Example #1
  print('Trying to make some plots using matplotlib plotting package')
  config.has_matplot() #check for matplot library
  #momentum distribution at start and end
  bunch_list[0] .matplot_histogram('p', 'MeV/c')
  bunch_list[-1].matplot_histogram('p', 'MeV/c')

  #energy-time scatter plot at start
  bunch_list[0].matplot_scatter_graph('t', 'energy', 'ns', 'MeV/c')

  #histogram at start; note that in the first instance it *looks* like a scatter plot
  #but it is not; hence I draw the same histogram twice, once as a pseudo-scatter
  #and once as a contour plot
  bunch_list[0].matplot_histogram('t', 'ns', 'energy', 'MeV/c')

  #evolution of RMS emittance in x along the beamline
  Bunch.matplot_graph(bunch_list, 'mean', ['z'], 'emittance', ['x'],     'm', 'mm')
  Bunch.matplot_graph(bunch_list, 'mean', ['z'], 'emittance', ['x','y'], 'm', 'mm')

  except: #bug - if you have PyROOT and use python < 2.6, show_matplot_and_continue() fails
    pass # give up on matplot
except ImportError:
  print("Matplotlib not detected - skipping matplotlib graphics")

#now wait for user to review plots before ending
print('Press <return> key to finish')