Example #1
class XLDeployClient(object):
    def __init__(self, http_connection, username=None, password=None):
        self.http_request = HttpRequest(http_connection, username, password)

    def create_client(http_connection, username=None, password=None):
        return XLDeployClient(http_connection, username, password)

    def get_parameter_names(self, parameter_type_id):
        metadata_url = "/deployit/metadata/type/%s" % (parameter_type_id)
        metadata_response = self.http_request.get(metadata_url, contentType='application/xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(metadata_response.getResponse())
        params = root.find("property-descriptors")
        parameter_names = []
        if params:
            for child in params:
        return parameter_names

    def prepare_control_task(self, control_task_name, target_ci_id, parameters=None):
        prepare_control_task_url = "/deployit/control/prepare/%s/%s" % (control_task_name, target_ci_id)
        prepare_response = self.http_request.get(prepare_control_task_url, contentType='application/xml')
                       "Failed to prepare control task [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
                           target_ci_id, prepare_response.status, prepare_response.response))
        control_obj = prepare_response.getResponse()
        root = ET.fromstring(control_obj)
        if parameters:
            parameter_type_id = get_parameter_type_name(root)
            if parameter_type_id:
                parameter_names = self.get_parameter_names(parameter_type_id)
                for parameterName in parameter_names:
                    add_parameter(root, parameter_type_id, parameterName, parameters)
        invoke_response = self.http_request.post('/deployit/control', ET.tostring(root), contentType='application/xml')
        check_response(invoke_response, "Failed to create control task [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            target_ci_id, invoke_response.status, invoke_response.response))
        task_id = invoke_response.getResponse()
        return task_id

    def invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(self, task_id, polling_interval=10, number_of_trials=None,
                                        continue_if_step_fails=False, number_of_continue_retrials=0,
                                        fail_on_pause=True, display_step_logs = False):
        start_task_url = "/deployit/task/%s/start" % task_id
        self.http_request.post(start_task_url, '', contentType='application/xml')
        trial = 0
        while not number_of_trials or trial < number_of_trials:
            trial += 1
            get_task_status_url = "/deployit/task/%s" % task_id
            task_state_response = self.http_request.get(get_task_status_url, contentType='application/xml')
            check_response(task_state_response, "Failure to get task status")
            task_state_xml = task_state_response.getResponse()
            status = extract_state(task_state_xml)

            print 'Task [%s] now in state [%s] \n' % (task_id, status)
            if fail_on_pause:
                if status in (
                    'FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'STOPPED') and continue_if_step_fails and number_of_continue_retrials > 0:
                    status = self.invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(task_id, polling_interval, number_of_trials,
                                                                  number_of_continue_retrials - 1)
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'STOPPED', 'CANCELLED', 'DONE', 'EXECUTED'):
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED') and continue_if_step_fails and number_of_continue_retrials > 0:
                    status = self.invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(task_id, polling_interval, number_of_trials,
                                                                  number_of_continue_retrials - 1)
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'CANCELLED', 'DONE', 'EXECUTED'):
        if display_step_logs:
            print "Display the step logs"
        return status

    def get_deployment_package(self, deployed_application_id):
        ci = self.get_ci(deployed_application_id, 'json')
        data = json.loads(ci)
        return data['version']

    def deployment_exists(self, deployment_package, environment):
        deployment_exists_url = "/deployit/deployment/exists?application=%s&environment=%s" % (
            deployment_package.rsplit('/', 1)[0], environment)
        deployment_exists_response = self.http_request.get(deployment_exists_url, contentType='application/xml')
        response = deployment_exists_response.getResponse()
        return 'true' in response

    def deployment_exists2(self, deployed_application):
        deployment_exists_url = "/deployit/repository/exists/{0}".format(deployed_application)
        deployment_exists_response = self.http_request.get(deployment_exists_url, contentType='application/xml')
        response = deployment_exists_response.getResponse()
        return 'true' in response

    def deployment_prepare_undeploy(self, deployed_application_id, orchestrators=None,
        deployment_prepare_undeploy_url = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/undeploy?deployedApplication=%s" % deployed_application_id
        deployment_prepare_undeploy_url_response = self.http_request.get(deployment_prepare_undeploy_url,
                       "Failed to prepare undeploy. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
        undeployment_xml = deployment_prepare_undeploy_url_response.getResponse()
        undeployment_xml = add_orchestrators(undeployment_xml, orchestrators)
        undeployment_xml = set_deployed_application_properties(undeployment_xml, deployed_application_properties)
        return undeployment_xml

    def deployment_prepare_update(self, deployment_package, environment):
        deployment_prepare_update_url = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/update?version=%s&deployedApplication=%s" % (
            deployment_package, "%s/%s" % (environment, deployment_package.rsplit('/', 2)[1]))
        deployment_prepare_update_response = self.http_request.get(deployment_prepare_update_url,
                       "Failed to prepare update deploy. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
                           deployment_prepare_update_response.status, deployment_prepare_update_response.response))
        return deployment_prepare_update_response.getResponse()

    def deployment_prepare_initial(self, deployment_package, environment):
        deployment_prepare_initial_url = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/initial?version=%s&environment=%s" % (
            deployment_package, environment)
        deployment_prepare_initial_response = self.http_request.get(deployment_prepare_initial_url,
                       "Failed to prepare initial deploy. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
                           deployment_prepare_initial_response.status, deployment_prepare_initial_response.response))
        return deployment_prepare_initial_response.getResponse()

    def deployment_prepare_deployeds(self, deployment, orchestrators=None, deployed_application_properties=None,
                                     overrideDeployedProps=None, deployed_properties=None):
        deployment_prepare_deployeds = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/deployeds"
        deployment_prepare_deployeds_response = self.http_request.post(deployment_prepare_deployeds, deployment,
                       "Failed to prepare deployeds. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
        deployment_xml = deployment_prepare_deployeds_response.getResponse()
        deployment_xml = add_orchestrators(deployment_xml, orchestrators)
        deployment_xml = set_deployed_application_properties(deployment_xml, deployed_application_properties)
        deployment_xml = override_deployed_properties(deployment_xml, overrideDeployedProps)
        deployment_xml = set_deployed_properties(deployment_xml,
                                                 deployed_properties)  # Deprecated. Should be remove starting 3.0.0
        return deployment_xml

    def validate(self, deployment):
        get_deployment_task_id = "/deployit/deployment/validate"
        deployment_with_validation_response = self.http_request.post(get_deployment_task_id, deployment,
        deployment = deployment_with_validation_response.getResponse()
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment)
        return map(lambda vm: "CI: %s Message: %s" % (vm.attrib['ci'], vm.text), root.iter('validation-message'))

    def get_deployment_task_id(self, deployment):
        get_deployment_task_id = "/deployit/deployment"
        deployment_task_id_response = self.http_request.post(get_deployment_task_id, deployment,
        return deployment_task_id_response.getResponse()

    def deployment_rollback(self, taskId):
        deployment_rollback = "/deployit/deployment/rollback/%s" % taskId
        deployment_rollback_response = self.http_request.post(deployment_rollback, '', contentType='application/xml')
        return deployment_rollback_response.getResponse()

    def archive_task(self, task_id):
        archive_task = "/deployit/task/%s/archive" % task_id
        self.http_request.post(archive_task, '', contentType='application/xml')

    def cancel_task(self, task_id):
        cancel_task = "/deployit/task/%s" % task_id
        self.http_request.delete(cancel_task, contentType='application/xml')

    def stop_task(self, task_id):
        stop_task = "/deployit/task/%s/stop" % task_id
        self.http_request.post(stop_task, '', contentType='application/xml')

    def get_download_uuid(self, deployment_package):
        export_task = "/deployit/export/deploymentpackage/%s" % deployment_package
        export_task_response = self.http_request.get(export_task, contentType='application/xml')
        return export_task_response.getResponse()

    def fetch_package2(self, url, user_name, password):
        fetch_task = "/deployit/package/fetch2"
        params = {
            "url": url,
            "user": user_name,
            "password": password
        response = self.http_request.post(fetch_task, json.dumps(params), contentType='application/json')
        check_response(response, "Failed to import package. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            response.status, response.response))

    def get_latest_package_version(self, application_id):
        query_task = "/deployit/repository/query?parent=%s&resultsPerPage=-1" % application_id
        query_task_response = self.http_request.get(query_task, contentType='application/xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(query_task_response.getResponse())
        items = root.findall('ci')
        latest_package = ''
        if len(items) > 0:
            latest_package = items[-1].attrib['ref']
        return latest_package

    def get_all_package_version(self, application_id):
        query_task = "/deployit/repository/query?parent=%s&resultsPerPage=-1" % application_id
        query_task_response = self.http_request.get(query_task, contentType='application/xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(query_task_response.getResponse())
        items = root.findall('ci')
        all_package = list()
        for item in items:
        return all_package

    def get_latest_deployed_version(self, environment_id, application_name):
        query_task_response = self.get_ci("%s/%s" % (environment_id, application_name), 'xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(query_task_response)
        items = root.findall('version')
        latest_package = ''
        for item in items:
            latest_package = item.attrib['ref']
        return latest_package

    def check_ci_exist(self, ci_id, throw_on_fail=False):
        query_task = "/deployit/repository/exists/%s" % ci_id
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        query_task_response = self.http_request.get(query_task, headers=headers)
        check_response(query_task_response, "Failed to check ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            ci_id, query_task_response.status, query_task_response.response))
        if query_task_response.getResponse().find('true') > 0:
            return True
        if throw_on_fail:
            raise Exception("CI with id [%s] does not exist or you do not have the correct permissions to read it." % ci_id)
        return False

    def create_folder_tree(self, folder_id, folder_type):
        folders = folder_id.split("/")
        folder_create = '%s' % folder_type
        for folder in folders:
            folder_create += "/" + folder
            if self.check_ci_exist(folder_create):
                print "Folder [%s] already exists" % folder_create
                print "\n"
                print "\n"

    def create_directory(self, ci_id):
        self.create_ci(ci_id, 'core.Directory')

    def create_application(self, app_id):
        self.create_ci(app_id, 'udm.Application')

    def create_ci(self, id, ci_type, xml_descriptor=''):
        xml = '<' + ci_type + ' id="' + id + '">' + xml_descriptor.strip() + '</' + ci_type + '>'
        create_task = '/deployit/repository/ci/%s' % id
        response = self.http_request.post(create_task, xml, contentType='application/xml')
        check_response(response, "Failed to create ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            id, response.status, response.response))
        print "Created ci [%s] and received response [%s]" % (id, response.response)

    def update_ci_property(self, ci_id, ci_property, property_value):
        self.check_ci_exist(ci_id, throw_on_fail=True)
        ci = self.get_ci(ci_id, 'json')
        data = json.loads(ci)
        if ci_property in data and isinstance(data[ci_property], list):
            data[ci_property] = eval(property_value)
            data[ci_property] = property_value
        self.update_ci(ci_id, json.dumps(data), 'json')

    def add_ci_to_environment(self, env_id, ci_id, ci_type):
        self.check_ci_exist(env_id, throw_on_fail=True)
        ci = self.get_ci(env_id, 'json')
        data = json.loads(ci)
        if str(ci_type) == 'udm.Dictionary':
        self.update_ci(env_id, json.dumps(data), 'json')

    def remove_ci_from_environment(self, env_id, ci_id):
        get_env_response = self.get_ci(env_id, 'xml')
        print get_env_response
        env_root = ET.fromstring(get_env_response)
        member_to_remove = None
        for child in env_root:
            if child.tag in ('members','dictionaries'):
                for member in child:
                    if member.attrib['ref'] == ci_id:
                        print 'Found ' + ci_id + ' in ' + env_id
                        env_members = child
                        member_to_remove = member
        if member_to_remove is not None:
            print 'Removing ' + ci_id + ' from ' + env_id
            self.update_ci(env_id, ET.tostring(env_root), 'xml')

    def get_ci(self, ci_id, accept):
        get_ci = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % ci_id
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/%s' % accept, 'Content-Type': 'application/%s' % accept}
        response = self.http_request.get(get_ci, headers=headers)
        check_response(response, "Failed to get ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            ci_id, response.status, response.response))
        return response.getResponse()

    def update_ci(self, ci_id, data, content_type):
        update_ci = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % ci_id
        content_type_header = "application/%s" % content_type
        response = self.http_request.put(update_ci, data, contentType=content_type_header)
        check_response(response, "Failed to update ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            ci_id, response.status, response.response))

    def delete_ci(self, ci_id):
        delete_task = '/deployit/repository/ci/' + ci_id
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        response = self.http_request.delete(delete_task, headers=headers)
        check_response(response, "Failed to delete ci with id [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            ci_id, response.status, response.response))

    def get_ci_tree(self, ci_id):
        infrastructure_list = [ci_id]
        query = '/deployit/repository/query?parent=%s' % ci_id
        response = self.http_request.get(query, contentType='application/xml')
        check_response(response, "Unable to retrieve CI Tree from parent: %s" % ci_id)
        root = ET.fromstring(response.getResponse())
        for ci in root.findall('ci'):
        return infrastructure_list

    def display_step_logs(self, task_id):
        get_task_steps = '/deployit/task/' + task_id + '/step'
        get_task_steps_response = self.http_request.get(get_task_steps, contentType='application/xml')
        task_steps_root = ET.fromstring(get_task_steps_response.getResponse())
        for child in task_steps_root:
            if child.tag == 'steps':
                step_counter = 0
                for grandchild in child:
                    if grandchild.tag == 'step':
                        step_counter = step_counter + 1
                        print 'DEPLOYMENT STEP %d:  Failures=%s  State=%s\n' % (
                            step_counter, str(grandchild.attrib['failures']), str(grandchild.attrib['state']))
                        for item in grandchild:
                            if item.tag in ('description', 'startDate', 'completionDate'):
                                print '%s %s\n' % (item.tag, item.text)
                                print "%s\n" % item.tag
                                print "%s\n" % item.text

    def query_archived_tasks(self, end_date=None):
        get_tasks = '/deployit/tasks/v2/query'
        if end_date:
            get_tasks += '?begindate=2008-01-01&enddate=%s' % end_date
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        response = self.http_request.get(get_tasks, headers=headers)
        check_response(response, "Failed to get archived tasks. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (
            response.status, response.response))
        return response.getResponse()

    def get_deployed_applications_for_environment(self, environment, date=None):
        archived_tasks = self.query_archived_tasks(date)
        deployed_apps = {}
        if archived_tasks:
            tasks = json.loads(archived_tasks)
            for task in tasks:
                if task['state'] == 'DONE' and task['metadata']['taskType'] not in (
                    'CONTROL', 'INSPECTION', 'DEFAULT') and task['metadata']['environment_id'] == environment:
                    if task['metadata']['taskType'] in ('INITIAL', 'UPGRADE', 'ROLLBACK'):
                        deployed_apps[task['metadata']['application']] = get_row_data(task)
                    if task['metadata']['taskType'] in ('UNDEPLOY') and task['metadata'][
                        'application'] in deployed_apps:
                        del deployed_apps[task['metadata']['application']]
        return deployed_apps
class XLDeployClient(object):
    def __init__(self, httpConnection, username=None, password=None):
        self.http_request = HttpRequest(httpConnection, username, password)

    def createClient(httpConnection, username=None, password=None):
        return XLDeployClient(httpConnection, username, password)

    def extract_state(self, task_state_xml):
        state_pos = task_state_xml.find('state2="')
        state_offset = len('state2="')
        state_end_pos = task_state_xml.find('"', state_pos + state_offset + 1)
        state = task_state_xml[state_pos + state_offset:state_end_pos]
        return state

    def getParameterTypeName(self, root):
        params = root.find("parameters")
        if params:
            for child in params:
                return child.tag

    def getParameterNames(self, parameterTypeId):
        metadata_url = "/deployit/metadata/type/%s" % (parameterTypeId)
        metadata_response = self.http_request.get(
            metadata_url, contentType='application/xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(metadata_response.getResponse())
        params = root.find("property-descriptors")
        if params:
            parameterNames = []
            for child in params:
        return parameterNames

    def addParameter(self, root, parameterTypeId, parameterName, parameters):
        params = root.find("parameters")
        propertyDict = dict(ast.literal_eval(parameters))
        if params:
            for child in params:
                if child.tag == parameterTypeId:
                    param = ET.SubElement(child, parameterName)
                    param.text = propertyDict[parameterName]

    def prepare_control_task(self,
        # print 'DEBUG: prepare the control task'
        prepare_control_task_url = "/deployit/control/prepare/%s/%s" % (
            control_task_name, target_ci_id)
        prepare_response = self.http_request.get(prepare_control_task_url,
        control_obj = prepare_response.getResponse()
        root = ET.fromstring(control_obj)
        # print 'DEBUG: Control obj from /prepare', control_obj, '\n'
        parameterTypeId = self.getParameterTypeName(root)
        # print 'DEBUG: got parameterTypeId: %s' % parameterTypeId
        if parameterTypeId:
            parameterNames = self.getParameterNames(parameterTypeId)
            # print 'Found parameter names: %s' % parameterNames
            for parameterName in parameterNames:
                self.addParameter(root, parameterTypeId, parameterName,
        # print 'DEBUG: Control obj after udating parameters ', ET.tostring(root), '\n'
        invoke_response = self.http_request.post('/deployit/control',
        task_id = invoke_response.getResponse()
        # print 'DEBUG: Control task ID', task_id, '\n'
        return task_id

    def invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(self,
        start_task_url = "/deployit/task/%s/start" % (task_id)
        # print 'DEBUG: About to invoke task by post %s - continue enabled: %s - trial: %s \n' % (task_id, continue_if_step_fails, number_of_continue_retrials)
        trial = 0
        while not number_of_trials or trial < number_of_trials:
            # print 'DEBUG: About to get task status', task_id, '\n'
            trial += 1
            get_task_status_url = "/deployit/task/%s" % (task_id)
            task_state_response = self.http_request.get(
                get_task_status_url, contentType='application/xml')
            task_state_xml = task_state_response.getResponse()
            # print 'DEBUG task_state_xml is ' + task_state_xml
            status = self.extract_state(task_state_xml)
            print 'Task', task_id, 'now in state', status, '\n'
            if fail_on_pause:
                if status in (
                        'FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'STOPPED'
                ) and continue_if_step_fails and number_of_continue_retrials > 0:
                    status = self.invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(
                        task_id, polling_interval, number_of_trials,
                        number_of_continue_retrials - 1)
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'STOPPED', 'CANCELLED',
                              'DONE', 'EXECUTED'):
                if status in (
                        'FAILED', 'ABORTED'
                ) and continue_if_step_fails and number_of_continue_retrials > 0:
                    status = self.invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(
                        task_id, polling_interval, number_of_trials,
                        number_of_continue_retrials - 1)
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'CANCELLED', 'DONE',
        return status

    def get_deployment_package(self, deployed_application_id):
        ci = self.get_ci(deployed_application_id, 'json')
        data = json.loads(ci)
        return data['version']

    def deployment_exists(self, deployment_package, environment):
        deployment_exists_url = "/deployit/deployment/exists?application=%s&environment=%s" % (
            deployment_package.rsplit('/', 1)[0], environment)
        # print 'DEBUG: checking deployment exists with url %s \n' % deployment_exists_url
        deployment_exists_response = self.http_request.get(
            deployment_exists_url, contentType='application/xml')
        response = deployment_exists_response.getResponse()
        return 'true' in response

    def deployment_prepare_undeploy(self, deployed_application_id):
        deployment_prepare_undeploy_url = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/undeploy?deployedApplication=%s" % (
        deployment_prepare_undeploy_url_response = self.http_request.get(
            deployment_prepare_undeploy_url, contentType='application/xml')
        return deployment_prepare_undeploy_url_response.getResponse()

    def deploymentPrepareUpdate(self, deploymentPackage, environment):
        deploymentPrepareUpdateUrl = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/update?version=%s&deployedApplication=%s" % (
            deploymentPackage, "%s/%s" %
            (environment, deploymentPackage.rsplit('/', 2)[1]))
        deploymentPrepareUpdate_response = self.http_request.get(
            deploymentPrepareUpdateUrl, contentType='application/xml')
        return deploymentPrepareUpdate_response.getResponse()

    def deploymentPrepareInitial(self, deploymentPackage, environment):
        deploymentPrepareInitialUrl = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/initial?version=%s&environment=%s" % (
            deploymentPackage, environment)
        deploymentPrepareInitial_response = self.http_request.get(
            deploymentPrepareInitialUrl, contentType='application/xml')
        return deploymentPrepareInitial_response.getResponse()

    def add_orchestrators(self, deployment_xml, orchestrators):
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment_xml)
        if orchestrators:
            params = root.find(".//orchestrator")
            orchs = orchestrators.split(",")
            for orch in orchs:
                orchestrator = ET.SubElement(params, 'value')
                orchestrator.text = orch.strip()
        return ET.tostring(root)

    def set_deployed_application_properties(self, deployment_xml,
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment_xml)
        if deployed_application_properties:
            deployeds_application_properties_dict = dict(
            # print 'DEBUG: deployed application properties dict is %s \n' % deployeds_application_properties_dict
            # print 'DEBUG: Deployment object is now: %s \n' % ET.tostring(root)
            for key in deployeds_application_properties_dict:
                # print "DEBUG: Key is %s" % key
                pkey_xml = root.find(key)
                if not pkey_xml:
                    application = root.find("application")
                    for child in application:
                        # print "DEBUG: Going to add key: %s" % key
                        # print "DEBUG: Searching for deployed application: %s" % child
                        pkey_xml = ET.SubElement(child, key)
                pkey_xml.text = deployeds_application_properties_dict[key]
        return ET.tostring(root)

    def set_deployed_properties(self, deployment_xml, deployed_properties):
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment_xml)
        if deployed_properties:
            deployeds_properties_dict = dict(
            for key in deployeds_properties_dict:
                for xlr_tag_deployed in root.findall(".//deployeds/*"):
                    # print 'DEBUG: deployed is %s \n' % ET.tostring(xlr_tag_deployed)
                    # print 'DEBUG: xlrTag exists? %s' % xlr_tag_deployed.findtext('xlrTag')
                    # print 'DEBUG: xlrTag key? %s' % key
                    if key == xlr_tag_deployed.findtext('xlrTag'):
                        deployed_properties_dict = dict(
                        # print 'DEBUG: deployed properties dict is %s \n' % deployed_properties_dict
                        for pkey in deployed_properties_dict:
                            pkey_xml = xlr_tag_deployed.find(pkey)
                            if not pkey_xml:
                                pkey_xml = ET.SubElement(
                                    xlr_tag_deployed, pkey)
                            pkey_xml.text = deployed_properties_dict[pkey]
        return ET.tostring(root)

    def deployment_prepare_deployeds(self,
        deployment_prepare_deployeds = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/deployeds"
        # print 'DEBUG: Prepare deployeds for deployment object %s \n' % deployment
        deployment_prepare_deployeds_response = self.http_request.post(
        # print 'DEBUG: Deployment object including mapping is now %s \n' % deployment
        deployment_xml = deployment_prepare_deployeds_response.getResponse()
        # print 'DEBUG: deployment_xml is ' + deployment_xml
        deployment_xml = self.add_orchestrators(deployment_xml, orchestrators)
        deployment_xml = self.set_deployed_application_properties(
            deployment_xml, deployed_application_properties)
        # print 'DEBUG: Deployment object after updating orchestrators: %s \n' % ET.tostring(root)
        deployment_xml = self.set_deployed_properties(deployment_xml,
        return deployment_xml

    def get_deployment_task_id(self, deployment):
        getDeploymentTaskId = "/deployit/deployment"
        # print 'DEBUG: creating task id for deployment object %s \n' % deployment
        deploymentTaskId_response = self.http_request.post(
            getDeploymentTaskId, deployment, contentType='application/xml')
        # print 'DEBUG: getDeploymentTaskId response is %s \n' % (deploymentTaskId_response.getResponse())
        return deploymentTaskId_response.getResponse()

    def deployment_rollback(self, taskId):
        deploymentRollback = "/deployit/deployment/rollback/%s" % taskId
        # print 'DEBUG: calling rollback for taskId %s \n' % taskId
        deploymentRollback_response = self.http_request.post(
            deploymentRollback, '', contentType='application/xml')
        # print 'DEBUG: received rollback taskId %s \n' % deploymentRollback_response.getResponse()
        return deploymentRollback_response.getResponse()

    def archive_task(self, task_id):
        archive_task = "/deployit/task/%s/archive" % task_id
        self.http_request.post(archive_task, '', contentType='application/xml')

    def cancel_task(self, taskId):
        cancelTask = "/deployit/task/%s" % taskId
        self.http_request.delete(cancelTask, contentType='application/xml')

    def stop_task(self, taskId):
        stopTask = "/deployit/task/%s/stop" % taskId
        self.http_request.post(stopTask, '', contentType='application/xml')

    def get_download_uuid(self, deploymentPackage):
        exportTask = "/deployit/export/deploymentpackage/%s" % deploymentPackage
        exportTask_response = self.http_request.get(
            exportTask, contentType='application/xml')
        return exportTask_response.getResponse()

    def fetch_package(self, fetchURL):
        fetchTask = "/deployit/package/fetch"

    def get_latest_package_version(self, application_id):
        query_task = "/deployit/repository/query?parent=%s&resultsPerPage=-1" % application_id
        query_task_response = self.http_request.get(
            query_task, contentType='application/xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(query_task_response.getResponse())
        items = root.findall('ci')
        latest_package = ''
        if len(items) > 0:
            latest_package = items[-1].attrib['ref']
        return latest_package

    def get_latest_deployed_version(self, environment_id, application_name):
        query_task_response = self.get_ci(
            self, "%s/%s" % (environment_id, application_name), 'xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(query_task_response)
        items = root.findall('version')
        latest_package = ''
        for item in items:
            latest_package = item.attrib['ref']
        # End for
        return latest_package

    def check_CI_exist(self, ci_id):
        queryTask = "/deployit/repository/exists/%s" % ci_id
        queryTask_response = self.http_request.get(
            queryTask, contentType='application/xml')
        return queryTask_response.getResponse().find('true') > 0

    def create_directory(self, ciId):
        createTask = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % ciId
        xml = '<core.Directory id="' + ciId + '" />'
        self.http_request.post(createTask, xml, contentType='application/xml')

    def create_application(self, appId):
        createTask = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % appId
        xml = '<udm.Application id="' + appId + '" />'
        self.http_request.post(createTask, xml, contentType='application/xml')

    def createCI(self, id, ciType, xmlDescriptor):
        xml = '<' + ciType + ' id="' + id + '">' + xmlDescriptor + '</' + ciType + '>'
        createTask = '/deployit/repository/ci/' + id
        self.http_request.post(createTask, xml, contentType='application/xml')

    def update_ci_property(self, ci_id, ci_property, property_value):
        if self.check_CI_exist(ci_id):
            ci = self.get_ci(ci_id, 'json')
            data = json.loads(ci)
            data[ci_property] = property_value
            self.update_ci(ci_id, json.dumps(data), 'json')
            raise Exception("Did not find ci with id [%s]" % ci_id)

    def add_ci_to_environment(self, env_id, ci_id):
        get_env_response = self.get_ci(self, env_id, 'xml')
        items = get_env_response.partition('</members>')
        xml = items[0] + '<ci ref="' + ci_id + '"/>' + items[1] + items[2]
        self.update_ci(env_id, xml, 'xml')

    def remove_ci_from_environment(self, env_id, ci_id):
        get_env_response = self.get_ci(self, env_id, 'xml')
        print get_env_response
        env_root = ET.fromstring(get_env_response)
        member_to_remove = None
        for child in env_root:
            if child.tag == 'members':
                for member in child:
                    if member.attrib['ref'] == ci_id:
                        print 'Found ' + ci_id + ' in ' + env_id
                        env_members = child
                        member_to_remove = member
        if member_to_remove is not None:
            print 'Removing ' + ci_id + ' from ' + env_id
            self.update_ci(env_id, ET.tostring(env_root), 'xml')

    def get_ci(self, ci_id, accept):
        get_ci = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % (ci_id)
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/%s' % accept}
        return self.http_request.get(get_ci, headers=headers).getResponse()

    def update_ci(self, ci_id, data, content_type):
        update_ci = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % ci_id
        content_type_header = "application/%s" % content_type
        response = self.http_request.put(update_ci,
        if not response.isSuccessful():
            raise Exception(
                "Failed to update ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]"
                % (ci_id, response.status, response.response))

    def delete_ci(self, ci_id):
        delete_task = '/deployit/repository/ci/' + ci_id

    def display_step_logs(self, task_id):
        get_task_steps = '/deployit/task/' + task_id + '/step'
        get_task_steps_response = self.http_request.get(
            get_task_steps, contentType='application/xml')
        task_steps_root = ET.fromstring(get_task_steps_response.getResponse())
        for child in task_steps_root:
            if child.tag == 'steps':
                step_counter = 0
                for grandchild in child:
                    if grandchild.tag == 'step':
                        step_counter = step_counter + 1
                        print 'DEPLOYMENT STEP %d:  Failures=%s  State=%s\n' % (
                            step_counter, str(grandchild.attrib['failures']),
                        for item in grandchild:
                            if item.tag in ('description', 'startDate',
                                print '%s %s\n' % (str(item.tag), str(
                                print str(item.tag) + '\n'
                                print str(item.text) + '\n'
class XLDeployClient(object):
    def __init__(self, http_connection, username=None, password=None):
        self.http_request = HttpRequest(http_connection, username, password)

    def create_client(http_connection, username=None, password=None):
        return XLDeployClient(http_connection, username, password)

    def extract_state(self, task_state_xml):
        state_pos = task_state_xml.find('state2="')
        state_offset = len('state2="')
        state_end_pos = task_state_xml.find('"', state_pos + state_offset + 1)
        state = task_state_xml[state_pos + state_offset:state_end_pos]
        return state

    def getParameterTypeName(self, root):
        params = root.find("parameters")
        if params:
            for child in params:
                return child.tag

    def getParameterNames(self, parameterTypeId):
        metadata_url = "/deployit/metadata/type/%s" % (parameterTypeId)
        metadata_response = self.http_request.get(metadata_url, contentType='application/xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(metadata_response.getResponse())
        params = root.find("property-descriptors")
        if params:
            parameterNames = []
            for child in params:
        return parameterNames

    def addParameter(self, root, parameterTypeId, parameterName, parameters):
        params = root.find("parameters")
        propertyDict = dict(ast.literal_eval(parameters))
        if params:
            for child in params:
                if child.tag == parameterTypeId:
                    param = ET.SubElement(child, parameterName)
                    param.text = propertyDict[parameterName]

    def prepare_control_task(self, control_task_name, target_ci_id, parameters=None):
        # print 'DEBUG: prepare the control task'
        prepare_control_task_url = "/deployit/control/prepare/%s/%s" % (control_task_name, target_ci_id)
        prepare_response = self.http_request.get(prepare_control_task_url, contentType='application/xml')
        control_obj = prepare_response.getResponse()
        root = ET.fromstring(control_obj)
        # print 'DEBUG: Control obj from /prepare', control_obj, '\n'
        parameterTypeId = self.getParameterTypeName(root)
        # print 'DEBUG: got parameterTypeId: %s' % parameterTypeId
        if parameterTypeId:
            parameterNames = self.getParameterNames(parameterTypeId)
            # print 'Found parameter names: %s' % parameterNames
            for parameterName in parameterNames:
                self.addParameter(root, parameterTypeId, parameterName, parameters)
        # print 'DEBUG: Control obj after udating parameters ', ET.tostring(root), '\n'
        invoke_response = self.http_request.post('/deployit/control', ET.tostring(root), contentType='application/xml')
        task_id = invoke_response.getResponse()
        # print 'DEBUG: Control task ID', task_id, '\n'
        return task_id

    def invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(self, task_id, polling_interval=10, number_of_trials=None, continue_if_step_fails=False, number_of_continue_retrials=0, fail_on_pause=True):
        start_task_url = "/deployit/task/%s/start" % (task_id)
        # print 'DEBUG: About to invoke task by post %s - continue enabled: %s - trial: %s \n' % (task_id, continue_if_step_fails, number_of_continue_retrials)
        self.http_request.post(start_task_url, '', contentType='application/xml')
        trial = 0
        while not number_of_trials or trial < number_of_trials:
            # print 'DEBUG: About to get task status', task_id, '\n'
            trial += 1
            get_task_status_url = "/deployit/task/%s" % (task_id)
            task_state_response = self.http_request.get(get_task_status_url, contentType='application/xml')
            task_state_xml = task_state_response.getResponse()
            # print 'DEBUG task_state_xml is ' + task_state_xml
            status = self.extract_state(task_state_xml)
            print 'Task', task_id, 'now in state', status, '\n'
            if fail_on_pause:
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'STOPPED') and continue_if_step_fails and number_of_continue_retrials > 0:
                    status = self.invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(task_id, polling_interval, number_of_trials, continue_if_step_fails, number_of_continue_retrials - 1)
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'STOPPED', 'CANCELLED', 'DONE', 'EXECUTED'):
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED') and continue_if_step_fails and number_of_continue_retrials > 0:
                    status = self.invoke_task_and_wait_for_result(task_id, polling_interval, number_of_trials, continue_if_step_fails, number_of_continue_retrials - 1)
                if status in ('FAILED', 'ABORTED', 'CANCELLED', 'DONE', 'EXECUTED'):
        return status

    def get_deployment_package(self, deployed_application_id):
        ci = self.get_ci(deployed_application_id, 'json')
        data = json.loads(ci)
        return data['version']

    def deployment_exists(self, deployment_package, environment):
        deployment_exists_url = "/deployit/deployment/exists?application=%s&environment=%s" % (deployment_package.rsplit('/', 1)[0], environment)
        # print 'DEBUG: checking deployment exists with url %s \n' % deployment_exists_url
        deployment_exists_response = self.http_request.get(deployment_exists_url, contentType='application/xml')
        response = deployment_exists_response.getResponse()
        return 'true' in response

    def deployment_prepare_undeploy(self, deployed_application_id):
        deployment_prepare_undeploy_url = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/undeploy?deployedApplication=%s" % (deployed_application_id)
        deployment_prepare_undeploy_url_response = self.http_request.get(deployment_prepare_undeploy_url, contentType='application/xml')
        return deployment_prepare_undeploy_url_response.getResponse()

    def deploymentPrepareUpdate(self, deploymentPackage, environment):
        deploymentPrepareUpdateUrl = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/update?version=%s&deployedApplication=%s" % (deploymentPackage, "%s/%s" % (environment, deploymentPackage.rsplit('/', 2)[1]))
        deploymentPrepareUpdate_response = self.http_request.get(deploymentPrepareUpdateUrl, contentType='application/xml')
        return deploymentPrepareUpdate_response.getResponse()

    def deploymentPrepareInitial(self, deploymentPackage, environment):
        deploymentPrepareInitialUrl = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/initial?version=%s&environment=%s" % (deploymentPackage, environment)
        deploymentPrepareInitial_response = self.http_request.get(deploymentPrepareInitialUrl, contentType='application/xml')
        return deploymentPrepareInitial_response.getResponse()

    def add_orchestrators(self, deployment_xml, orchestrators):
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment_xml)
        if orchestrators:
            params = root.find(".//orchestrator")
            orchs = orchestrators.split(",")
            for orch in orchs:
                orchestrator = ET.SubElement(params, 'value')
                orchestrator.text = orch.strip()
        return ET.tostring(root)

    def set_deployed_application_properties(self, deployment_xml, deployed_application_properties):
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment_xml)
        if deployed_application_properties:
            deployeds_application_properties_dict = dict(ast.literal_eval(deployed_application_properties))
            # print 'DEBUG: deployed application properties dict is %s \n' % deployeds_application_properties_dict
            # print 'DEBUG: Deployment object is now: %s \n' % ET.tostring(root)
            for key in deployeds_application_properties_dict:
                # print "DEBUG: Key is %s" % key
                pkey_xml = root.find(key)
                if not pkey_xml:
                    application = root.find("application")
                    for child in application:
                        # print "DEBUG: Going to add key: %s" % key
                        # print "DEBUG: Searching for deployed application: %s" % child
                        pkey_xml = ET.SubElement(child, key)
                pkey_xml.text = deployeds_application_properties_dict[key]
        return ET.tostring(root)

    def set_deployed_properties(self, deployment_xml, deployed_properties):
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment_xml)
        if deployed_properties:
            deployeds_properties_dict = dict(ast.literal_eval(deployed_properties))
            for key in deployeds_properties_dict:
                for xlr_tag_deployed in root.findall(".//deployeds/*"):
                    # print 'DEBUG: deployed is %s \n' % ET.tostring(xlr_tag_deployed)
                    # print 'DEBUG: xlrTag exists? %s' % xlr_tag_deployed.findtext('xlrTag')
                    # print 'DEBUG: xlrTag key? %s' % key
                    if key == xlr_tag_deployed.findtext('xlrTag'):
                        deployed_properties_dict = dict(ast.literal_eval(deployeds_properties_dict[key]))
                        # print 'DEBUG: deployed properties dict is %s \n' % deployed_properties_dict
                        for pkey in deployed_properties_dict:
                            pkey_xml = xlr_tag_deployed.find(pkey)
                            if not pkey_xml:
                                pkey_xml = ET.SubElement(xlr_tag_deployed, pkey)
                            pkey_xml.text = deployed_properties_dict[pkey]
        return ET.tostring(root)

    def deployment_prepare_deployeds(self, deployment, orchestrators=None, deployed_application_properties=None, deployed_properties=None):
        deployment_prepare_deployeds = "/deployit/deployment/prepare/deployeds"
        # print 'DEBUG: Prepare deployeds for deployment object %s \n' % deployment
        deployment_prepare_deployeds_response = self.http_request.post(deployment_prepare_deployeds, deployment, contentType='application/xml')
        if not deployment_prepare_deployeds_response.isSuccessful():
            raise Exception("Failed to prepare deployeds. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (deployment_prepare_deployeds_response.status, deployment_prepare_deployeds_response.response))
        deployment_xml = deployment_prepare_deployeds_response.getResponse()
        # print 'DEBUG: deployment_xml is ' + deployment_xml
        deployment_xml = self.add_orchestrators(deployment_xml, orchestrators)
        deployment_xml = self.set_deployed_application_properties(deployment_xml, deployed_application_properties)
        # print 'DEBUG: Deployment object after updating orchestrators: %s \n' % ET.tostring(root)
        deployment_xml = self.set_deployed_properties(deployment_xml, deployed_properties)
        return deployment_xml

    def validate(self, deployment):
        getDeploymentTaskId = "/deployit/deployment/validate"
        # print 'DEBUG: validate for deployment object %s \n' % deployment
        deploymentWithValidation_response = self.http_request.post(getDeploymentTaskId, deployment, contentType='application/xml')
        # print 'DEBUG: deploymentWithValidation response is %s \n' % (deploymentWithValidation_response.getResponse())
        deployment = deploymentWithValidation_response.getResponse()
        root = ET.fromstring(deployment)
        return map(lambda vm: "CI: %s Message: %s" % (vm.attrib['ci'], vm.text), root.iter('validation-message'))

    def get_deployment_task_id(self, deployment):
        getDeploymentTaskId = "/deployit/deployment"
        # print 'DEBUG: creating task id for deployment object %s \n' % deployment
        deploymentTaskId_response = self.http_request.post(getDeploymentTaskId, deployment, contentType='application/xml')
        # print 'DEBUG: getDeploymentTaskId response is %s \n' % (deploymentTaskId_response.getResponse())
        return deploymentTaskId_response.getResponse()

    def deployment_rollback(self, taskId):
        deploymentRollback = "/deployit/deployment/rollback/%s" % taskId
        # print 'DEBUG: calling rollback for taskId %s \n' % taskId
        deploymentRollback_response = self.http_request.post(deploymentRollback, '', contentType='application/xml')
        # print 'DEBUG: received rollback taskId %s \n' % deploymentRollback_response.getResponse()
        return deploymentRollback_response.getResponse()

    def archive_task(self, task_id):
        archive_task = "/deployit/task/%s/archive" % task_id
        self.http_request.post(archive_task, '', contentType='application/xml')

    def cancel_task(self, taskId):
        cancelTask = "/deployit/task/%s" % taskId
        self.http_request.delete(cancelTask, contentType='application/xml')

    def stop_task(self, taskId):
        stopTask = "/deployit/task/%s/stop" % taskId
        self.http_request.post(stopTask, '', contentType='application/xml')

    def get_download_uuid(self, deploymentPackage):
        exportTask = "/deployit/export/deploymentpackage/%s" % deploymentPackage
        exportTask_response = self.http_request.get(exportTask, contentType='application/xml')
        return exportTask_response.getResponse()

    def fetch_package(self, fetchURL):
        fetchTask = "/deployit/package/fetch"
        self.http_request.post(fetchTask, fetchURL, contentType='application/xml')

    def get_latest_package_version(self, application_id):
        query_task = "/deployit/repository/query?parent=%s&resultsPerPage=-1" % application_id
        query_task_response = self.http_request.get(query_task, contentType='application/xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(query_task_response.getResponse())
        items = root.findall('ci')
        latest_package = ''
        if len(items) > 0:
            latest_package = items[-1].attrib['ref']
        return latest_package

    def get_latest_deployed_version(self, environment_id, application_name):
        query_task_response = self.get_ci("%s/%s" % (environment_id, application_name), 'xml')
        root = ET.fromstring(query_task_response)
        items = root.findall('version')
        latest_package = ''
        for item in items:
            latest_package = item.attrib['ref']
        # End for
        return latest_package

    def check_CI_exist(self, ci_id):
        query_task = "/deployit/repository/exists/%s" % ci_id
        query_task_response = self.http_request.get(query_task, contentType='application/xml')
        if not query_task_response.isSuccessful():
            raise Exception("Failed to check ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (ci_id, query_task_response.status, query_task_response.response))
        return query_task_response.getResponse().find('true') > 0

    def create_directory(self, ciId):
        createTask = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % ciId
        xml = '<core.Directory id="' + ciId + '" />'
        self.http_request.post(createTask, xml, contentType='application/xml')

    def create_application(self, appId):
        createTask = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % appId
        xml = '<udm.Application id="' + appId + '" />'
        self.http_request.post(createTask, xml, contentType='application/xml')

    def createCI(self, id, ciType, xmlDescriptor):
        xml = '<' + ciType + ' id="' + id + '">' + xmlDescriptor + '</' + ciType + '>'
        createTask = '/deployit/repository/ci/' + id
        self.http_request.post(createTask, xml, contentType='application/xml')

    def update_ci_property(self, ci_id, ci_property, property_value):
        if self.check_CI_exist(ci_id):
            ci = self.get_ci(ci_id, 'json')
            data = json.loads(ci)
            data[ci_property] = property_value
            self.update_ci(ci_id, json.dumps(data), 'json')
            raise Exception("Did not find ci with id [%s]" % ci_id)

    def add_ci_to_environment(self, env_id, ci_id):
        get_env_response = self.get_ci(env_id, 'xml')
        items = get_env_response.partition('</members>')
        xml = items[0] + '<ci ref="' + ci_id + '"/>' + items[1] + items[2]
        self.update_ci(env_id, xml, 'xml')

    def remove_ci_from_environment(self, env_id, ci_id):
        get_env_response = self.get_ci(env_id, 'xml')
        print get_env_response
        env_root = ET.fromstring(get_env_response)
        member_to_remove = None
        for child in env_root:
            if child.tag == 'members':
                for member in child:
                    if member.attrib['ref'] == ci_id:
                        print 'Found ' + ci_id + ' in ' + env_id
                        env_members = child
                        member_to_remove = member
        if member_to_remove is not None:
            print 'Removing ' + ci_id + ' from ' + env_id
            self.update_ci(env_id, ET.tostring(env_root), 'xml')

    def get_ci(self, ci_id, accept):
        get_ci = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % ci_id
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/%s' % accept}
        response = self.http_request.get(get_ci, headers=headers)
        if not response.isSuccessful():
            raise Exception("Failed to get ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (ci_id, response.status, response.response))
        return response.getResponse()

    def update_ci(self, ci_id, data, content_type):
        update_ci = "/deployit/repository/ci/%s" % ci_id
        content_type_header = "application/%s" % content_type
        response = self.http_request.put(update_ci, data, contentType=content_type_header)
        if not response.isSuccessful():
            raise Exception("Failed to update ci [%s]. Server return [%s], with content [%s]" % (ci_id, response.status, response.response))

    def delete_ci(self, ci_id):
        delete_task = '/deployit/repository/ci/' + ci_id

    def display_step_logs(self, task_id):
        get_task_steps = '/deployit/task/' + task_id + '/step'
        get_task_steps_response = self.http_request.get(get_task_steps, contentType='application/xml')
        task_steps_root = ET.fromstring(get_task_steps_response.getResponse())
        for child in task_steps_root:
            if child.tag == 'steps':
                step_counter = 0
                for grandchild in child:
                    if grandchild.tag == 'step':
                        step_counter = step_counter + 1
                        print 'DEPLOYMENT STEP %d:  Failures=%s  State=%s\n' % (step_counter, str(grandchild.attrib['failures']), str(grandchild.attrib['state']))
                        for item in grandchild:
                            if item.tag in ('description', 'startDate', 'completionDate'):
                                print '%s %s\n' % (item.tag, item.text)
                                print "%s\n" % item.tag
                                print "%s\n" % item.text
class Endevor_Client(object):
    def __init__(self, httpConnection, username=None, password=None):
        self.httpConnection = httpConnection
        self.httpRequest = HttpRequest(httpConnection, username, password)

    def create_client(httpConnection, username=None, password=None):
        return Endevor_Client(httpConnection, username, password)

    def testServer(self):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/application.wadl'
        response = self.httpRequest.get(endevorUrl,
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = response.getResponse()
        print("HTTP ERROR Code = %s" % response.getStatus())

    def list_all_configurations(self):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest'
        response = self.httpRequest.get(endevorUrl,
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("List All Configurations Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", ['config1', 'config2', 'config3'])

    def list_configuration_parameters(self, instance):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s' % instance
        response = self.httpRequest.get(endevorUrl,
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("List Configuration Parameters Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", {
                'param1': 'value1',
                'param2': 'value2',
                'param3': 'value3'

    def list_packages(self, instance, status, packageType, enterprise,
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages' % instance

        if status:
            for item in status:
                endevorUrl = "%s&status=%s" % (endevorUrl, item)
        if packageType:
            endevorUrl = "%s&type=%s" % (endevorUrl, packageType)
        if enterprise:
            endevorUrl = "%s&enterprise=%s" % (endevorUrl, enterprise)
        if promotion:
            endevorUrl = "%s&promotion=%s" % (endevorUrl, promotion)

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.get(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            pkgList = []
            for pkg in data['data']:
                print("PKG = %s" % pkg)
                if ("pkgId" in pkg):
                if ("PKG ID" in pkg):
                    pkgList.append(pkg['PKG ID'])
            return (data['returnCode'], data['reasonCode'], pkgList)
            print("Return Code = %s" % data['returnCode'])
            print("Reason Code = %s" % data['reasonCode'])
            print("Message     = %s" % data['messages'])

    def update_package(self, instance, package, ewfromdate, ewfromtime,
                       ewtodate, ewtotime, packageType, shareable, backout,
                       append, promotion, fromPackage, fromDSN, fromMember,
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s' % (instance, package)

        if ewfromdate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromdate)
        if ewfromtime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromtime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromtime)
        if ewtodate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtodate)
        if ewtotime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewtotime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtotime)
        if packageType:
            endevorUrl = "%s&type=%s" % (endevorUrl, packageType)
        if shareable:
            endevorUrl = "%s&shareable=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&shareable=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if backout:
            endevorUrl = "%s&backout=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&backout=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if append:
            endevorUrl = "%s&append=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&append=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if promotion:
            endevorUrl = "%s&promotion=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&promotion=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if fromPackage:
            endevorUrl = "%s&fromPackage=%s" % (endevorUrl, fromPackage)
        if fromDSN:
            endevorUrl = "%s&fromDSN=%s" % (endevorUrl, fromDSN)
        if fromMember:
            endevorUrl = "%s&fromMember=%s" % (endevorUrl, fromMember)
        if doNotValidate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&do-not-validate=%s" % (endevorUrl, "true")

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Update Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor package info")

    def create_package(self, instance, package, ewfromdate, ewfromtime,
                       ewtodate, ewtotime, packageType, shareable, backout,
                       append, promotion, fromPackage, fromDSN, fromMember,
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s' % (instance, package)

        if ewfromdate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromdate)
        if ewfromtime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromtime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromtime)
        if ewtodate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtodate)
        if ewtotime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewtotime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtotime)
        if packageType:
            endevorUrl = "%s&type=%s" % (endevorUrl, packageType)
        if shareable:
            endevorUrl = "%s&shareable=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&shareable=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if backout:
            endevorUrl = "%s&backout=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&backout=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if append:
            endevorUrl = "%s&append=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&append=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if promotion:
            endevorUrl = "%s&promotion=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&promotion=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")
        if fromPackage:
            endevorUrl = "%s&fromPackage=%s" % (endevorUrl, fromPackage)
        if fromDSN:
            endevorUrl = "%s&fromDSN=%s" % (endevorUrl, fromDSN)
        if fromMember:
            endevorUrl = "%s&fromMember=%s" % (endevorUrl, fromMember)
        if doNotValidate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&do-not-validate=%s" % (endevorUrl, "true")

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.post(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Update Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor package info")

    def cast_package(self, instance, package, ewfromdate, ewfromtime, ewtodate,
                     ewtotime, validateComponents, backout):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Cast' % (instance,

        if ewfromdate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromdate)
        if ewfromtime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromtime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromtime)
        if ewtodate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtodate)
        if ewtotime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewtotime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtotime)
        if validateComponents:
            endevorUrl = "%s&validate-components=%s" % (endevorUrl,
        if backout:
            endevorUrl = "%s&backout=%s" % (endevorUrl, "yes")
            endevorUrl = "%s&backout=%s" % (endevorUrl, "no")

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Cast Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor cast result")

    def approve_package(self, instance, package):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Approve' % (instance,

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Approve Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor approve result")

    def execute_package(self, instance, package, ewfromdate, ewfromtime,
                        ewtodate, ewtotime, status):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Execute' % (instance,

        if ewfromdate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromdate)
        if ewfromtime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromtime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewfromtime)
        if ewtodate:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewfromdate=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtodate)
        if ewtotime:
            endevorUrl = "%s&ewtotime=%s" % (endevorUrl, ewtotime)
        if status:
            endevorUrl = "%s&status=%s" % (endevorUrl, status)

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Execute Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor execute result")

    def backout_package(self, instance, package, statement, element):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Backout' % (instance,

        if statement:
            endevorUrl = "%s&statement=%s" % (endevorUrl, statement)
        if element:
            endevorUrl = "%s&element=%s" % (endevorUrl, element)

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Backout Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor backout result")

    def backin_package(self, instance, package, statement, element):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Backin' % (instance,

        if statement:
            endevorUrl = "%s&statement=%s" % (endevorUrl, statement)
        if element:
            endevorUrl = "%s&element=%s" % (endevorUrl, element)

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Backin Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor backin result")

    def commit_package(self, instance, package, olderThan,
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Commit' % (instance,

        if olderThan:
            endevorUrl = "%s&olderthan=%s" % (endevorUrl, olderThan)
        if deletePromotionHistory:
            endevorUrl = "%sdelete-promotion-history=%s" % (endevorUrl, "true")
            endevorUrl = "%sdelete-promotion-history=%s" % (endevorUrl,

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Commit Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor commit result")

    def ship_package(self, instance, package, destination, option, prefix):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Ship' % (instance,

        if destination:
            endevorUrl = "%s&destination=%s" % (endevorUrl, destination)
        if option:
            endevorUrl = "%s&option=%s" % (endevorUrl, option)
        if prefix:
            endevorUrl = "%s&prefix=%s" % (endevorUrl, prefix)

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Ship Package Return = %s" % data)
            return (data['returnCode'], data['reasonCode'], data['messages'])
        print("Return Code = %s" % data['returnCode'])
        print("Reason Code = %s" % data['reasonCode'])
        print("Message     = %s" % data['messages'])

    def delete_package(self, instance, package, olderThan, status):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s' % (instance, package)

        if olderThan:
            endevorUrl = "%s&olderthan=%s" % (endevorUrl, olderThan)
        if status:
            endevorUrl = "%s&status=%s" % (endevorUrl, status)

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.delete(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Delete Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor delete result")

    def reset_package(self, instance, package):
        endevorUrl = 'EndevorService/rest/%s/packages/%s/Reset' % (instance,

        print endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1)
        response = self.httpRequest.put(endevorUrl.replace('&', '?', 1),
        if response.getStatus() in HTTP_SUCCESS:
            data = json.loads(response.getResponse())
            print("Reset Package Return = %s" % data)
            # TO-DO:  determine structure of returned data
            #           return (data.returnCode, data.reasonCode, data.data['key'])
            return ("0000", "0000", "Endevor reset result")

    def throw_error(self, response):
        print "Error from EndevorService, HTTP Return: %s\n" % (