Example #1
    def test_calculation(self):
        Range('A1').value = 2
        Range('B1').formula = '=A1 * 2'

        app = Application(wkb=self.wb)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationManual
        Range('A1').value = 4
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationAutomatic
        app.calculate()  # This is needed on Mac Excel 2016 but not on Mac Excel 2011 (changed behaviour)
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 8)

        Range('A1').value = 2
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)
def main():
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    # User Inputs
    num_simulations = Range('E3').options(numbers=int).value
    time = Range('E4').value
    num_timesteps = Range('E5').options(numbers=int).value
    dt = time/num_timesteps  # Length of time period
    vol = Range('E7').value
    mu = np.log(1 + Range('E6').value)  # Drift
    starting_price = Range('E8').value
    perc_selection = [5, 50, 95]  # percentiles (hardcoded for now)
    # Animation
    animate = Range('E9').value.lower() == 'yes'

    # Excel: clear output, write out initial values of percentiles/sample path and set chart source
    # and x-axis values
    Range('P2').value = [starting_price, starting_price, starting_price, starting_price]
    Chart('Chart 5').set_source_data(Range((1, 15),(num_timesteps + 2, 19)))
    Range('O2').value = np.round(np.linspace(0, time, num_timesteps + 1).reshape(-1,1), 2)

    # Preallocation
    price = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, num_simulations))
    percentiles = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, 3))

    # Set initial values
    price[0,:] = starting_price
    percentiles[0,:] = starting_price

    # Simulation at each time step
    for t in range(1, num_timesteps + 1):
        rand_nums = np.random.randn(num_simulations)
        price[t,:] = price[t-1,:] * np.exp((mu - 0.5 * vol**2) * dt + vol * rand_nums * np.sqrt(dt))
        percentiles[t, :] = np.percentile(price[t, :], perc_selection)
        if animate:
            Range((t+2, 16)).value = percentiles[t, :]
            Range((t+2, 19)).value = price[t, 0]  # Sample path
            if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                Application(wb).screen_updating = True

    if not animate:
        Range('P2').value = percentiles
        Range('S2').value = price[:, :1]  # Sample path
Example #3
    def test_calculation(self):
        Range('A1').value = 2
        Range('B1').formula = '=A1 * 2'

        app = Application(wkb=self.wb)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationManual
        Range('A1').value = 4
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationAutomatic
        app.calculate()  # This is needed on Mac Excel 2016 but not on Mac Excel 2011 (changed behaviour)
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 8)

        Range('A1').value = 2
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)
Example #4
    def test_screen_updating(self):
        Application(wkb=self.wb).screen_updating = False
        assert_equal(Application(wkb=self.wb).screen_updating, False)

        Application(wkb=self.wb).screen_updating = True
        assert_equal(Application(wkb=self.wb).screen_updating, True)
Example #5
 def test_version(self):
     app = Application(wkb=self.wb)
     assert_true(int(app.version.split('.')[0]) > 0)
Example #6
def class_teardown(wb):
    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):