Example #1
def index_keep_dimensions(data: xr.DataArray,
                          indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Union[int, slice]],
                          by_pos: bool=False
                          ) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Takes an xarray and key to index it. Indexes then adds back in lost dimensions"""
    # store original dims
    original_dims = data.dims
    # index
    if by_pos:
        data = data.isel(indexers)
        data = data.sel(indexers)
    # find missing dims
    missing_dims = set(original_dims) - set(data.dims)
    # Add back in missing dims
    data = data.expand_dims(tuple(missing_dims))

    # When the selection removes a dimension, xarray.expand_dims does not expand the non-indexed
    # dimensions that were removed.  For example, if one selects only a single zplane, it reduces
    # the z physical coordinate to a coordinate scalar, and not an array of size 1.  This hack
    # restores the dependent axes to arrays so they can be indexed.
    for primary_axis, dependent_axis in (
            (Axes.X, Coordinates.X),
            (Axes.Y, Coordinates.Y),
            (Axes.ZPLANE, Coordinates.Z),
        if primary_axis.value in missing_dims and is_scalar(data[dependent_axis.value]):
            data[dependent_axis.value] = xr.DataArray(

    # Reorder to correct format
    return data.transpose(*original_dims)
Example #2
def assert_duckarray_equal(x, y, err_msg="", verbose=True):
    """Like `np.testing.assert_array_equal`, but for duckarrays"""
    __tracebackhide__ = True

    if not utils.is_duck_array(x) and not utils.is_scalar(x):
        x = np.asarray(x)

    if not utils.is_duck_array(y) and not utils.is_scalar(y):
        y = np.asarray(y)

    if (utils.is_duck_array(x)
            and utils.is_scalar(y)) or (utils.is_scalar(x)
                                        and utils.is_duck_array(y)):
        equiv = (x == y).all()
        equiv = duck_array_ops.array_equiv(x, y)
    assert equiv, _format_message(x, y, err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose)
Example #3
 def __contains__(self, key):
     """Adapted from
         result = self.get_loc(key)
         return (is_scalar(result) or type(result) == slice or
                 (isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and result.size))
     except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
         return False
Example #4
    def _get_indexer(self, key):
        """Get indexer for rasterio array.

        key: tuple of int

        band_key: an indexer for the 1st dimension
        window: two tuples. Each consists of (start, stop).
        squeeze_axis: axes to be squeezed
        np_ind: indexer for loaded numpy array

        See also
        if len(key) != 3:
            raise RioXarrayError("rasterio datasets should always be 3D")

        # bands cannot be windowed but they can be listed
        band_key = key[0]
        np_inds = []
        # bands (axis=0) cannot be windowed but they can be listed
        if isinstance(band_key, slice):
            start, stop, step = band_key.indices(self.shape[0])
            band_key = np.arange(start, stop, step)
        # be sure we give out a list
        band_key = (np.asarray(band_key) + 1).tolist()
        if isinstance(band_key, list):  # if band_key is not a scalar

        # but other dims can only be windowed
        window = []
        squeeze_axis = []
        for i, (k, n) in enumerate(zip(key[1:], self.shape[1:])):
            if isinstance(k, slice):
                # step is always positive. see indexing.decompose_indexer
                start, stop, step = k.indices(n)
                np_inds.append(slice(None, None, step))
            elif is_scalar(k):
                # windowed operations will always return an array
                # we will have to squeeze it later
                squeeze_axis.append(-(2 - i))
                start = k
                stop = k + 1
                start, stop = np.min(k), np.max(k) + 1
                np_inds.append(k - start)
            window.append((start, stop))

        if isinstance(key[1], np.ndarray) and isinstance(key[2], np.ndarray):
            # do outer-style indexing
            np_inds[-2:] = np.ix_(*np_inds[-2:])

        return band_key, tuple(window), tuple(squeeze_axis), tuple(np_inds)
Example #5
 def __contains__(self, key):
     """Adapted from
         result = self.get_loc(key)
         return (is_scalar(result) or type(result) == slice
                 or (isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and result.size))
     except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
         return False
Example #6
def drop(self, labels, dim=None, inplace=False):
    """Drop variables or index labels from this dataset. Based on xarray.dataset.drop, but adds inplace option.

    labels : scalar or list of scalars
        Name(s) of variables or index labels to drop.
    dim : None or str, optional
        Dimension along which to drop index labels. By default (if
        ``dim is None``), drops variables rather than index labels.
    inplace : whether the original dataset should be modified or a new one created

    dropped : Dataset (self if inplace=True)
    if utils.is_scalar(labels):
        labels = [labels]
    if dim is None:
        drop = set(labels)
        variables = OrderedDict(
            (k, v) for k, v in iteritems(self._variables) if k not in drop)
        coord_names = set(k for k in self._coord_names if k in variables)
        result = self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables,
            index = self.indexes[dim]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError('dimension %r does not have coordinate labels' %
        new_index = index.drop(labels)
        result = self.loc[{dim: new_index}]

    return self if inplace else result
def test_dask_array_is_scalar():
    # regression test for GH1684
    import dask.array as da

    y = da.arange(8, chunks=4)
    assert not utils.is_scalar(y)
Example #8
def test_dask_array_is_scalar():
    # regression test for GH1684
    import dask.array as da

    y = da.arange(8, chunks=4)
    assert not utils.is_scalar(y)
def _atleast_1d(inp):
    if utils.is_scalar(inp):
        inp = (inp, )
    return inp