ini files or create default ones.
    import x84.bbs.ini

    from x84.bbs import get_ini
    from x84.bbs.ini import CFG

    if sys.maxunicode == 65535:
        # apple is the only known bastardized variant that does this;
        # presumably for memory/speed savings (UCS-2 strings are faster
        # than UCS-4).  Python 3 dynamically allocates string types by
        # their widest content, so such things aren't necessary, there.
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('This python is built without wide unicode support. '
                      'some internationalized languages will not be possible.')

    # retrieve list of managed servers
    servers = get_servers(CFG)

    # begin unmanaged servers
    if (CFG.has_section('web') and
            (not CFG.has_option('web', 'enabled')
             or CFG.getboolean('web', 'enabled'))):
        # start https server for one or more web modules.
        from x84 import webserve

    if get_ini(section='msg', key='network_tags'):
        # start background timer to poll for new messages
        # of message networks we may be a member of.
        from x84 import msgpoll

        # begin main event loop
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # exit on ^C, killing any client sessions.
        for server in servers:
            for thread in server.threads[:]:
                if not thread.stopped:
                    thread.stopped = True
            for key, client in server.clients.items()[:]:
                kill_session(client, 'server shutdown')
                del server.clients[key]
    return 0
Example #8
File: engine.py Project: hick/x84
def _loop(servers):
    Main event loop. Never returns.
    # pylint: disable=R0912,R0914,R0915
    #         Too many local variables (24/15)
    import logging
    import select
    import sys
    from x84.terminal import get_terminals, kill_session
    from x84.bbs.ini import CFG
    from x84.fail2ban import get_fail2ban_function

    SELECT_POLL = 0.02 # polling time is 20ms

    # WIN32 has no session_fds (multiprocess queues are not polled using
    # select), use a persistently empty set; for WIN32, sessions are always
    # polled for data at every loop.
    WIN32 = sys.platform.lower().startswith('win32')
    session_fds = set()

    log = logging.getLogger('x84.engine')

    if not len(servers):
        raise ValueError("No servers configured for event loop! (ssh, telnet)")

    tap_events = CFG.getboolean('session', 'tap_events')
    check_ban = get_fail2ban_function()
    locks = dict()

    while True:
        # shutdown, close & delete inactive clients,
        for server in servers:
            # bbs sessions that are no longer active on the socket
            # level -- send them a 'kill signal'
            for key, client in server.clients.items()[:]:
                if not client.is_active():
                    kill_session(client, 'socket shutdown')
                    del server.clients[key]
            # on-connect negotiations that have completed or failed.
            # delete their thread instance from further evaluation
            for thread in [_thread for _thread in server.threads
                           if _thread.stopped][:]:

        server_fds = [server.server_socket.fileno() for server in servers]
        client_fds = [fd for fd in server.client_fds() for server in servers]
        check_r = server_fds + client_fds
        if not WIN32:
            session_fds = get_session_output_fds(servers)
            check_r += session_fds

        # We'd like to use timeout 'None', but the registration of
        # a new client in terminal.start_process surprises us with new
        # file descriptors for the session i/o. unless we loop for
        # additional `session_fds', a connecting client would block.
        ready_r, _, _ = select.select(check_r, [], [], SELECT_POLL)

        for fd in ready_r:
            # see if any new tcp connections were made
            server = find_server(servers, fd)
            if server is not None:
                accept(log, server, check_ban)

        # receive new data from tcp clients.
        client_recv(servers, log)
        terms = get_terminals()

        # receive new data from session terminals
        if WIN32 or set(session_fds) & set(ready_r):
                session_recv(locks, terms, log, tap_events)
            except IOError, err:
                # if the ipc closes while we poll, warn and continue

        # send tcp data to clients
        client_send(terms, log)

        # send session data, poll for user-timeout and disconnect them