def gammaDeltaDistribution(energy): deltaEnergy = float("1e%s" % ("%.0e" % (energy * energyEps)).split('e')[1]) eMin, eMax = energy - deltaEnergy, energy + deltaEnergy if (eMin < 0): return (XYsModule.XYs([[energy, 1.], [eMax, 0.]]).normalize()) return (XYsModule.XYs([[eMin, 0.], [energy, 1], [eMax, 0.]]).normalize())
def getW_XYs(self): from xData import axes as axesModule from xData import XYs as XYsModule from xData import multiD_XYs as multiD_XYsModule xUnit, yUnit, zUnit = '', '', '' if (self.xUnit is not None): xUnit = self.xUnit if (self.yUnit is not None): yUnit = self.yUnit if (self.zUnit is not None): zUnit = self.zUnit axes_3d = axesModule.axes(3) axes_3d[0] = axesModule.axis('z', 0, zUnit) axes_3d[1] = axesModule.axis('y', 0, yUnit) axes_3d[2] = axesModule.axis('x', 0, xUnit) w_xys = multiD_XYsModule.multiD_XYs(axes=axes_3d) axes_2d = axesModule.axes() axes_2d[0] = axes_3d[0] axes_2d[1] = axes_3d[1] for ix, x in enumerate(self.x): xys = [[y, self.z[iy][ix]] for iy, y in enumerate(self.y)] w_xys[ix] = XYsModule.XYs(xys, axes=axes_2d, accuracy=1e-3, value=x) return (w_xys)
def __init__(self, angularEnergy_): self.productFrame = angularEnergy_.getProductFrame() axes_ = axes.defaultAxes(3) axes_[0] = angularEnergy_.axes[0] axes_[1] = angularEnergy_.axes[1] axes_[2] = axes.axis("P(mu|energy_in)", 2, "") W_XYs.W_XYs.__init__(self, axes_) for w_xys in angularEnergy_: P_mu = [[xys.value, xys.integrate()] for xys in w_xys] self.append( XYs.XYs(XYs.XYs.defaultAxes(), P_mu, 1e-3, value=w_xys.value))
def getDistribution(self, energy, energies, numberOfGammas, zeroTotal): energy_eV = 1e6 * energy if (self.multiplicity.domainMin() <= energy <= self.multiplicity.domainMax()): domainMin_eV, domainMax_eV = self.energyForm.domain() dE = energy_eV - domainMin_eV if (dE < 0): if (abs(dE) < 1e-15 * energy_eV): energy_eV = domainMin_eV else: return (None) dE = domainMax_eV - energy_eV if (dE < 0): if (abs(dE) < 1e-15 * energy_eV): energy_eV = domainMin_eV else: return (None) energyForm = self.energyForm if (isinstance(energyForm, (energyModule.piecewise, ))): for region in energyForm: if (energy_eV < region.domainMax()): break energyForm = region energyForm = energyForm.evaluate(energy_eV, epsilon=3 * energyEps) energyForm = energyForm.toPointwise_withLinearXYs( accuracy=1e-4, lowerEps=energyEps, upperEps=energyEps) lowerEps = energyEps if (energyForm.domainMin() == 0): lowerEps = 0 energyForm = energyForm.scaleOffsetXAndY( xScale=eV2MeV, yScale=1 / eV2MeV).dullEdges(lowerEps=lowerEps, upperEps=energyEps) energyForm = XYsModule.XYs(energyForm) multiplicity = getMultiplicityForDistributionSum( self, energy, energies, numberOfGammas, zeroTotal) distribution = multiplicity * energyForm return (distribution) else: return (None)
def toACE(self, fileName, evaluationId, temperature, productData, addAnnotation): massUnit = 'eV/c**2' projectile, target = self.projectile, targetZ, targetA, targetSuffix, targetZA = target.getZ_A_SuffixAndZA() neutronMass = projectile.getMass(massUnit) targetMass = target.getMass(massUnit) target2NeutronMass = targetMass / neutronMass if (not (isinstance(temperature, PQU.PQU))): temperature = PQU.PQU(temperature) if (temperature.isTemperature()): temperature_MeV = temperature.getValueAs('MeV / k') temperature_K = temperature.getValueAs('K') else: temperature_MeV = temperature.getValueAs('MeV') temperature_K = temperature.getValueAs('k * K') processingTime = time.localtime() strRecords = [ "%6d.%.2dc%12.7f %11.5E %.2d/%.2d/%.2d" % (targetZA, evaluationId, target2NeutronMass, temperature_MeV, processingTime[1], processingTime[2], processingTime[0]) ] nonFissionEnergyDependentNeutronMultiplicities = [] nonFissionEnergyDependentNeutronMultiplicitiesIndex = 100 MAT = endf_endl.ZAAndMATFromParticleName([1] MAT_ID = ' mat %d' % MAT HK = '%2d-%s at %.1fK from %s-%s Fudge.toACE' % \ ( targetZ,, temperature_K, self.styles['evaluated'].attributes['library'], self.styles['evaluated'].attributes['version'] ) HK = "%-70s" % HK[:70] strRecords.append(HK + MAT_ID) for i in xrange(4): strRecords.append( ' 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0.000000' ) NXS = 16 * [0] JXS = 32 * [0] MRT, NU_prompt, NU_total, LQR, TYP, SigData, neutronAngular, neutronEnergies = [], None, None, [], [], {}, [], [] NXS[2 - 1] = targetZA for MT, MTData in productData: if (MT == 2): # Elastic (MT = 2) must always be present in ACE file. EMin = MTData['ESZ'].domainMin(unitTo='MeV') break totalXSec = XYs.XYs( axes.defaultAxes(labelsUnits={ 0: ('', 'MeV'), 1: ('', 'b') }), [], 1e-3) absorptionXSec = XYs.XYs( axes.defaultAxes(labelsUnits={ 0: ('', 'MeV'), 1: ('', 'b') }), [], 1e-3) sortedMTs = sorted([[MTData[0], i1] for i1, MTData in enumerate(productData) ]) # Sort MTs like NJOY. for MT, i1 in sortedMTs: MT_, MTData = productData[i1] XSec = MTData['ESZ'] XSec = XSec.convertAxisToUnit(0, 'MeV') XSec = XSec.convertAxisToUnit(1, 'b') neutronDatas = MTData['n'] multiplicity = 0 if (MT == 2): elasticXSec = XSec if (len(neutronDatas) > 1): raise Exception( 'Only one type of neutron data is support for the elastic reaction.' ) if (len(neutronDatas) > 0): neutronAngular.append((MT, neutronDatas[0]['angularData'])) else: MRT.append(MT) LQR.append(MTData['Q']) if (XSec[0][0] != 0): if (XSec[0][0] > EMin): XSec = XSec.dullEdges(lowerEps=1e-8) SigData[MT] = XSec totalXSec = totalXSec + XSec if (len(neutronDatas) == 0): absorptionXSec = absorptionXSec + XSec neutronMultiplicity = 0 else: NXS[5 - 1] += 1 product = neutronDatas[0]['product'] frame = neutronDatas[0]['frame'] angularData = neutronDatas[0]['angularData'] energyData = neutronDatas[0]['energyData'] if (MTData['isFission']): neutronMultiplicity = 19 totalPresent = False for neutronData in neutronDatas: product = neutronData['product'] if ((product.attributes['emissionMode'] == tokens.promptToken) or (product.attributes['emissionMode'] == 'total')): totalPresent = product.attributes[ 'emissionMode'] == 'total' NU_prompt = neutronData['multiplicity'] break if (NU_prompt is None): raise Exception('Missing prompt neutron') if (len(neutronDatas) > 1): if (totalPresent): raise Exception( 'Total nu_bar present and delayed neutron data.' ) NU_total = NU_prompt for neutronData in neutronDatas: product = neutronData['product'] if (product.attributes['emissionMode'] == 'delayed' ): NU_delayed = neutronData['multiplicity'] if (NU_delayed.domainMax() < NU_total.domainMax()): NU_delayed = NU_delayed.dullEdges( upperEps=1e-8) NU_total = NU_total + NU_delayed else: if (len(neutronDatas) == 1): neutronMultiplicity = neutronDatas[0]['multiplicity'] else: neutronMultiplicity, angularData, energyData = specialMF6.neutrons( neutronDatas) if (not (isinstance(neutronMultiplicity, int))): nonFissionEnergyDependentNeutronMultiplicitiesIndex += 1 nonFissionEnergyDependentNeutronMultiplicities.append([ MT, nonFissionEnergyDependentNeutronMultiplicitiesIndex, neutronMultiplicity ]) neutronMultiplicity = nonFissionEnergyDependentNeutronMultiplicitiesIndex if (frame == axes.centerOfMassToken): neutronMultiplicity *= -1 # Negative for COM frame. if (energyData is None): if (50 <= MT <= 91): energyData = n_nPrimeEnergyData( MT, target2NeutronMass, MTData['Q']) else: raise 'hell: but first implement energy for MT =' % MT else: if (isinstance(energyData, angularData = None neutronAngular.append((MT, angularData)) neutronEnergies.append( [MT, XSec.xMin(), XSec.xMax(), energyData]) TYP.append(neutronMultiplicity) totalXSec = elasticXSec + totalXSec annotates, XSS, energyGrid, totalSigma = [], [], [], [] for E, sigma in totalXSec: energyGrid.append(E) totalSigma.append(sigma) # 1) Add the ESZ block. NXS[3 - 1] = len(energyGrid) updateXSSInfo('energyGrid', annotates, XSS, energyGrid) updateXSSInfo('totalSigma', annotates, XSS, totalSigma) if (len(absorptionXSec) == 0): updateXSSInfo('absorption cross section', annotates, XSS, len(energyGrid) * [0.]) else: updateXSSInfo('absorption cross section', annotates, XSS, mapEnergyToTotal(totalXSec, absorptionXSec)) updateXSSInfo('elastic cross section', annotates, XSS, mapEnergyToTotal(totalXSec, elasticXSec)) averageHeating = len(energyGrid) * [0.] updateXSSInfo('average heating', annotates, XSS, averageHeating) # 2) Add the NU block. if (NU_prompt is not None): JXS[2 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 NU_prompt = NU_prompt.toACE() if (NU_total is not None): NU_prompt.insert(0, -len(NU_prompt)) updateXSSInfo('NU', annotates, XSS, NU_prompt) if (NU_total is not None): NU_total = NU_total.toACE() updateXSSInfo('NU(total)', annotates, XSS, NU_total) # 3) Add the MRT block. NXS[4 - 1] = len(MRT) JXS[3 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 updateXSSInfo('MRT', annotates, XSS, MRT) # 4) Add the LQR block. JXS[4 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 updateXSSInfo('LQR', annotates, XSS, LQR) # 5) Add the TYP block. JXS[5 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 updateXSSInfo('TYP', annotates, XSS, TYP) # 6 and 7) Add the LSIG and SIG blocks. SIG = [] for MT, MTData in productData: if (MT not in [2]): addSigData(MT, SIG, energyGrid, SigData[MT]) JXS[6 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 LSIG = [1] for MT, firstNonZero, reactionSIG in SIG[:-1]: LSIG.append(LSIG[-1] + len(reactionSIG) + 2) updateXSSInfo('LSIG', annotates, XSS, LSIG) JXS[7 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 for MT, firstNonZero, reactionSIG in SIG: reactionSIG_ = [firstNonZero + 1, len(reactionSIG)] + reactionSIG updateXSSInfo('SIG(MT=%s)' % MT, annotates, XSS, reactionSIG_) # 8 and 9) Add the LAND and AND blocks. LAND, MT_AND, length = [], [], 0 for MT, angular in neutronAngular: if (angular is None): LAND.append(-1) elif (angular.isIsotropic()): LAND.append(0) elif (isinstance(angular, (distributions.angular.linear, angularEnergy.angularFor_angularEnergy))): LAND.append(length + 1) length += 2 * len(angular) + 1 energies_in = [len(angular)] LCs, Ps = [], [] for xys in angular: energy_in = PQU.PQU( xys.value, angular.axes[0].getUnit()).getValueAs('MeV') energies_in.append(energy_in) LCs.append(-length - 1) xys = xys.normalize() mus, pdf = [], [] for x, y in xys: mus.append(x) pdf.append(y) cdf = xys.runningIntegral() cdf[-1] = 1. # Make sure last point is really 1. Ps += [2, len(mus)] + mus + pdf + cdf length += 3 * len(xys) + 2 MT_AND.append((MT, energies_in + LCs + Ps)) else: raise Exception( 'Unsupport neutron angular distribution type = %s' % type(angular)) JXS[8 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 updateXSSInfo('LAND', annotates, XSS, LAND) JXS[9 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 for MT, AND in MT_AND: updateXSSInfo('AND(MT=%s)' % MT, annotates, XSS, AND) # 10 and 11) Add the LDLW and DLW blocks. LDLW, MT_DLW = processEnergyData(massUnit, neutronMass, neutronEnergies) JXS[10 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 updateXSSInfo('LDLW', annotates, XSS, LDLW) JXS[11 - 1] = len(XSS) + 1 for MT, DLW in MT_DLW: updateXSSInfo('DLW(MT=%s)' % MT, annotates, XSS, DLW) # Now fixup the TYP data whose abs( value ) is greater than 100. for MT, index, multiplicity in nonFissionEnergyDependentNeutronMultiplicities: i1, found = JXS[5 - 1], False for i2 in range(NXS[4 - 1]): if (abs(XSS[i1 + i2 - 1]) == index): n_multiplicity = multiplicity.toACE() LNU, n_multiplicity = n_multiplicity[0], n_multiplicity[1:] if (LNU != 2): raise Exception( 'Only tabular neutron multiplicity is allowed, not LNU = %d' % LNU) offset = len(XSS) - JXS[11 - 1] + 101 + 1 if (XSS[i1 + i2 - 1] < 0): offset *= -1 XSS[i1 + i2 - 1] = offset updateXSSInfo('Neutron Yields(MT=%s)' % MT, annotates, XSS, n_multiplicity) found = True break if (not (found)): raise Exception( 'Neutron multiplicity for index %s not found in TYP table' % index) # Time to wrap it all up. NXS[1 - 1] = len(XSS) JXS[1 - 1] = 1 JXS[22 - 1] = len( XSS) + 1 # Location of the last word of XSS (i.e., its length). strRecords += intArrayToRecords(NXS) strRecords += intArrayToRecords(JXS) strRecords += XSSToStrings(annotates, XSS, addAnnotation) strRecords.append('') fOut = open(fileName, 'w') fOut.write('\n'.join(strRecords)) fOut.close()
def plotTests(tests=11 * [False]): from fudge import fudgeParameters fudgeParameters.VerboseMode = 0 from fudge.legacy.endl.endlProject import endlProject from fudge.legacy.endl.endl3dmathClasses import endl3dmath from fudge import __path__ from xData import axes as axesModule from xData import XYs as XYsModule from xData import multiD_XYs as multiD_XYsModule testData = ''' # Authors: T.S.Suzuki, Y.Nagai, T.Shima, T.Kikuchi, H.Sato, T.Kii, M.Igashira # Title: First Measurement Of A P(N,Gamma)D Reaction Cross Section Between 10 And 80 Kev # Year: 1995 # Institute: Tokyo Inst.of Technology, Tokyo # Reference: Astrophysical Journal 439, (L), 59 (1995) # Subent: 22310002 # Reaction: Cross section for 1H(n,gamma)2H # Note: the d(Energy) errorbars are fake and are used for plot testing # Energy Data d(Energy) d(Data) # MeV barns MeV barns 0.02 0.000353 0.001 2.6e-05 0.02 0.000329 0.001 2.6e-05 0.02 0.000287 0.0 2.2e-05 0.02 0.000304 0.0 1.8e-05 0.04 0.00023 0.001 1.5e-05 0.04 0.000198 0.001 1.2e-05 0.04 0.000177 0.0015 1e-05 0.04 0.000207 0.0 1.3e-05 0.064 0.000156 0.0 1.1e-05 0.064 0.00015 0.0 7e-06 0.064 0.000158 0.0 1.1e-05 0.064 0.00014 0.0 9e-06 ''' e = endlProject(__path__[0] + "/legacy/endl/test/testdb") za = e.readZA(1001) xAxis = AxisSettings(isLog=True, label='$E_n$', axisMin=0.5e-2, axisMax=1.5e-1, gridOn=True, autoscale=False, unit='MeV') yAxis = AxisSettings(isLog=True, label='$\sigma(E_n)$', gridOn=True, unit='b') d = [] u = [] for line in testData.split('\n'): if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue sline = map(float, line.split()) if len(sline) != 0: d.append(sline[0:2]) u.append(sline[2:4]) xyAxes = axesModule.axes(labelsUnits={ 1: (xAxis.label, xAxis.unit), 0: (yAxis.label, yAxis.unit) }) # Simple test, here we make a plot of one set if tests[0]: xSec = za.findData(I=0, C=46) makePlot2d([xSec], xAxisSettings=xAxis, yAxisSettings=yAxis, title='$^1$H$(n,\gamma)$ Cross Section', outFile=None) xys = XYsModule.XYs(, axes=xyAxes, accuracy=1e-3) makePlot2d((xys), xAxisSettings=xAxis, yAxisSettings=yAxis, title='$^1$H$(n,\gamma)$ Cross Section', outFile=None) dataset = DataSet2d(xys, xUnit=xAxis.unit, yUnit=yAxis.unit) dataset.convertUnits('eV', 'mb') makePlot2d((dataset), xAxisSettings=xAxis, yAxisSettings=yAxis, title='$^1$H$(n,\gamma)$ Cross Section', outFile=None) # Plot all the cross section data in the fudge2 test library, but unthemed! if tests[1]: makePlot2d(za.findDatas(I=0), outFile=None) # Plot all the cross section data in the fudge2 test library if tests[2]: xSecs = za.findDatas(I=0) makePlot2d(xSecs, xAxisSettings=xAxis, yAxisSettings=yAxis, title='$^1$H$(n,*)$ Cross Sections', outFile=None) xySecs = [ XYsModule.XYs(, axes=xyAxes, accuracy=1e-3) for xSec in xSecs ] xySecs = (xySecs[0], xySecs[1], xySecs[2]) makePlot2d(xySecs, xAxisSettings=xAxis, yAxisSettings=yAxis, title='$^1$H$(n,*)$ Cross Sections', outFile=None) # Fancy test, here we make a plot of one dataset (the testData above) if tests[3]: endfData = za.findData(I=0, C=46) #.slicex(domainMin=1e-2,domainMax=1e-1) endfUnc = 0.1 * endfData # 10% error bars makePlot2d( [ \ DataSet2d( data = endfData, uncertainty = endfUnc, legend = 'ENDF/B-VII.0', color='g', lineStyle = '-' ), DataSet2d( data = d, uncertainty = u, legend = 'T.S.Suzuki, et al. (1995) EXFOR entry # 22310002', color='g', symbol = 'o' ), ], xAxisSettings = xAxis, yAxisSettings = yAxis, title = '$^1$H$(n,\gamma)$ Cross Section', legendOn = True, outFile = None ) # Contour test if tests[ 4]: # Contour plots are meaningful if there is only one dataset plotted, how do we enforce this? endfData = za.findData(yo=1, I=1, C=10) EAxis = AxisSettings(isLog=False, label='$E_n$ (MeV)', axisMin=1.0, axisMax=20.0, gridOn=True, autoscale=False, unit='MeV') muAxis = AxisSettings(isLog=False, label='$\mu$ = cos( $\\theta$ )', axisMin=-1.0, axisMax=1.0, autoscale=False, gridOn=True) makePlot2dContour(DataSet3d(data=endfData, legend='ENDF/B-VII.0', xUnit=EAxis.unit, yUnit=muAxis.unit), xAxisSettings=EAxis, yAxisSettings=muAxis, title='$^1$H$(n,el)$ Angular Distribution', outFile=None) w_xys = multiD_XYsModule.multiD_XYs( axes=axesModule.axes(rank=3, labelsUnits={2: ('$E_n$', 'MeV')})) for w, xy in w_xys.append( XYsModule.XYs(xy, axes=axesModule.axes(), accuracy=1e-3, value=w)) dataset = DataSet3d(data=w_xys, legend='ENDF/B-VII.0') dataset.convertUnits('eV', None, None) makePlot2dContour(dataset, xAxisSettings=EAxis, yAxisSettings=muAxis, title='$^1$H$(n,el)$ Angular Distribution', outFile=None) # Slice tests if (tests[5] or tests[6] or tests[7] or tests[8] or tests[9]): endfDataI0 = za.findData(yo=0, I=0, C=10).slicex(1.0, 20.0) # simplify the plot endfDataI1 = za.findData(yo=1, I=1, C=10) Es = [p[0] for p in] # in [MeV] mus = [] # in [mu] for t in mus += [p[0] for p in t[1]] mus = sorted(uniquify(mus)) table = [] for E in Es: muDist = [] for mu in mus: muDist.append( [mu, endfDataI0.getValue(E) * endfDataI1.getValue(E, mu)]) table.append([E, muDist]) endfDataCombined = endl3dmath(data=table) EAxis = AxisSettings(isLog=True, label='$E_n$ (MeV)', axisMin=1.0, axisMax=20.0, gridOn=True, autoscale=False) muAxis = AxisSettings(isLog=False, label='$\mu = \cos{( \\theta )}$', axisMin=-1.0, axisMax=1.0, autoscale=False, gridOn=True) zAxis = AxisSettings(isLog=True, label='$d\sigma(E)/d\mu$ (b)', axisMin=0.0, axisMax=5.0, autoscale=False, gridOn=True) # unthemed slice tests if tests[5]: makePlot2dSlice( endfDataCombined, xyAxisSettings=EAxis, zAxisSettings=zAxis, sliceXCoords=None, sliceYCoords=[-1.0, -0.75, -0.5, -.25, 0.0, .25, .5, .75, 1.0], title='', outFile=None) dataSet3d = DataSet3d(data=endfDataCombined, legend='ENDF/B-VII.0') makePlot2dSlice( dataSet3d.getW_XYs(), xyAxisSettings=EAxis, zAxisSettings=zAxis, sliceXCoords=None, sliceYCoords=[-1.0, -0.75, -0.5, -.25, 0.0, .25, .5, .75, 1.0], title='', outFile=None) if tests[6]: makePlot2dSlice(endfDataCombined, xyAxisSettings=muAxis, zAxisSettings=zAxis, sliceXCoords=[1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0], sliceYCoords=None, title='', outFile=None) # themed slice test and contour test if tests[7]: makePlot2dContour(DataSet3d(data=endfDataCombined, legend='ENDF/B-VII.0'), xAxisSettings=EAxis, yAxisSettings=muAxis, numContours=10, title='$d\sigma(E)/d\mu$ for $^1$H$(n,el)$', outFile=None) if tests[8]: makePlot2dSlice( DataSet3d(data=endfDataCombined, legend='ENDF/B-VII.0'), xyAxisSettings=EAxis, zAxisSettings=zAxis, sliceXCoords=None, sliceYCoords=[-1.0, -0.75, -0.5, -.25, 0.0, .25, .5, .75, 1.0], title='', outFile=None) # themed slice test, with test 2d experimental data if tests[9]: makePlot2dSlice( [ \ DataSet3d( data = endfDataCombined, legend = 'ENDF/B-VII.0' ), \ DataSet2d( data = d, uncertainty = u, legend = 'T.S.Suzuki, et al. (1995) EXFOR entry # 22310002', color='g', symbol = 'o' ),\ ], xyAxisSettings = muAxis, zAxisSettings = zAxis, sliceXCoords = [ 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 ], sliceYCoords = None, sliceUnits = 'MeV', title = 'Slice test', outFile = None )
def processGamma(gamma, gammas, crossSection): distribution = gamma.distribution[style] if (isinstance(distribution, unspecifiedModule.form)): if (args.verbose > 1): print ' No distribution data' return MF13 = False if ('ENDFconversionFlag' in gamma.attributes): MF13 = gamma.attributes['ENDFconversionFlag'] == 'MF13' multiplicity = gamma.multiplicity[style] if (isinstance(multiplicity, (multiplicityModule.constant))): domainMin, domainMax = multiplicity.domain() multiplicity = XYsModule.XYs([[float(domainMin), multiplicity.value], [float(domainMax), multiplicity.value]], axes=XYsModule.XYs.defaultAxes( labelsUnits={1: ('energy_in', 'eV')})) elif (isinstance( multiplicity, (multiplicityModule.pointwise, multiplicityModule.piecewise))): if (isinstance(multiplicity, multiplicityModule.piecewise) and MF13): for region in multiplicity: if (region.interpolation == standardsModule.interpolation.flatToken): print ' WARNING: This may need to be fixed.' if (MF13 and isinstance(multiplicity, multiplicityModule.pointwise)): pass else: multiplicity = multiplicity.toPointwise_withLinearXYs( lowerEps=energyEps, upperEps=energyEps) else: raise Exception('Unsupported multiplicity form "%s"' % multiplicity.moniker) multiplicity = multiplicity.convertAxisToUnit(1, 'MeV') multiplicity = multiplicity.domainSlice(domainMax=args.EMax) if ((len(multiplicity) < 2) or (multiplicity.rangeMax() == 0)): print '''INFO: not writing reaction's gamma data as gamma multiplicity is 0. below EMax = %s''' % args.EMax return if (crossSection is not None): if (MF13): values = [[E1, m1 * crossSection.evaluate(E1)] for E1, m1 in multiplicity] multiplicity = XYsModule.XYs( values, axes=multiplicity.axes, interpolation=multiplicity.interpolation) multiplicity = multiplicity.toPointwise_withLinearXYs( lowerEps=energyEps, upperEps=energyEps) else: crossSection = crossSection.domainSlice(domainMax=args.EMax) crossSection.setInfill(False) multiplicity.setInfill(False) try: multiplicity = multiplicity * crossSection except: print 'multiplicity' print multiplicity.toString() print 'crossSection' print crossSection.toString() print multiplicity.domain(), crossSection.domain() raise multiplicity = multiplicity.trim() if (isinstance(distribution, uncorrelatedModule.form)): angularForm = energyForm = if (isinstance(angularForm, angularModule.pointwise)): if (not (angularForm.isIsotropic())): print 'WARNING: treating angular pointwise as isotropic' isIsotropic = True else: isIsotropic = angularForm.isIsotropic() if (not (isIsotropic)): raise Exception('unsupported angular distribution') if (isIsotropic): if (isinstance(energyForm, energyModule.primaryGamma)): gammas['primaries'].append( primaryGamma(multiplicity, energyForm.value.getValueAs('MeV'), float(energyForm.massRatio), angularForm)) elif (isinstance(energyForm, energyModule.constant)): gammas['discretes'].append( discreteGamma(multiplicity, energyForm.value.getValueAs('MeV'), angularForm)) else: if (isinstance( energyForm, (energyModule.pointwise, energyModule.piecewise))): pass else: raise Exception('Unsupported energy form "%s"' % energyForm.moniker) gammas['continuum'].append( continuumGammaIsotropic(multiplicity, energyForm)) else: raise Exception('Unsupported angular form "%s"' % angularForm.moniker) else: raise Exception('Unsupported distribution type "%s"' % distribution.moniker)
gammaList) if (multiplicity is not None): if (len(gammas['branchingGammas']) != 0): raise Exception( 'Currently, branching gammas are not support with other gammas.' ) fullDistribution = sumDistributions(multiplicity, gammaList) else: if (len(gammas['branchingGammas']) not in (0, 1)): raise Exception('need to support this') for levelName, (gammaMultiplicity, spectrum) in gammas['branchingGammas']: domainMin, domainMax = reaction.domain() multiplicity = XYsModule.XYs( [[eV2MeV * domainMin, gammaMultiplicity], [eV2MeV * domainMax, gammaMultiplicity]]) fullDistribution = [[eV2MeV * domainMin, spectrum], [eV2MeV * domainMax, spectrum]] if (multiplicity is not None): if (MT in multiplicitySums): multiplicity = multiplicitySums[MT] writeGammas(ENDLFiles, C, S, Q, X1, multiplicity, fullDistribution) gammas = {'continuum': [], 'discretes': [], 'primaries': []} productionMT = None for production in productionReactions: MT = production.ENDF_MT if (args.verbose): print ' %-40s: MT = %3s C = 55' % (production, MT) if (productionMT is None): MT = productionMT