Example #1
import xc_base
import geom
import xc

from model import predefined_spaces
from solution import predefined_solutions
from materials import typical_materials
import math

__author__ = "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, LCPT"
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

feProblem = xc.FEProblem()
preprocessor = feProblem.getPreprocessor
nodes = preprocessor.getNodeHandler

# Problem type
modelSpace = predefined_spaces.StructuralMechanics2D(nodes)
n1 = nodes.newNodeXY(0, 0)
n2 = nodes.newNodeXY(1, 1)

setTotal = preprocessor.getSets.getSet("total")
# Constraints
constraints = preprocessor.getBoundaryCondHandler
spc = constraints.newSPConstraint(n1.tag, 0, 0.0)  # Node 1,gdl 0 translation X
spc = constraints.newSPConstraint(n1.tag, 1, 0.0)  # Node 1,gdl 1 translation Y
spc = constraints.newSPConstraint(n1.tag, 2, 0.0)  # Node 1,gdl 2 rotation.
Example #2
__version__ = "3.0"
__email__ = " [email protected], [email protected]"

import xc_base
import geom
import xc
from materials.astm_aisc import ASTM_materials
from materials.astm_aisc import AISC_limit_state_checking as aisc
from model import predefined_spaces
from actions import load_cases
from actions import combinations as combs
from solution import predefined_solutions
# from postprocess import output_handler

# Problem type
steelColumn = xc.FEProblem()
steelColumn.title = 'AISC 360-16 benchmark problem Case 2 (3D corotational formulation)'
preprocessor = steelColumn.getPreprocessor
nodes = preprocessor.getNodeHandler

## Steel material
steel = ASTM_materials.A992
steel.gammaM = 1.00
## Profile geometry
shape = ASTM_materials.WShape(steel, 'W14X48')
xcSection = shape.defElasticShearSection3d(preprocessor)

# Model geometry

## Points.
#diagonal cables material
EdiagCable=210e9      #elastic modulus
rhoDiagCable=0.0  # effective self weight (gravity component of weight per
                  #volume transverse to the cable)
sigmaPrestrDiagCable=1 #prestress
#saddle cables material
EsaddCable=210e9  #elastic modulus
rhoSaddCable=0.0  # effective self weight (gravity component of weight per
                  #volume transverse to the cable)
sigmaPrestrSaddCable=1 #prestress

from model import predefined_spaces

test= xc.FEProblem()
points= prep.getMultiBlockTopology.getPoints
lines= prep.getMultiBlockTopology.getLines
nodes= prep.getNodeHandler

# Problem type
modelSpace= predefined_spaces.SolidMechanics3D(nodes) #Defines the dimension of
                  #the space: nodes by three coordinates (x,y,z) and 
                  #three DOF for each node (Ux,Uy,Uz)
#Joints generation
for i in jointsCCoor.index:
Example #4
from materials.astm_aisc import ASTM_materials
from materials.astm_aisc import AISC_limit_state_checking as aisc
from model import predefined_spaces
from actions import load_cases
from actions import combinations as combs
from solution import predefined_solutions

inch2meter= 0.0254
MPa2ksi= 0.145038
kN2kips= 0.2248
kip2kN= 1.0/kN2kips
foot2meter= 0.3048
m2Toin2= 1.0/inch2meter**2

# Problem type
steelBeam= xc.FEProblem()
steelBeam.title= 'Example F.2-1B'
preprocessor= steelBeam.getPreprocessor
nodes= preprocessor.getNodeHandler

## Steel material
steel= ASTM_materials.A36
steel.gammaM= 1.00
## Profile geometry
shape= ASTM_materials.CShape(steel,'C15X33.9')
xcSection= shape.defElasticShearSection2d(preprocessor)

# Model geometry

## Points.
Example #5
ro_s = A_s / width / depth  #longitudinal steel ratio

ro_s_eff = 0.113492250883  #effective ratio of reinforcement

M_y = -600e3  #bending moment [Nm]

#Other data
nDivIJ = 20  #number of cells (fibers) in the IJ direction (cross-section coordinate Y)
nDivJK = 20  #number of cells (fibers) in the JK direction (cross-section coordinate Z)

areaFi26 = math.pi * (26e-3)**2 / 4.0

l = 1e-7  # Distance between nodes

# Model definition
problem = xc.FEProblem()  #necesary to create this instance of
#the class xc.FEProblem()
preprocessor = problem.getPreprocessor
nodes = preprocessor.getNodeHandler  #nodes container
modelSpace = predefined_spaces.StructuralMechanics3D(
)  #Defines the dimension of nodes  three coordinates (x,y,z) and six DOF for each node (Ux,Uy,Uz,thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ)

nodes.defaultTag = 1  #First node number.
nod = nodes.newNodeXYZ(1.0, 0,
                       0)  #node 1 defined by its (x,y,z) global coordinates
nod = nodes.newNodeXYZ(1.0 + l, 0,
                       0)  #node 2 defined by its (x,y,z) global coordinates

# Materials definition
concrete = EC2_materials.EC2Concrete(
Example #6
fp01k = 1600e6  #0.1% proofstress (Pa)
epspu = 0.035  #total elongation at maximum load
Ep = 195e9  #modulus of elasticity (MPa)

#Reinforcing steel, grade 500
fyk = 500e6  #characteristic strength (Pa)
fyd = 434.8e6  #design strength (Pa)
Es = 200e9  #modulus of elasticity (Pa)

#concrete cover
cnom = 0.035  #concrete cover (m)

eSize = 1.0  #length of elements

#             *** GEOMETRIC model (points, lines, surfaces) - SETS ***
FEcase = xc.FEProblem()
preprocessor = FEcase.getPreprocessor
prep = preprocessor  #short name
nodes = prep.getNodeHandler
elements = prep.getElementHandler
elements.dimElem = 3
# Problem type
modelSpace = predefined_spaces.StructuralMechanics3D(
    nodes)  #Defines the dimension of
#the space: nodes by three coordinates (x,y,z) and
#three DOF for each node (Ux,Uy,Uz)

# coordinates in global X,Y,Z axes for the grid generation
xList = [sum(xSpacGrid[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(xSpacGrid))]
yList = [sum(ySpacGrid[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(ySpacGrid))]
zList = [0]
Example #7
''' Home made test.'''

__author__ = "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT) and Ana Ortega (A_OO)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, LCPT and AO_O"
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0"
__email__ = "[email protected] [email protected]"

import xc_base
import geom
import xc
from materials.sections import section_properties as sp
from materials.ec3 import EC3_materials

# Problem type
mainBeam = xc.FEProblem()
mainBeam.title = 'Falsework support beams'
preprocessor = mainBeam.getPreprocessor

S355JR = EC3_materials.S355JR
S355JR.gammaM = 1.00
chsSection = EC3_materials.CHSShape(S355JR, 'CHS_48.3_5.0')

#              ^ Y
#              |
#     o       o o       o
#                          -> Z
Example #8
import xc
from model import predefined_spaces
from solution import predefined_solutions
from materials import typical_materials

width= 1
depth= 2
areaTeor= width*depth
iyTeor= 1/12.0*width*depth**3
izTeor= 1/12.0*depth*width**3
y0= 0
z0= 0
F= 1000 # Force.

# Problem type
prueba= xc.FEProblem()
preprocessor= prueba.getPreprocessor

# Materials definition
E= 2.1e6 # steel Young modulus.
elast= typical_materials.defElasticMaterial(preprocessor,"elast",E)

# Section
geomSCC= preprocessor.getMaterialHandler.newSectionGeometry("geomSCC")
y1= width/2.0
z1= depth/2.0
regiones= geomSCC.getRegions
rg= regiones.newQuadRegion("elast")
rg.nDivIJ= 1
rg.nDivJK= 2
Example #9
# QwheelExcTr=100e3     #load/wheel [N]
# alphQExcTr=1.00   

#       #Braking load
# brakingQhw=min(1.2*alphQ1hw*Qk1+0.1*alphq1hw*qk1*3*totalwidth,900e3)  #in highway
# brakingQsr=min(1.2*alphQ1sr*Qk1+0.1*alphq1sr*qk1*3*totalwidth,900e3)  #in subsidiary road
#     #Road sub-base thickness
# subbThHw=1.8         #mean sub-base thickness under the highway
# subbThSr=1.2         #mean sub-base thickness under the subsidiary road
# densSubb=2.2e3        #mass density (kg/m3) of the sub-base material

# *** GEOMETRY ***
TBBridge= xc.FEProblem()
model= gm.GridModel(TBBridge)

# coordinates in global X,Y,Z axes for the grid generation
#auxiliary data

# grid of X,Y,Z axes coordinates
rejXYZ= model.setGrid(xList,yList,zList)
Example #10
 def createFEProblem(self, title):
     '''Create finite element problem.'''
     self.feProblem = xc.FEProblem()
     self.feProblem.title = title
     return self.feProblem
Example #11
from materials.sections import section_properties

#Parts definition
import re

#Mesh definition
from model import predefined_spaces

from actions import load_cases as lcm
from actions import combinations as combs

from solution import predefined_solutions

gilamontDock = xc.FEProblem()

xcTotalSet = preprocessor.getSets.getSet('total')

quakeAccel = 1.25  #m/s2

#Material definition.
concrete = SIA262_materials.c30_37
nu = 0.3  # Poisson coefficient.
dens = 2500  # Density kg/m3.

#reductionFactor= 1.0 #
reductionFactor = 7.0  #Reduction factor
Econcrete = concrete.getEcm() / reductionFactor
Example #12
from __future__ import print_function

import xc_base
import geom
import xc
from model import predefined_spaces
from solution import predefined_solutions
from materials.awc_nds import AWCNDS_materials
from materials import typical_materials

# Loads
from actions import load_cases as lcm
from actions import combinations as combs

# Problem type
sheathingBeam = xc.FEProblem()
sheathingBeam.title = 'Sheating design'
preprocessor = sheathingBeam.getPreprocessor
nodes = preprocessor.getNodeHandler
modelSpace = predefined_spaces.StructuralMechanics2D(nodes)

# Materials
# Mechanical properties taken from:
# http://www.pfsteco.com/techtips/pdf/tt_plywooddesigncapacities
structuralPanelGeom = AWCNDS_materials.PlywoodPanelSection('TECO 32/16',
                                                           h=0.594 * 0.0254,
plywood = typical_materials.MaterialData(name='TECO 32/16',