Example #1
import xlwt

# 关于样式
style_head = xlwt.XFStyle()  # 初始化样式
red_style_head = xlwt.XFStyle()  # 初始化样式
green_style_head = xlwt.XFStyle()  # 初始化样式

font = xlwt.Font()  # 初始化字体相关
font.name = "微软雅黑"
font.bold = True
font.colour_index = 0  # TODO 必须是数字索引

font_s = xlwt.Font()  # 初始化字体相关
font_s.name = "微软雅黑"
font_s.bold = True
font_s.colour_index = 1  # TODO 必须是数字索引

red_bg = xlwt.Pattern()  # 初始背景图案
red_bg.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN  # May be: NO_PATTERN, SOLID_PATTERN, or 0x00 through 0x1
red_bg.pattern_fore_colour = 2  # May be: 8 through 63. 0 = Black, 1 = White, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Magenta, 7 = Cyan, 16 = Maroon, 17 = Dark Green, 18 = Dark Blue, 19 = Dark Yellow , almost brown), 20 = Dark Magenta, 21 = Teal, 22 = Light Gray, 23 = Dark Gray

green_bg = xlwt.Pattern()  # 初始背景图案
green_bg.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN  # May be: NO_PATTERN, SOLID_PATTERN, or 0x00 through 0x1
green_bg.pattern_fore_colour = 3

# 设置字体
style_head.font = font

red_style_head.font = font_s
green_style_head.font = font_s
# 设置背景
Example #2
# xsfile = r'./MoliAccurancyData/TestCase5Domain.xls'
xsfile = r'E:\Moli\测试用例\python脚本\Moli精度脚本\Moli精度数据\US\USTestCase5Domain.xls'  #北美测试集
# xsfile = r'E:\Moli\测试用例\python脚本\Moli精度脚本\Moli精度数据\IN\TestCase5Domain.xls' #印度测试集
# xsfile = r'E:\Moli\测试用例\python脚本\Moli精度脚本\测试集\线上测试全集\TestCase5Domain.xls' #线上数据全集
# xsfile = r'E:\Moli\测试用例\python脚本\Moli精度脚本\测试集\线上测试全集\TestCase5Domain全集(未筛选上线subintent).xls' #线上数据全集
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(xsfile,
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('TestCase')
cbook = copy(workbook)
csheet = cbook.get_sheet('TestCase')

# 设置字体颜色为红色
style_red = xlwt.XFStyle()  #初始化excel全局样式
font_red = xlwt.Font()  #初始化font样式
font_red.colour_index = 2  #为font进行赋值
style_red.font = font_red  #将赋值好的font 传递给excel全局样式

# 设置字体颜色为绿色
style_green = xlwt.XFStyle()
font_green = xlwt.Font()
font_green.colour_index = 50
style_green.font = font_green

# 引入时间戳作为userid
ticks = time.time()

URL = r''
row = 2
Example #3
    def render_data(self, request):
        import xlwt
        from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
        from mysite.urls import tmpDir, tmp_url
        import os
        rn = request.REQUEST.get("reportname", '')
        title = rn and rn or self.title
        sheet_name = u"%s_%s" % (
            'Sheet', datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

        file_path = tmpDir() + "/report_file"
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):

        if self.head == "":
            #print self.data[0]
            heads = [k for k in self.data[0].keys()]
            heads = self.head

        lines = [xls_format(a) for a in self.cells]
        lines.insert(0, xls_format(self.head))
        filecode = request.REQUEST.get('filecode', 'gb18030')  #编码

        wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=u"%s" % filecode)
        ws = wb.add_sheet(sheet_name)

        fnt = xlwt.Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        #fnt.colour_index = 4
        #fnt.bold = True

        borders = xlwt.Borders()
        borders.left = 1
        borders.right = 1
        borders.top = 1
        borders.bottom = 1

        align = xlwt.Alignment()
        align.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER

        style = xlwt.XFStyle()
        style.font = fnt
        style.borders = borders
        style.alignment = align

        row_index = 0
        for row in lines:
            col_index = 0
            for col in row:
                ws.write(row_index, col_index, col, style)
                ws.col(col_index).width = 0x0d00 + 2000
                col_index += 1
            row_index += 1
        filename = "%(d1)s_%(d2)s.xls" % {
            "d1": u"%s" % title,
            "d2": datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

        #        response = HttpResponse(mimetype=u"application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8")
        #        response["Content-Disposition"] = u"attachment;"
        #         filename=%(d1)s_%(d2)s.xls"%{
        #            "d1":title,
        #            "d2":datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        #        }
        #       wb.save(response)
        #       return response
        wb.save(u"%s/%s" % (file_path, filename))
        f = "/" + tmp_url() + "report_file/" + filename
        return HttpResponseRedirect(f.encode("utf-8"))
Example #4
def write_medium_rebate_invoice_excel(orders):
    xls = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')

    style = xlwt.XFStyle()  # 初始化样式
    font = xlwt.Font()  # 为样式创建字体
    font.name = 'Times New Roman'  # 选择字体
    font.bold = True  # 是否加粗
    style.font = font  # 为样式设置字体
    # font.height = 500 #设置高度
    al = xlwt.Alignment()
    al.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER  # 设置水平居中
    al.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER  # 设置垂直居中
    al.wrap = xlwt.Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT  # 设置文字可以换行
    style.alignment = al

    sheet = xls.add_sheet("Sheet")
    keys = [
        u'代理/直客', u'客户名称', u'Campaign', u'合同号', u'合同总金额', u'媒体总金额', u'媒体返点总金额',
        u'已开发票总金额', u'未开发票总金额', u'申请通过个数', u'投放媒体', u'发票时间', u'公司名称', u'税号',
        u'公司地址', u'联系电话', u'银行账号', u'开户行', u'发票内容', u'发票金额', u'发票类型', u'发票号',
    h = 0
    for k in range(len(keys)):
        sheet.write(h, k, keys[k])

    h += 1
    for order in orders:
        invoice_passes = [
            x for x in MediumRebateInvoice.query.filter_by(client_order=order)
            if x.invoice_status == INVOICE_STATUS_PASS
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 0, 0,
                          order.agent.name, style)
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 1, 1,
                          order.client.name, style)
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 2, 2, order.campaign,
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 3, 3,
                          str(order.contract), style)
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 4, 4,
                          str(order.money), style)
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 5, 5,
                          str(order.mediums_money2), style)
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 6, 6,
                          str(order.mediums_rebate_money), style)
        sheet.write_merge(h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 7, 7,
                          str(order.mediums_rebate_invoice_pass_sum), style)
            h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 8, 8,
            str(order.mediums_rebate_money -
                order.mediums_rebate_invoice_pass_sum), style)
            h, h + len(invoice_passes) - 1, 9, 9,
            str(len(order.get_medium_rebate_invoice_by_status(0))), style)
        for invoice in invoice_passes:
            sheet.write(h, 10, invoice.medium.name)
            sheet.write(h, 11, invoice.create_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
            sheet.write(h, 12, invoice.company)
            sheet.write(h, 13, invoice.tax_id)
            sheet.write(h, 14, invoice.address)
            sheet.write(h, 15, invoice.phone)
            sheet.write(h, 16, invoice.bank_id)
            sheet.write(h, 17, invoice.bank)
            sheet.write(h, 18, invoice.detail)
            sheet.write(h, 19, invoice.money)
            sheet.write(h, 20, INVOICE_TYPE_CN[invoice.invoice_type])
            sheet.write(h, 21, invoice.invoice_num)
            sheet.write(h, 22, str(invoice.back_time_cn))
            h += 1
    return xls
Example #5
    def get_result(self):
        data = self.read()[0]

        start_date = data.get('date_start', False)
        end_date = data.get('date_end', False)
        if start_date and end_date and end_date < start_date:
            raise Warning(_("End date should be greater than start date!"))
        res_user = self.env["res.users"].browse(self._uid)

        # Create Inventory Export report in Excel file.
        workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
        worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.bold = True
        header = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold 1, height 280')
        # start_date = datetime.strptime(str(context.get("date_from")), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
        # start_date_formate = start_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        # end_date = datetime.strptime(str(context.get("date_to")), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
        # end_date_formate = end_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        # start_date_to_end_date = tools.ustr(start_date_formate) + ' To ' + tools.ustr(end_date_formate)

        style = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap yes')
        worksheet.row(0).height = 500
        worksheet.row(1).height = 500
        for x in range(0, 41):
            worksheet.col(x).width = 6000
        borders = xlwt.Borders()
        borders.top = xlwt.Borders.MEDIUM
        borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.MEDIUM
        border_style = xlwt.XFStyle()  # Create Style
        border_style.borders = borders
        border_style1 = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold 1')
        border_style1.borders = borders
        style = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap yes', style)

        ids_location = []
        ids_categ = []
        ids_product = []
        where_end_date_awal = " sm.date is null "
        where_start_date = " 1=1 "
        if start_date:
            where_start_date = " sm.date + interval '7 hour' >= '%s 00:00:00' " % start_date
            where_end_date_awal = " sm.date + interval '7 hour' < '%s 00:00:00' " % start_date
        where_end_date = " 1=1 "
        if end_date:
            where_end_date = " sm.date + interval '7 hour' <= '%s 23:59:59'" % end_date

        where_end_date_opn = " 1=1 "
        if end_date:
            where_end_date_opn = " si.date::text LIKE '%s%s'" % (end_date, "%")

        where_location = " 1=1 "
        if ids_location:
            where_location = """(sm.location_id in %s 
            or sm.location_dest_id in %s)""" % (str(
                    ',)', ')'), str(tuple(ids_location)).replace(',)', ')'))
        where_location_opn = " sil.location_id = 12 "

        where_categ = " 1=1 "
        if ids_categ:
            where_categ = "pt.categ_id in %s" % str(tuple(ids_categ)).replace(
                ',)', ')')
        where_product = " 1=1 "
        if ids_product:
            where_product = "pp.id in %s" % str(tuple(ids_product)).replace(
                ',)', ')')
        query = """
                select 	pp.id as prod_id, 
				pt.default_code as prod_code, 
				pt.name as prod_name,
				pu.name as uom,
				sum(coalesce(awal.qty,0)) as saldo_awal, 
                sum(coalesce(saldo_masuk.qty,0)) as masuk, 
                sum(coalesce(saldo_keluar.qty,0)) as keluar,
                sum(coalesce(prod_adj.qty,0)) as adjusment,
                sum(coalesce(opn.qty,0)) as opname
                from product_product pp
                    left join
                            select sm.product_id, 
                            sum(case when sl.name = 'Pre-Production' and dl.name != 'Pre-Production'
                                then sm.product_qty*-1 
                            when sl.name != 'Pre-Production' and dl.name = 'Pre-Production'
                                then sm.product_qty else 0 end) as qty
                            from stock_move sm
                            left join stock_location sl on sl.id = sm.location_id
                            left join stock_location dl on dl.id = sm.location_dest_id
                            left join product_product pp on pp.id=sm.product_id
                            left join product_template pt on pt.id=pp.product_tmpl_id
                            left join uom_uom pu on pu.id= sm.product_uom
                            where """ + where_end_date_awal + """ and """ + where_location + """ 
                            and sm.state = 'done'
                            group by sm.product_id
                        ) awal on awal.product_id=pp.id
                    left join 
                            select sm.product_id, 
                            sum(sm.product_qty) as qty 
                            from stock_move sm
                            left join stock_location sl on sl.id = sm.location_id
                            left join stock_location dl on dl.id = sm.location_dest_id
                            left join product_product pp on pp.id=sm.product_id
                            left join product_template pt on pt.id=pp.product_tmpl_id
                            left join uom_uom pu on pu.id= sm.product_uom
                            where sl.name != 'Pre-Production' and dl.name = 'Pre-Production' and sm.state = 'done' and sm.inventory_id is null
                            and """ + where_start_date + """ and """ + where_end_date + """ and """ + where_location + """  
                            group by sm.product_id
                        ) saldo_masuk on saldo_masuk.product_id=pp.id
                    left join 
                            select sm.product_id, sum(sm.product_qty) as qty 
                            from stock_move sm 
                            left join stock_location sl on sl.id = sm.location_id 
                            left join stock_location dl on dl.id = sm.location_dest_id
                            left join product_product pp on pp.id=sm.product_id
                            left join product_template pt on pt.id=pp.product_tmpl_id	
                            left join uom_uom pu on pu.id= sm.product_uom 
                            where sl.name = 'Pre-Production' and dl.name != 'Pre-Production' and sm.state = 'done' and sm.inventory_id is null
                            and """ + where_start_date + """ and """ + where_end_date + """ and """ + where_location + """
                            group by sm.product_id
                        ) saldo_keluar on saldo_keluar.product_id=pp.id
                    left join
                            select sm.product_id, 
                            sum(case when sl.name = 'Pre-Production' and dl.name != 'Pre-Production' and inventory_id is not null
                                then sm.product_qty*-1 
                            when sl.name != 'Pre-Production' and dl.name = 'Pre-Production' and inventory_id is not null
                                then sm.product_qty else 0 end ) as qty
                            from stock_move sm
                            left join stock_location sl on sl.id = sm.location_id
                            left join stock_location dl on dl.id = sm.location_dest_id
                            left join product_product pp on pp.id=sm.product_id
                            left join product_template pt on pt.id=pp.product_tmpl_id
                            left join uom_uom pu on pu.id= sm.product_uom
                            where """ + where_start_date + """ and """ + where_end_date + """ and """ + where_location + """ and sm.state = 'done'
                            group by sm.product_id
                        ) prod_adj on prod_adj.product_id=pp.id

                    left join
                            select sil.product_id,
                            sum(sil.product_qty) as qty
                            from stock_inventory_line sil
                            INNER JOIN stock_inventory si on sil.inventory_id = si.id
                            INNER JOIN stock_location sl on sl.id = sil.location_id
                            left join product_product pp on pp.id=sil.product_id
                            left join product_template pt on pt.id=pp.product_tmpl_id
                            left join uom_uom pu on pu.id= sil.product_uom_id
                            where """ + where_end_date_opn + """ and """ + where_location_opn + """ and si.state = 'done'
                            group by sil.product_id
                        ) opn on opn.product_id=pp.id
                left join product_template pt on pt.id=pp.product_tmpl_id
                left join uom_uom pu on pt.uom_id=pu.id
                left join product_category pc on pt.categ_id=pc.id
                where """ + where_categ + """ and """ + where_product + """ and pc.report_type = 'bahan_baku'
                    and (coalesce(awal.qty,0) != 0 
                    or coalesce(saldo_masuk.qty,0) != 0 
                    or coalesce(saldo_keluar.qty,0) != 0
                    or coalesce(opn.qty,0) != 0) 
                group by pt.default_code, pt.name, pp.id , pu.name 
                    order by pt.name asc
        list_data = []
        company = self.env.user.company_id.name
        start_date_format = start_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        end_date_format = end_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')

        vals = self._cr.fetchall()

        no = 1
        for val in vals:
            saldo_akhir = float(val[4]) + float(val[5]) - \
                          float(val[6]) + float(val[7])

                'kode_barang': val[1],
                'nama_barang': val[2],
                'satuan': val[3],
                'jumlah': saldo_akhir,
                'keterangan': ""
            no += 1
        hasil = list_data
        return hasil
Example #6
worksheet.col(statu).width = 256 * 12
worksheet.col(backup).width = 256 * 22
stylefirstRow = xlwt.XFStyle()
stylefirstRow.borders = borders
pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['gold']
stylefirstRow.pattern = pattern
al = xlwt.Alignment()
al.horz = 0x02  # 设置水平居中
al.vert = 0x01  # 设置垂直居中
al.wrap = 1  #自动换行
stylefirstRow.alignment = al
font = xlwt.Font()  # 为样式创建字体
#font.name = 'Times New Roman'
font.name = u'微软雅黑'
#font.bold = True # 黑体
#font.underline = True # 下划线
#font.italic = True # 斜体字
font.height = 0x00C8 * 1.6  # C8 in Hex (in decimal) = 10 points in height.
stylefirstRow.font = font  # 设定样式
stylesecondRow = xlwt.XFStyle()
stylesecondRow.borders = borders
font2 = xlwt.Font()  # 为样式创建字体
Example #7
result_file_name = result_file_path + '\\result.xls'
if not os.path.exists(testfilename):  #check if trace file present
    print '\n\n\nINPUT LOG FILE NOT FOUND \n\n'
if not os.path.exists(result_file_path):
    file = open(result_file_name, 'w')  #open the test file

file = open(testfilename, 'r')  #open the test file
contents_of_trace_file = file.read()  #store its contents
file.close()  #close the file

style = xlwt.easyxf("", "###,###")  #1000 seperator enable

font = xlwt.Font()  #Create Style for headings
font.bold = True
style_for_heading = xlwt.XFStyle()
style_for_heading.font = font
pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 7
style_for_heading.pattern = pattern
borders = xlwt.Borders()
borders.left = xlwt.Borders.THIN
borders.right = xlwt.Borders.THIN
borders.top = xlwt.Borders.THIN
borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.THIN
style_for_heading.borders = borders

starting_indicator = 'start_xti_profiler_'  #define starting_indicator
    def check_report(self):
        cr, uid, context = self.env.args
        context = dict(context)

        fl = StringIO()
        workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
        worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.bold = True
        header = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold 1, height 180;')
        header1 = xlwt.easyxf(
            'font: bold on, height 200;borders : top thin, bottom thin, left thin, right thin;align: wrap off , vert centre, horiz center;'
        header2 = xlwt.easyxf(
            'font: bold on, height 180;borders : top thin, bottom thin, left thin, right thin;align: wrap on , vert centre, horiz center;'
        align_left = xlwt.easyxf(
            'font: height 200, bold on, name Arial, colour_index periwinkle;borders : top thin, bottom thin, left thin, right thin; align: wrap on,vert centre, horiz left;'
        align_border = xlwt.easyxf(
            'font: height 180, name Arial, colour_index black;borders : top thin, bottom thin, left thin, right thin; align: wrap on,vert centre, horiz left;'

        wiz_rec = self.browse(self._ids[0])
        bed_obj = self.env['beds.beds']
        visa_obj = self.env['visa.quota']
        room_obj = self.env['room.room']
        list_new = []
        country_dict = {}
        for country in wiz_rec.nationality_ids:
            acco_dict = {}
            country_id = country.id
            visa_ids = visa_obj.search([('nationality_id', '=', country_id)])
            for visa in visa_ids:
                acco_name = visa.accommodation_id.name
                acc_dict = {}
                company_dict = {}
                visa_total = visa.number_of_quota
                visa_avail = visa.quota_available
                visa_occupied = visa_total - visa_avail
                country_comp_total = 0
                room_ids = room_obj.search([('accommodation_id', '=',
                for room in room_ids:
                    room_id = room
                    occupied_beds = bed_obj.search([
                        ('employee_id.emp_country_id', '=',
                         visa.nationality_id.id), ('employee_id', '!=', False),
                        ('room_id', '=', room_id.id)
                    occu_beds = []
                    counter = 0
                    for bed in occupied_beds:
                        bed_dict = {}
                        counter += 1
                        bed_dict['sr_no'] = counter or ''
                            'id_no'] = bed.employee_id.identification_id or ''
                        bed_dict['bed_no'] = bed.name or ''
                        bed_dict['name'] = bed.employee_id.name or ''
                        bed_dict['wp_number'] = bed.employee_id.wp_number or ''
                        bed_dict['com'] = bed.employee_id.company_id.name or ''
                        bed_dict['dialect'] = bed.employee_id.dialect or ''
                        bed_dict['country'] = False
                        bed_dict['location'] = False
                        bed_dict['room'] = False
                        bed_dict['bold'] = False

                    if occu_beds:
                        company_dict[room.name] = occu_beds

                if acco_name in acco_dict.keys():
                    acco_dict[acco_name] = {'room_list': [company_dict]}
            country_dict[country.name] = acco_dict
        final_dict = {}
        final_list = []
        for con_key, con_val in country_dict.iteritems():
            country = False
            con_dict = {
                'sr_no': con_key,
                'bed_no': '',
                'id_no': '',
                'name': '',
                'wp_number': '',
                'com': '',
                'dialect': '',
                'country': True,
                'location': False,
                'room': False,
                'bold': True

            for loc_key, loc_val in con_val.iteritems():
                location = False
                room_bold_dict = {
                    'sr_no': loc_key,
                    'bed_no': '',
                    'id_no': '',
                    'name': '',
                    'wp_number': '',
                    'com': '',
                    'dialect': '',
                    'country': False,
                    'location': True,
                    'room': False,
                    'bold': True
                for room in loc_val.get('room_list', [{}]):
                    for room_key, room_value in room.iteritems():
                        room_dict = {
                            'sr_no': room_key,
                            'bed_no': '',
                            'id_no': '',
                            'name': '',
                            'wp_number': '',
                            'com': '',
                            'dialect': '',
                            'country': False,
                            'location': False,
                            'room': True,
                            'bold': True
                        if not country:
                            country = True
                        if not location:
                            location = True
                        final_list += room_value

        row = 1
        for lst in final_list:
            if lst['country'] == True:
                    row, row + 1, 0, 3,
                    'LIST OF "' + lst['sr_no'] + '" WORKERS ACCOMMODATION',
                row += 2
            if lst['location'] == True:
                worksheet.write(row, 0, 'LOCATION :', header1)
                worksheet.write(row, 1, lst['sr_no'], align_left)
                row += 1
            if lst['room'] == True:
                worksheet.write(row, 0, 'ROOM :', header1)
                worksheet.write(row, 1, lst['sr_no'], align_left)
                row += 2

                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 0, 0, 'NO', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 1, 1, 'BED NO', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 2, 2, 'CODE NO', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 3, 3, 'NAME', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 4, 4, 'W/P NUMBER',
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 5, 5, 'COM', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 6, 6, 'DIALECT', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 7, 7, 'SITE', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 8, 8,
                                      'Date of Application', header2)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row + 1, 9, 9, 'REMARKS', header2)
                row += 2
            if lst['bold'] == False:
                worksheet.write(row, 0, lst['sr_no'], align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 1, lst['bed_no'], align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 2, lst['id_no'], align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 3, lst['name'], align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 4, lst['wp_number'], align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 5, lst['com'], align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 6, lst['dialect'], align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 7, 'static', align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 8, 'static', align_border)
                worksheet.write(row, 9, 'static', align_border)
                row += 2

        buf = base64.encodestring(fl.read())
        ctx = dict(context)
        ctx.update({'file': buf})

        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'res_model': 'acco.nationality.report',
            'target': 'new',
            'context': ctx,
Example #9
    def __init__(self):
        # init excel
        self.workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding = 'utf-8')
        self.worksheet_p4 = self.workbook.add_sheet("p4(anakin2 vs tensorRT)")

        # set excel style
        alignment = xlwt.Alignment() # Create Alignment
        alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        alignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        alignment.wrap = xlwt.Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        # word is black
        self.style = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style.font = font
        self.style.alignment = alignment

        # word is red
        self.style_red = xlwt.XFStyle()
        font_red = xlwt.Font()
        font_red.name = 'PT Mono'
        font_red.height = 240
        font_red.colour_index = 2
        self.style_red.font = font_red
        self.style_red.alignment = alignment

        # background is color
        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(0)
        col.width = 256 * 25
        self.style_background0 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background0.font = font
        self.style_background0.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 22
        self.style_background0.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 0, "Net_Name", self.style_background0)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(1)
        col.width = 256 * 15
        self.style_background1 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background1.font = font
        self.style_background1.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 26
        self.style_background1.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 1, "Batch_Size", self.style_background1)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(2)
        col.width = 256 * 15
        self.style_background2 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background2.font = font
        self.style_background2.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 44
        self.style_background2.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 2, "Library", self.style_background2)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(3)
        col.width = 256 * 20
        self.style_background3 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background3.font = font
        self.style_background3.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 42
        self.style_background3.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 3, "RT latency (ms)", self.style_background3)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(4)
        col.width = 256 * 20
        self.style_background4 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background4.font = font
        self.style_background4.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 47
        self.style_background4.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 4, "RT Memory (MB)", self.style_background4)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(5)
        col.width = 256 * 15
        self.style_background5 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background5.font = font
        self.style_background5.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 44
        self.style_background5.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 5, "Library", self.style_background5)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(6)
        col.width = 256 * 20
        self.style_background6 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background6.font = font
        self.style_background6.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 42
        self.style_background6.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 6, "anakin2 Latency (ms)", self.style_background6)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(7)
        col.width = 256 * 20
        self.style_background7 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background7.font = font
        self.style_background7.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 47
        self.style_background7.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 7, "anakin2 Memory (MB)", self.style_background7)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(8)
        col.width = 256 * 20
        self.style_background8 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background8.font = font
        self.style_background8.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 53
        self.style_background8.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 8, "anakin/tensorRT\nlatency", self.style_background8)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(9)
        col.width = 256 * 20
        self.style_background9 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background9.font = font
        self.style_background9.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 53
        self.style_background9.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 9, "anakin/tensorrt\nmemory", self.style_background9)

        col = self.worksheet_p4.col(10)
        col.width = 256 * 20
        self.style_background10 = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.name = 'PT Mono'
        font.height = 240
        font.colour_index = 0
        self.style_background10.font = font
        self.style_background10.alignment = alignment
        pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 53
        self.style_background10.pattern = pattern
        self.worksheet_p4.write(0, 10, "accuracy rate\n(%)", self.style_background10)
Example #10
    def print_xls(self):
        report_obj = self.env[
        data = {}
        data['form'] = \
                ['account_report_id', 'date_from_cmp', 'date_to_cmp', 'journal_ids', 'filter_cmp', 'target_move'])[0]
        for field in ['account_report_id']:
            if isinstance(data['form'][field], tuple):
                data['form'][field] = data['form'][field][0]
        comparison_context = self._build_comparison_context(data)
        # res['data']['form']['comparison_context'] = comparison_context
        if comparison_context.get('date_from'):
            comparison_context['date_from'] = str(self.date_from_cmp)
        if comparison_context.get('date_to'):
            comparison_context['date_to'] = str(self.date_to_cmp)
        datas = {}
        datas['account_report_id'] = [
            self.account_report_id.id, 'Profit and Loss'
        datas['company_id'] = [self.company_id.id, self.company_id.name]
        # datas['comparison_context'] = {
        #     'date_from':str(self.date_from),
        #     'date_to':str(self.date_to),
        #     'journal_ids':False,
        #     'state':self.target_move,
        #     'strict_range': comparison_context.get('strict_range') if comparison_context.get('strict_range') else False,
        # }
        datas['comparison_context'] = comparison_context
        datas['date_from'] = str(self.date_from) if self.date_from else False
        datas['date_from_cmp'] = str(
            self.date_from_cmp) if self.date_from_cmp else False
        datas['date_to'] = str(self.date_to) if self.date_to else False
        datas['date_to_cmp'] = str(
            self.date_to_cmp) if self.date_to_cmp else False
        datas['debit_credit'] = str(
            self.debit_credit) if self.debit_credit else False
        datas['enable_filter'] = self.enable_filter
        datas['filter_cmp'] = self.filter_cmp
        datas['id'] = self.id
        datas['journal_ids'] = False
        datas['label_filter'] = self.label_filter
        datas['target_move'] = self.target_move
        datas['used_context'] = {
            str(self.date_from) if self.date_from else False,
            str(self.date_to) if self.date_to else False,
            if comparison_context.get('strict_range') else False,
        lines = report_obj.get_account_lines(datas)
        styleP = xlwt.XFStyle()
        stylePC = xlwt.XFStyle()
        styleBorder = xlwt.XFStyle()
        fontbold = xlwt.XFStyle()
        normal_style = xlwt.XFStyle()
        alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
        alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        alignment_lft = xlwt.Alignment()
        alignment_lft.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        alignment_rgt = xlwt.Alignment()
        alignment_rgt.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        font = xlwt.Font()
        fontP = xlwt.Font()
        fontN = xlwt.Font()
        borders = xlwt.Borders()
        borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.THIN
        borders.top = xlwt.Borders.THIN
        borders.right = xlwt.Borders.THIN
        borders.left = xlwt.Borders.THIN
        font.bold = False
        fontP.bold = True
        styleP.font = font
        # stylePC.font = fontP
        stylePC.alignment = alignment_lft
        fontbold.alignment = alignment_rgt
        styleBorder.font = fontP
        stylePC.font = fontP
        # fontbold.font = fontP
        styleBorder.alignment = alignment
        styleBorder.borders = borders
        workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
        worksheet = workbook.add_sheet("Aged Payable")
        worksheet.col(0).width = 5600
        worksheet.col(1).width = 5600
        worksheet.col(2).width = 5600
        worksheet.col(3).width = 5600
                              self.company_id.name + '\n' +
                              self.company_id.email + '\n' +
            'Balance Sheet'
            if self._context.get('from_balance_sheet') else 'Profit and Loss',
            4, 4, 0, 3, 'Target Moves : ' + 'All Entries' if self.target_move
            == 'all' else 'Target Moves : All Posted Entries')

        if self.date_from and self.date_to:
                5, 5, 0, 3, 'Date From : ' + str(self.date_from) + ' ' +
                'Date To : ' + str(self.date_to))
        i = 8
        if self.debit_credit:
            fontbold.font = fontP
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 0, 0, 'Name', stylePC)
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 1, 'Debit', stylePC)
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 2, 2, 'Credit', stylePC)
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 3, 3, 'Balance', fontbold)
            for each in lines:
                fontbold.font = fontN
                normal_style.font = fontN
                if not each.get('level') > 3:
                    fontbold.font = fontP
                    normal_style.font = fontP
                if each.get('level') != 0:
                    worksheet.write_merge(i, i, 0, 0, each.get('name'),
                        i, i, 1, 1,
                        i, i, 2, 2,
                        i, i, 3, 3,
                    i = i + 1
        if not self.enable_filter and not self.debit_credit:
            fontbold.font = fontP
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 0, 0, 'Name', stylePC)
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 1, 'Balance', fontbold)
            for each in lines:
                fontbold.font = fontN
                normal_style.font = fontN
                if not each.get('level') > 3:
                    fontbold.font = fontP
                    normal_style.font = fontP
                if each.get('level') != 0:
                    worksheet.write_merge(i, i, 0, 0, each.get('name'),
                        i, i, 1, 1,
                    i = i + 1
        if self.enable_filter and not self.debit_credit:
            fontbold.font = fontP
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 0, 0, 'Name', stylePC)
            worksheet.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 1, 'Debit', fontbold)
                7, 7, 2, 2,
                str(self.label_filter) if self.label_filter else '', fontbold)
            for each in lines:
                if each.get('level') != 0:
                    fontbold.font = fontN
                    normal_style.font = fontN
                    if not each.get('level') > 3:
                        fontbold.font = fontP
                        normal_style.font = fontP
                    worksheet.write_merge(i, i, 0, 0, each.get('name'),
                        i, i, 1, 1,
                        i, i, 2, 2,
                    i = i + 1
        file_data = io.BytesIO()
            if self._context.get('from_balance_sheet') else 'profit_loss.xls'
        return {
            'name': 'Profit & Loss',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'res_model': 'accounting.report.profit.loss',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'res_id': self.id,
            'target': 'new'
Example #11
 def __init__(self,file_name ='',sheet='AutoTestResult',debug_flag='1'):
     self.wbk=xlwt.Workbook(encoding = 'gb18030')
     self.sheet = self.wbk.add_sheet(sheet,cell_overwrite_ok=True)
     self.filename = self.save_result(file_name)
     self.tmp_modulename = ''
     self.start_module_row = 13
     self.dstRst_total_mod ={'DoneNum':'0','OKNum':'0','NGNum':'0'}
     self.mod_row_offset = 0
         font1 = xlwt.Font()
         font1.name = 'Times New Roman'  
         font1.bold = True
         borders1 = xlwt.Borders()
         borders1.left = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         borders1.right = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         borders1.bottom = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         borders1.top = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         self.style1 = xlwt.XFStyle()
         self.style1.font = font1
         self.style1.borders  = borders1
         self.style2 = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour sea_green;')
         font2 = xlwt.Font()
         font2.name = 'SimSun' 
         font2.height = 0x00E6
         font2.bold = True
         self.style2.font =  font2
         self.style2.borders = borders1
         self.style3 = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour yellow;')
         font3 = xlwt.Font()
         font3.bold = True
         font3.name = 'SimSun' 
         font3.height = 0x00C8
         self.style3.font = font3
         self.style3.borders = borders1
         self.style4 = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour ice_blue;')
         font4 = xlwt.Font()
         font4.name = 'SimSun' 
         font4.height = 0x00C8
         font4.bold = True
         self.style4.font = font4
         self.style4.borders = borders1
         self.style5 = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour light_blue;')
         self.style5.font = font4
         self.style5.borders = borders1
         self.style6 = xlwt.XFStyle()
         font5 = xlwt.Font()
         font5.name = 'Verdana' 
         font5.bold = True
         font5.underline = xlwt.Font.UNDERLINE_DOUBLE
         font5.colour_index = 4
         self.style6.font =font5
         self.style6.borders = borders1
         self.style7 = xlwt.XFStyle()
         font6 = xlwt.Font()
         font6.name = 'Verdana' 
         font6.bold = True
         font6.colour_index = 6
         self.style7.font =font6
         self.style7.borders = borders1
         self.style8 = xlwt.XFStyle()
         font7 = xlwt.Font()
         font7.name = 'Verdana' 
         font7.bold = True
         font7.colour_index = 8
         self.style8.font =font7
         self.style8.borders = borders1
         self.style9 = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour yellow;')
         borders2 = xlwt.Borders()
         borders2.left = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         borders2.right = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         borders2.bottom = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         borders2.top = xlwt.Borders.DASHED 
         borders2.bottom_colour = 0x40
         borders2.top_colour = 0x40
         self.style9.font = font1
         self.style9.borders = borders2
         self.style10 = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour sea_green;')
         font8 = xlwt.Font()
         font8.height = 0x00E6
         font8.bold = True
         self.style10.font = font8
         self.style10.borders = borders2
         self.style11 = xlwt.XFStyle()
         font9 = xlwt.Font()
         font9.name = 'Verdana' 
         font9.bold = True
         font9.colour_index = 0x28
         self.style11.font =font9
         self.style11.borders = borders1
     except Exception,e:
Example #12
# for reading excel docs
import xlrd
book = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file_name)
#print "The number of worksheets is", book.nsheets
#print "Worksheet name(s):", book.sheet_names()
sh = book.sheet_by_index(0)
#print sh.name, sh.nrows, sh.ncols
global current_check
current_check = "blank"
global section
section = "blank"

#for writing to excell docs
import xlwt
import time
font0 = xlwt.Font()
font0.name = 'Times New Roman'
font0.colour_index = 3  # 2 is red, 3 is green
font0.bold = True
style0 = xlwt.XFStyle()
style0.font = font0
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
user_answer = "BLANK"

from xlutils.copy import copy
from xlrd import *
w = copy(open_workbook(excel_file_name))
global first_check
first_check = 17

global check_number
def data_excel_write(listData, queue, file_path):

    result_data = []
    for item in listData:
        temp = list(filter(lambda x: x.orderno == item.orderno, result_data))
        if len(temp) == 0:

    # 创建Excel工作薄,编码方式为:utf-8
    myWorkbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
    # 添加Excel工作表
    mySheet = myWorkbook.add_sheet('对比结果', cell_overwrite_ok=True)

    # 使用样式
    style = xlwt.XFStyle()  # 创建一个样式
    # 为样式创建字体
    font = xlwt.Font()
    font.name = '宋体'
    font.bold = True  # 是否加粗,默认值为false不加粗
    style.font = font

    # 设置对齐方式,文本的对齐方式
    alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
    alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER  # 水平居中
    alignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER  # 垂直居中
    style.alignment = alignment

    mySheet.write(0, 0, "订单号", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 1, "购买数量-平台", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 2, "购买数量-OTA", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 3, "核销数量-平台", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 4, "核销数量-OTA", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 5, "退款数量-平台", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 6, "退款数量-平台", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 7, "对比时间-线上", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 8, "对比时间-OTA", style)
    mySheet.write(0, 9, "异常原因", style)

    if len(listData) == 0:
        mySheet.write(1, 0, '没毛病!')
        rowIndex = 1
        for item in listData:
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 0, item.orderno)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 1, item.buycnt)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 2, item.buycntota)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 3, item.checkcnt)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 4, item.checkcntota)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 5, item.refundcnt)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 6, item.refundcntota)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 7, item.comtime)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 8, item.comtimeota)
            mySheet.write(rowIndex, 9, item.reason)
            rowIndex += 1
            queue.put("异常单: 订单号: %s \t 异常原因:%s" % (item.orderno, item.reason))

    file_dir = file_path[0:file_path.rfind('/', 0)]
    file_name = file_path[file_path.rfind('/', 0):]
    fullPath = file_dir + '/' + ('对比结果%s%s' % (
    queue.put('结果文件地址:' + fullPath)
Example #14
    def SankeyExport(
        self, Year, Path, Element
    ):  # Export data for given year in excel format for the D3.js Circular Sankey method
        """ Exports MFAsystem to xls Template for the Circular Sankey method."""

        TimeIndex = Year - self.Time_Start

        myfont = xlwt.Font()
        myfont.bold = True
        mystyle = xlwt.XFStyle()
        mystyle.font = myfont

        Result_workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='ascii')
        Result_worksheet = Result_workbook.add_sheet('Nodes')
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 0, label='Name', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 1, label='Color', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 2, label='Orientation', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 3, label='Width', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 4, label='Height', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 5, label='x_position', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 6, label='y_position', style=mystyle)

        for m in range(0, len(self.ProcessList)):
            if self.ProcessList[m].Graphical is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Graphical properties of process number {foo} are not set. No export to Sankey possible, as position of process on canvas etc. needs is not specified.'
            Result_worksheet.write(m + 1,
                m + 1, 1, label=self.ProcessList[m].Graphical['Color'])
                m + 1, 2, label=self.ProcessList[m].Graphical['Angle'])
                m + 1, 3, label=self.ProcessList[m].Graphical['Width'])
                m + 1, 4, label=self.ProcessList[m].Graphical['Height'])
            Result_worksheet.write(m + 1,
            Result_worksheet.write(m + 1,

        Result_worksheet = Result_workbook.add_sheet('Flows')
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 0, label='StartNode', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 1, label='EndNode', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 2, label='Value', style=mystyle)
        Result_worksheet.write(0, 3, label='Color', style=mystyle)

        for key in self.FlowDict:
            Result_worksheet.write(m + 1, 0, label=self.FlowDict[key].P_Start)
            Result_worksheet.write(m + 1, 1, label=self.FlowDict[key].P_End)
            Result_worksheet.write(m + 1,
            Result_worksheet.write(m + 1, 3, label=self.FlowDict[key].Color)

        Result_workbook.save(Path + self.Name + '_' + str(TimeIndex) + '_' +
                             str(Element) + '_Sankey.xls')
Example #15
    return style

styleOK = xlwt.easyxf()

pattern = xlwt.Pattern()  # 一个实例化的样式类
pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN  # 固定的样式
pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['white']  # 背景颜色

borders = xlwt.Borders()  # 为样式创建边框
borders.left = 1
borders.right = 1
borders.top = 1
borders.bottom = 1

font = xlwt.Font()  # 为样式创建字体
font.name = '华文中宋'
font.bold = False
font.height = 240

styleOK.pattern = pattern
styleOK.borders = borders
styleOK.font = font

filenames = []
outputdir = ".\输入表格"
for item in os.listdir(outputdir):
    if item.split('.')[-1] != 'py' and item.split('.')[
            -1] == 'xlsx' or item.split('.')[-1] == 'csv' and os.path.isdir(
                item) == False or item.split('.')[-1] == 'xls':
Example #16
def export_xls(result):
    url = '/static/export/%s/%s.xls' % (time.strftime('%Y%m'),
    filename = 'xd_REST' + url
    export_dir, _ = os.path.split(filename)

    if not os.path.exists(export_dir):

    wbk = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
    sheet1 = wbk.add_sheet('sheet1', cell_overwrite_ok=True)

    font = xlwt.Font()
    font.name = 'Calibri'  #Calibri
    font.height = 220  #11

    xlwt.Style.default_style.font = font

    style = xlwt.XFStyle()
    style.alignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
    style.font = font

    i = 0
    for row in result:
        if i == 0:
            export_headers(sheet1, row)

        current_row = []

        for header in g.rpt_headers:
            col = row[header.name]

            if col == None:
                col = ''

            if isinstance(col, datetime.datetime):
                if col.year >= 1900:
                    col = col.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                    col = '{0.year:04d}-{0.month:02d}-{0.day:02d} {0.hour:02d}:{0.minute:02d}:{0.second:02d}'.format(


        if g.rpt_report.rowspan == 1:
            if i == 0:
                rowspan = [2] * len(current_row)
                for col in g.grouped_cols:
                    if current_row[col] != prev_row[col]:
                        r1 = rowspan[col]
                        r2 = i + 1
                        c1 = c2 = col
                        rowspan[col] = r2 + 1

                        if r2 - r1 > 1:

        if len(g.grouped_cols) > 0:
            if i == 0:
                subtotal = acc_init(current_row)
                different = False

                for col in g.grouped_cols:
                    if current_row[col] != prev_row[col]:
                        different = True

                if different:
                    subtotal[0] = '小计'
                    writerow(sheet1, i, subtotal)
                    subtotal = acc_init(current_row)

                    i = i + 1

                    if g.rpt_report.rowspan == 1:
                        for col in range(len(rowspan)):
                            rowspan[col] = i + 2
                    subtotal = acc(subtotal, current_row)

        if g.rpt_report.acc_total == 1:
            if i == 0:
                total = acc_init(current_row)
                total = acc(total, current_row)

        prev_row = current_row

        writerow(sheet1, i, current_row)

        i = i + 1

    if i > 0 and g.rpt_report.rowspan == 1:
        for col in g.grouped_cols:
            r1 = rowspan[col]
            r2 = i + 1
            c1 = c2 = col
            rowspan[col] = r2 + 1

            if r2 - r1 > 1:
                sheet1.write_merge(r1, r2, c1, c2, prev_row[col], style=style)

    if i > 0 and len(g.grouped_cols) > 0:
        subtotal[0] = '小计'
        writerow(sheet1, i, subtotal)
        i = i + 1

    if i > 0 and g.rpt_report.acc_total == 1:
        total[0] = '合计'
        writerow(sheet1, i, total)

    if i == 0:
        sheet1.write(0, 0, '根据过滤条件,查找不到任何数据')


    return redirect(url)
Example #17
     ] = read_bds_sheet(ARINC_format_labels, ARINC_deformat_labels,
                        bds_sheet_name, bds_formating, bds_format)

#Open Excel MICD template file for writing
appdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
if appdir == '':
    appdir = '.'

MICD_template_file = xlrd.open_workbook(filename=appdir + '/ICD_template.xls',
MICD_file = xlutils.copy.copy(MICD_template_file)

MICD_title_style = xlwt.XFStyle()
MICD_title_style.font = xlwt.Font()
MICD_title_style.font.bold = True
MICD_title_style.pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
MICD_title_style.pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
MICD_title_style.pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 7
MICD_title_style.alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
MICD_title_style.alignment.wrap = True
MICD_title_style.alignment.vert = 0

#Create basic FUN_IN and the title line
MICD_fun_in_titles = [
    'Name', 'Type', 'Unit', 'Description', 'Convention', 'Dim1', 'Dim2',
    'Com Format', 'Com Mode', 'From', 'Refresh\nRate', 'Min', 'Max', 'Enum',
    'Consumed\nIf', 'Aircraft Signal\nName', 'Interface\nLevel',
    'Status (SSM/FS/Refresh)', 'Simulation\nLevel [1]', 'Init\nValue',
    'Custom', 'Comment', 'Last Modification'
Example #18
newSheet_1_column_1 = newsheet_1.col(2)
newSheet_1_column_1.width = 5000

# Alignment
c_align = xlwt.Alignment()
c_align.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER

# 背景
c_pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
c_pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
c_pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16

c_font_1 = xlwt.Font()
c_font_1.bold = True
c_font_1.colour_index = 0x35
c_style_1 = xlwt.XFStyle()
c_style_1.font = c_font_1
c_style_1.num_format_str = 'yyyy-mm-dd'

c_font_2 = xlwt.Font()
c_font_2.name = 'Arial'
c_style_2 = xlwt.XFStyle()
c_style_2.font = c_font_2
c_style_2.alignment = c_align
c_style_2.pattern = c_pattern

# 上書きはダメ?
#Exception: Attempt to overwrite cell: sheetname='Newsheet_1' rowx=1 colx=0
Example #19
def Writexls(addlist, resultdict):
    CapTime = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S', time.localtime())  #取个时间
    # 公共表格属性
    # 对齐方式:上下居中,左右居中
    Alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
    Alignment.horz = 0x02
    Alignment.vert = 0x02
    # 字体:consolas 14号
    Font = xlwt.Font()
    Font.name = 'Consolas'
    Font.height = 20 * 14
    # 结果为NO的单元格(地址可用)颜色-绿色
    PatternYes = xlwt.Pattern()
    PatternYes.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    PatternYes.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['green']
    # 结果为Yes的单元格(地址不可用)颜色-红色
    PatternNo = xlwt.Pattern()
    PatternNo.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    PatternNo.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['red']
    # 设置地址可用时的格式
    StlYes = xlwt.XFStyle()
    StlYes.pattern = PatternYes
    StlYes.alignment = Alignment
    StlYes.font = Font
    # 设置地址不可用的格式
    StlNo = xlwt.XFStyle()
    StlNo.pattern = PatternNo
    StlNo.alignment = Alignment
    StlNo.font = Font
    # 设置第一行的格式
    StlTitle = xlwt.XFStyle()
    StlTitle.alignment = Alignment
    StlTitle.font = Font

    ListLenth = len(addlist)
    OutXls = xlwt.Workbook()
    SheetList = []
    for i in range(0, ListLenth):
        SheetList.append(OutXls.add_sheet(addlist[i].replace('/', '_')))

    for sht, addr in zip(SheetList, addlist):
        # 写表头:描述是哪个网段
        # worksheet.write_merge(开始行,结束行, 开始列, 结束列, '内容', style)
        abc = ''  #这个就是用来处理个字段没啥用。
        for i in addr.split('.')[:3]:
            abc = abc + i + '.'

        sht.write_merge(0, 0, 1, 16, addr, style=StlTitle)
        for i in range(0, 16):
            for j in range(0, 16):
                if i * 16 + j == 0 or i * 16 + j == 255:
                    sht.write(i + 1, j + 1, label=str(i * 16 + j), style=StlNo)
                    if resultdict[abc + str(i * 16 + j)] == 'No':
                        sht.write(i + 1,
                                  j + 1,
                                  label=str(i * 16 + j),
                    elif resultdict[abc + str(i * 16 + j)] == 'Yes':
                        sht.write(i + 1,
                                  j + 1,
                                  label=str(i * 16 + j),
                        sht.write(i + 1, j + 1, label=str(i * 16 + j))

    OutXls.save(r'/root/Mping/Xls_file/%s_IPused.xls' % CapTime)
Example #20
    # mysqlcursor.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT(date) from temp where date=DATE(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %s DAY))''',(inter))
    # dateList=mysqlcursor.fetchall()
    # # dateList=list()
    rowNumber = 1

    # for one_temp_date in dateList:
    #     if one_temp_date[0] is not None:
    #         print one_temp_date[0]
    m = 1
    today = datetime.date.today()
    oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    yesterday = today - oneday
    print yesterday
    ws = w.add_sheet(str(yesterday).decode('utf-8'), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
    font = xlwt.Font()  # Create the Font
    font.name = 'Times New Roman'
    borders = xlwt.Borders()
    borders.left = 1
    borders.right = 1
    borders.top = 1
    borders.bottom = 1
    borders.bottom_colour = 0x3A
    style = xlwt.XFStyle()
    style.borders = borders
    alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
    alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    alignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
    style = xlwt.XFStyle()
    style.borders = borders
    style.alignment = alignment
Example #21
from xlutils.copy import copy
import xlrd
import xlwt
temp_excel = xlrd.open_workbook(r"C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\heping.xls",formatting_info=True)
temp_sheet = temp_excel.sheet_by_index(0)
new_excel = copy(temp_excel)
new_sheet = new_excel.get_sheet(0)

style = xlwt.XFStyle()

font = xlwt.Font()
font.name = "微软雅黑"
font.bold = True
font.height = 360
style.font = font
borders = xlwt.Borders()
borders.top = xlwt.Borders.THIN
borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.THIN
borders.left = xlwt.Borders.THIN
borders.right = xlwt.Borders.THIN
style.borders = borders

alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
alignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
style.alignment = alignment
    def action_excel(self, cr, uid, ids, chart_account_id, form=None, context=None):
        if not ids:
            return {'type_hr': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
        if context is None:
            context = {}
        wb = pycel.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')

        style_cabecera = pycel.easyxf('font: colour black, bold True;'
                                      'align: vertical center, horizontal center;'

        style_header = pycel.easyxf('font: bold True;'
                                    'align: vertical center, horizontal center, wrap on;'
                                    'borders: left 1, right 1, top 1, bottom 1;')

        view_style = pycel.easyxf('font: bold True, height 160;'
                                    'align: vertical center, horizontal left, wrap on;')

        linea_izq = pycel.easyxf('font: colour black, height 150;'
                                 'align: vertical center, horizontal left, wrap on;'
        linea_izq_n = pycel.easyxf('font: colour black, height 140;'
                                   'align: vertical center, horizontal left, wrap on;'
        linea_der = pycel.easyxf('font: colour black, height 150;'
                                 'align: vertical center, horizontal right;'

        ws = wb.add_sheet('HOJA DE BALANCE')

        ws.show_grid = False
        ws.header_str = u"&LFecha de Impresion: &D Hora: &T&RPagina &P de &N"
        ws.footer_str = u""
        compania = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id
        # x0 = 11
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, compania.name, style_cabecera)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 5, 'Direccion: ' + compania.partner_id.street, style_cabecera)
        ws.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 5, 'Ruc: ' + compania.partner_id.part_number, style_cabecera)
        ws.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 5, datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), style_cabecera)
        if form['filter'] == 'filter_period':
            period_from = 'Desde:' + self.pool.get('account.period').browse(cr, uid, form['period_from']).name
            period_to = 'Hasta' + self.pool.get('account.period').browse(cr, uid, form['period_to']).name
            ws.write(6, 2, period_from, style_cabecera)
            ws.write(6, 4, period_to, style_cabecera)
        elif form['filter'] == 'filter_date':
            ws.write(6, 2, ('Desde:' + form['date_from']), style_cabecera)
            ws.write(6, 4, ('Hasta:' + form['date_to']), style_cabecera)
        ws.fit_num_pages = 1
        ws.fit_height_to_pages = 0
        ws.fit_width_to_pages = 1
        ws.portrait = 1

        align = pycel.Alignment()
        align.horz = pycel.Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        align.vert = pycel.Alignment.VERT_CENTER

        font1 = pycel.Font()
        font1.colour_index = 0x0
        font1.height = 140

        linea_izq_n.width = 150

        #Formato de Numero
        style = pycel.XFStyle()
        style.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'
        style.alignment = align
        style.font = font1

        #Formato de Numero Saldo
        font = pycel.Font()
        font.bold = True
        font.colour_index = 0x27

        style1 = pycel.XFStyle()
        style1.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'
        style1.alignment = align
        style1.font = font

        font2 = pycel.Font()
        font2.bold = True
        font2.colour_index = 0x0

        style2 = pycel.XFStyle()
        style2.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'
        style2.alignment = align
        style2.font = font2

        style3 = pycel.XFStyle()
        style3.num_format_str = '0'
        style3.alignment = align
        style3.font = font1

        #info = self.get_payroll(cr, uid, form)

        xi = 8 # Cabecera de Cliente
        sec = 1

        # if type_hr == 'rol':
        ws.write(xi, 1, 'Codigo', style_header)
        ws.write(xi, 2, 'Cuenta', style_header)
        ws.write(xi, 3, 'Cod.Matriz', style_header)
        ws.write(xi, 4, 'Cuenta Matriz', style_header)
        ws.write(xi, 5, 'Saldo Ant.', style_header)
        ws.write(xi, 6, 'Debe', style_header)
        ws.write(xi, 7, 'Haber', style_header)
        ws.write(xi, 8, 'Saldo', style_header)

            # lst_titulos = self.get_titulos_report(cr, uid, form)
        col_t = 8
            # for titulo in lst_titulos:
            #     col_t+=1
            #     ws.write(xi, col_t, titulo, style_header)

        xi += 1
        # seq = 0
        rf = rr = ri = 0
        account_pool = self.pool.get('account.account')
        ctx = dict()
        if context['filter'] != 'filter_no':
            cr.execute('SELECT MIN(date_start) FROM account_period WHERE fiscalyear_id = %s', (form['fiscalyear_id'],))
            dict_date = cr.dictfetchall()
            if context['filter'] == 'filter_period':
                date_from = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(cr, uid, context['period_from']).date_start
                date_from = form['date_from']
            if date_from > dict_date[0]['min']:
                date_from = datetime.strptime(date_from, "%Y-%m-%d") - relativedelta(days=1)
                date_from = date_from.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                ctx['fiscalyear'] = form['fiscalyear_id']
                ctx['date_from'] = dict_date[0]['min']
                ctx['date_to'] = date_from
                ctx['state'] = form['target_move']

        lines = self.lines(cr, uid, [chart_account_id], False, form, context=context)
        for linea in lines:
            # seq += 1
            # ws.write(xi, 1, seq, linea_center)
            account = account_pool.browse(cr, uid, linea['id'], ctx)
            ws.write(xi, 1, account.code, linea_izq if account.type != 'view' else view_style)
            ws.write(xi, 2, account.name, linea_izq if account.type != 'view' else view_style)
            ws.write(xi, 3, account.code_tiw, linea_izq if account.type != 'view' else view_style)
            ws.write(xi, 4, account.name_tiw, linea_izq if account.type != 'view' else view_style)
            ws.write(xi, 5, account.balance if ctx else 0.00, linea_der)
            ws.write(xi, 6, linea.get('debit', ''), linea_der)
            ws.write(xi, 7, linea.get('credit', ''), linea_der)
            ws.write(xi, 8, linea.get('balance', ''), linea_der)
            col = 8
            xi += 1

        ws.col(0).width = 2000
        ws.col(1).width = 5800
        ws.col(2).width = 9900
        ws.col(3).width = 5000
        ws.col(4).width = 6900
        ws.col(5).width = 6500
        ws.col(6).width = 5500
        ws.col(7).width = 5500
        ws.col(8).width = 5500
        ws.col(9).width = 5500
        ws.col(10).width = 6500
        ws.col(11).width = 6500
        ws.col(12).width = 6500
        ws.col(13).width = 6500
        ws.col(14).width = 6500
        ws.col(15).width = 6500
        ws.col(16).width = 6500
        ws.col(17).width = 6500
        ws.col(18).width = 6500
        ws.col(19).width = 6500
        ws.col(20).width = 6500
        ws.col(21).width = 6500
        ws.col(22).width = 6500
        ws.col(23).width = 6500
        ws.col(24).width = 6500
        ws.col(25).width = 6500
        ws.col(26).width = 6500
        ws.col(27).width = 6500
        ws.col(28).width = 6500
        ws.col(29).width = 6500
        ws.col(30).width = 6500

        ws.row(8).height = 750

        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        # name = "%s%s%s.xls" % (path, "Reporte_RR_HH", datetime.datetime.now())
        # exists_path = os.path.exists(path)
        # print 'esta ruta existe?', exists_path
        # print('sys.argv[0] =', sys.argv[0])
        # a = sys.path
        # pathname = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
        # print('path =', a)
        # print('full path =', os.path.abspath(pathname))
            # wb.save(name)
            # raise Warning('Archivo salvado correctamente')
            buf = cStringIO.StringIO()

            out = base64.encodestring(buf.getvalue())

            data_fname = "Balance de Comprobacion_%s.xls"
            archivo = '/opt/temp/' + data_fname
            res_model = 'account.balance.report'
            id = ids and type(ids) == type([]) and ids[0] or ids
            self.load_doc(cr, uid, out, id, data_fname, archivo, res_model)

            return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'data': out, 'txt_filename': data_fname, 'name': 'Reporte_Balance.xls'})

            # return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'data': out, 'txt_filename': name})
        except ValueError:
            raise Warning('Error a la hora de salvar el archivo')
Example #23
def font_style(position='left',
    font = xlwt.Font()
    font.name = 'Verdana'
    font.bold = bold
    font.height = font_height
    center = xlwt.Alignment()
    center.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    center.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
    center.wrap = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
    left = xlwt.Alignment()
    left.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
    left.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
    left.wrap = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED

    borders = xlwt.Borders()
    borders.right = 1
    borders.left = 1
    borders.top = 1
    borders.bottom = 1

    orient = xlwt.Alignment()
    orient.orie = xlwt.Alignment.ORIENTATION_90_CC

    style = xlwt.XFStyle()

    if border == 1:
        style.borders = borders

    if fontos == 'red':
        font.colour_index = 2
        style.font = font
        style.font = font

    if position == 'center':
        style.alignment = center
        style.alignment = left
    if color == 'grey':
        badBG = xlwt.Pattern()
        badBG.pattern = badBG.SOLID_PATTERN
        badBG.pattern_fore_colour = 22
        style.pattern = badBG
    if color == 'red':
        badBG = xlwt.Pattern()
        badBG.pattern = badBG.SOLID_PATTERN
        badBG.pattern_fore_colour = 5
        style.pattern = badBG

    if color == 'yellow':
        badBG = xlwt.Pattern()
        badBG.pattern = badBG.SOLID_PATTERN
        badBG.pattern_fore_colour = 0x0D
        style.pattern = badBG

    return style
Example #24
    def get_xls_file(self):
        The method used to call download file of wizard
        @self : Record Set
        @api.multi : The decorator of multi
        @return: Return of wizard of action in dictionary
        cpf_binary_obj = self.env['cpf.binary.wizard']
        cr, uid, context = self.env.args
        if context is None: context = {}
        context = dict(context)
        payment_wiz_data = self.read([])
        data = {}
        if payment_wiz_data:
            data = payment_wiz_data[0]
        start_date = data.get('date_start', False) or False
        stop_date = data.get('date_stop', False) or False
        end_date = data.get('date_stop', False) or False
        emp_ids = data.get('employee_ids', False) or []
        if start_date >= end_date:
            raise ValidationError(_("You must be enter start date less than end date !"))
        for employee in self.env['hr.employee'].browse(emp_ids):
            if not employee.identification_id:
                raise ValidationError(_('There is no identification no define for %s employee.' % (employee.name)))
        context.update({'employee_id': emp_ids, 'date_start': start_date, 'date_stop': end_date})

        company_data = self.env['res.users'].browse(uid).company_id
        if data.get("export_report", False) == "pdf":
            data.update({'currency': " " + tools.ustr(company_data.currency_id.symbol), 'company': company_data.name})
            for employee in self.env['hr.employee'].browse(data.get('employee_ids')):
                if not employee.identification_id:
                    raise Warning(_('There is no identification no define for %s employee.' % (employee.name)))

            return self.env['report'].with_context(landscape=True).get_action(self, 'sg_hr_report.report_payment_advice')
            wbk = xlwt.Workbook()
            sheet = wbk.add_sheet('sheet 1', cell_overwrite_ok=True)
            font = xlwt.Font()
            font.bold = True
            bold_style = xlwt.XFStyle()
            bold_style.font = font
            border = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold on, color black; align: wrap no; borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin; pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;')
            borders = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold off, color black; align: wrap no; borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin; pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;')
            style = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap no')
            style.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'
            new_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold on; align: wrap no')
            new_style.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'

            # static data
            sheet.write(0, 4, company_data.name)
            sheet.write(1, 3, company_data.street or '')
            sheet.write(2, 3, str(company_data and company_data.street2 or ' ') + ' ' + str(company_data and company_data.country_id and company_data.country_id.name or '') + ' ' + str(company_data.zip) or '')
            sheet.write(3, 4, 'Tel : ' + str(company_data.phone or ' ') + ',' + 'Fax : ' + str(company_data.fax or ''))
            sheet.write(4, 5, 'PAYMENT ADVICE')
            sheet.write(6, 0, 'MANDATORY REF NO. : ' + str(company_data.company_code or ''))
            sheet.write(7, 0, 'VOLUNTARY  REF NO. : ')
            sheet.write(8, 0, company_data.name)
            sheet.write(9, 0, '6 Jalan Kilang #04-00')
            sheet.write(6, 8, 'SUBM MODE')
            sheet.write(7, 8, 'DATE')
            sheet.write(6, 10, ':')
            sheet.write(7, 10, ':')
            sheet.write(6, 11, 'INTERNAL')
            sheet.write(12, 0, 'PART 1 : Payment Details For ', bold_style)
            sheet.write(13, 8, 'AMOUNT' , bold_style)
            sheet.write(13, 10, 'NO. OF EMPLOYEE', bold_style)
            sheet.write(15, 0, '1. CPF Contribution')
            sheet.write(16, 1, 'Mandatory Contribution')
            sheet.write(17, 1, 'Voluntary Contribution')
            sheet.write(18, 0, '2. B/F CPF late Payment interest')
            sheet.write(19, 0, 'Interest charged on last payment')
            sheet.write(20, 0, '3. Late payment interest on CPF Contribution')
            sheet.write(21, 0, '4. Late payment penalty for Foreign Worker Levy')
            sheet.write(22, 0, '5. Foreign Worker Levy')
            sheet.write(23, 0, '6. Skills Development Levy')
            sheet.write(24, 0, '7. Donation to Community Chest')
            sheet.write(25, 0, '8. Mosque Building & Mendaki Fund (MBMF)')
            sheet.write(26, 0, '9. SINDA Fund')
            sheet.write(27, 0, '10. CDAC Fund')
            sheet.write(28, 0, '11. Eurasian Community Fund (EUCF)')
            # total
            sheet.write(30, 7, 'Total', bold_style)
            # static data
            sheet.write(31, 4, 'Please fill in cheque details if you are paying by cheque')
            sheet.write(32, 4, 'BANK')
            sheet.write(32, 5, ':')
            sheet.write(33, 4, 'CHEQUE NO.')
            sheet.write(33, 5, ':')
            sheet.write(34, 4, 'THE EMPLOYER HEREBY GUARANTEES')
            sheet.write(35, 4, 'THE ACCURACY')
            sheet.write(36, 4, 'OF THE CPF RETURNS FOR')
            sheet.write(37, 4, 'AS SHOWN ON THE SUBMITTED DISKETTE.')
            sheet.write(39, 4, 'EMPLOYER\'S AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY')
            sheet.write(42, 0, 'PART 2 : Contribution Details For', bold_style)
            # data header
            sheet.write(44, 0, 'Employee Name', border)
            sheet.write(43, 3, 'CPF',  border)
            sheet.write(44, 3, 'Account No.', border)
            sheet.write(43, 4, 'Mandatory CPF', border)
            sheet.write(44, 4, 'Contribution', border)
            sheet.write(43, 5, 'Voluntary CPF', border)
            sheet.write(44, 5, 'Contribution', border)
            sheet.write(43, 6, 'Last', border)
            sheet.write(44, 6, 'Contribution', border)
    #        sheet.write(41, 8, 'CPF', bold_style)
    #        sheet.write(42, 8, 'Status', bold_style)
            sheet.write(43, 8, 'MBMF', border)
            sheet.write(44, 8, 'Fund', border)
            sheet.write(43, 9, 'SINDA', border)
            sheet.write(44, 9, 'Fund', border)
            sheet.write(43, 10, 'CDAC', border)
            sheet.write(44, 10, 'Fund', border)
            sheet.write(43, 11, 'ECF', border)
            sheet.write(44, 11, 'Fund', border)
            sheet.write(43, 12, 'SDL', border)
            sheet.write(44, 12, 'Fund', border)
            sheet.write(43, 13, 'Ordinary', border)
            sheet.write(44, 13, 'Wages', border)
            sheet.write(43, 14, 'Additional', border)
            sheet.write(44, 14, 'Wages', border)
            sheet.write(43, 0, '', border)
            sheet.write(43, 1, '', border)
            sheet.write(43, 2, '', border)
            sheet.write(43, 7, '', border)
            sheet.write(44, 1, '', border)
            sheet.write(44, 2, '', border)
            sheet.write(44, 7, '', border)

            emp_obj = self.env['hr.employee']
            payslip_obj = self.env['hr.payslip']
            hr_contract_obj = self.env['hr.contract']
            category_ids = self.env['hr.employee.category'].search([])
            start_row = raw_no = 45
            # start_date = self.date_start or False
            # stop_date = self.date_stop or False
            # employee_ids_lst = context.get('employee_id',False)
            # print"\n\nemployee_list_ids:\n\n", employee_ids_lst
            month_dict = {'01':'January', '02':'February', '03': 'March', '04':'April', '05':'May', '06':'June', '07':'July', '08':'August', '09':'September', '10':'October', '11': 'November', '12': 'December'}
            period = month_dict.get(start_date.split('-')[1]) + ', ' + start_date.split('-')[0]
            sheet.write(36, 7, period)
            sheet.write(7, 11, datetime.strptime(start_date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'))
            sheet.write(42, 2, period, bold_style)
            sheet.write(12, 2, period, bold_style)
            t_cpfsdl_amount = t_p_cpf_sdl_amount = t_p_fwl_amount = t_p_cpf_amount = t_gross_amount = t_ecf_amount = t_cdac_amount = t_sinda_amount = t_mbmf_amount = t_cpf_amount = 0.00
            total_additional_amount = total_cpfsdl_amount = total_p_cpf_amount = total_gross_amount = total_ecf_amount = total_cdac_amount = total_sinda_amount = total_mbmf_amount = total_cpf_amount = 0.00
            emp_cpfsdl_amount = emp_sdl_amount = emp_ecf_amount = emp_fwl_amount = emp_cdac_amount = emp_sinda_amount = emp_mbmf_amount = emp_cpf_amount = 0.00
            # no category
            join_date = start_date
            emply_ids = emp_obj.search([('id', 'in', emp_ids),
                                        ('category_ids', '=', False)])
            do_total = False
            for emp_record in emply_ids:
                payslip_ids = payslip_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id),
                                                  ('date_from', '>=', start_date),
                                                  ('date_from', '<=', stop_date),
                                                  ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'done', 'verify'])])
                previous_date = cpf_binary_obj._default_previous_date(start_date)
                previous_payslip_ids = payslip_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id)], order='date_from ASC', limit=1)
                if previous_payslip_ids:
                    join_date = previous_payslip_ids.date_from
                while(join_date <= previous_date[0]):
                    previous_payslip_ids = payslip_obj.search([ ('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id),
                                                                ('date_from', '>=', previous_date[0]),
                                                                ('date_from', '<=', previous_date[1]),
                                                                ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'done', 'verify'])])
                    if previous_payslip_ids:
                        previous_date = cpf_binary_obj._default_previous_date(previous_date[0])
                # if not payslip_ids:
                #     raise ValidationError(_('There is no payslip details between selected date %s and %s') %(previous_date[0], previous_date[1]))
                additional_amount = cpfsdl_amount = p_cpf_amount = gross_amount = ecf_amount = fwl_amount = cdac_amount = sinda_amount = mbmf_amount = cpf_amount = 0.00
                for payslip_rec in payslip_ids:
                    for line in payslip_rec.line_ids:
                        if line.register_id.name == 'CPF':
                            cpf_amount += line.amount
                        if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - MBMF':
                            mbmf_amount += line.amount
                        if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - SINDA':
                            sinda_amount += line.amount
                        if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - CDAC':
                            cdac_amount += line.amount
                        if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - ECF':
                            ecf_amount += line.amount
                        if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - FWL':
                            fwl_amount += line.amount
                            t_p_fwl_amount += line.amount
                        if line.register_id and line.register_id.name == 'BONUS':
                            gross_amount -= line.amount
                        if line.category_id.code == 'GROSS':
                            gross_amount += line.amount
                        if line.code == 'CPFSDL':
                            cpfsdl_amount += line.amount
                            t_p_cpf_sdl_amount += line.amount
                        if line.register_id and line.register_id.name == 'BONUS':
                            additional_amount += line.amount
                if not gross_amount:
                if not cpf_amount and not mbmf_amount and not sinda_amount and not cdac_amount and not ecf_amount and not cpfsdl_amount:
                sheet.write(raw_no, 0, payslip_rec.employee_id and payslip_rec.employee_id.name or '', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 1, '', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 2, '', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 3, payslip_rec.employee_id and payslip_rec.employee_id.identification_id or '', borders)
                    # previous cpf
                if previous_payslip_ids:
                    if payslip_rec.date_from != payslip_rec.date_from:
                        for previous_line in previous_payslip_ids.line_ids:
                            if previous_line.register_id.name == 'CPF':
                                p_cpf_amount += previous_line.amount
                # Counts Employee
                if fwl_amount:
                    emp_fwl_amount += 1
                if cpf_amount != 0:
                    emp_cpf_amount += 1
                if mbmf_amount != 0:
                    emp_mbmf_amount += 1
                if sinda_amount != 0:
                    emp_sinda_amount += 1
                if cdac_amount != 0:
                    emp_cdac_amount += 1
                if ecf_amount != 0:
                    emp_ecf_amount += 1
                if cpfsdl_amount != 0:
                    emp_sdl_amount += 1

                # writes in xls file
                do_total = True
                sheet.write(raw_no, 4, "%.2f" % (cpf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                t_cpf_amount += cpf_amount
                total_cpf_amount += cpf_amount
                sheet.write(raw_no, 5, "%.2f" % (0.00), borders)
                # sheet.write(raw_no, 6, borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 7, '', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 8, "%.2f" % (mbmf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                t_mbmf_amount += mbmf_amount
                total_mbmf_amount += mbmf_amount
                sheet.write(raw_no, 9, "%.2f" % (sinda_amount or 0.00), borders)
                t_sinda_amount += sinda_amount
                total_sinda_amount += sinda_amount
                sheet.write(raw_no, 10, "%.2f" % (cdac_amount or 0.00), borders)
                t_cdac_amount += cdac_amount
                total_cdac_amount += cdac_amount
                sheet.write(raw_no, 11, "%.2f" % (ecf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                t_ecf_amount += ecf_amount
                total_ecf_amount += ecf_amount
                sheet.write(raw_no, 12, "%.2f" % (cpfsdl_amount or 0.00), borders)
                total_cpfsdl_amount += cpfsdl_amount
                t_cpfsdl_amount += cpfsdl_amount
                sheet.write(raw_no, 13, "%.2f" % (gross_amount or 0.00), borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 14, "%.2f" % (additional_amount or 0.00), borders)
                t_gross_amount += gross_amount
                total_gross_amount += gross_amount
                total_additional_amount += additional_amount
                sheet.write(raw_no, 6, "%.2f" % (p_cpf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                t_p_cpf_amount += p_cpf_amount
                total_p_cpf_amount += p_cpf_amount
                #sheet.write(raw_no, 6, 0.00, style)
                contract_id = hr_contract_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id), '|',
                                                      ('date_end','>=', payslip_rec.date_from),
                old_contract_id = hr_contract_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id),
                                                          ('date_end','<=', payslip_rec.date_from)
                for contract in contract_id:
                    if payslip_rec.employee_id.active == False:
                        sheet.write(raw_no, 7, 'Left', border)
                    elif contract.date_start >= payslip_rec.date_from and not old_contract_id.ids:
                        sheet.write(raw_no, 7, 'New Join', border)
                        sheet.write(raw_no, 7, 'Existing', border)
                raw_no += 1
            if do_total:
                raw_no = raw_no + 1
                sheet.write(raw_no, 0, 'Total Employee:', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 1, '', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 2, '', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 3, '', borders)
                start_row = start_row + 1

                sheet.write(raw_no, 4, "%.2f" %(total_cpf_amount), borders)  # cpf
                sheet.write(raw_no, 5, "%.2f" % (0.00), borders)  # v_cpf
                sheet.write(raw_no, 6, "%.2f" % (total_p_cpf_amount or 0.00), borders)  # p_cpf
                sheet.write(raw_no, 7, '', borders)
                sheet.write(raw_no, 8, "%.2f" % (total_mbmf_amount or 0.00), borders)  # MBPF
                sheet.write(raw_no, 9, "%.2f" % (total_sinda_amount or 0.00), borders)  # SINDA
                sheet.write(raw_no, 10, "%.2f" % (total_cdac_amount or 0.00), borders)  # CDAC
                sheet.write(raw_no, 11, "%.2f" % (total_ecf_amount or 0.00), borders)  # ECF
                sheet.write(raw_no, 12, "%.2f" % (total_cpfsdl_amount or 0.00), borders)  # CPFSDL
                sheet.write(raw_no, 13, "%.2f" % (total_gross_amount or 0.00), borders)  # O_WAGE
                sheet.write(raw_no, 14, "%.2f" % (total_additional_amount), borders)
        #        sheet.write(raw_no, 13, xlwt.Formula("sum(N" + str(start_row) + ":N" + str(raw_no - 1) + ")"), new_style)  # AD_WAGE

            # emp by category
            start_row = raw_no = raw_no + 2

            emp_rec = emp_obj.search([('id', 'in', emp_ids),
                                     ('category_ids', '!=', False)])
            for category in category_ids:
                emp_flag= False
                total_additional_amount = total_cpfsdl_amount = total_p_cpf_amount = total_gross_amount = total_ecf_amount = total_cdac_amount = total_sinda_amount = total_mbmf_amount = total_cpf_amount = 0.00
                for emp_record in emp_rec:
                    if (emp_record.category_ids and emp_record.category_ids[0].id != category.id) or not emp_record.category_ids:
                    payslip_ids = payslip_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id),
                                                      ('date_from', '>=', start_date),
                                                      ('date_from', '<=', stop_date),
                                                      ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'done', 'verify'])])

                    previous_date = cpf_binary_obj._default_previous_date(start_date)
                    previous_payslip_ids = payslip_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id)],
                                                               order='date_from ASC', limit=1)
                    if previous_payslip_ids:
                        join_date = previous_payslip_ids.date_from
                    while(join_date <= previous_date[0]):
                        previous_payslip_ids = payslip_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id),
                                                                   ('date_from', '>=', previous_date[0]),
                                                                   ('date_from', '<=', previous_date[1]),
                                                                   ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'done', 'verify'])])
                        if previous_payslip_ids:
                            previous_date = cpf_binary_obj._default_previous_date(previous_date[0])
                    # if not payslip_ids:
                    #     raise ValidationError(_('There is no payslip details between selected date %s and %s') %(previous_date[0], previous_date[1]))
                    additional_amount = cpfsdl_amount = p_cpf_amount = gross_amount = ecf_amount = fwl_amount = cdac_amount = sinda_amount = mbmf_amount = cpf_amount = 0.00
                    for payslip_rec in payslip_ids:
                        for line in payslip_rec.line_ids:
                            if line.register_id.name == 'CPF':
                                cpf_amount += line.amount
                            if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - MBMF':
                                mbmf_amount += line.amount
                            if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - SINDA':
                                sinda_amount += line.amount
                            if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - CDAC':
                                cdac_amount += line.amount
                            if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - ECF':
                                ecf_amount += line.amount
                            if line.register_id.name == 'CPF - FWL':
                                fwl_amount += line.amount
                                t_p_fwl_amount += line.amount
                            if line.register_id and line.register_id.name == 'BONUS':
                                gross_amount -= line.amount
                            if line.category_id.code == 'GROSS':
                                gross_amount += line.amount
                            if line.code == 'CPFSDL':
                                cpfsdl_amount += line.amount
                                t_p_cpf_sdl_amount += line.amount
                            if line.register_id and line.register_id.name == 'BONUS':
                                additional_amount += line.amount

                    if not gross_amount:
                    if not cpf_amount and not mbmf_amount and not sinda_amount and not cdac_amount and not ecf_amount and not cpfsdl_amount:
                        t_p_fwl_amount -= fwl_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 0, payslip_rec.employee_id and payslip_rec.employee_id.name or '', borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 1, '', borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 2, '', borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 3, payslip_rec.employee_id and payslip_rec.employee_id.identification_id or '', borders)
                        # previous cpf
                    if previous_payslip_ids:
                        if payslip_rec.date_from != payslip_rec.date_from:
                            for previous_line in previous_payslip_ids.line_ids:
                                if previous_line.register_id.name == 'CPF':
                                        p_cpf_amount += previous_line.amount

                    # Counts Employee
                    if fwl_amount:
                        emp_fwl_amount += 1
                    if cpf_amount != 0:
                        emp_cpf_amount += 1
                    if mbmf_amount != 0:
                        emp_mbmf_amount += 1
                    if sinda_amount != 0:
                        emp_sinda_amount += 1
                    if cdac_amount != 0:
                        emp_cdac_amount += 1
                    if ecf_amount != 0:
                        emp_ecf_amount += 1
                    if cpfsdl_amount != 0:
                        emp_sdl_amount += 1

                    # writes in xls file
                    emp_flag = True
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 4, "%.2f" % (cpf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_cpf_amount += cpf_amount
                    total_cpf_amount += cpf_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 5, "%.2f" % (0.00), borders)
                    # sheet.write(raw_no, 6, borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 7, '', borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 8, "%.2f" % (mbmf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_mbmf_amount += mbmf_amount
                    total_mbmf_amount += mbmf_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 9, "%.2f" % (sinda_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_sinda_amount += sinda_amount
                    total_sinda_amount += sinda_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 10, "%.2f" % (cdac_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_cdac_amount += cdac_amount
                    total_cdac_amount += cdac_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 11, "%.2f" % (ecf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_ecf_amount += ecf_amount
                    total_ecf_amount += ecf_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 12, "%.2f" % (cpfsdl_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_cpfsdl_amount += cpfsdl_amount
                    total_cpfsdl_amount += cpfsdl_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 13,  "%.2f" % (gross_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 14, "%.2f" % (additional_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_gross_amount += gross_amount
                    total_gross_amount += gross_amount
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 6, "%.2f" % (p_cpf_amount or 0.00), borders)
                    t_p_cpf_amount += p_cpf_amount
                    total_p_cpf_amount += p_cpf_amount
                    total_additional_amount += additional_amount

                    #sheet.write(raw_no, 6, 0.00, style)
                    contract_id = hr_contract_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id), '|',
                                                          ('date_end','>=', payslip_rec.date_from),
                    old_contract_id = hr_contract_obj.search([('employee_id', '=', emp_record.id),
                                                              ('date_end','<=', payslip_rec.date_from)])
                    for contract in contract_id:
                        if payslip_rec.employee_id.active == False:
                            sheet.write(raw_no, 7, 'Left', borders)
                        elif contract.date_start >= payslip_rec.date_from and not old_contract_id.ids:
                            sheet.write(raw_no, 7, 'New Join', borders)
                            sheet.write(raw_no, 7, 'Existing', borders)
                    raw_no += 1

                if emp_flag:
                    raw_no = raw_no + 1
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 0, 'Total %s :' % category.name , borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 1, '', borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 2, '', borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 3, '', borders)
                    start_row = start_row + 1

                    sheet.write(raw_no, 4, "%.2f" % (total_cpf_amount or 0.00), borders)  # cpf
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 5, "%.2f" % (0.00), borders)  # v_cpf
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 6, "%.2f" % (total_p_cpf_amount or 0.00), borders)  # p_cpf
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 7, '', borders)
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 8, "%.2f" % (total_mbmf_amount or 0.00), borders)  # MBPF
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 9, "%.2f" % (total_sinda_amount or 0.00), borders)  # SINDA
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 10, "%.2f" % (total_cdac_amount or 0.00), borders)  # CDAC
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 11, "%.2f" % (total_ecf_amount or 0.00), borders)  # ECF
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 12, "%.2f" % (total_cpfsdl_amount or 0.00), borders)  # ECF
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 13, "%.2f" % (total_gross_amount or 0.00), borders)  # O_WAGE
                    sheet.write(raw_no, 14, "%.2f" % (total_additional_amount), borders)

                    raw_no = raw_no + 2
                    start_row = start_row+ 3
            # amount columns
            sheet.write(16, 8,(t_cpf_amount or 0.00), style)  # cpf
            sheet.write(17, 8, 0.00, style)
            sheet.write(18, 8, 0.00, style)
            sheet.write(19, 8, 0.00, style)
            sheet.write(20, 8, 0.00, style)
            sheet.write(21, 8, 0.00, style)
            sheet.write(22, 8, t_p_fwl_amount, style)
            sheet.write(23, 8, t_p_cpf_sdl_amount, style)
            sheet.write(24, 8, 0.00, style)
            sheet.write(25, 8, (t_mbmf_amount or 0.00), style)  # MBPF
            sheet.write(26, 8,(t_sinda_amount or 0.00), style)  # SINDA
            sheet.write(27, 8,(t_cdac_amount or 0.00), style)  # CDAC
            sheet.write(28, 8,(t_ecf_amount or 0.00), style)  # ECF

            # no of employee
            sheet.write(16, 10, emp_cpf_amount)
            sheet.write(17, 10, 0)
            sheet.write(18, 10, 0)
            sheet.write(19, 10, 0)
            sheet.write(20, 10, 0)
            sheet.write(21, 10, 0)
            sheet.write(22, 10, emp_fwl_amount)
            sheet.write(23, 10, emp_sdl_amount)
            sheet.write(24, 10, 0)
            sheet.write(25, 10, emp_mbmf_amount)
            sheet.write(26, 10, emp_sinda_amount)
            sheet.write(27, 10, emp_cdac_amount)
            sheet.write(28, 10, emp_ecf_amount)

            sheet.write(30, 8, xlwt.Formula("sum(I17:I29)"), new_style)  # Total

            wbk.save(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/payslip.xls")

            file = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/payslip.xls", "rb")
            out = file.read()
            res = base64.b64encode(out)

            if not start_date and stop_date:
                return ''
            end_date = datetime.strptime(stop_date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
            monthyear = end_date.strftime('%m%Y')
            file_name = "Payment Advice " + monthyear + '.xls'

            module_rec = cpf_binary_obj.create({'name': file_name, 'xls_file' : res})
            return {'name': _('Payment Advice Report'),
                  'res_id' : module_rec.id,
                  'view_type': 'form',
                  "view_mode": 'form',
                  'res_model': 'cpf.binary.wizard',
                  'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                  'target': 'new',
                  'context': context}
    def get_result(self):
        cr, uid, context = self.env.args
        if context is None:
            context = {}
        context = dict(context)
        data = self.read()[0]

        start_date = data.get('date_start', False)
        end_date = data.get('date_end', False)
        if start_date and end_date and end_date < start_date:
            raise Warning(_("End date should be greater than start date!"))
        res_user = self.env["res.users"].browse(uid)

        # Create Inventory Export report in Excel file.
        workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
        worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
        font = xlwt.Font()
        font.bold = True
        header = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold 1, height 280')
        # start_date = datetime.strptime(str(context.get("date_from")), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
        # start_date_formate = start_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        # end_date = datetime.strptime(str(context.get("date_to")), DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
        # end_date_formate = end_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        # start_date_to_end_date = tools.ustr(start_date_formate) + ' To ' + tools.ustr(end_date_formate)

        style = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap yes')
        worksheet.row(0).height = 500
        worksheet.row(1).height = 500
        for x in range(0, 41):
            worksheet.col(x).width = 6000
        borders = xlwt.Borders()
        borders.top = xlwt.Borders.MEDIUM
        borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.MEDIUM
        border_style = xlwt.XFStyle()  # Create Style
        border_style.borders = borders
        border_style1 = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold 1')
        border_style1.borders = borders
        style = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap yes', style)

        ids_location = []
        ids_categ = []
        ids_product = []
        where_end_date_awal = " sm.date is null "
        where_start_date = " 1=1 "
        if start_date:
            where_start_date = " sm.date + interval '7 hour' >= '%s 00:00:00' " % start_date
            where_end_date_awal = " sm.date + interval '7 hour' < '%s 00:00:00' " % start_date
        where_end_date = " 1=1 "
        if end_date:
            where_end_date = " sm.date + interval '7 hour' <= '%s 23:59:59'" % end_date
        where_location = " 1=1 "
        if ids_location:
            where_location = """(sm.location_id in %s 
            or sm.location_dest_id in %s)""" % (str(
                    ',)', ')'), str(tuple(ids_location)).replace(',)', ')'))
        where_categ = " 1=1 "
        if ids_categ:
            where_categ = "pt.categ_id in %s" % str(tuple(ids_categ)).replace(
                ',)', ')')
        where_product = " 1=1 "
        if ids_product:
            where_product = "pp.id in %s" % str(tuple(ids_product)).replace(
                ',)', ')')
        query = """
                SELECT pp.default_code as kode_barang, pt.name as nama_barang, uu.name as satuan, sml.qty_done, sml.state, sm.name
                FROM stock_move sm 
                    LEFT JOIN product_product pp ON pp.id=sm.product_id
                    LEFT JOIN uom_uom uu ON uu.id=sm.product_uom
                    LEFT JOIN product_template pt ON pt.id=pp.product_tmpl_id
                    INNER JOIN stock_move_line sml ON sm.id=sml.move_id
                    where """ + where_start_date + """ and """ + where_end_date + """
                    -- AND sm.state = 'assigned' and qty_done = 0 and sm.raw_material_production_id is not null
                    AND sml.state = 'assigned' and sm.production_id is not null
                    AND sml.qty_done != 0
                    ORDER BY sm.id DESC
        list_data = []
        company = self.env.user.company_id.name
        start_date_format = start_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        end_date_format = end_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')

        vals = self._cr.fetchall()

        no = 1
        for val in vals:
                'kode_barang': val[0],
                'nama_barang': val[1],
                'satuan': val[2],
                'jumlah': val[3],
                'keterangan': val[5]
            no += 1
        hasil = list_data
        return hasil
Example #26
def Report():
    workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
    staly_1 =xlwt.XFStyle()
    font1 = xlwt.Font()
    font1.name = u'宋体'
    font1.bold = False
    font1.colour_index = 0
    staly_1.font = font1


    sheet1_data =[ u"序号",u"体检号",u"档案号",u"身份证",u"姓名",u"拼音首码",u"0男1女",u"出生日期",u"年龄"
                 ,u"电子邮件",u"电话",u"登记日期",u"体检完成日期",u"综述",u"结论",u"建议",u"预约单号"] #体检报告信息
    sheet1_loog =  len(sheet1_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet1_data)):
        p = sheet1_data[a];

    sheet2_data = [u"序号",u"体检号",u"科室编号",u"科室名称",u"科室类型",u"科室标准代码",u"科室小结",u"科室医生",
    sheet2_loog =  len(sheet2_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet2_data)):
        p = sheet2_data[a];

    sheet3_data = [u"序号",u"体检号",u"收费项目代码",u"科室编号",u"科室标准代码",u"检查项目编号",u"检查项目标准代码",
    sheet3_loog =  len(sheet3_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet3_data)):
        p = sheet3_data[a];

    sheet4_data = [u"序号",u"体检号",u"收费项目代码",u"收费项目名称",u"科室标准代码",u"科室编码",u"检查医生名称",
    sheet4_loog =  len(sheet4_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet4_data)):
        p = sheet4_data[a];

    sheet5_data = [u"序号",u"体检号",u"科室编号",u"科室标准代码",u"结论词标准代码",u"结论编号",u"结论名称",]#体检结论表
    sheet5_loog =  len(sheet5_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet5_data)):
        p = sheet5_data[a];

    sheet6_data = [u"序号",u"体检号",u"疾病诊断与阳性筛查",u"描述",u"阳性标准代码",u"阳性标准名称"]#疾病诊断与阳性筛查
    sheet6_loog =  len(sheet6_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet6_data)):
        p = sheet6_data[a];

    # ————————————————————————————————内容——————————————————————————————
    user = sql_user()
    chickID =user[0] #体检报告号
    user_name = user[1].decode('UTF-8')#体检报告姓名
    print chickID,user_name
    item_number = "00330001" #体检项目编号
    item_name = user[1] #体检项目名
    code = ident_generator()
    print code
    item_unit = "U/ml" #项目单位
    result = '62'  #项目值

    sheet1_data =[ "1",chickID,chickID,code,user_name,"","1","19701216","24"
                 ,"","18011111132","20170510","20170510",u"综述,综述综述","","","P121702050028"] #体检报告信息
    sheet1_loog =  len(sheet1_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet1_data)):
        p = sheet1_data[a];

    sheet2_data = ["1",chickID,"0024",u"心电图","0","0024",u"******",u"刘大有",
    sheet2_loog =  len(sheet2_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet2_data)):
        p = sheet2_data[a];
    cur = sql_conn().cursor()
    aa = cur.execute("select*from student")
    for i in range(aa):
         pp = cur.fetchone()
         item_number = pp[1]
         item_name = pp[2]
         result = '62'  #项目值
         code = ident_generator()
         sheet3_data = ['1',chickID,u"A709","0024","0024",item_number,item_number,
         for a in range(len(sheet3_data)):
              p = sheet3_data[a]

    sheet4_data = ["1",chickID,u"A709",u"肝功1号",u"0024",u"0024",u"刘大有",
    sheet4_loog =  len(sheet4_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet4_data)):
        p = sheet4_data[a];

    sheet6_data = ["1",chickID,u"测试",u"建议:忌烟酒","G288"
    sheet6_loog =  len(sheet6_data)
    for a in  range(len(sheet6_data)):
        p = sheet6_data[a];

    Room = "D:\\\\"+chickID+".xls"
   # return Room,user_name,code
    return Room
Example #27
def savefile(outfilename, dataval):
    wb = xlwt.Workbook()
    ws = wb.add_sheet('SYN信息')
    # title设置
    titlestyle = xlwt.XFStyle()
    # 设置字体
    titlefont = xlwt.Font()
    titlefont.name = 'SimSun'
    titlefont.height = 20 * 11
    titlestyle.font = titlefont
    # 标题单元格对齐方式
    titlealignment = xlwt.Alignment()
    # 水平对齐方式和垂直对齐方式
    titlealignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    titlealignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
    # 自动换行
    titlealignment.wrap = 1
    titlestyle.alignment = titlealignment
    # 单元格背景设置
    titlepattern = xlwt.Pattern()
    titlepattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    titlepattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map[
        'sky_blue']  # 设置单元格背景颜色为蓝
    titlestyle.pattern = titlepattern
    # 单元格边框
    titileborders = xlwt.Borders()
    titileborders.left = 1
    titileborders.right = 1
    titileborders.top = 1
    titileborders.bottom = 1
    titileborders.left_colour = 0x40
    titlestyle.borders = titileborders
    # 设置标题
    ws.write(0, 0, '序号', titlestyle)
    ws.write(0, 1, '端口号', titlestyle)
    ws.write(0, 2, 'IP地址', titlestyle)
    ws.write(0, 3, '数量', titlestyle)
    ws.write(0, 4, '动作', titlestyle)
    ws.write(0, 5, '备注', titlestyle)
    # 设置列高度
    ws.row(0).height_mismatch = True
    ws.row(0).height = int(20 * 40)
    # 设置列宽度
    ws.col(0).width = int(256 * 8)
    ws.col(1).width = int(256 * 10)
    ws.col(2).width = int(256 * 46)
    ws.col(3).width = int(256 * 17)
    ws.col(4).width = int(256 * 17)
    ws.col(5).width = int(256 * 17)

    contentstyle = xlwt.XFStyle()
    contentalignment = xlwt.Alignment()
    contentalignment.wrap = 1
    # 水平对齐方式和垂直对齐方式
    contentalignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    contentalignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER
    contentstyle.alignment = contentalignment

    # 写入数据
    for i in range(len(result)):
        serials = i + 1
        ws.write(serials, 0, str(serials), contentstyle)
        ws.write(serials, 1, dataval[i][0], contentstyle)
        ws.write(serials, 2, dataval[i][1], contentstyle)
        ws.write(serials, 3, dataval[i][2], contentstyle)
        ws.write(serials, 4, '开启', contentstyle)
    # 保存excel文件
Example #28
    def print_report(self):
        vals = {}
        if self.non_moving_product_days <= 0:
            raise Warning(_("Please Enter Days To Proceed."))
        final_non_moving_data = {'days': self.non_moving_product_days}
        warehouse_ids_list = self.warehouse_ids or self.env[
        sale_category_ids_list = self.sale_category_ids or self.env[
        if self.warehouse_ids:
            warehouse_name = ", ".join(
                [each.name for each in self.warehouse_ids])
            final_non_moving_data.update({'warehouse': warehouse_name})
        LocationObj = self.env['stock.location'].sudo()
        customer_location_ids = LocationObj.search([('usage', '=', 'customer')
        for each in warehouse_ids_list:
            location_ids = LocationObj.search([('usage', '=', 'internal'),
                                               ('location_id', 'child_of',
            query = """
                select product_id,location_id from stock_move 
                where location_id in %s and 
                state = 'done'
                and date >= '%s 00:00:00' and date <= '%s 23:59:59'
                and location_dest_id in %s
            """ % ("(%s)" % ",".join(map(str, location_ids.ids)),
                   (date.today() - timedelta(days=self.non_moving_product_days)
                    ), date.today(),
                   "(%s)" % ",".join(map(str, customer_location_ids)))
            stocK_move_data = self._cr.dictfetchall()
            product_list = [each.get('product_id') for each in stocK_move_data]
            stock_quant_query = '''
                select sq.product_id,pt.default_code,sl.id,pt.name,pc.name as category,sq.quantity,sl.complete_name from stock_quant sq
                LEFT JOIN stock_location sl on sl.id = sq.location_id
                LEFT JOIN product_product pp on pp.id = sq.product_id
                LEFT JOIN product_template pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id
                LEFT JOIN product_category pc on pc.id = pt.categ_id
                where pt.categ_id in %s                
                and sq.location_id in %s
                and sq.product_id %s
                 ''' % ("(%s)" %
                        ",".join(map(str, sale_category_ids_list.ids)),
                        "(%s)" % ",".join(map(str, location_ids.ids)),
                        "not in (%s)" % ",".join(map(str, product_list))
                        if product_list else "is not null")
            stock_quant_data = self._cr.dictfetchall()
            productobj = self.env['product.product']
            if self.group_by_category:
                for data in stock_quant_data:
                    product = productobj.browse(data.get('product_id'))
                        'sell_price': product.list_price,
                        'unit_price': product.standard_price
                    if data.get('category') not in vals:
                        vals[data.get('category')] = [data]
                for data in stock_quant_data:
                    product = productobj.browse(data.get('product_id'))
                        'sell_price': product.list_price,
                        'unit_price': product.standard_price
                    if each.id not in vals:
                        vals[each.id] = [data]
        vals = OrderedDict(sorted(vals.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

        if not vals:
            raise Warning(_('NO Stock Found'))
        if self.report_type == 'pdf':
            if self.env.context.get('send_mail'):
                final_non_moving_data.update({'break': False})
                vals_new = {'products': final_non_moving_data}
                template_id = self.env.ref(
                pdf = template_id.render_qweb_pdf(self, data=vals_new)
                values = base64.b64encode(pdf[0])
                attachment_id = self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().create({
                    'Non Moving Stock Report',
                    'Non Moving Stock.pdf'
                return attachment_id
                final_non_moving_data.update({'break': True})
                vals_new = {'products': final_non_moving_data}
                return self.env.ref(
                ).report_action(self, data=vals_new)

        elif self.report_type == 'xls':
            workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
            stylePC = xlwt.XFStyle()
            worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Non Moving Stock Report')
            bold = xlwt.easyxf(
                "font: bold on; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour gray25;")
            alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
            alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
            stylePC.alignment = alignment
            alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
            alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
            alignment_num = xlwt.Alignment()
            alignment_num.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
            horz_style = xlwt.XFStyle()
            horz_style.alignment = alignment_num
            align_num = xlwt.Alignment()
            align_num.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
            horz_style_pc = xlwt.XFStyle()
            horz_style_pc.alignment = alignment_num
            style1 = horz_style
            font = xlwt.Font()
            font1 = xlwt.Font()
            borders = xlwt.Borders()
            borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.THIN
            font.bold = True
            font1.bold = True
            font.height = 500
            stylePC.font = font
            style1.font = font1
            stylePC.alignment = alignment
            pattern = xlwt.Pattern()
            pattern1 = xlwt.Pattern()
            pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
            pattern1.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
            pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['gray25']
            pattern1.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['gray25']
            stylePC.pattern = pattern
            style1.pattern = pattern
                                  'Non Moving Stock Report',
            worksheet.col(2).width = 5600
                3, 3, 0, 2, 'Non Moving Product in Last ' +
                str(self.non_moving_product_days) + ' Days', bold)
            row = 5
            if self.warehouse_ids:
                worksheet.write(row, 0, 'Warehouses', bold)
                worksheet.write_merge(row, row, 1, 2, warehouse_name)
                row = row + 2
            list1 = [
                'Default Code', 'Product', 'Location', 'Quantity',
                'Cost Price', 'Sale Price'
            if self.group_by_category == True:
                for j in vals:
                    worksheet.write(row, 0, 'Category', bold)
                    worksheet.write(row, 1, j)
                    row = row + 1
                    for i in range(len(list1)):
                        if list1[i] in ['Cost Price', 'Sale Price']:
                                row, i, list1[i] + "(" +
                                self.env.user.company_id.currency_id.symbol +
                                ")", style1)

                        elif list1[i] == 'Quantity':
                            worksheet.write(row, i, list1[i], style1)
                            worksheet.write(row, i, list1[i], bold)
                    row = row + 1
                    for dict in vals.get(j):
                        worksheet.col(0).width = 4000
                        worksheet.write(row, 0, dict.get('default_code'))
                        worksheet.col(1).width = 6000
                        worksheet.write(row, 1, dict.get('name'))
                        worksheet.col(2).width = 8000
                        worksheet.write(row, 2, dict.get('complete_name'))
                        worksheet.write(row, 3, dict.get('quantity'),
                        worksheet.col(4).width = 4500
                            row, 4,
                            str('%.2f' % (dict.get('unit_price'))) +
                        worksheet.col(5).width = 4500
                            row, 5,
                            str('%.2f' % (dict.get('sell_price'))) +
                        row = row + 1
                    row = row + 1
                for i in range(len(list1)):
                    if list1[i] in ['Cost Price', 'Sale Price']:
                            row, i, list1[i] + "(" +
                            self.env.user.company_id.currency_id.symbol + ")",

                    elif list1[i] == 'Quantity':
                        worksheet.write(row, i, list1[i], style1)
                        worksheet.write(row, i, list1[i], bold)
                row = row + 1
                for j in vals:
                    for dict in vals.get(j):
                        worksheet.col(0).width = 4000
                        worksheet.write(row, 0, dict.get('default_code'))
                        worksheet.col(1).width = 6000
                        worksheet.write(row, 1, dict.get('name'))
                        worksheet.col(2).width = 8000
                        worksheet.write(row, 2, dict.get('complete_name'))
                        worksheet.write(row, 3, dict.get('quantity'),
                        worksheet.col(4).width = 4500
                            row, 4,
                            str('%.2f' % (dict.get('unit_price'))) +
                        worksheet.col(5).width = 4500
                            row, 5,
                            str('%.2f' % (dict.get('sell_price'))) +
                        row = row + 1
            file_data = BytesIO()
                'Report - %s.xls' %
                (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')),
            attachment_id = self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().create({
                'Non Moving Stock.xls'
            if self.env.context.get('send_mail'):
                return attachment_id
                return {
                    'name': ('Non Moving Stock'),
                    'view_type': 'form',
                    'view_mode': 'form',
                    'res_model': 'non.moving.stock',
                    'res_id': self.id,
                    'target': 'new',
                    'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
Example #29
    def __init__(self):
        font0 = xlwt.Font()
        font0.name = 'Times New Roman'
        font0.colour_index = 2
        font0.height = 400
        font0.bold = True

        self.font0 = font0

        style0 = xlwt.XFStyle()
        style0.font = font0

        self.style0 = style0

        font1 = xlwt.Font()
        font1.name = 'Times New Roman'
        font1.height = 300

        self.font1 = font1

        style1 = xlwt.XFStyle()
        style1.font = font1

        self.style1 = style1

        self.date = datetime.date.today().strftime("%d.%m.%Y")

        # Если таблица была до этого
        if os.path.exists(constants.dir):
            self.users = []
            self.tags = []
            self.ids = []

            rb = xlrd.open_workbook(constants.dir, formatting_info=True)
            sheet = rb.sheet_by_index(0)

            for tag in sheet.row_values(0):
            # Считываем данные из таблицы
            lis = self.tags
            for i in range(1, sheet.nrows):
                j = 0
                user = {}
                for col in sheet.row_values(i):
                    l = lis[j]
                    user[l] = col
                    j += 1

            # Преобразование тегов
            self.tags = self.tags[7:-1]
            for tag in constants.key_words:
                if not tag in self.tags:

        self.wb = xlwt.Workbook()

        ws = self.wb.add_sheet('Users', cell_overwrite_ok=True)

        ws.write(0, 0, "Дата", style0)
        ws.write(0, 1, "ID", style0)
        ws.write(0, 2, "Имя", style0)
        ws.write(0, 3, "Фамилия", style0)
        ws.write(0, 4, "Телефон", style0)
        ws.write(0, 5, "Дата рождения", style0)
        ws.write(0, 6, "Город", style0)

        i = 7
        if os.path.exists(constants.dir):
            for tag in self.tags:
                ws.write(0, i, tag, style0)
                i += 1
            for tag in constants.key_words:
                ws.write(0, i, tag, style0)
                i += 1

        ws.write(0, i, "Статус 1 или 0", style0)

        self.ws = ws
Example #30
while (j > 0):
    maxAttendanceDate.setdefault(table.cell(j, 3).value.encode("utf-8")+(str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(((table.cell(j, 8).value)-70*365-19)*86400-8*3600))).split(" ")[0],datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(((table.cell(j, 8).value)-70*365-19)*86400-8*3600));

    j = j -1;


newWorkbook = xlwt.Workbook();
newTable = newWorkbook.add_sheet('Attendance'.decode(),cell_overwrite_ok=True);

# 表头字体样式以及大小。
headStyle = xlwt.XFStyle();
headFont = xlwt.Font();
headFont.bold = True;
headFont.height = 360;

headFont.name = u'微软雅黑';
headStyle.font = headFont;

# 表格内容样式以及大小。
style = xlwt.XFStyle();
font = xlwt.Font();
font.height = 300;
style.font = font;

# 表格内时间数据格式。
style = xlwt.XFStyle();
style.num_format_str = 'yyyy/m/d h:mm AM/PM'