class VeraCCModule:
    """ An object representing a Vera Control Center module. """
    def __init__(self, module_name, module_path):
        """ Initialize the object """

        self.module_is_external = False
        self.module_name = module_name
        self.module_path = module_path

        self.launcher_icon = None
        self.launcher_name = None
        self.launcher_comment = None
        self.launcher_section = None

        self.module_launcher = DesktopEntry(
            os.path.join(self.module_path, "%s.desktop" % self.module_name))

        # Icon
        self.launcher_icon = self.module_launcher.getIcon()
        if not self.launcher_icon:
            self.launcher_icon = "preferences-system"

        #ICON_THEME.connect("changed", lambda x: self.replace_icon(icon))

        # Name
        self.launcher_name = self.module_launcher.getName()

        # Comment
        self.launcher_comment = self.module_launcher.getComment()

        # Section
        self.launcher_section = self.module_launcher.get("X-VeraCC-Section")

        # Keywords
        self.launcher_keywords = [
            x.lower() for x in self.module_launcher.getKeywords()

        # External?
        _exec = self.module_launcher.getExec()
        if _exec:
            # Yeah!
            self.module_is_external = True
            self.module_path = _exec
class VeraCCModule:
	""" An object representing a Vera Control Center module. """
	def __init__(self, module_name, module_path):
		""" Initialize the object """
		self.module_is_external = False
		self.module_name = module_name
		self.module_path = module_path
		self.launcher_icon = None
		self.launcher_name = None
		self.launcher_comment = None
		self.launcher_section = None
		self.module_launcher = DesktopEntry(os.path.join(self.module_path, "%s.desktop" % self.module_name))
		# Icon
		self.launcher_icon = self.module_launcher.getIcon()
		if not self.launcher_icon:
			self.launcher_icon = "preferences-system"

		#ICON_THEME.connect("changed", lambda x: self.replace_icon(icon))
		# Name
		self.launcher_name = self.module_launcher.getName()
		# Comment
		self.launcher_comment = self.module_launcher.getComment()
		# Section
		self.launcher_section = self.module_launcher.get("X-VeraCC-Section")
		# Keywords
		self.launcher_keywords = [x.lower() for x in self.module_launcher.getKeywords()]
		# External?
		_exec = self.module_launcher.getExec()
		if _exec:
			# Yeah!
			self.module_is_external = True
			self.module_path = _exec