def save_files(files, rename=False, on_finish=None): save = plugin.get_setting('save-files', int) if not save: on_finish() return src, dst = temp_path(), save_path() files_dict = {} for old_path in files: old_path = ensure_unicode(old_path) rel_path = os.path.relpath(old_path, src) new_path = os.path.join(dst, rel_path) if xbmcvfs.exists(new_path): if rename: if xbmcvfs.delete(old_path):"File %s deleted.", old_path) continue files_dict[old_path] = new_path if not files_dict: if on_finish: on_finish() return files_to_copy = {} if save != 2 or xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(lang(30000), *lang(40162).split("|")): for n, old_path in enumerate(files): old_path = ensure_unicode(old_path) if old_path not in files_dict: continue new_path = files_dict[old_path] xbmcvfs.mkdirs(os.path.dirname(new_path)) if rename:"Renaming %s to %s...", old_path, new_path) if not xbmcvfs.rename(old_path, new_path): "Renaming failed. Trying to copy and delete old file..." ) files_to_copy[old_path] = new_path else:"Success.") else: files_to_copy[old_path] = new_path if files_to_copy: copy_files(files_to_copy, delete=rename, on_finish=on_finish) elif on_finish: on_finish()
def ensure_path_local(path): path = xbmc.translatePath(path) if "://" in path: if sys.platform.startswith('win') and path.lower().startswith("smb://"): path = path.replace("smb:", "").replace("/", "\\") else: raise LocalizedError(33030, "Downloading to an unmounted network share is not supported", check_settings=True) return ensure_unicode(path)
def save_path(local=False): path = plugin.get_setting('save-path', unicode) if path == plugin.get_setting('temp-path', unicode): raise LocalizedError(33032, "Path for downloaded files and temporary path should not be the same", check_settings=True) if not direxists(path): raise LocalizedError(33031, "Invalid save path", check_settings=True) if local: path = ensure_path_local(path) return ensure_unicode(path)
def save_files(files, rename=False, on_finish=None): save = plugin.get_setting('save-files', int) if not save: on_finish() return src, dst = temp_path(), save_path() files_dict = {} for old_path in files: old_path = ensure_unicode(old_path) rel_path = os.path.relpath(old_path, src) new_path = os.path.join(dst, rel_path) if xbmcvfs.exists(new_path): if rename: if xbmcvfs.delete(old_path):"File %s deleted.", old_path) continue files_dict[old_path] = new_path if not files_dict: if on_finish: on_finish() return files_to_copy = {} if save != 2 or xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(lang(30000), *lang(40318).split("|")): for n, old_path in enumerate(files): old_path = ensure_unicode(old_path) if old_path not in files_dict: continue new_path = files_dict[old_path] xbmcvfs.mkdirs(os.path.dirname(new_path)) if rename:"Renaming %s to %s...", old_path, new_path) if not xbmcvfs.rename(old_path, new_path):"Renaming failed. Trying to copy and delete old file...") files_to_copy[old_path] = new_path else:"Success.") else: files_to_copy[old_path] = new_path if files_to_copy: copy_files(files_to_copy, delete=rename, on_finish=on_finish) elif on_finish: on_finish()
def save_path(local=False): path = plugin.get_setting('save-path', unicode) if path == plugin.get_setting('temp-path', unicode): raise LocalizedError(33032, "Path for downloaded files and temporary path should not be the same", check_settings=True) if not direxists(path): raise LocalizedError(33031, "Invalid save path", check_settings=True) if local: path = ensure_path_local(path) path = path.strip("\\/") return ensure_unicode(path)