def check_size( path, type, size_w, size_h ): # first copy from source to work directory since Python does not support SMB:// file_name = get_filename( type, path, "auto" ) destination = os.path.join( addon_work_folder, "temp", file_name ) source = os.path.join( path, file_name ) log( "Checking Size", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) if exists( source ): file_copy( source, destination ) else: return True try: # Helix: not really a Helix problem but file cannot be removed after locking it with open(str(destination), 'rb') as destf: artwork = destf ) log( "Image Size: %s px(W) X %s px(H)" % ( artwork.size[ 0 ], artwork.size[ 1 ] ), xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) if artwork.size[0] < size_w and artwork.size[1] < size_h: # if image is smaller than 1000 x 1000 and the image on = 1000 delete_file( destination ) log( "Image is smaller", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) return True else: delete_file( destination ) log( "Image is same size or larger", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) return False except: log( "artwork does not exist. Source: %s" % source, xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) return True
def empty_tempxml_folder(): #Helix: paths MUST end with trailing slash if exists(os.path.join(tempxml_folder, '')): for file_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(tempxml_folder, '')): delete_file(os.path.join(tempxml_folder, file_name)) else: pass
def _clear_watched_items( clear_type ): xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - _clear_watched_items( %s )" % ( clear_type ), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) # initialize base_path base_paths = [] # clear trivia or trailers if ( clear_type == "ClearWatchedTrailers" ): # trailer settings, grab them here so we don't need another _S_() object settings = { "trailer_amt_db_file": xbmc.translatePath( _S_( "trailer_amt_db_file" ) ) } # handle AMT db special sys.path.append( os.path.join( BASE_RESOURCE_PATH, "lib", "scrapers") ) from amt_database import scraper as scraper Scraper = scraper.Main( settings=settings ) # update trailers Scraper.clear_watched() # set base watched file path base_paths += [ os.path.join( BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH, "amt_current_watched.txt" ) ] base_paths += [ os.path.join( BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH, "local_watched.txt" ) ] else: # set base watched file path base_paths = [ os.path.join( BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH, "trivia_watched.txt" ) ] try: # set proper message message = ( 32531, 32541, )[ sys.argv[ 1 ] == "ClearWatchedTrailers" ] # remove watched status file(s) for base_path in base_paths: # remove file if it exists if ( exists( base_path ) ): delete_file( base_path ) except: # set proper message message = ( 32532, 32542, )[ sys.argv[ 1 ] == "ClearWatchedTrailers" ] # inform user of result ok = xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( _L_( 32000 ), _L_( message ) )
def empty_tempxml_folder(): #Helix: paths MUST end with trailing slash if exists( os.path.join(tempxml_folder, '') ): for file_name in os.listdir( os.path.join(tempxml_folder, '') ): delete_file( os.path.join( tempxml_folder, file_name ) ) else: pass
def _get_slides_xml( path ): source = os.path.join( path, "slides.xml" ).replace("\\\\","\\") destination = os.path.join( BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH, "slides.xml" ).replace("\\\\","\\") # if no slides.xml exists return false if not exists( source ): return False, "", "", "", "" # fetch data file_copy( source, destination ) xml = open( destination ).read() # parse info mpaa, theme, question_format, clue_format, answer_format = "<slides?(?:.+?rating=\"([^\"]*)\")?(?:.+?theme=\"([^\"]*)\")?.*?>.+?<question.+?format=\"([^\"]*)\".*?/>.+?<clue.+?format=\"([^\"]*)\".*?/>.+?<answer.+?format=\"([^\"]*)\".*?/>", xml, re.DOTALL ).groups() delete_file ( destination ) return True, mpaa, question_format, clue_format, answer_format
def clear_image_cache(url): thumb = Thumbnails().get_cached_picture_thumb(url) png = os.path.splitext(thumb)[0] + ".png" dds = os.path.splitext(thumb)[0] + ".dds" jpg = os.path.splitext(thumb)[0] + ".jpg" if exists(thumb): delete_file(thumb) if exists(png): delete_file(png) if exists(jpg): delete_file(jpg) if exists(dds): delete_file(dds)
def clear_image_cache( url ): thumb = Thumbnails().get_cached_picture_thumb( url ) png = os.path.splitext( thumb )[0] + ".png" dds = os.path.splitext( thumb )[0] + ".dds" jpg = os.path.splitext( thumb )[0] + ".jpg" if exists( thumb ): delete_file( thumb ) if exists( png ): delete_file( png ) if exists( jpg ): delete_file( jpg ) if exists( dds ): delete_file( dds )
def _reset_watched( self ): base_path = os.path.join( self.BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH, "trivia_watched.txt" ) if exists( base_path ): delete_file( base_path ) self.watched = []
def download_art( url_cdart, album, database_id, type, mode, size, background = False ): log( "Downloading artwork... ", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) download_success = False thumb_path = "" percent = 1 is_canceled = False if mode == "auto": dialog_msg( "update", percent = percent, background = background ) else: dialog_msg( "create", heading = __language__(32047), background = background ) #Onscreen Dialog - "Downloading...." file_name = get_filename( type, url_cdart, mode ) #Helix: paths MUST end with trailing slash path = os.path.join(album["path"].replace( "\\\\" , "\\" ), '') if file_name == "unknown": log( "Unknown Type ", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) message = [ __language__(32026), __language__(32025), "File: %s" % get_unicode( path ), "Url: %s" % get_unicode( url_cdart ) ] return message, download_success if type in ( "artistthumb", "cover" ): thumbnail_path = get_thumbnail_path( database_id, type ) else: thumbnail_path = "" if type == "fanart" and mode in ( "manual", "single" ): thumbnail_path = get_fanart_path( database_id, type ) if not exists( path ): try: pathsuccess = _makedirs( album["path"].replace( "\\\\" , "\\" ) ) except: pass log( "Path: %s" % path, xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) log( "Filename: %s" % file_name, xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) log( "url: %s" % url_cdart, xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) # cosmetic: use subfolder for downloading instead of work folder if not exists( os.path.join(tempgfx_folder, '').replace( "\\\\","\\" )): _makedirs(os.path.join(tempgfx_folder, '').replace( "\\\\","\\" )) destination = os.path.join(tempgfx_folder, file_name).replace( "\\\\","\\" ) # download to work folder first final_destination = os.path.join( path, file_name ).replace( "\\\\","\\" ) try: #this give the ability to use the progress bar by retrieving the downloading information #and calculating the percentage def _report_hook( count, blocksize, totalsize ): try: percent = int( float( count * blocksize * 100 ) / totalsize ) if percent < 1: percent = 1 if percent > 100: percent = 100 except: percent = 1 if type in ( "fanart", "clearlogo", "artistthumb", "musicbanner" ): dialog_msg( "update", percent = percent, line1 = "%s%s" % ( __language__(32038) , get_unicode( album["artist"] ) ), background = background ) else: dialog_msg( "update", percent = percent, line1 = "%s%s" % ( __language__(32038) , get_unicode( album["artist"] ) ), line2 = "%s%s" % ( __language__(32039) , get_unicode( album["title"] ) ), background = background ) if mode == "auto": if dialog_msg( "iscanceled", background = background ): is_canceled = True if exists( path ): fp, h = urllib.urlretrieve(url_cdart, destination, _report_hook) #message = ["Download Sucessful!"] message = [__language__(32023), __language__(32024), "File: %s" % get_unicode( path ), "Url: %s" % get_unicode( url_cdart )] success = file_copy( destination, final_destination ) # copy it to album folder # update database try: conn = sqlite3.connect(addon_db) c = conn.cursor() if type == "cdart": c.execute('''UPDATE alblist SET cdart="True" WHERE path="%s"''' % ( get_unicode( album["path"] ) ) ) elif type == "cover": c.execute('''UPDATE alblist SET cover="True" WHERE path="%s"''' % ( get_unicode( album["path"] ) ) ) conn.commit() c.close() except: log( "Error updating database", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) print_exc() download_success = True else: log( "Path error", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) log( " file path: %s" % repr( destination ), xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) message = [ __language__(32026), __language__(32025) , "File: %s" % get_unicode( path ), "Url: %s" % get_unicode( url_cdart ) ] #message = Download Problem, Check file paths - Artwork Not Downloaded] # always cleanup downloaded files #if type == "fanart": delete_file( destination ) except: log( "General download error", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) message = [ __language__(32026), __language__(32025), "File: %s" % get_unicode( path ), "Url: %s" % get_unicode( url_cdart ) ] #message = [Download Problem, Check file paths - Artwork Not Downloaded] print_exc() if mode == "auto" or mode == "single": return message, download_success, final_destination, is_canceled # returns one of the messages built based on success or lack of else: dialog_msg( "close", background = background ) return message, download_success, is_canceled
def _reset_watched(): base_path = os.path.join( BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH, "trivia_watched.txt" ).replace("\\\\","\\") if exists( base_path ): delete_file( base_path ) watched = [] return watched
background_db = True # message "cdART Manager, Background Database building in progress... Exiting Script..." dialog_msg( "okdialog", heading = __language__(32042), line1 = __language__(32118) ) log( "Background Database Building in Progress, exiting", xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) xbmcgui.Window( 10000 ).setProperty("cdartmanager_update", "False") if not background_db and not soft_exit: # If Settings exists and not in background_db mode, continue on log( "Addon Work Folder Found, Checking For Database", xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) if not exists(addon_db) and not background_db: # if l_cdart.db missing, must be first run log( "Addon Db not found, Must Be First Run", xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) first_run = True elif not background_db and not soft_exit: log( "Addon Db Found, Checking Database Version", xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) if exists(addon_db_crash) and not first_run and not background_db and not soft_exit: # if l_cdart.db.journal exists, creating database must have crashed at some point, delete and start over log( "Detected Database Crash, Trying to delete", xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) try: delete_file(addon_db) delete_file(addon_db_crash) except StandardError, e: log( "Error Occurred: %s " % e.__class__.__name__, xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) traceback.print_exc() script_fail = True elif not first_run and not background_db and not soft_exit and not script_fail: # Test database version log( "Looking for database version: %s" % __dbversion__, xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) try: conn_l = sqlite3.connect(addon_db) c = conn_l.cursor() c.execute(query) version=c.fetchall() c.close if version[0][0] == __dbversion__: log( "Database matched", xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
def empty_tempxml_folder(): if exists( tempxml_folder ): for file_name in os.listdir( tempxml_folder ): delete_file( os.path.join( tempxml_folder, file_name ) ) else: pass
if not exists( addon_db ) and not background_db: # if l_cdart.db missing, must be first run log("Addon Db not found, Must Be First Run", xbmc.LOGNOTICE) first_run = True elif not background_db and not soft_exit: log("Addon Db Found, Checking Database Version", xbmc.LOGNOTICE) if exists( addon_db_crash ) and not first_run and not background_db and not soft_exit: # if l_cdart.db.journal exists, creating database must have crashed at some point, delete and start over log("Detected Database Crash, Trying to delete", xbmc.LOGNOTICE) try: delete_file(addon_db) delete_file(addon_db_crash) except StandardError, e: log("Error Occurred: %s " % e.__class__.__name__, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) traceback.print_exc() script_fail = True elif not first_run and not background_db and not soft_exit and not script_fail: # Test database version log("Looking for database version: %s" % __dbversion__, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) try: conn_l = sqlite3.connect(addon_db) c = conn_l.cursor() c.execute(query) version = c.fetchall() c.close
def empty_tempxml_folder(): if exists(tempxml_folder): for file_name in os.listdir(tempxml_folder): delete_file(os.path.join(tempxml_folder, file_name)) else: pass