Example #1
def parse_vep_annotations_from_vcf(vcf_file_obj):
    Iterate through the variants in a VEP annotated VCF, pull out annotation from CSQ field

    r = vcf.VCFReader(vcf_file_obj)
    if "CSQ" not in r.infos:
        raise ValueError("CSQ field not found in %s header" % vcf_file_obj)
    csq_field_names = r.infos["CSQ"].desc.split("Format: ")[1].split("|")
    csq_field_names = map(lambda s: s.lower(), csq_field_names)

    for vcf_row in r:
        vep_annotations = []
        for i, per_transcript_csq_string in enumerate(vcf_row.INFO["CSQ"]):
            csq_values = per_transcript_csq_string.split('|')

            # sanity-check the csq_values
            if len(csq_values) != len(csq_field_names):
                raise ValueError("CSQ per-transcript string %s contains %s values instead of %s:\n%s" % (
                    i, len(csq_values), len(csq_field_names), per_transcript_csq_string))

            vep_annotation = dict(zip(csq_field_names, csq_values))
            vep_annotation['is_nmd'] = "NMD_transcript_variant" in csq_values
            # 2 kinds of 'nc_transcript_variant' label due to name change in Ensembl v77
            vep_annotation['is_nc'] = "nc_transcript_variant" in csq_values or "non_coding_transcript_variant" in csq_values

            variant_consequence_strings = vep_annotation["consequence"].split("&")
            vep_annotation["consequence"] = get_worst_vep_annotation(variant_consequence_strings)

        vcf_fields = [vcf_row.CHROM, vcf_row.POS, vcf_row.ID, vcf_row.REF, ",".join(map(str, vcf_row.ALT))]
        variant_objects = vcf_stuff.get_variants_from_vcf_fields(vcf_fields)
        for variant_obj in variant_objects:
            yield variant_obj, vep_annotations
Example #2
def parse_vep_annotations_from_vcf(vcf_file_obj):
    Iterate through the variants in a VEP annotated VCF, pull out annotation from CSQ field

    r = vcf.VCFReader(vcf_file_obj)
    if "CSQ" not in r.infos:
        raise ValueError("CSQ field not found in %s header" % vcf_file_obj)
    csq_field_names = r.infos["CSQ"].desc.split("Format: ")[1].split("|")
    csq_field_names = map(lambda s: s.lower(), csq_field_names)

    total_sites_counter = 0
    missing_csq_counter = 0
    for vcf_row in r:
        vep_annotations = []
        total_sites_counter += 1
        if "CSQ" not in vcf_row.INFO:
            missing_csq_counter += 1
            if total_sites_counter > 10000 and missing_csq_counter / float(total_sites_counter) > 0.2:
                raise Exception("%d out of %d vcf rows processed so far are missing the CSQ INFO field. Something probably went wrong with VEP annotation." % (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))
                continue  # Skip the occasional sites where, due to subsetting, the alt allele is *

        for i, per_transcript_csq_string in enumerate(vcf_row.INFO["CSQ"]):
            csq_values = per_transcript_csq_string.split('|')

            # sanity-check the csq_values
            if len(csq_values) != len(csq_field_names):
                raise ValueError("CSQ per-transcript string %s contains %s values instead of %s:\n%s" % (
                    i, len(csq_values), len(csq_field_names), per_transcript_csq_string))

            vep_annotation = dict(zip(csq_field_names, csq_values))
            vep_annotation['is_nmd'] = "NMD_transcript_variant" in csq_values
            # 2 kinds of 'nc_transcript_variant' label due to name change in Ensembl v77
            vep_annotation['is_nc'] = "nc_transcript_variant" in csq_values or "non_coding_transcript_variant" in csq_values
            variant_consequence_strings = vep_annotation["consequence"].split("&")
            vep_annotation["consequence"] = get_worst_vep_annotation(variant_consequence_strings)

        vcf_fields = [vcf_row.CHROM, vcf_row.POS, vcf_row.ID, vcf_row.REF, ",".join(map(str, vcf_row.ALT))]
        variant_objects = vcf_stuff.get_variants_from_vcf_fields(vcf_fields)
        for variant_obj in variant_objects:
            if variant_obj.alt == "*":
                #print("Skipping GATK3.4 * alt alleles: " + str(variant_obj.unique_tuple()))
            if len(vep_annotations) == 0:
                # this can happen when there are protein consequences that are filtered out.

            yield variant_obj, vep_annotations
    print("WARNING: %d out of %d sites were missing the CSQ field" % (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))
Example #3
def parse_vep_annotations_from_vcf(vcf_file_obj):
    Iterate through the variants in a VEP annotated VCF, pull out annotation from CSQ field

    csq_header_line = None
    for line in vcf_file_obj:
        if line.startswith("#CHROM"):
        if "CSQ" in line:
            csq_header_line = line

    if csq_header_line is None:
        raise ValueError("CSQ field not found in %s header" % vcf_file_obj)

    csq_field_names = csq_header_line.strip().strip('">').split(
        "Format: ")[1].split("|")
    csq_field_names = map(lambda s: s.lower(), csq_field_names)

    total_sites_counter = 0
    missing_csq_counter = 0
    for vcf_row in tqdm(vcf_file_obj, unit=' variants'):
        total_sites_counter += 1
        vcf_row_fields = vcf_row.rstrip('\n').split("\t")
        chrom_field = vcf_row_fields[0]
        pos_field = vcf_row_fields[1]
        ref_field = vcf_row_fields[3]
        alt_field = vcf_row_fields[4]
        filter_field = vcf_row_fields[6]
        info_field = vcf_row_fields[7]
        info_field_dict = dict([
            tuple(key_value.split("=")) if "=" in key_value else
            (key_value, '') for key_value in info_field.split(";")
        if "CSQ" not in info_field_dict:
            missing_csq_counter += 1
            if total_sites_counter > 10000 and missing_csq_counter / float(
                    total_sites_counter) > 0.2:
                raise Exception(
                    "%d out of %d vcf rows processed so far are missing the CSQ INFO field. Something probably went wrong with VEP annotation."
                    % (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))
                continue  # Skip the occasional sites where, due to subsetting, the alt allele is *

        vep_annotations = defaultdict(list)  # map allele num to vep annotation
        for i, per_transcript_csq_string in enumerate(
            csq_values = per_transcript_csq_string.split('|')

            # sanity-check the csq_values
            if len(csq_values) != len(csq_field_names):
                raise ValueError(
                    "CSQ per-transcript string %s contains %s values instead of %s:\n%s"
                    % (i, len(csq_values), len(csq_field_names),

            vep_annotation = dict(zip(csq_field_names, csq_values))
            vep_annotation['is_nmd'] = "NMD_transcript_variant" in csq_values
            # 2 kinds of 'nc_transcript_variant' label due to name change in Ensembl v77
                'is_nc'] = "nc_transcript_variant" in csq_values or "non_coding_transcript_variant" in csq_values

            variant_consequence_strings = vep_annotation["consequence"].split(
            vep_annotation["consequence"] = get_worst_vep_annotation(
            if not vep_annotation["consequence"]:
            allele_num = int(vep_annotation['allele_num']) - 1

        variant_objects = vcf_stuff.get_variants_from_vcf_fields(
        for variant_obj in variant_objects:
            if variant_obj.alt == "*":
                #print("Skipping GATK3.4 * alt alleles: " + str(variant_obj.unique_tuple()))
            if len(vep_annotations) == 0:
                # this can happen when there are protein consequences that are filtered out.
            allele_num = variant_obj.extras['alt_allele_pos']
            if len(vep_annotations[allele_num]) == 0:
                # in some multiallelic variants, VEP doesn't annotate all alleles - this seems like a bug
                    "WARNING: no VEP annotations found for allele: %s. Annotations exist only for alleles: %s"
                    % (str(variant_obj.toJSON()), ", ".join([
                        "%s (%s annots)" % (k, len(v))
                        for k, v in vep_annotations.items()

            yield variant_obj, vep_annotations[allele_num]

    print("WARNING: %d out of %d sites were missing the CSQ field" %
          (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))
Example #4
def parse_vep_annotations_from_vcf(vcf_file_obj):
    Iterate through the variants in a VEP annotated VCF, pull out annotation from CSQ field

    csq_header_line = None
    for line in vcf_file_obj:
        if line.startswith("#CHROM"):
        if "CSQ" in line:
            csq_header_line = line

    if csq_header_line is None:
        raise ValueError("CSQ field not found in %s header" % vcf_file_obj)

    csq_field_names = csq_header_line.strip().strip('">').split("Format: ")[1].split("|")
    csq_field_names = map(lambda s: s.lower(), csq_field_names)

    total_sites_counter = 0
    missing_csq_counter = 0
    for vcf_row in tqdm(vcf_file_obj, unit=' variants'):
        total_sites_counter += 1
        vcf_row_fields = vcf_row.rstrip('\n').split("\t")
        chrom_field = vcf_row_fields[0]
        pos_field = vcf_row_fields[1]
        ref_field = vcf_row_fields[3]
        alt_field = vcf_row_fields[4]
        filter_field = vcf_row_fields[6]
        info_field = vcf_row_fields[7]
        info_field_dict = dict([tuple(key_value.split("=")) if "=" in key_value else (key_value, '') for key_value in info_field.split(";")])
        if "CSQ" not in info_field_dict:
            missing_csq_counter += 1
            if total_sites_counter > 10000 and missing_csq_counter / float(total_sites_counter) > 0.2:
                raise Exception("%d out of %d vcf rows processed so far are missing the CSQ INFO field. Something probably went wrong with VEP annotation." % (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))
                continue  # Skip the occasional sites where, due to subsetting, the alt allele is *

        vep_annotations = defaultdict(list)  # map allele num to vep annotation
        for i, per_transcript_csq_string in enumerate(info_field_dict['CSQ'].split(",")):
            csq_values = per_transcript_csq_string.split('|')

            # sanity-check the csq_values
            if len(csq_values) != len(csq_field_names):
                raise ValueError("CSQ per-transcript string %s contains %s values instead of %s:\n%s" % (
                    i, len(csq_values), len(csq_field_names), per_transcript_csq_string))

            vep_annotation = dict(zip(csq_field_names, csq_values))
            vep_annotation['is_nmd'] = "NMD_transcript_variant" in csq_values
            # 2 kinds of 'nc_transcript_variant' label due to name change in Ensembl v77
            vep_annotation['is_nc'] = "nc_transcript_variant" in csq_values or "non_coding_transcript_variant" in csq_values

            variant_consequence_strings = vep_annotation["consequence"].split("&")
            vep_annotation["consequence"] = get_worst_vep_annotation(variant_consequence_strings)
            if not vep_annotation["consequence"]:
            allele_num = int(vep_annotation['allele_num']) - 1

        variant_objects = vcf_stuff.get_variants_from_vcf_fields(vcf_row_fields[:5])
        for variant_obj in variant_objects:
            if variant_obj.alt == "*":
                #print("Skipping GATK3.4 * alt alleles: " + str(variant_obj.unique_tuple()))
            if len(vep_annotations) == 0:
                # this can happen when there are protein consequences that are filtered out.
            allele_num = variant_obj.extras['alt_allele_pos']
            if len(vep_annotations[allele_num]) == 0:
                # in some multiallelic variants, VEP doesn't annotate all alleles - this seems like a bug
                print("WARNING: no VEP annotations found for allele: %s. Annotations exist only for alleles: %s" % (str(variant_obj.toJSON()),
                          ", ".join(["%s (%s annots)" % (k, len(v)) for k,v in vep_annotations.items()])))

            yield variant_obj, vep_annotations[allele_num]

    print("WARNING: %d out of %d sites were missing the CSQ field" % (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))
Example #5
def parse_vep_annotations_from_vcf(vcf_file_obj):
    Iterate through the variants in a VEP annotated VCF, pull out annotation from CSQ field

    r = vcf.VCFReader(vcf_file_obj)
    if "CSQ" not in r.infos:
        raise ValueError("CSQ field not found in %s header" % vcf_file_obj)
    csq_field_names = r.infos["CSQ"].desc.split("Format: ")[1].split("|")
    csq_field_names = map(lambda s: s.lower(), csq_field_names)

    total_sites_counter = 0
    missing_csq_counter = 0
    for vcf_row in r:
        vep_annotations = []
        total_sites_counter += 1
        if "CSQ" not in vcf_row.INFO:
            missing_csq_counter += 1
            if total_sites_counter > 10000 and missing_csq_counter / float(
                    total_sites_counter) > 0.2:
                raise Exception(
                    "%d out of %d vcf rows processed so far are missing the CSQ INFO field. Something probably went wrong with VEP annotation."
                    % (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))
                continue  # Skip the occasional sites where, due to subsetting, the alt allele is *

        for i, per_transcript_csq_string in enumerate(vcf_row.INFO["CSQ"]):
            csq_values = per_transcript_csq_string.split('|')

            # sanity-check the csq_values
            if len(csq_values) != len(csq_field_names):
                raise ValueError(
                    "CSQ per-transcript string %s contains %s values instead of %s:\n%s"
                    % (i, len(csq_values), len(csq_field_names),

            vep_annotation = dict(zip(csq_field_names, csq_values))
            vep_annotation['is_nmd'] = "NMD_transcript_variant" in csq_values
            # 2 kinds of 'nc_transcript_variant' label due to name change in Ensembl v77
                'is_nc'] = "nc_transcript_variant" in csq_values or "non_coding_transcript_variant" in csq_values

            variant_consequence_strings = vep_annotation["consequence"].split(
            vep_annotation["consequence"] = get_worst_vep_annotation(


        vcf_fields = [
            vcf_row.CHROM, vcf_row.POS, vcf_row.ID, vcf_row.REF,
            ",".join(map(str, vcf_row.ALT))
        variant_objects = vcf_stuff.get_variants_from_vcf_fields(vcf_fields)
        for variant_obj in variant_objects:
            if variant_obj.alt == "*":
                #print("Skipping GATK3.4 * alt alleles: " + str(variant_obj.unique_tuple()))
            if len(vep_annotations) == 0:
                # this can happen when there are protein consequences that are filtered out.

            yield variant_obj, vep_annotations
    print("WARNING: %d out of %d sites were missing the CSQ field" %
          (missing_csq_counter, total_sites_counter))