def fill_excel_template_net(template_filename, sd,ed, res, tel): w = prepare_excel_template(template_filename, tel) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/') filename = tel.get('FILENAME','report') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename + '.xls' maxr = tel['max_row'] top_row = maxr maxr += 1 wtsheet = w.get_sheet(0) pieces = set() pieces_indexes = dict() di_pi = dict() simple = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thin') bad = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160, italic 1; border: top thin, left thick, bottom thin, right thin') wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row+1, 0,0,"Номер", simple) std = sd td = timedelta(days=1) i = 1 while std<=ed: wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row+1, i,i,, simple) std += td i +=1 top_row +=2 for i in xrange(0,len(res)): room, room_info = res[i] h = 0 if len(room_info)>1: h = len(room_info)-1 wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row+h, 0,0,, simple) z = 0 for end_ddd,busy_array in room_info: for name, start_date, end_date in busy_array: td1 = start_date-sd if td1.days<0: td1d = 0 else: td1d = td1.days td2 = end_date-sd if z>room.room_type.places: stl = bad else: stl = simple wtsheet.write_merge(top_row+z,top_row+z, td1d+1,td2.days+1,name, stl) z +=1 top_row += h+1 left = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thick, bottom thin, right thin') right = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thick') bottom = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thick, right thin') return response
def get_style(cls, style): try: return cls._styles[style] except KeyError: pass if style == CELL: _xf_style = easyxf(_CELL_FORMAT) cls._styles[CELL] = _xf_style elif style == HEADER: _xf_style = easyxf(_HEADER_FORMAT) cls._styles[HEADER] = _xf_style else: raise ValueError('Allowed styles are "head", "cell". Got {}.'.format(style)) return _xf_style
def export_investdata_excel(self, request): item_list = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset()) data = [] for con in item_list: project = con.project id = project_id = project_name = if con.is_futou: is_futou = "复投" else: is_futou = "首投" invest_time = con.invest_time invest_mobile = con.invest_mobile invest_amount = con.invest_amount invest_term = con.invest_term settle_amount = con.settle_amount return_amount = '' result = '' if con.state == '0': result = '否' #return_amount = con.return_amount elif con.state == '1': result = '是' return_amount = con.return_amount source = con.get_source_display() remark = con.remark data.append([ id, project_id, project_name, is_futou, invest_time, invest_mobile, invest_amount, invest_term, settle_amount, result, return_amount, source, remark ]) w = Workbook() # 创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet(u'待审核记录') # 创建一个工作表 title_row = [ u'记录ID', u'项目编号', u'项目名称', u'首投/复投', u'投资日期', u'提交手机号', u'投资金额', u'投资标期', u'预估消耗', u'审核状态', u'返现金额', u'投资来源', u'备注' ] for i in range(len(title_row)): ws.write(0, i, title_row[i]) row = len(data) style1 = easyxf(num_format_str='YY/MM/DD') for i in range(row): lis = data[i] col = len(lis) for j in range(col): if j == 4: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j], style1) else: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j]) sio = BytesIO() response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(), content_type='application/') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=导出表格.xls' response.write(sio.getvalue()) return response
def export_project_statis(request): item_list = [] item_list = ProjectStatis.objects.all() project_state = request.GET.get("project_state", None) if project_state == 'start' or project_state == 'finish': item_list = item_list.filter(project__state=project_state) data = [] for con in item_list: id = con.project_id time = con.project.time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") finish_time = con.project.finish_time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d") if con.project.finish_time else '' title = topay_amount = con.project.topay_amount consume = con.consume() ret = con.ret() site_consume = con.site_consume site_ret = con.site_return channel_consume = con.channel_consume channel_ret = con.channel_return state = con.project.get_state_display() data.append([ id, time, finish_time, title, topay_amount, consume, ret, channel_consume, channel_ret, site_consume, site_ret, state ]) w = Workbook() #创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet(u'账目明细') #创建一个工作表 title_row = [ u'项目编号', u'立项日期', u'结项日期', u'项目名称', u'预计待收/待消耗', u'预计总消耗', u'总返现金额', u'预估渠道消耗', u'渠道返现金额', u'预估网站消耗', u'网站返现金额', u'项目状态' ] for i in range(len(title_row)): ws.write(0, i, title_row[i]) row = len(data) style1 = easyxf(num_format_str='YY/MM/DD') for i in range(row): lis = data[i] col = len(lis) for j in range(col): if j == 1: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j], style1) elif j == 2: if lis[j]: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j], style1) else: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j]) else: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j]) sio = StringIO.StringIO() response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(), content_type='application/') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=导出表格.xls' response.write(sio.getvalue()) return response
def fill_excel_template_with_many_tp(template_filename, tel, tps): w = prepare_excel_template(template_filename, tel) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/') filename = tel.get('FILENAME','report') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename + '.xls' maxr = tel['max_row'] wtsheet = w.get_sheet(0) cols = ['IDX','PUTEVKA','FIO','D','KEM','SUMM','SROK','DAYS','SUMMC','DAYSN','SUMMN'] for tp in tps: maxr += 3 wtsheet.write_merge(maxr-2, maxr, 0, 10, tp[0], easyxf('align: wrap on;border: left no_line, right no_line')) for record in tp[1]: maxr += 1 i = 0 for col in cols: wtsheet.write(maxr-1, i, record.get(col,""),easyxf('align: wrap on; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) i += 1 return response
def export_audit_result(request): user = request.user fid = request.GET.get("fid") if fid == '0': #jzy finance = Finance.objects.all() item_list = UserEvent.objects.filter(user=user, finance=finance).order_by("-time") else: finance = Finance.objects.get(id=fid) item_list = UserEvent.objects.filter(user=user, finance=finance).order_by("-time") data = [] for con in item_list: # project_name=finance.title project = con.content_object #jzy project_name=project.title #jzy mobile_sub=con.invest_account # time_sub=con.time time_sub=con.invest_time #jzy remark= con.remark invest_amount= con.invest_amount term=con.invest_term result = con.get_audit_state_display(), return_amount = '' if con.audit_state!='0' or not con.translist.exists() else str(con.translist.first().transAmount/100.0), reason = '' if con.audit_state!='2' or not con.audited_logs.exists() else con.audited_logs.first().reason, data.append([id, project_name, time_sub, mobile_sub, term, invest_amount, remark, result, return_amount, reason]) w = Workbook() #创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet(u'待审核记录') #创建一个工作表 title_row = [u'记录ID',u'项目名称',u'投资日期', u'注册手机号' ,u'投资期限' ,u'投资金额', u'备注', u'审核结果',u'返现金额',u'拒绝原因'] for i in range(len(title_row)): ws.write(0,i,title_row[i]) row = len(data) style1 = easyxf(num_format_str='YY/MM/DD') for i in range(row): lis = data[i] col = len(lis) for j in range(col): if j==2: ws.write(i+1,j,lis[j],style1) else: ws.write(i+1,j,lis[j]) sio = StringIO.StringIO() response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(), content_type='application/') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=审核结果.xls' response.write(sio.getvalue()) return response
def fill_excel_template_s_gavnom(template_filename, tel, fields, records): w = prepare_excel_template(template_filename, tel) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/') filename = tel.get('FILENAME','report') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename + '.xls' maxr = tel['max_row'] wtsheet = w.get_sheet(0) for field in fields: maxr += 2 wtsheet.write_merge(maxr-1, maxr, 0, 8, field.ill_history_field.description+": "+ field.value, easyxf('align: wrap on')) maxr += 1 wtsheet.write_merge( maxr, maxr, 0, 8, 'Записи истории болезни') for record in records: maxr += 2 wtsheet.write(maxr-1, 0, record.datetime.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr-1, maxr, 1, 8, record.text, easyxf('align: wrap on')) return response
def export_coupon_excel(request): user = request.user item_list = UserEvent.objects startTime = request.GET.get("startTime", None) endTime = request.GET.get("endTime", None) startTime2 = request.GET.get("startTime2", None) endTime2 = request.GET.get("endTime2", None) state = request.GET.get("state", '1') projecttype = request.GET.get("projecttype", '0') if startTime and endTime: s = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') e = datetime.datetime.strptime(endTime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') item_list = item_list.filter(time__range=(s, e)) if startTime2 and endTime2: s = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime2, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') e = datetime.datetime.strptime(endTime2, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') item_list = item_list.filter(audit_time__range=(s, e)) username = request.GET.get("username", None) if username: item_list = item_list.filter(user__username=username) mobile = request.GET.get("mobile", None) if mobile: item_list = item_list.filter(user__mobile=mobile) mobile_sub = request.GET.get("mobile_sub", None) if mobile_sub: item_list = item_list.filter(invest_account=mobile_sub) companyname = request.GET.get("companyname", None) if companyname: item_list = item_list.filter( coupon__project__provider__contains=companyname) projectname = request.GET.get("projectname", None) if projectname: item_list = item_list.filter( coupon__project__title__contains=projectname) adminname = request.GET.get("adminname", None) if adminname: item_list = item_list.filter(audited_logs__user__username=adminname) if projecttype == '1': item_list = item_list.filter(coupon__project__ctype='0') if projecttype == '2': item_list = item_list.filter(coupon__project__ctype='1') item_list = item_list.filter( event_type='4', audit_state=state).select_related('user').order_by('time') data = [] for con in item_list: coupon = con.content_object id = str( user_type = u"普通用户" if not con.user.is_channel else u"渠道:" + user_mobile = if not con.user.is_channel else time_sub = con.time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") title = coupon.project.title zhifubao = con.user.zhifubao mobile_sub = con.invest_account term = con.invest_term invest_amount = con.invest_amount remark = con.remark result = '' return_amount = '' reason = '' if con.audit_state == '0': result = u'是' if con.translist.exists(): return_amount = str(con.translist.first().transAmount / 100.0) elif con.audit_state == '2': result = u'否' if con.audited_logs.exists(): reason = con.audited_logs.first().reason data.append([ id, user_type, user_mobile, time_sub, title, zhifubao, mobile_sub, term, invest_amount, remark, result, return_amount, reason ]) w = Workbook() #创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet(u'待审核记录') #创建一个工作表 title_row = [ u'记录ID', u'用户类型', u'挖福利账号', u'提交时间', u'项目名称', u'支付宝', u'注册手机号', u'投资期限', u'投资金额', u'备注', u'审核结果(0通过,1待审核,2拒绝)', u'返现金额', u'拒绝原因' ] for i in range(len(title_row)): ws.write(0, i, title_row[i]) row = len(data) style1 = easyxf(num_format_str='YY/MM/DD') for i in range(row): lis = data[i] col = len(lis) for j in range(col): if j == 3: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j], style1) else: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j]) sio = StringIO.StringIO() response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(), content_type='application/') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=优惠券待审核记录.xls' response.write(sio.getvalue()) return response
def export_coupon_excel(request): user = request.user item_list = UserEvent.objects startTime = request.GET.get("startTime", None) endTime = request.GET.get("endTime", None) startTime2 = request.GET.get("startTime2", None) endTime2 = request.GET.get("endTime2", None) state = request.GET.get("state",'1') projecttype = request.GET.get("projecttype",'0') if startTime and endTime: s = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') e = datetime.datetime.strptime(endTime,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') item_list = item_list.filter(time__range=(s,e)) if startTime2 and endTime2: s = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime2,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') e = datetime.datetime.strptime(endTime2,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') item_list = item_list.filter(audit_time__range=(s,e)) username = request.GET.get("username", None) if username: item_list = item_list.filter(user__username=username) mobile = request.GET.get("mobile", None) if mobile: item_list = item_list.filter(user__mobile=mobile) mobile_sub = request.GET.get("mobile_sub", None) if mobile_sub: item_list = item_list.filter(invest_account=mobile_sub) companyname = request.GET.get("companyname", None) if companyname: item_list = item_list.filter(coupon__project__provider__contains=companyname) projectname = request.GET.get("projectname", None) if projectname: item_list = item_list.filter(coupon__project__title__contains=projectname) adminname = request.GET.get("adminname", None) if adminname: item_list = item_list.filter(audited_logs__user__username=adminname) if projecttype=='1': item_list = item_list.filter(coupon__project__ctype = '0') if projecttype=='2': item_list = item_list.filter(coupon__project__ctype = '1') item_list = item_list.filter(event_type='4', audit_state=state).select_related('user').order_by('time') data = [] for con in item_list: coupon = con.content_object id=str( user_type = u"普通用户" if not con.user.is_channel else u"渠道:"+ user_mobile = if not con.user.is_channel else time_sub=con.time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") title=coupon.project.title zhifubao=con.user.zhifubao mobile_sub=con.invest_account term=con.invest_term invest_amount= con.invest_amount remark= con.remark result = '' return_amount = '' reason = '' if con.audit_state=='0': result = u'是' if con.translist.exists(): return_amount = str(con.translist.first().transAmount/100.0) elif con.audit_state=='2': result = u'否' if con.audited_logs.exists(): reason = con.audited_logs.first().reason data.append([id,user_type,user_mobile, time_sub,title, zhifubao,mobile_sub, term,invest_amount, remark, result, return_amount, reason]) w = Workbook() #创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet(u'待审核记录') #创建一个工作表 title_row = [u'记录ID',u'用户类型',u'挖福利账号',u'提交时间',u'项目名称',u'支付宝', u'注册手机号' ,u'投资期限' ,u'投资金额', u'备注', u'审核结果(0通过,1待审核,2拒绝)',u'返现金额',u'拒绝原因'] for i in range(len(title_row)): ws.write(0,i,title_row[i]) row = len(data) style1 = easyxf(num_format_str='YY/MM/DD') for i in range(row): lis = data[i] col = len(lis) for j in range(col): if j==3: ws.write(i+1,j,lis[j],style1) else: ws.write(i+1,j,lis[j]) sio = StringIO.StringIO() response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(), content_type='application/') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=优惠券待审核记录.xls' response.write(sio.getvalue()) return response
from xlwt.Style import easyxf __author__ = 'thacdu' FIRST_COL = 6000 SECOND_COL = 10000 h1 = easyxf( 'font:name Arial, bold on,height 1000 ;align: vert centre, horz center') h2 = easyxf( 'font:name Arial, bold on,height 1000 ;align: vert centre, horz center') h3 = easyxf( 'font:name Arial, bold on,height 400 ;align: vert centre, horz center') h4 = easyxf( 'font :name Arial, bold on,height 260 ;align:wrap on, vert centre, horz center;' 'borders : top thin ,right thin, left thin, bottom thin') h5 = easyxf( 'font:name Arial, bold on,height 240 ;align: wrap on, vert centre, horz center;' 'borders : top thin ,right thin, left thin, bottom thin;' 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour light_green;') f1 = easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 220; align: wrap on, vert centre, horz center;' ) f2 = easyxf( 'font :name Arial ,height 220 ;align:wrap on, vert centre, horz center;' 'borders : top thin ,right thin, left thin, bottom thin')
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--reportdir', default='reports', metavar='D', help='directory containing report files') parser.add_argument('--partfile', default=None, metavar='F', help='csv file containing program participant report') parser.add_argument('--merchfile', default=None, metavar='F', help='csv file containing merchandise orders report') parser.add_argument('--reffile', default=None, metavar='F', help='file to use as reference for last run') parser.add_argument('--refdt', default=None, metavar='T', help='datetime to use as reference for last run') parser.add_argument('--notouch', action='store_true', help='do not touch the reference file') parser.add_argument('--basename', default='-', metavar='N', help='basename of output file (- = stdout)') parser.add_argument('--asxls', action='store_true', help='output excel data') parser.add_argument('--email', action='store_true', help='print a list of email addresses') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='print verbose messages') args = parser.parse_args() reportdir = args.reportdir if not os.path.isdir(reportdir): reportdir = os.path.join(clinicdir, args.reportdir) if not os.path.isdir(reportdir): raise RuntimeError('cannot locate reports directory!') if args.verbose: print('[reports found in directory {} (realpath={})]'.format( reportdir, os.path.realpath(reportdir)), file=sys.stderr) partfile = args.partfile if partfile is None: partfile, _ = latest_report('program_participant', reportdir, verbose=args.verbose) if partfile is None: raise RuntimeError('cannot locate program participant file!') if args.verbose: print('[program participant report file = {} (realpath={})]'.format( partfile, os.path.realpath(partfile)), file=sys.stderr) merchfile = args.merchfile if merchfile is None: merchfile, _ = latest_report( 'merchandiseorders', reportdir, r'^merchandiseorders_(\d{8})\.csv$', lambda m: datetime.strptime(, '%Y%m%d'), args.verbose) if merchfile is None: raise RuntimeError('cannot locate merchandise order file!') if args.verbose: print('[merchandise orders report file = {} (realpath={})]'.format( merchfile, os.path.realpath(merchfile)), file=sys.stderr) reffile = args.reffile if reffile is None: reffile = '.reffile' if not os.path.exists(reffile): reffile = os.path.join(clinicdir, reffile) if args.verbose: print('[reference file = {} (realpath={})]'.format( reffile, os.path.realpath(reffile)), file=sys.stderr) if args.refdt is not None: refdt = dateutil_parse(args.refdt, dayfirst=True, fuzzy=True) else: if os.path.exists(reffile): refdt = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(reffile).st_mtime) else: refdt = None if args.verbose: if refdt is not None: print('[reference datetime = {}]'.format(refdt), file=sys.stderr) else: print('[No reference datetime available!]', file=sys.stderr) config = load_config(prefix=clinicdir) with open(partfile, 'r', newline='') as infile: reader = DictReader(infile) orecs = {} for inrec in reader: if inrec['role'] != 'Player' or inrec['status'] != 'Active': if args.verbose: print( 'ignore Non-Player or Inactive rec: {}'.format(inrec), file=sys.stderr) continue school_term = inrec['season'] if school_term != config['label']: raise RuntimeError('School Term mismatch! ({}!={})'.format( school_term, config['label'])) name = inrec['first name'] + ' ' + inrec['last name'] date_of_birth = to_date(inrec['date of birth'], '%d/%m/%Y') email = inrec['email'] if not email: email = inrec['parent/guardian1 email'] phone = inrec['mobile number'] if not phone: phone = inrec['parent/guardian1 mobile number'] parent = inrec['parent/guardian1 first name'] + ' ' + \ inrec['parent/guardian1 last name'] regodt = to_datetime(inrec['registration date'], '%d/%m/%Y') if refdt is not None and refdt < regodt: new = '*' else: new = '' orecs[name] = dict( new=new, name=name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, parent=parent, email=email, phone=make_phone(phone), prepaid=[], paid=' ', ) if len(orecs) == 0: print('No CSV records in "{}"'.format(partfile), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(0) with open(merchfile, 'r', newline='') as infile: reader = DictReader(infile) inrecs = [] for inrec in reader: orderdt = to_datetime(inrec['Order Date'], '%d/%m/%Y') name = inrec['First Name'] + ' ' + inrec['Last Name'] quantity = int(inrec['Quantity']) sku = inrec['Merchandise SKU'] inrecs.append((orderdt, name, quantity, sku)) for data in sorted(inrecs, key=lambda t: t[0]): orderdt, name, quantity, sku = data if name not in orecs: print('unknown participant {}!'.format(name), file=sys.stderr) continue if sku == 'FULLTERM': if quantity != 1: raise RuntimeError( 'quantity for FULLTERM is not 1 ({:d})'.format( quantity)) quantity = len(config['dates']) orecs[name]['paid'] = 'Full' elif sku != 'SINGLE': raise RuntimeError('Unknown SKU {}!'.format(sku)) if refdt is not None and refdt < orderdt: val = 'new' else: val = 'old' for _ in range(quantity): orecs[name]['prepaid'].append(val) if emails = set() # using a set() will remove duplicates for outrec in orecs.values(): emails.add(outrec['email'].strip().lower()) for email in sorted(emails): print(email, file=sys.stderr) if args.asxls: from xlwt import Workbook from xlwt.Style import easyxf headings = [ '#', 'Paid', 'Parent/Guardian Contact Details', 'DoB/Mobile', 'Name', ] headings.extend(config['dates']) styles = { 'heading': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, bold on; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'normal': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal left; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'centred': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'right': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal right; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'currency': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal right; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='$#,##0.00', ), 'date': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD', ), 'datetime': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM', ), 'normal_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, colour red; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal left; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'centred_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, colour red; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'right_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, colour red; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal right; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'currency_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, colour red; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal right; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='$#,##0.00', ), 'date_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, colour red; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD', ), 'datetime_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, colour red; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM', ), } # Paid Parent/Guardian Contact Details Mobile Name col1styles = { 'parent': 'normal', 'date_of_birth': 'date', 'name': 'normal', } col2styles = { 'email': 'normal', 'phone': 'centred', } book = Workbook() sheet = book.add_sheet(config['label']) r = 0 for c, v in enumerate(headings): sheet.write(r, c, ensure_str(v), styles['heading']) sheet.set_panes_frozen(True) sheet.set_horz_split_pos(1) sheet.set_remove_splits(True) ndates = len(config['dates']) pnum = 0 for outrec in sorted(orecs.values(), key=lambda d: d['name'].lower()): pnum += 1 r += 1 if outrec['new'] == '*': normal_style = styles['normal_highlighted'] centred_style = styles['centred_highlighted'] right_style = styles['right_highlighted'] ssuf = '_highlighted' else: normal_style = styles['normal'] centred_style = styles['centred'] right_style = styles['right'] ssuf = '' sheet.write(r, 0, str(pnum), right_style) sheet.write(r, 1, outrec['paid'], centred_style) for c, (k, s) in enumerate(col1styles.items()): v = outrec[k] s = col1styles[k] sheet.write(r, 2 + c, v, styles[s + ssuf]) i = 0 for v in outrec['prepaid']: if v == 'old': ppstyle = styles['centred'] else: ppstyle = styles['centred_highlighted'] sheet.write(r, 2 + c + 1 + i, 'PP', ppstyle) i += 1 while i < ndates - 1: sheet.write(r, 2 + c + 2 + i, ' ', centred_style) i += 1 r += 1 sheet.write(r, 0, ' ', normal_style) sheet.write(r, 1, ' ', normal_style) for c, (k, s) in enumerate(col2styles.items()): v = outrec[k] s = col2styles[k] sheet.write(r, 2 + c, v, styles[s + ssuf]) c += 1 sheet.write(r, 2 + c, ' ', normal_style) c += 1 for i in range(len(config['dates'])): sheet.write(r, 2 + c + i, ' ', normal_style) if not args.notouch: Path(reffile).touch() return 0
def export_account_bill_excel(request): user = request.user item_list = [] item_list = AccountBill.objects.all() name = request.GET.get("name", None) if name: item_list = item_list.filter(account__name=name) account = request.GET.get("account", None) if account: item_list = item_list.filter(account_id=account) account_type = request.GET.get("account_type", None) if account_type: item_list = item_list.filter(account__type=account_type) type = request.GET.get("type", None) if type: item_list = item_list.filter(type=type) subtype = request.GET.get("subtype", None) if subtype: item_list = item_list.filter(subtype=subtype) target = request.GET.get("target", None) if target: item_list = item_list.filter(target__contains=target) timeft_0 = request.GET.get("timeft_0", None) timeft_1 = request.GET.get("timeft_1", None) if timeft_0 and timeft_1: s = datetime.datetime.strptime(timeft_0, '%Y-%m-%d') e = datetime.datetime.strptime(timeft_1, '%Y-%m-%d') e += timedelta(days=1) item_list = item_list.filter(time__range=(s, e)) data = [] for con in item_list: time = con.time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") account_id = con.account_id account_type = con.account.get_type_display() account_name = bill_type = con.get_type_display() subtype = con.get_subtype_display() target = amount = con.amount balance = con.account.balance remark = con.remark data.append([ time, account_id, account_type, account_name, bill_type, subtype, target, amount, balance, remark ]) w = Workbook() #创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet(u'账目明细') #创建一个工作表 title_row = [ u'账单时间', u'账户ID', u'账户类型', u'账户名称', u'账单类型', u'收/支类型', u'交易对象', u'交易金额', u'账户余额', u'备注' ] for i in range(len(title_row)): ws.write(0, i, title_row[i]) row = len(data) style1 = easyxf(num_format_str='YY/MM/DD HH:mm') for i in range(row): lis = data[i] col = len(lis) for j in range(col): if j == 0: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j], style1) else: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j]) sio = StringIO.StringIO() response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(), content_type='application/') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=导出表格.xls' response.write(sio.getvalue()) return response
def export_investdata_excel(request): user = request.user item_list = ProjectInvestData.objects is_futou = request.GET.get("is_futou", None) if is_futou == "true": item_list = item_list.filter(is_futou=True) elif is_futou == "false": item_list = item_list.filter(is_futou=False) state = request.GET.get("state", None) if state: item_list = item_list.filter(state=state) source = request.GET.get("source", None) if source: item_list = item_list.filter(source=source) invest_mobile = request.GET.get("invest_mobile", None) if invest_mobile: item_list = item_list.filter(invest_mobile=invest_mobile) name__contains = request.GET.get("name__contains", None) if name__contains: item_list = item_list.filter(project__name__contains=name__contains) project = request.GET.get("project_id", None) if project: item_list = item_list.filter(project_id=project) investtime_0 = request.GET.get("investtime_0", None) investtime_1 = request.GET.get("investtime_1", None) audittime_0 = request.GET.get("audittime_0", None) audittime_1 = request.GET.get("audittime_1", None) if investtime_0 and investtime_1: s = datetime.datetime.strptime(investtime_0, '%Y-%m-%d') e = datetime.datetime.strptime(investtime_1, '%Y-%m-%d') item_list = item_list.filter(invest_time__range=(s, e)) if audittime_0 and audittime_1: s = datetime.datetime.strptime(audittime_0, '%Y-%m-%d') e = datetime.datetime.strptime(audittime_1, '%Y-%m-%d') item_list = item_list.filter(audit_time__range=(s, e)) item_list = item_list.select_related('project').order_by('invest_time') data = [] for con in item_list: project = con.project id = project_id = project_name = if con.is_futou: is_futou = u"复投" else: is_futou = u"首投" invest_time = con.invest_time invest_mobile = con.invest_mobile invest_amount = con.invest_amount invest_term = con.invest_term settle_amount = con.settle_amount return_amount = '' result = '' if con.state == '0': result = u'是' return_amount = con.return_amount elif con.state == '2': result = u'否' source = con.get_source_display() remark = con.remark data.append([ id, project_id, project_name, is_futou, invest_time, invest_mobile, invest_amount, invest_term, settle_amount, result, return_amount, source, remark ]) w = Workbook() #创建一个工作簿 ws = w.add_sheet(u'待审核记录') #创建一个工作表 title_row = [ u'记录ID', u'项目编号', u'项目名称', u'首投/复投', u'投资日期', u'提交手机号', u'投资金额', u'投资标期', u'预估消耗', u'审核状态', u'返现金额', u'投资来源', u'备注' ] for i in range(len(title_row)): ws.write(0, i, title_row[i]) row = len(data) style1 = easyxf(num_format_str='YY/MM/DD') for i in range(row): lis = data[i] col = len(lis) for j in range(col): if j == 4: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j], style1) else: ws.write(i + 1, j, lis[j]) sio = StringIO.StringIO() response = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(), content_type='application/') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=导出表格.xls' response.write(sio.getvalue()) return response
def main(): description = [] mainLith = True os.chdir(r"C:\Projects\temp") filename = r"M:\DATA FILES\PROPERTIES\ANOKI\Temp\Historic Anoki McBean Logs - Master Database - Surpac Database\57325-0.IN" while not filename: filename = raw_input("LogII file name (.in) : ") #create new ms excel workbook and populate with worksheets try: xls = xlwt.Workbook() sheets = [xls.add_sheet(ws, cell_overwrite_ok=True) for ws in ['Index','Coords','Survey','Assay','Lithology','Sublithology']] # write index headers sheets[0].write(0,0,'Project') sheets[0].write(0,1,'HoleID') # write collar headers for i in enumerate(['Project','HoleID','Northing','Easting','Elevation','Length','Contractor','Core Size','Start Date','End Date','Author','Location']): sheets[1].write(0,i[0],i[1]) # write survey headers for i in enumerate(['Project','HoleID','Depth','Azimuth','Dip']): sheets[2].write(0,i[0],i[1]) # write assay headers for i in enumerate(['Project','HoleID','SampleID','From','To','Pyrite','AU','AU1','AU2','Comments']): sheets[3].write(0,i[0],i[1]) # write lithology headers for i in enumerate(['Project','HoleID','From','To','Code','Description']): sheets[4].write(0,i[0],i[1]) sheets[5].write(0,i[0],i[1]) except: print "Could not create Excel workbook" # parse datafile and write data to worksheets with open(filename,'rb') as logIIfile: while True: firstline = logIIfile.readline() if firstline[0] == '1' or firstline[0] == '0': processFirst(firstline) break for l in logIIfile.readlines(): if l[0] == "1": processHeader(l[1:].strip()) elif l[0] == "2": data = processSurveys(l[1:].strip()) r2 = sheets[2].last_used_row + 1 sheets[2].write(r2,0,project) sheets[2].write(r2,1,holeID or None) sheets[2].write(r2,2,data[0]) sheets[2].write(r2,3,data[1]) sheets[2].write(r2,4,data[2]) elif l[0] == "3": data = processAssays(l[1:].strip()) r3 = sheets[3].last_used_row + 1 sheets[3].write(r3,0,project) sheets[3].write(r3,1,holeID) for var in enumerate(data): if not var[1].isalpha() and var[1][0].isdigit(): var = (var[0],float(var[1])) sheets[3].write(r3,var[0]+2,var[1]) elif l[0] == "4": sheets[4].flush_row_data() sheets[5].flush_row_data() mainLith = True data = processDesc(l) row = sheets[4].last_used_row + 1 sheets[4].write(row,0,project) sheets[4].write(row,1,holeID) for item in enumerate(data): sheets[4].write(row,item[0]+2,item[1]) description = [] elif l[0] == "5" and l.find("\"\"") == -1: if [x for x in list(l[2:]) if x <> " "][0].isdigit(): mainLith = False row = sheets[5].last_used_row + 1 data = processSubDesc(l) description = [] sheets[5].write(row,0,project) sheets[5].write(row,1,holeID) for item in enumerate(data[:3]): sheets[5].write(row,item[0]+2,item[1]) if len(data) > 3: description.append(data[3]) else: description.append(processDesc(l)) sheets[4 if mainLith else 5].write(row, 5, " ".join(description)) # write index and collar data to worksheets r = sheets[0].last_used_row + 1 sheets[0].write(r,0,project) sheets[0].write(r,1,holeID) r1 = sheets[1].last_used_row + 1 sheets[1].write(r1,0,project) sheets[1].write(r1,1,holeID) sheets[1].write(r1,2,Easting) sheets[1].write(r1,3,Northing) sheets[1].write(r1,4,Elevation) sheets[1].write(r1,5,Length) sheets[1].write(r1,6,drill) sheets[1].write(r1,7,coresize) sheets[1].write(r1,8,drillStart,easyxf(num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD')) sheets[1].write(r1,9,drillEnd,easyxf(num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD')) sheets[1].write(r1,10,geo) sheets[1].write(r1,11,location) # save file and end + ".xls")
class SignatureHandler(AbstractResultHandler): """Failures signatures result handler. Matches the tests' exceptions with a given pattern, and reports it to the user. """ NAME = 'signature' LINK = 'Link' TEST = 'Test' PATTERN = 'Pattern' ISSUE_NAME = 'Issue name' HEADERS = (TEST, ISSUE_NAME, LINK, PATTERN) BLACK_COLOR = "black" WHITE_COLOR = "white" DEFAULT_COLOR = WHITE_COLOR CHAR_LENGTH = 256 # Character length is in units of 1/256 COL_WIDTH = CHAR_LENGTH * 30 ROW_HEIGHT = 20 * 13 # 13pt FONT_COLOR = "font:colour %s;" HEIGHT_STYLE = 'font:height %s, bold on;' % ROW_HEIGHT COLOR_PATTERN = 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour %s;' THIN_CELL_BORDERS = ('borders: left thin, right thin, ' 'top thin, bottom thin;') THICK_CELL_BORDERS = ('borders: left thick, right thick, ' 'top thick, bottom thick;') CELL_STYLE = COLOR_PATTERN + THIN_CELL_BORDERS + FONT_COLOR BOLDED_CELL_STYLE = easyxf(THICK_CELL_BORDERS + HEIGHT_STYLE) DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE = easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (DEFAULT_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR)) EXCEL_FILE_ENCODING = "utf-8" EXCEL_SHEET_NAME = "MatchingSignatures" EXCEL_WORKBOOK_NAME = "signatures.xls" def __init__(self, main_test=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the result handler. Note: Loads the signatures from the DB. Args: main_test (object): the main test instance. """ super(SignatureHandler, self).__init__(main_test, *args, **kwargs) self.row_number = 0 self.signatures = SignatureData.objects.all() self.output_file_path = os.path.join(self.main_test.work_dir, self.EXCEL_WORKBOOK_NAME) self.workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=self.EXCEL_FILE_ENCODING) self.sheet = self.workbook.add_sheet(self.EXCEL_SHEET_NAME, cell_overwrite_ok=True) self._prepare_excel_file() def _write_to_cell(self, header, style, content): """Write content to a specific cell. Args: header (str): header of the cell's column. style (xlwt.Style): representation of an Excel format. content (str): content to be written to the cell. """ self.sheet.row(self.row_number).write(self.HEADERS.index(header), content, style) def _write_headers(self): """Write the column headers.""" for header in self.HEADERS: self._write_to_cell(header, self.BOLDED_CELL_STYLE, header) self.row_number += 1 def _align_columns(self): """Align the columns width.""" for header in self.HEADERS: self.sheet.col(self.HEADERS.index(header)).width = self.COL_WIDTH def _prepare_excel_file(self): """Prepare the excel file before writing any data to it.""" self._write_headers() self._align_columns() def _match_signatures(self, exception_str): """Return the name of the matched signature. Args: exception_str (str): exception traceback string. Returns: SignatureData. the signature of the given exception. """ for signature in self.signatures: signature_reg = re.compile(signature.pattern, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) if signature_reg.match(exception_str): return signature def _register_result_of_known_issues(self, test, exception_str): """Register the name of the matched signature. Args: test (object): test item instance. exception_str (str): exception traceback string. """ signature_match = self._match_signatures(exception_str) if signature_match is not None: # Inserting test name self._write_to_cell(header=self.TEST,, style=self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE) # Inserting signature/issue name self._write_to_cell(header=self.ISSUE_NAME,, style=self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE) # Inserting link self._write_to_cell(header=self.LINK,, style=self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE) # Inserting pattern self._write_to_cell(header=self.PATTERN, content=signature_match.pattern, style=self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE) self.row_number += 1 def add_error(self, test, exception_str): """Check if the test error matches any known issues. Args: test (object): test item instance. exception_str (str): exception traceback string. """ self._register_result_of_known_issues(test, exception_str) def add_failure(self, test, exception_str): """Check if the test failure matches any known issues. Args: test (object): test item instance. exception_str (str): exception traceback string. """ self._register_result_of_known_issues(test, exception_str)
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--csvfile', default=None, metavar='F', help='csv file containing trybooking report') parser.add_argument('--reffile', default=None, metavar='F', help='file to use as reference for last run') parser.add_argument('--refdt', default=None, metavar='D', help='datetime to use as reference for last run') parser.add_argument('--basename', default='-', metavar='S', help='basename of output file (- = stdout)') parser.add_argument('--ascsv', action='store_true', help='output csv data (no highlighting)') parser.add_argument('--ashtml', action='store_true', help='output html data') parser.add_argument('--asxls', action='store_true', help='output excel data') parser.add_argument('--email', action='store_true', help='print a list of email addresses') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='print verbose messages') args = parser.parse_args() if args.csvfile is not None: csvfile = args.csvfile reffile = args.reference else: def repkey(e): _, m = e dstr, suff = m.groups() dt = datetime.strptime(dstr, '%d%m%Y') if suff is not None: dt += datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(suff[1:])) return dt rlist = sorted( get_reports(None, clinicdir, r'^(\d{8})(-\d)?.csv$', args.verbose), key=repkey, ) try: csvfile = os.path.join(clinicdir, rlist.pop()[0]) except IndexError: raise RuntimeError('No Trybooking reports found!') try: reffile = os.path.join(clinicdir, rlist.pop()[0]) except IndexError: reffile = None if args.verbose: print('[trybooking report file: {}]'.format(csvfile), file=sys.stderr) if reffile is not None: print('[reference datetime file: {}]'.format(reffile), file=sys.stderr) if args.refdt is not None: refdt = dateutil_parse(args.refdt, dayfirst=True, fuzzy=True) elif reffile is not None: refdt = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(reffile).st_mtime) else: refdt = None if refdt is not None and args.verbose: print('[reference datetime: {}]'.format(refdt), file=sys.stderr) config = load_config(prefix=clinicdir) with open(csvfile, 'r', newline='') as infile: _ = reader = DictReader(infile) orecs = [] for inrec in reader: if to_bool(inrec['Void']): if args.verbose: print('ignore VOID record: {}'.format(inrec), file=sys.stderr) continue school_term = inrec['Ticket Data: School Term'] if school_term != config['label']: raise RuntimeError('School Term mismatch! ({}!={})'.format( school_term, clinicterm)) name = inrec['Ticket Data: Player\'s First Name'] + ' ' + \ inrec['Ticket Data: Player\'s Surname'] date_of_birth = to_date( inrec['Ticket Data: Player\'s Date-of-Birth'], '%Y-%m-%d') paid = float(inrec['Net Booking']) medical = inrec[ 'Ticket Data: Special Requirements/Medical Conditions'].strip( ) isparent = to_bool( inrec['Ticket Data: Is Purchaser the child\'s Parent/Guardian'] ) if isparent: parent_data = booking_data(inrec) else: parent_data = ticket_data(inrec) if not any(parent_data): # they answered No to isparent, but did not fill in # parent ticket data - use the booking data instead ... parent_data = booking_data(inrec) print('empty ticket data - using booking data ({})'.format( parent_data), file=sys.stderr) parent, address, phone, email = parent_data # "27Apr21","1:58:48 PM" dbdt = to_datetime(inrec['Date Booked (UTC+10)'], '%d%b%y') tbt = to_time(inrec['Time Booked'], '%I:%M:%S %p') booked = dbdt + timedelta( hours=tbt.hour, minutes=tbt.minute, seconds=tbt.second) if refdt is None or refdt < booked: new = '*' else: new = '' orecs.append( OrderedDict( new=new, paid=paid, name=name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, parent=parent, email=email, phone=make_phone(phone), address=address.title().replace('\n', ', '), medical=medical, booked=booked, )) if emails = set() for outrec in orecs: emails.add(outrec['email'].strip().lower()) for email in sorted(emails): print(email) if len(orecs) == 0: print('No CSV records in "{}"'.format(csvfile)) sys.exit(0) if args.ascsv: from csv import DictWriter with TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, newline='') as outfile: writer = DictWriter(outfile, fieldnames=orecs[0].keys()) writer.writeheader() for outrec in orecs: writer.writerow(outrec) if args.ashtml: raise NotImplementedError('html output not implemented!') if args.asxls: from xlwt import Workbook from xlwt.Style import easyxf styles = { 'heading': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280, bold on; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'normal': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal left; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'centred': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'currency': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal right; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='$#,##0.00', ), 'date': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD', ), 'datetime': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM', ), 'normal_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'pattern: pattern solid, back_colour light_yellow; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal left; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'centred_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'pattern: pattern solid, back_colour light_yellow; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='@', ), 'currency_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'pattern: pattern solid, back_colour light_yellow; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal right; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='$#,##0.00', ), 'date_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'pattern: pattern solid, back_colour light_yellow; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD', ), 'datetime_highlighted': easyxf( 'font: name Arial, height 280; ' 'pattern: pattern solid, back_colour light_yellow; ' 'align: wrap off, vertical centre, horizontal centre; ' 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin', num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM', ), } colstyles = { 'new': 'centred', 'paid': 'currency', 'name': 'normal', 'date_of_birth': 'date', 'parent': 'normal', 'email': 'normal', 'phone': 'centred', 'address': 'normal', 'medical': 'normal', 'booked': 'datetime', } book = Workbook() sheet = book.add_sheet(config['label']) r = 0 for c, v in enumerate(orecs[0].keys()): sheet.write(r, c, ensure_str(v), styles['heading']) sheet.set_panes_frozen(True) sheet.set_horz_split_pos(1) sheet.set_remove_splits(True) for outrec in orecs: r += 1 is_new = outrec['new'] == '*' for c, (k, v) in enumerate(outrec.items()): if k == 'address': v = v.replace('\n', ', ') s = colstyles[k] if is_new: s += '_highlighted' sheet.write(r, c, v, styles[s]) return 0
def fill_excel_template_porcii(template_filename, tel, res): w = prepare_excel_template(template_filename, tel) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/') filename = tel.get('FILENAME','report') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename + '.xls' maxr = tel['max_row'] top_row = maxr maxr += 1 wtsheet = w.get_sheet(0) pieces = set() pieces_indexes = dict() di_pi = dict() wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row+1, 0,0,"Продукты\nБлюда", easyxf('align: wrap on, horiz center, vert center; border: top thick, left thick, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row+1, 1,1,"Кол-во", easyxf('align: wrap on, horiz center, vert center, rota 90; border: top thick, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row+1, 2,2,"Выход", easyxf('align: wrap on, horiz center, vert center, rota 90; border: top thick, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row, 3,3,"", easyxf('align: wrap on, horiz center, vert center; border: top thick, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(top_row+1,top_row+1, 3,3,"", easyxf('align: wrap on, horiz center, vert center; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) for id,qty,di in res: for itempiece in di.item.itempiece_set.all(): if not itempiece.piece in pieces: pieces.add(itempiece.piece) pieces_indexes[itempiece.piece]=(len(pieces),0) wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row, 2+2*len(pieces)-1,2+2*len(pieces),, easyxf('align: wrap on, horiz center, vert center; border: top thick, left thick, bottom thin, right thick')) wtsheet.write_merge(top_row+1,top_row+1,2+2*len(pieces)-1,2+2*len(pieces)-1, 'норма', easyxf('align: wrap on; alignment:rota 90; border: top thin, left thick, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(top_row+1,top_row+1,2+2*len(pieces),2+2*len(pieces), 'кол-во', easyxf('align: wrap on; alignment:rota 90; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thick')) col = wtsheet.col(1+2*len(pieces)) col.width = 850 col = wtsheet.col(2+2*len(pieces)) col.width = 850 (idx,total) = pieces_indexes[itempiece.piece] l = di_pi.get(di,dict()) l[idx] = itempiece.weight di_pi[di] = l pieces_indexes[itempiece.piece] = (idx,total+qty*itempiece.weight) simple = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thin') left = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thick, bottom thin, right thin') right = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thick') bottom = easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thick, right thin') for id,qty,di in res: maxr += 1 wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 0, 0,, easyxf('align: wrap on; border: top thin, left thick, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 1, 1, qty, easyxf('align: wrap on; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 2, 2, di.item.weight, easyxf('align: wrap on; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 3, 3, 0, easyxf('align: wrap on; border: top thin, left thin, bottom thin, right thin')) row = wtsheet.row(maxr) row.height=500 row.height_mismatch = True d = di_pi.get(di,dict()) cnt = len(pieces)+1 for i in xrange(1,cnt): weight = d.get(i,0) if weight>0: wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 1+2*i, 1+2*i, weight, left) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 2+2*i, 2+2*i, qty, right) else: wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 1+2*i, 1+2*i, "", left) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 2+2*i, 2+2*i, "", right) # for id,qty,di in res: # maxr += 1 # wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 0, 0,, easyxf('align: wrap on')) # wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 1, 1, qty, easyxf('align: wrap on')) # wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 2, 2, di.item.weight, easyxf('align: wrap on')) # for itempiece in di.item.itempiece_set.all(): # if not itempiece.piece in pieces: # pieces.add(itempiece.piece) # pieces_indexes[itempiece.piece]=(len(pieces),0) # wtsheet.write_merge(top_row,top_row, 3+2*len(pieces)-1,3+2*len(pieces),, easyxf('align: wrap on, horiz center, vert center')) # wtsheet.write_merge(top_row+1,top_row+1,3+2*len(pieces)-1,3+2*len(pieces)-1, 'норма', easyxf('align: wrap on; alignment:rota 90')) # wtsheet.write_merge(top_row+1,top_row+1,3+2*len(pieces),3+2*len(pieces), 'кол-во', easyxf('align: wrap on; alignment:rota 90')) # col = wtsheet.col(2+2*len(pieces)) # col.width = 900 # col = wtsheet.col(3+2*len(pieces)) # col.width = 900 # (idx,total) = pieces_indexes[itempiece.piece] # pieces_indexes[itempiece.piece] = (idx,total+qty*itempiece.weight) # wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 2+2*idx, 2+2*idx, itempiece.weight, easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160')) # wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 3+2*idx, 3+2*idx, qty, easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 160')) # row = wtsheet.row(maxr) # row.height=500 # row.height_mismatch = True maxr += 1 wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 0,0, 'Итого продуктов', easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 240; border: top thin, left thick, bottom thick, right thin')) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 1,1, '', bottom) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 2,2, '', bottom) wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 3,3, '', bottom) for key,value in pieces_indexes.items(): wtsheet.write_merge(maxr, maxr, 1+2*value[0], 2+2*value[0], value[1], easyxf('align: wrap on; font:name Arial, height 220; border: top thin, left thick, bottom thick, right thick')) row = wtsheet.row(top_row) row.height=1500 row.height_mismatch = True row = wtsheet.row(top_row+1) row.height=1000 row.height_mismatch = True row = wtsheet.row(maxr) row.height=400 row.height_mismatch = True return response
def v_feePending(req): ''' this function helps to see and generate excel file of fee defaulters student in tabular format ''' if i_hasPermission(tbl_systemUser.objects.get(username=req.session.get('username')),'fees','v'): errors=[] months=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','June','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'] schoolobj=tbl_school.objects.filter() if not schoolobj: errors.append("Please specify the school details in setting of configuration!") return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) mondict={1:'Jan',2:'Feb',3:'Mar',4:'Apr',5:'May',6:'June',7:'July',8:'Aug',9:'Sept',10:'Oct',11:'Nov',12:'Dec'} allMSS=tbl_MSS.objects.filter(isActive=True) if req.POST.get('exportLateFee',''):# this is used to generate report year=req.POST.get('year','') month=int(req.POST.get('month','')) listing=[] if not year: errors.append("Please enter the valid year!") return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) listing=getFeeDefaulterList(month, year) if not listing: return HttpResponse('<script>alert("No fee Defaulter at present");location.href="/pendingfee/"</script>') else: #creating excel file w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('AttendenceReport') ws.col(1).width=30*256 styletoprow=easyxf('align: vertical center, horizontal center;' 'font: name Arial;' 'border:bottom thin,right thin,top thin;' ) styletoprow1=easyxf('align: vertical center, horizontal center;' 'font: name Arial,bold true;' 'border:bottom thin,right thin,top thin;' ) ws.write_merge(0,0,0,4,"Fee Defaulters Report for "+mondict[month]+" "+str(year),styletoprow1) ws.write(1,0,'S.No',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,1,'Student Name',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,2,'Medium',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,3,'Standard',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,4,'Section',styletoprow1) row=2 for data in listing: ws.write(row,0,row-1,styletoprow) ws.write(row,1,data.getName(),styletoprow) ws.write(row,2,,styletoprow) ws.write(row,3,,styletoprow) ws.write(row,4,,styletoprow) row=row+1'feedefaulterreport.xls') myfile=open(MEDIA_ROOT+'feedefaulterreport.xls',"r") response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(myfile), content_type='text/csv') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=feedefaulterReport.xls' return response if req.POST.get('viewLateFee',''): ''' this is to view the fee defaulter listing ''' listing=[] month=int(req.POST.get('month','')) getst=int(req.POST.get('getmss','')) showtables=True if month!=-1: if getst!=-1: mssobj=tbl_MSS.objects.get(id=getst) getstudent=tbl_student.objects.filter(standard=mssobj.standard,section=mssobj.section) for data in getstudent: rows=tbl_feePayment.objects.filter(month=month,studid=data,session1=schoolobj[0].getSession()) if not rows: listing.append(data) listing=set(listing) return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) else: getclass=tbl_MSS.objects.filter(isActive=True) for gc in getclass: getstudent=tbl_student.objects.filter(standard=gc.standard,section=gc.section) for data in getstudent: rows=tbl_feePayment.objects.filter(month=month,studid=data,session1=schoolobj[0].getSession()) if not rows: listing.append(data) listing=set(listing) return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) else: if getst==-1: getclass=tbl_MSS.objects.filter(isActive=True) for gc in getclass: getstudent=tbl_student.objects.filter(standard=gc.standard,section=gc.section) i=1 for mon in months: for data in getstudent: rows=tbl_feePayment.objects.filter(month=i,studid=data,session1=schoolobj[0].getSession()) if not rows: listing.append(data) i=i+1 listing=set(listing) return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) else: gc=tbl_MSS.objects.get(id=getst) getstudent=tbl_student.objects.filter(standard=gc.standard,section=gc.section) i=1 for mon in months: for data in getstudent: rows=tbl_feePayment.objects.filter(month=i,studid=data,session1=schoolobj[0].getSession()) if not rows: listing.append(data) i=i+1 listing=set(listing) return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) '''listing=[] if not year: errors.append("Please enter the valid year!") return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) showtables=True listing=getFeeDefaulterList(month,year)''' return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) return render_to_response('latefeePayment.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req))
def create(self, params, filename=None): """ IN params <dict> filename <str> (opcional) OUT El XML del informe <str> """ util = self.Util() self.tmpl.globals['util'] = util self.tmpl.globals['xlrd'] = xlrd informe_xml = self.tmpl.render(**params).encode('utf-8') root = etree.fromstring(informe_xml) wb = Workbook() estilos = {} xfs0 = XFStyle() n_sheet = 0 for sheet in root.iter('sheet'): n_sheet += 1 cols_width = None # title title = sheet.attrib.get('title', 'Sheet-%d' % n_sheet) # auto-width sheet_width = sheet.attrib.get('width') cols_width = {} ws = wb.add_sheet(title, True) util.init_count() for item in sheet: # style if item.tag == 'style': estilos[item.attrib['name']] = easyxf(';'.join(self.calcular_estilo(item))) # image if item.tag == 'image': bm_path = item.find('path').text col = int(item.attrib.get('col', 0)) scale_x = float(item.attrib.get('scale_x', '1')) scale_y = float(item.attrib.get('scale_y', '1')) ws.insert_bitmap(bm_path, util.current_line(), col, scale_x=scale_x, scale_y=scale_y) # cell if item.tag == 'cell': col = int(item.attrib['col']) num_format = None # width width = item.attrib.get('width', sheet_width) if width is not None: if not cols_width.get(col): cols_width[col] = dict(auto=width == 'auto', width=int(width) if width != 'auto' else 0) # value value = item.find('value') dato = value.text # type: aplicar una conversión (str, int, float, ...) type_ = item.attrib.get('type') if type_: tipo = type_.split(';') # date if tipo[0] == 'date': try: dato = strtodate(dato, fmt='%Y-%m-%d') except: dato = None # time elif tipo[0] == 'time': try: dato = strtotime(dato) except: dato = None # formula elif tipo[0] == 'formula': dato = Formula(dato) # resto de tipos else: if dato != '': try: f = lambda t,v: t(v) dato = f(eval(tipo[0]), dato) except: dato = None # date;dd/mm/yyyy # date;dd/mmm/yyyy # date;NN D MMMM YYYY # time;hh:mm # float;#,##0.00 # float;+#,##0.00 # float;#,##0.00;[RED]-#,##0.00 if len(tipo) > 1: num_format = ';'.join(tipo[1:]) #print dato, tipo, num_format # style: aplicar un estilo estilo = item.find('style') xfs = xfs0 if estilo != None: if not estilos.has_key(estilo.attrib['name']): xfs = easyxf(';'.join(self.calcular_estilo(estilo))) estilos[estilo.attrib['name']] = xfs else: xfs = estilos[estilo.attrib['name']] xfs.num_format_str = 'General' if num_format: if not xfs: xfs = XFStyle() xfs.num_format_str = num_format # merge if item.attrib.has_key('merge') and item.attrib['merge']: try: _merge ='(\d+)\s+(\d+)', item.attrib['merge'], re.U) if _merge: hg = int( wd = int( _current_line = util.current_line() ws.write_merge(_current_line, _current_line + hg - 1, col, col + wd -1, dato, xfs) else: raise Exception(u'merge: Invalid format') except Exception: ws.write(util.current_line(), col, dato, xfs) else: ws.write(util.current_line(), col, dato, xfs) # width colw = cols_width.get(col, None) if colw is not None: if colw['auto']: try: width_ = len(str(dato)) except: width_ = len(unicode(dato)) if width_ > colw['width']: cols_width[col]['width'] = width_ elif item.tag == 'line_feed': n = int(item.attrib.get('n', 1)) util.line_feed(n) elif item.tag == 'bookmark': util.add_bookmark(item.attrib['name']) # width if cols_width is not None: for col, colw in cols_width.iteritems(): if colw['width'] < 10: colw['width'] = colw['width'] + 2 ws.col(col).width = colw['width']*256 if filename: return informe_xml
def create(self, params, filename=None): """ IN params <dict> filename <str> (opcional) OUT El XML del informe <str> """ util = self.Util() self.tmpl.globals['util'] = util self.tmpl.globals['xlrd'] = xlrd informe_xml = self.tmpl.render(**params).encode('utf-8') # f = file('/home/leon/informe.xml', 'wb') # f.write(informe_xml) # f.close() root = etree.fromstring(informe_xml) wb = Workbook() estilos = {} xfs0 = XFStyle() n_sheet = 0 for sheet in root.iter('sheet'): n_sheet += 1 # title title = 'Sheet-%d' % n_sheet if sheet.attrib.has_key('title') and sheet.attrib['title']: title = sheet.attrib['title'] ws = wb.add_sheet(title, True) util.init_count() for item in sheet: # style if item.tag == 'style': estilos[item.attrib['name']] = easyxf(';'.join(self.calcular_estilo(item))) # image if item.tag == 'image': bm_path = item.find('path').text col = int(item.attrib.get('col', 0)) scale_x = float(item.attrib.get('scale_x', '1')) scale_y = float(item.attrib.get('scale_y', '1')) ws.insert_bitmap(bm_path, util.current_line(), col, scale_x=scale_x, scale_y=scale_y) # cell if item.tag == 'cell': col = int(item.attrib['col']) num_format = None value = item.find('value') dato = value.text # type: aplicar una conversión (str, int, float, ...) if item.attrib.has_key('type') and item.attrib['type']: tipo = item.attrib['type'].split(';') # date if tipo[0] == 'date': try: dato = strtodate(dato, fmt='%Y-%m-%d') except: dato = None # time elif tipo[0] == 'time': try: dato = strtotime(dato) except: dato = None # formula elif tipo[0] == 'formula': dato = Formula(dato) # resto de tipos else: if dato: try: f = lambda t,v: t(v) dato = f(eval(tipo[0]), dato) except: dato = 'ERROR! (%s)' % dato # date;dd/mm/yyyy # date;dd/mmm/yyyy # date;NN D MMMM YYYY # time;hh:mm # float;#,##0.00 # float;+#,##0.00 # float;#,##0.00;[RED]-#,##0.00 if len(tipo) > 1: num_format = ';'.join(tipo[1:]) #print dato, tipo, num_format # style: aplicar un estilo estilo = item.find('style') xfs = xfs0 if estilo != None: if not estilos.has_key(estilo.attrib['name']): xfs = easyxf(';'.join(self.calcular_estilo(estilo))) estilos[estilo.attrib['name']] = xfs else: xfs = estilos[estilo.attrib['name']] xfs.num_format_str = 'General' if num_format: if not xfs: xfs = XFStyle() xfs.num_format_str = num_format # merge if item.attrib.has_key('merge') and item.attrib['merge']: try: _merge ='(\d+)\s+(\d+)', item.attrib['merge'], re.U) if _merge: hg = int( wd = int( _current_line = util.current_line() ws.write_merge(_current_line, _current_line + hg - 1, col, col + wd -1, dato, xfs) else: raise Exception(u'merge: Invalid format') except Exception: ws.write(util.current_line(), col, dato, xfs) else: ws.write(util.current_line(), col, dato, xfs) elif item.tag == 'line_feed': n = int(item.attrib.get('n', 1)) util.line_feed(n) elif item.tag == 'bookmark': util.add_bookmark(item.attrib['name']) if filename: return informe_xml
def v_excel_for_competitors(overall,month,curyear): if len(overall)<1: return HttpResponse("<script>alert('no records found !');location.href='/competitors/'</script>") w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Source_Subscription_Report') ws.col(1).width=25*256 ws.col(2).width=25*256 ws.col(9).width=35*256 styletoprow1=easyxf('align: vertical center, horizontal center;' 'font: name Arial,bold true;' 'border:bottom thin,right thin,top thin;' ) styletoprow=easyxf('align: vertical top, horizontal left;' 'font: name Arial;' 'border:bottom thin,right thin,top thin;' ) dadic={1:'Jan',2:'Feb',3:'Mar',4:'Apr',5:'May',6:'June',7:'July',8:'Aug',9:'Sept',10:'Oct',11:'Nov',12:'Dec'} ws.write_merge(0,0,0,9,"Competition Report"+str(dadic[month])+str(curyear),styletoprow1) ws.write(1,0,'SrNo',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,1,'Company',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,2,'Magazine',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,3,'CoverPrice',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,4,'IssueType',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,5,'Duration',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,6,'Mrp',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,7,'Issues',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,8,'SubsPrice',styletoprow1) ws.write(1,9,'Offers',styletoprow1) lowerlimit=2 x=1 row=2 for item in overall: y=0 upperlimit=lowerlimit+item[0]-1 ws.write_merge(lowerlimit,upperlimit,0,0,x,styletoprow) ws.write_merge(lowerlimit,upperlimit,1,1,item[1],styletoprow) ws.write_merge(lowerlimit,upperlimit,2,2,item[2],styletoprow) ws.write_merge(lowerlimit,upperlimit,3,3,item[3],styletoprow) ws.write_merge(lowerlimit,upperlimit,4,4,item[4],styletoprow) for data in item[5]: ws.write(row,5,item[5][y].duration,styletoprow) ws.write(row,6,item[5][y].mrp,styletoprow) ws.write(row,7,item[5][y].noofIssues,styletoprow) ws.write(row,8,item[5][y].subsPrice,styletoprow) ws.write(row,9,item[5][y].offers,styletoprow) row=row+1 y=y+1 lowerlimit=upperlimit+1 x=x+1'Competitors_Report.xls') myfile=open(MEDIA_ROOT+'Competitors_Report.xls',"r") response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(myfile), content_type='text/csv') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Competitors_Report.xls' return response '''''competitor.xls')
class ExcelHandler(AbstractResultHandler): """Excel result handler. Overrides result handler's methods to generate an Excel result file. Attributes: row_number (num): current Excel sheet row number to write to. test_to_row (dict): match between test name to the row number to which it was written. verbosity (num): whether to include traceback in the Excel report. output_file_path (str): the Excel report path. workbook (xlwt.Workbook): Excel workbook object. sheet (xlwt.Sheet): Excel sheet object. """ NAME = 'excel' SPACES = " " EXCEL_FILE_ENCODING = "utf-8" EXCEL_SHEET_NAME = "TestResults" EXCEL_WORKBOOK_NAME = "results.xls" RESULT_CHOICES = CaseData.RESULT_CHOICES BLOCK_PREFIX = "Block " IN_PROGRESS = "In Progress" DID_NOT_RUN = "Did Not Run" PASSED = "Previously Passed" ERROR = RESULT_CHOICES[TestOutcome.ERROR] FAILED = RESULT_CHOICES[TestOutcome.FAILED] SUCCESS = RESULT_CHOICES[TestOutcome.SUCCESS] SKIPPED = RESULT_CHOICES[TestOutcome.SKIPPED] EXPECTED_FAILURE = RESULT_CHOICES[TestOutcome.EXPECTED_FAILURE] UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS = RESULT_CHOICES[TestOutcome.UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS] BLACK_COLOR = "black" WHITE_COLOR = "white" FAILED_COLOR = "red" PASSED_COLOR = "lime" ERROR_COLOR = "dark_red" SKIPPED_COLOR = "yellow" IN_PROGRESS_COLOR = "brown" DEFAULT_COLOR = WHITE_COLOR DID_NOT_RUN_COLOR = "grey25" SUCCESS_COLOR = "bright_green" EXPECTED_FAILURE_COLOR = "turquoise" UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS_COLOR = "turquoise" RESULT = 'Result' NAME_HEADER = 'Name' ASSIGNEE = 'Assignee' COMMENTS = 'Comments' END_TIME = 'End time' RESOURCES = 'Resources' TRACEBACK = 'Traceback' START_TIME = 'Start time' DESCRIPTION = 'Description' HEADERS = (NAME_HEADER, RESULT, START_TIME, END_TIME, TRACEBACK, DESCRIPTION, RESOURCES, ASSIGNEE, COMMENTS) CHAR_LENGTH = 256 # Character length is in units of 1/256 MAX_TRACEBACK_LENGTH = 32767 # Max length of Excel cell content HEADER_TO_WIDTH = { RESULT: CHAR_LENGTH * 22, ASSIGNEE: CHAR_LENGTH * 13, COMMENTS: CHAR_LENGTH * 82, END_TIME: CHAR_LENGTH * 26, RESOURCES: CHAR_LENGTH * 48, TRACEBACK: CHAR_LENGTH * 82, START_TIME: CHAR_LENGTH * 26, DESCRIPTION: CHAR_LENGTH * 82, NAME_HEADER: CHAR_LENGTH * 75 } ROW_HEIGHT = 20 * 13 # 13pt FONT_COLOR = "font:colour %s;" HEIGHT_STYLE = 'font:height %s, bold on;' % ROW_HEIGHT COLOR_PATTERN = 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour %s;' THIN_CELL_BORDERS = ('borders: left thin, right thin, ' 'top thin, bottom thin;') THICK_CELL_BORDERS = ('borders: left thick, right thick, ' 'top thick, bottom thick;') CELL_STYLE = COLOR_PATTERN + THIN_CELL_BORDERS + FONT_COLOR DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE = easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (DEFAULT_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR)) BOLDED_CELL_STYLE = easyxf(THICK_CELL_BORDERS + HEIGHT_STYLE) CONTENT_TO_STYLE = OrderedDict([ (IN_PROGRESS, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (IN_PROGRESS_COLOR, WHITE_COLOR))), (DID_NOT_RUN, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (DID_NOT_RUN_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR))), (SUCCESS, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (SUCCESS_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR))), (PASSED, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (PASSED_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR))), (FAILED, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (FAILED_COLOR, WHITE_COLOR))), (ERROR, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (ERROR_COLOR, WHITE_COLOR))), (SKIPPED, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (SKIPPED_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR))), (EXPECTED_FAILURE, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (EXPECTED_FAILURE_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR))), (UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS, easyxf(CELL_STYLE % (UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR))) ]) TAGS_SKIP_MESSAGE = TagsHandler.SKIP_MESSAGE LOCAL_DB_SKIP_MESSAGE = DBHandler.SKIP_DELTA_MESSAGE REMOTE_DB_SKIP_MESSAGE = RemoteDBHandler.SKIP_DELTA_MESSAGE PASSED_MESSAGES = (LOCAL_DB_SKIP_MESSAGE, REMOTE_DB_SKIP_MESSAGE) SKIPPED_SUMMARY_PATTERN = " Skipped: %s" ROWS_TO_SKIP = 3 SUMMARY_RESULT_TYPE_COLUMN = HEADERS[0] SUMMARY_RESULT_COUNTER_COLUMN = HEADERS[1] RESULT_COLUMN = "B" TRACEBACK_COLUMN = "E" FORMULA_PATTERN = 'COUNTIF(%s1:%s%d,"%s")' MAX_SUMMERIZE_SIZE = len(CONTENT_TO_STYLE) + ROWS_TO_SKIP + 1 def __init__(self, main_test, output_file_path=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize Excel workbook and Sheet. Args: main_test (object): the main test instance (e.g. TestSuite instance or TestFlow instance). output_file_path (str): path to create the excel file in. Leave None to create at the test's working dir with the default name. """ super(ExcelHandler, self).__init__(main_test) self.row_number = 0 self.test_to_row = {} self.output_file_path = output_file_path if self.output_file_path is None: self.output_file_path = os.path.join(self.main_test.work_dir, self.EXCEL_WORKBOOK_NAME) self.workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=self.EXCEL_FILE_ENCODING) self.sheet = self.workbook.add_sheet(self.EXCEL_SHEET_NAME, cell_overwrite_ok=True) def start_test(self, test): """Update the Excel that a test case starts. Args: test (object): test item instance. """ self._write_test_result(test) def stop_test(self, test): """Called when the given test has been run. Args: test (object): test item instance. """ self._write_test_result(test) def start_test_run(self): """Generate initial Excel report according to the root test. Creates a primary report containing all sub test of the root test. All tests will start with "Did Not Run" status. """ self._write_headers() self._generate_initial_excel(self.main_test) self._create_result_summary() self._align_columns() self.row_number += 1 def update_resources(self, test): """Write the test's resources to the Excel file. Args: test (object): test item instance. """ # write resources if test.locked_resources is not None: resources = '\n'.join( "%s:%s" % (request_name, for (request_name, resource) in test.locked_resources.iteritems()) else: resources = '' self._write_to_cell(self.test_to_row[test.identifier], self.RESOURCES, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, resources) def add_success(self, test): """Update the test Excel entry's result to success. Args: test (object): test item instance. """ self._write_test_result(test) def add_skip(self, test, reason): """Update the test Excel entry's result to skip. Args: test (object): test item instance. reason (str): skip reason description. """ self._write_test_result(test) def add_failure(self, test, exception_str): """Update the test Excel entry's result to failure. Args: test (object): test item instance. exception_str (str): exception traceback string. """ self._write_test_result(test) def add_error(self, test, exception_str): """Update the test Excel entry's result to error. Args: test (object): test item instance. exception_str (str): exception traceback string. """ self._write_test_result(test) def add_expected_failure(self, test, exception_str): """Update the test Excel entry's result to expected failure. Args: test (object): test item instance. exception_str (str): exception traceback string. """ self._write_test_result(test) def add_unexpected_success(self, test): """Update the test Excel entry's result to unexpected success. Args: test (object): test item instance. """ self._write_test_result(test) def _generate_initial_excel(self, test): """Create an initial Excel test result. Generate test entries by the root test's Args: test (object): test item instance. """ self.row_number += 1 self._write_to_cell( self.row_number, self.NAME_HEADER, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, (test.parents_count * self.SPACES) + self._write_to_cell(self.row_number, self.DESCRIPTION, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, test.__doc__) status = self.DID_NOT_RUN status_desc = status if isinstance(test, AbstractFlowComponent) and not test.is_main: status_desc = self.BLOCK_PREFIX + status if not isinstance(test, TestSuite): self._write_to_cell(self.row_number, self.RESULT, self.CONTENT_TO_STYLE[status], status_desc) self.test_to_row[test.identifier] = self.row_number if test.IS_COMPLEX: for sub_test in test: self._generate_initial_excel(sub_test) def _write_test_result(self, test): """Write a single test entry to the Excel file. Args: test (object): test item instance. """ # write result status row_num = self.test_to_row[test.identifier] if is None: status = self.IN_PROGRESS else: status = self.RESULT_CHOICES[] status_desc = status tb_str = if status == self.SKIPPED and tb_str in self.PASSED_MESSAGES: status = status_desc = self.PASSED if isinstance(test, AbstractFlowComponent) and not test.is_main: status_desc = self.BLOCK_PREFIX + status if is not None: self._write_to_cell(row_num, self.START_TIME, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, str( if is not None: self._write_to_cell(row_num, self.END_TIME, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, str( self._write_to_cell(row_num, self.RESULT, self.CONTENT_TO_STYLE[status], status_desc) if tb_str is not None and len(tb_str) > self.MAX_TRACEBACK_LENGTH: tb_str = tb_str[-1 * self.MAX_TRACEBACK_LENGTH:] self._write_to_cell(row_num, self.TRACEBACK, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, tb_str) # set row's height self.sheet.row(row_num).height_mismatch = True self.sheet.row(row_num).height = self.ROW_HEIGHT def _write_to_cell(self, row_number, header, style, content): """Write content to a specific cell. Args: row_number (number): cell's row number. header (str): header of the cell's column. style (xlwt.Style): representation of an Excel format. content (str): content to be written to the cell. """ self.sheet.row(row_number).write(self.HEADERS.index(header), content, style) def _write_headers(self): """Write the column headers.""" for header in self.HEADERS: self._write_to_cell(self.row_number, header, self.BOLDED_CELL_STYLE, header) def _align_columns(self): """Align the columns width.""" for header, col_width in self.HEADER_TO_WIDTH.items(): self.sheet.col(self.HEADERS.index(header)).width = col_width def _create_skipped_reason_summary(self): """Create Skipped tests summary. Describe amount of tests skipped since they were filtered by tags, or noted as 'Already Passed' in the DB. """ for skip_reason in (self.TAGS_SKIP_MESSAGE, ): self._write_to_cell(self.row_number, self.SUMMARY_RESULT_TYPE_COLUMN, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, self.SKIPPED_SUMMARY_PATTERN % skip_reason) skip_count_formula = xlwt.Formula( self.FORMULA_PATTERN % (self.TRACEBACK_COLUMN, self.TRACEBACK_COLUMN, self.row_number, skip_reason)) self._write_to_cell(self.row_number, self.SUMMARY_RESULT_COUNTER_COLUMN, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, skip_count_formula) self.row_number += 1 def _create_result_summary(self): """Create result summary at the end of the Excel report.""" self.row_number += self.ROWS_TO_SKIP for result_type in self.CONTENT_TO_STYLE: self._write_to_cell(self.row_number, self.SUMMARY_RESULT_TYPE_COLUMN, self.CONTENT_TO_STYLE[result_type], result_type) result_type_count = xlwt.Formula( self.FORMULA_PATTERN % (self.RESULT_COLUMN, self.RESULT_COLUMN, self.row_number, result_type)) self._write_to_cell(self.row_number, self.SUMMARY_RESULT_COUNTER_COLUMN, self.DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE, result_type_count) self.row_number += 1 if result_type == self.SKIPPED: self._create_skipped_reason_summary()
def v_generateAttendenceReport(req): ''' this method is used to show employee/staff attendence in excel form (based on year,month specified) ''' months=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','June','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'] mondict={1:'Jan',2:'Feb',3:'Mar',4:'Apr',5:'May',6:'June',7:'July',8:'Aug',9:'Sept',10:'Oct',11:'Nov',12:'Dec'} errors=[] if req.POST.get('attendenceExcel',''): month=int(req.POST.get('month','')) year=req.POST.get('year','').strip() if not year: errors.append("Please enter the year!") return render_to_response('attendenceReport.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req)) ''' arranging data,to genarate result in desired tabular format ''' allrows=tbl_attendence.objects.filter(date__month=month,date__year=int(year)).order_by('date') emps=tbl_employee.objects.filter() temp=[] overall=[] temp1=[] if not allrows: return HttpResponse('<script>alert("No data exist");location.href="/report/attendence/"</script>') for e in emps: temp.append(e.perDetail.fName) for data in allrows: obj=data.marking.filter(employee=e) if obj: for v in obj: if v.employee==e: temp1.append(v.gettime()) else: temp1.append("---") temp.append(temp1) overall.append(temp) temp=[] temp1=[] ''' creating excel sheet ''' w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('AttendenceReport') ws.col(0).width=30*256 styletoprow=easyxf('align: vertical center, horizontal center;' 'font: name Arial;' 'border:bottom thin,right thin,top thin;' ) styletoprow1=easyxf('align: vertical center, horizontal center;' 'font: name Arial,bold true;' 'border:bottom thin,right thin,top thin;' ) ws.write(0,0,'Attendence Report '+mondict[month]+' '+str(year),styletoprow1) ws.write(1,0,'Employee',styletoprow1) x=1 for data in allrows: ws.write(1,x,data.getday(),styletoprow1) x=x+1 y=2 for v in overall: z=1 ws.write(y,0,v[0],styletoprow1) for ddd in v[1]: ws.write(y,z,ddd,styletoprow) z=z+1 y=y+1'attendence report.xls') myfile=open(MEDIA_ROOT+'attendence report.xls',"r") response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(myfile), content_type='text/csv') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=attendenceReport.xls' return response return render_to_response('attendenceReport.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(req))