Example #1
    def test_mon_U(self, mon_series, series, mon_triangular, add_dims, kind,
                   name, use_dask):
        Train on
        hist: U
        ref: U + monthly cycle

        Predict on hist to get ref
        u = np.random.rand(10000)

        # Define distributions
        xd = uniform(loc=1, scale=1)
        yd = uniform(loc=2, scale=2)
        noise = uniform(loc=0, scale=1e-7)

        # Generate random numbers
        x = xd.ppf(u)
        y = yd.ppf(u) + noise.ppf(u)

        # Test train
        hist = sim = series(x, name)
        if use_dask:
            sim = sim.chunk({"time": -1})
        if add_dims:
            hist = hist.expand_dims(site=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
            sim = sim.expand_dims(site=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
            sel = {"site": 0}
            sel = {}

        ref = mon_series(y, name)

        QDM = QuantileDeltaMapping(kind=kind,
        QDM.train(ref, hist)
        p = QDM.adjust(sim, interp="linear" if kind == "+" else "nearest")

        q = QDM.ds.coords["quantiles"]
        expected = get_correction(xd.ppf(q), yd.ppf(q), kind)

        expected = apply_correction(mon_triangular[:, np.newaxis],
                                    expected[np.newaxis, :], kind)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(QDM.ds.af.sel(quantiles=q, **sel),
                                             expected, 1)

        # Test predict
        np.testing.assert_allclose(p.isel(**sel), ref, rtol=0.1, atol=0.2)
Example #2
    def test_cannon(self, cannon_2015_dist, cannon_2015_rvs):
        ref, hist, sim = cannon_2015_rvs(15000, random=False)

        # Quantile mapping
        QDM = QuantileDeltaMapping(kind="*", group="time", nquantiles=50)
        QDM.train(ref, hist)
        bc_sim = QDM.adjust(sim)

        # Theoretical results
        # ref, hist, sim = cannon_2015_dist
        # u1 = equally_spaced_nodes(1001, None)
        # u = np.convolve(u1, [0.5, 0.5], mode="valid")
        # pu = ref.ppf(u) * sim.ppf(u) / hist.ppf(u)
        # pu1 = ref.ppf(u1) * sim.ppf(u1) / hist.ppf(u1)
        # pdf = np.diff(u1) / np.diff(pu1)

        # mean = np.trapz(pdf * pu, pu)
        # mom2 = np.trapz(pdf * pu ** 2, pu)
        # std = np.sqrt(mom2 - mean ** 2)

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(bc_sim.mean(), 41.5, 1)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(bc_sim.std(), 16.7, 0)
Example #3
    def test_mon_U(self, mon_series, series, mon_triangular, kind, name):
        Train on
        hist: U
        ref: U + monthly cycle

        Predict on hist to get ref
        u = np.random.rand(10000)

        # Define distributions
        xd = uniform(loc=1, scale=1)
        yd = uniform(loc=2, scale=2)
        noise = uniform(loc=0, scale=1e-7)

        # Generate random numbers
        x = xd.ppf(u)
        y = yd.ppf(u) + noise.ppf(u)

        # Test train
        hist = sim = series(x, name)
        ref = mon_series(y, name)

        QDM = QuantileDeltaMapping(kind=kind,
        QDM.train(ref, hist)
        p = QDM.adjust(sim)

        q = QDM.ds.coords["quantiles"]
        expected = get_correction(xd.ppf(q), yd.ppf(q), kind)

        expected = apply_correction(mon_triangular[:, np.newaxis],
                                    expected[np.newaxis, :], kind)
                                             expected, 1)

        # Test predict
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p, ref, 1)
Example #4
    def test_quantiles(self, series, kind, name):
        """Train on
        x : U(1,1)
        y : U(1,2)

        u = np.random.rand(10000)

        # Define distributions
        xd = uniform(loc=1, scale=1)
        yd = uniform(loc=2, scale=4)

        # Generate random numbers with u so we get exact results for comparison
        x = xd.ppf(u)
        y = yd.ppf(u)

        # Test train
        hist = sim = series(x, name)
        ref = series(y, name)

        QDM = QuantileDeltaMapping(
        QDM.train(ref, hist)
        p = QDM.adjust(sim, interp="linear")

        q = QDM.ds.coords["quantiles"]
        expected = get_correction(xd.ppf(q), yd.ppf(q), kind)

        # Results are not so good at the endpoints
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(QDM.ds.af.T, expected, 1)

        # Test predict
        # Accept discrepancies near extremes
        middle = (u > 1e-2) * (u < 0.99)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p[middle], ref[middle], 1)