Example #1
def trim_array(array, pad=5):
    """Trims down array to array size that encompasses 
    data and minor padding for input array.
    Inputs: array to trim, radius of padding around array."""
    pad = pad * 2
    rows = da.any(array, axis=1)
    cols = da.any(array, axis=0)
    ymin, ymax = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]]
    xmin, xmax = np.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]]
    #Trims array
    trim = array[(ymin - pad):(ymax + 1 + pad), (xmin - pad):(xmax + 1 + pad)]
    return trim
Example #2
def first_run(
    da: xr.DataArray,
    window: int,
    dim: str = "time",
    coord: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = False,
    ufunc_1dim: Union[str, bool] = "from_context",
) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Return the index of the first item of the first run of at least a given length.

    da : xr.DataArray
      Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean).
    window : int
      Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values.
      When equal to 1, an optimized version of the algorithm is used.
    dim : str
      Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time').
    coord : Optional[str]
      If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes.
      If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the
      DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear').
    ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool]
      Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal
      usage based on number of data points.  Using 1D_ufunc=True is typically more efficient
      for DataArray with a small number of grid points.
      Ignored when `window=1`.

      Index (or coordinate if `coord` is not False) of first item in first valid run.
      Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs.
    ufunc_1dim = use_ufunc(ufunc_1dim, da, dim=dim)

    da = da.fillna(
        0)  # We expect a boolean array, but there could be NaNs nonetheless
    if window == 1:
        out = xr.where(da.any(dim=dim), da.argmax(dim=dim), np.NaN)
    elif ufunc_1dim:
        out = first_run_ufunc(x=da, window=window, dim=dim)
        da = da.astype("int")
        i = xr.DataArray(np.arange(da[dim].size), dims=dim)
        ind = xr.broadcast(i, da)[0].transpose(*da.dims)
        if isinstance(da.data, dsk.Array):
            ind = ind.chunk(da.chunks)
        wind_sum = da.rolling({dim: window}).sum(skipna=False)
        out = ind.where(wind_sum >= window).min(dim=dim) - (window - 1)
        # remove window - 1 as rolling result index is last element of the moving window

    if coord:
        crd = da[dim]
        if isinstance(coord, str):
            crd = getattr(crd.dt, coord)

        out = lazy_indexing(crd, out)

    if dim in out.coords:
        out = out.drop_vars(dim)

    return out