def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') di = doc._get_implementation() doc2 = implementation.createHTMLDocument('The Title') import xml.dom.ext xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(doc2) return 1
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLFormElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') f = doc.createElement('Form') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(f,'name') testAttribute(f,'acceptCharset') testAttribute(f,'action') testAttribute(f,'encType') testAttribute(f,'target') f._set_method("TEST") rt = f._get_method() if rt != "Test": error('get/set of method failed') print 'get/sets work' print 'test getElements' i = doc.createElement('IsIndex') f.appendChild(i) hc = f._get_elements() if hc.length != 1: error('getElements failed') if f._get_length() != 1: error('getLength failed') print 'getElements works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLTableCellElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') c = doc.createElement('TD') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(c,'abbr'); testAttribute(c,'axis'); testAttribute(c,'bgColor'); testAttribute(c,'ch'); testAttribute(c,'chOff'); testIntAttribute(c,'colSpan'); testAttribute(c,'headers'); testAttribute(c,'height'); testIntAttribute(c,'noWrap'); testIntAttribute(c,'rowSpan'); testAttribute(c,'width'); print 'get/set works' c._set_align('left') rt = c._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set align failed') c._set_vAlign('top') rt = c._get_vAlign() if rt != 'Top': error('get/set align failed') c._set_scope('colgroup') rt = c._get_scope() if rt != 'Colgroup': error('get/set align failed')
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLIFrameElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') f = doc.createElement('IFrame') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(f,'height'); testAttribute(f,'longDesc'); testAttribute(f,'marginHeight'); testAttribute(f,'marginWidth'); testAttribute(f,'src'); testAttribute(f,'width'); f._set_align('left') rt = f._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set of align failed') f._set_frameBorder('left') rt = f._get_frameBorder() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set of frameBorder failed') f._set_scrolling('auto') rt = f._get_scrolling() if rt != 'Auto': error('get/set of scrolling failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLIFrameElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') f = doc.createElement('IFrame') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(f, 'height') testAttribute(f, 'longDesc') testAttribute(f, 'marginHeight') testAttribute(f, 'marginWidth') testAttribute(f, 'src') testAttribute(f, 'width') f._set_align('left') rt = f._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set of align failed') f._set_frameBorder('left') rt = f._get_frameBorder() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set of frameBorder failed') f._set_scrolling('auto') rt = f._get_scrolling() if rt != 'Auto': error('get/set of scrolling failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLFormElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') f = doc.createElement('Form') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(f, 'name') testAttribute(f, 'acceptCharset') testAttribute(f, 'action') testAttribute(f, 'encType') testAttribute(f, 'target') f._set_method("TEST") rt = f._get_method() if rt != "Test": error('get/set of method failed') print 'get/sets work' print 'test getElements' i = doc.createElement('IsIndex') f.appendChild(i) hc = f._get_elements() if hc.length != 1: error('getElements failed') if f._get_length() != 1: error('getLength failed') print 'getElements works'
def initState(self, ownerDoc=None, charset=''): self._ownerDoc = ownerDoc or implementation.createHTMLDocument('') self._charset = charset or DEFAULT_CHARSET self.rootNode = self._ownerDoc.createDocumentFragment() self._stack = [self.rootNode] self._hasHtml = 0 return
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLImageElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') i = doc.createElement('IMG') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(i, 'lowSrc') testAttribute(i, 'alt') testAttribute(i, 'border') testAttribute(i, 'height') testAttribute(i, 'hspace') testIntAttribute(i, 'isMap') testAttribute(i, 'longDesc') testAttribute(i, 'src') testAttribute(i, 'useMap') testAttribute(i, 'vspace') testAttribute(i, 'width') i._set_align('left') rt = i._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set align failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLTableCellElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') c = doc.createElement('TD') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(c, 'abbr') testAttribute(c, 'axis') testAttribute(c, 'bgColor') testAttribute(c, 'ch') testAttribute(c, 'chOff') testIntAttribute(c, 'colSpan') testAttribute(c, 'headers') testAttribute(c, 'height') testIntAttribute(c, 'noWrap') testIntAttribute(c, 'rowSpan') testAttribute(c, 'width') print 'get/set works' c._set_align('left') rt = c._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set align failed') c._set_vAlign('top') rt = c._get_vAlign() if rt != 'Top': error('get/set align failed') c._set_scope('colgroup') rt = c._get_scope() if rt != 'Colgroup': error('get/set align failed')
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLObjectElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') o = doc.createElement('OBJECT') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(o, 'code') testAttribute(o, 'archive') testAttribute(o, 'border') testAttribute(o, 'codeBase') testAttribute(o, 'codeType') testAttribute(o, 'data') testIntAttribute(o, 'declare') testAttribute(o, 'height') testAttribute(o, 'hspace') testAttribute(o, 'standby') testIntAttribute(o, 'tabIndex') testAttribute(o, 'type') testAttribute(o, 'useMap') testAttribute(o, 'vspace') testAttribute(o, 'width') o._set_align('left') rt = o._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set align failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLImageElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') i = doc.createElement('IMG') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(i,'lowSrc') testAttribute(i,'alt') testAttribute(i,'border') testAttribute(i,'height') testAttribute(i,'hspace') testIntAttribute(i,'isMap') testAttribute(i,'longDesc') testAttribute(i,'src') testAttribute(i,'useMap') testAttribute(i,'vspace') testAttribute(i,'width') i._set_align('left') rt = i._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set align failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLInputElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') f = doc.createElement('Form') text = doc.createElement('Input') text.setAttribute('TYPE','TEXT') radio = doc.createElement('Input') radio.setAttribute('TYPE','RADIO') image = doc.createElement('Input') image.setAttribute('TYPE','IMAGE') f.appendChild(text) f.appendChild(radio) f.appendChild(image) print 'testing generic get/set functions' testAttribute(text,'defaultValue') testAttribute(text,'accept') testAttribute(text,'accessKey') testAttribute(text,'alt') testAttribute(text,'name') testAttribute(text,'size') testAttribute(image,'src') testAttribute(text,'useMap') testAttribute(text,'value') text._set_align('left') rt = text._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set of align failed') if image._get_type() != 'Image': error('get of type failed') print 'get/set works' print 'testing int Attributes' testIntAttribute(radio,'defaultChecked'); testIntAttribute(radio,'checked'); testIntAttribute(radio,'disabled'); testIntAttribute(text,'maxLength'); testIntAttribute(text,'readOnly'); testIntAttribute(text,'tabIndex'); print 'Int get/sets work' print "testing cloneNode" i2 = radio.cloneNode(0); if i2._get_defaultChecked() != radio._get_defaultChecked(): error('cloneNode failed to copy defaultChecked') i3 = text.cloneNode(0) if i3._get_defaultValue() != text._get_defaultValue(): error('cloneNode failed to copy defaultValue') print 'cloneNode works'
def test(): from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') print 'Testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLLinkElement l = doc.createElement('LINK') print 'testing get/set of attributes' if l._get_disabled() != 0: error('get disabled failed for false') l._set_disabled(0) if l._get_disabled() != 0: error('get disabled failed for false') l._set_disabled(1) if l._get_disabled() != 1: error('get/set disabled failed for true') l._set_charset('TEST') if l._get_charset() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for CharSet') l._set_href('TEST') if l._get_href() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for href') l._set_hreflang('EN') if l._get_hreflang() != 'EN': error('get/set failed for hrefLang') l._set_media('TEST') if l._get_media() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for MEDIA') l._set_rel('TEST') if l._get_rel() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for REL') l._set_rev('TEST') if l._get_rev() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for Rev') l._set_target('TEST') if l._get_target() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for TARGET') l._set_type('TEST') if l._get_type() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for TYPE') print 'get/set works'
def test(): from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') print 'Testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLLinkElement l = doc.createElement('LINK') print 'testing get/set of attributes' if l._get_disabled() != 0: error('get disabled failed for false'); l._set_disabled(0) if l._get_disabled() != 0: error('get disabled failed for false'); l._set_disabled(1); if l._get_disabled() != 1: error('get/set disabled failed for true'); l._set_charset('TEST'); if l._get_charset() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for CharSet'); l._set_href('TEST'); if l._get_href() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for href'); l._set_hreflang('EN'); if l._get_hreflang() != 'EN': error('get/set failed for hrefLang'); l._set_media('TEST'); if l._get_media() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for MEDIA'); l._set_rel('TEST'); if l._get_rel() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for REL'); l._set_rev('TEST'); if l._get_rev() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for Rev'); l._set_target('TEST'); if l._get_target() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for TARGET'); l._set_type('TEST'); if l._get_type() != 'TEST': error('get/set failed for TYPE') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLMenuElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') m = doc.createElement('MENU') print 'testing get/set' testIntAttribute(m, 'compact') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLQuoteElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('BlockQuote'); print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(b,'cite'); print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLMenuElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') m = doc.createElement('MENU') print 'testing get/set' testIntAttribute(m,'compact') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLPreElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') p = doc.createElement('PRE') print 'testing get/set' testIntAttribute(p, 'width') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLQuoteElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') q = doc.createElement('Q') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(q,'cite') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLPreElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') p = doc.createElement('PRE') print 'testing get/set' testIntAttribute(p,'width') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLDListElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') d = doc.createElement('DL') print 'testing get and set' testIntAttribute(d,'compact') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLModElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') m = doc.createElement('ins') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(m, 'cite') testAttribute(m, 'dateTime') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLModElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') m = doc.createElement('ins') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(m,'cite') testAttribute(m,'dateTime') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBaseElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('Base') print 'testing get/set attributes' testAttribute(b,'href') testAttribute(b,'target') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLFrameSetElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') f = doc.createElement('FrameSet') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(f, 'cols') testAttribute(f, 'rows') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLFrameSetElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') f = doc.createElement('FrameSet') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(f,'cols') testAttribute(f,'rows') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBaseElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('Base') print 'testing get/set attributes' testAttribute(b, 'href') testAttribute(b, 'target') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBaseFontElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('BaseFont') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(b,'color'); testAttribute(b,'face'); testAttribute(b,'size'); print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLLabelElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') l = doc.createElement('LABEL') print 'testing get/set attributes' testAttribute(l, 'accessKey') testAttribute(l, 'htmlFor') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLLabelElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') l = doc.createElement('LABEL') print 'testing get/set attributes' testAttribute(l,'accessKey') testAttribute(l,'htmlFor') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBaseFontElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('BaseFont') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(b, 'color') testAttribute(b, 'face') testAttribute(b, 'size') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLHeadElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') h = doc.createElement('Head') print 'testing get/set profile' h._set_profile('PROFILE') if h._get_profile() != 'PROFILE': error('get/set profile failed') print 'get/set profile works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLLIElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') l = doc.createElement('LI') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(l,'type') testIntAttribute(l,'value') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLTitleElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') t = doc.createElement('TITLE') print 'test get/set text' t._set_text('TEST'); if t._get_text() != 'TEST': error('get/set text failed'); print 'text works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLHeadingElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') h = doc.createElement('H1') print 'testing get/set' h._set_align('left') rt = h._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set align failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLTitleElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') t = doc.createElement('TITLE') print 'test get/set text' t._set_text('TEST') if t._get_text() != 'TEST': error('get/set text failed') print 'text works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLMetaElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') m = doc.createElement('META') print 'testing get/set of attributes' testAttribute(m, 'content') testAttribute(m, 'httpEquiv') testAttribute(m, 'scheme') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLMetaElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') m = doc.createElement('META') print 'testing get/set of attributes' testAttribute(m,'content') testAttribute(m,'httpEquiv') testAttribute(m,'scheme') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBRElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('BR'); print 'testing get/set' b._set_clear('left') rt = b._get_clear() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set clear failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBRElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('BR') print 'testing get/set' b._set_clear('left') rt = b._get_clear() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set clear failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLButtonElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('Button'); print 'testing get/set attributes' testAttribute(b,'accessKey'); testIntAttribute(b,'disabled'); testAttribute(b,'name'); testIntAttribute(b,'tabIndex'); testAttribute(b,'value'); print 'get/sets works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLMapElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') m = doc.createElement('MAP') a = doc.createElement('AREA') print "testing get/set" m.appendChild(a); print "get Areas" as = m._get_areas() if as[0].nodeName != a.nodeName: error('getAreas failed')
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLLegendElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') l = doc.createElement('LEGEND') print 'testing get/set' testAttribute(l,'accessKey') l._set_align('left') rt = l._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set of align failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLUListElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') u = doc.createElement('UL') print 'testing get/set' testIntAttribute(u, 'compact') u._set_type('ordered') rt = u._get_type() if rt != 'Ordered': error('get/set of type failed') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLParamElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') p = doc.createElement('PARAM') print "testing get/set" testAttribute(p,'type') testAttribute(p,'value') p._set_valueType('object') rt = p._get_valueType() if rt != 'Object': error('get/set valueType failed') print "get/sets work"
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLScriptElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') s = doc.createElement('SCRIPT') print "testing get/set" testAttribute(s,'text') testAttribute(s,'charset') testAttribute(s,'src') testAttribute(s,'type') testIntAttribute(s,'defer') print "get/sets work"
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLParamElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') p = doc.createElement('PARAM') print "testing get/set" testAttribute(p, 'type') testAttribute(p, 'value') p._set_valueType('object') rt = p._get_valueType() if rt != 'Object': error('get/set valueType failed') print "get/sets work"
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBodyElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('Body') print 'testing get/set ' testAttribute(b, 'aLink') testAttribute(b, 'background') testAttribute(b, 'bgColor') testAttribute(b, 'link') testAttribute(b, 'text') testAttribute(b, 'vLink') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLBodyElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') b = doc.createElement('Body'); print 'testing get/set ' testAttribute(b,'aLink'); testAttribute(b,'background'); testAttribute(b,'bgColor'); testAttribute(b,'link'); testAttribute(b,'text'); testAttribute(b,'vLink'); print 'get/set works'
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLHRElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') h = doc.createElement('HR') print 'testing get/set' h._set_align('left') rt = h._get_align() if rt != 'Left': error('get/set align failed') testIntAttribute(h,'noShade') testAttribute(h,'size') testAttribute(h,'width') print 'get/set works'
def test(): print "testing source code syntax" from xml.dom.html import HTMLUListElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument("Title") u = doc.createElement("UL") print "testing get/set" testIntAttribute(u, "compact") u._set_type("ordered") rt = u._get_type() if rt != "Ordered": error("get/set of type failed") print "get/set works"
def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLScriptElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') s = doc.createElement('SCRIPT') print "testing get/set" testAttribute(s, 'text') testAttribute(s, 'charset') testAttribute(s, 'src') testAttribute(s, 'type') testIntAttribute(s, 'defer') print "get/sets work"