def __write_android_config__(file:str, config:dict): if config: doc = Document() doc.encoding = 'utf-8' root = doc.createElement('android') for androidFile in config.values(): node = doc.createElement('file') node.setAttribute('fileName', androidFile.fileName) node.setAttribute('path', androidFile.path) if androidFile.progress: node.setAttribute('progress', androidFile.progress) if androidFile.action: node.setAttribute('action', androidFile.action) if androidFile.start: node.setAttribute('start', androidFile.start) if androidFile.clean: node.setAttribute('clean', 'yes') if androidFile.delayTime: node.setAttribute('delayTime', str(androidFile.delayTime)) root.appendChild(node) if not isdir(dirname(file)): makedirs(dirname(file)) with open(file, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as out: out.write(root.toprettyxml(indent=' ')) out.close()
def main(): png_files = [file for file in glob.glob("%s/*/*.png" % SRC_PATH)] pending_files = [file for file in png_files if not os.path.exists(file.replace(".png",".swf").replace("Output", "Swf"))] if pending_files == []: print "没有需要转换的文件!" return for file in pending_files: xmlTree = Document() firstNode = xmlTree.createElement("lib") xmlTree.appendChild(firstNode) firstNode.setAttribute("allowDomain", "*") bitmapdata_node = xmlTree.createElement("bitmapdata") bitmapdata_node.setAttribute("file", file) bitmapdata_node.setAttribute("compression", "true") bitmapdata_node.setAttribute("quality", "65") bitmapdata_node.setAttribute("class","bmp_%s" % os.path.basename(file)[:-4]) firstNode.appendChild(bitmapdata_node) bytearray_node = xmlTree.createElement("bytearray") bytearray_node.setAttribute("file", file.replace(".png", ".tbe")) bytearray_node.setAttribute("class", "tbe_%s" % os.path.basename(file)[:-4]) firstNode.appendChild(bytearray_node) xmlTree.encoding = "UTF-8" xml_file = os.path.join(LATEST_PATH, os.path.basename(file).replace(".png",".xml")) swf_file = xml_file.replace(".xml",".swf") with open(xml_file, "w") as f: f.write(xmlTree.toprettyxml().decode("gbk").encode("utf-8")) os.system("java -jar Swift.jar xml2lib %s %s" % (xml_file, swf_file)) dest_path = os.path.dirname(file.replace("Output", "Swf")) if not os.path.exists(dest_path): os.makedirs(dest_path) shutil.copy(swf_file, dest_path)
def to_xml(self, encoding="UTF-8", pretty=True): dom = Document() dom.version = "1.0" dom.encoding = "UTF-8" doc_type = DocumentType("plist") doc_type.publicId = "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" doc_type.systemId = "" dom.appendChild(doc_type) plist_node = dom.createElement("plist") plist_node.setAttribute("version", "1.0") dom.appendChild(plist_node) plist_root = dom.createElement("dict") plist_node.appendChild(plist_root) temp_pairs = [(self, plist_root)] while temp_pairs: data, root = temp_pairs.pop(0) if isinstance(data, dict): for k, v in data.items(): k_node = dom.createElement("key") text_node = dom.createTextNode(k) k_node.appendChild(text_node) root.appendChild(k_node) if isinstance(v, dict): v_node = dom.createElement("dict") temp_pairs.append((v, v_node)) elif isinstance(v, list): v_node = dom.createElement("array") temp_pairs.append((v, v_node)) else: v_node = self._to_dom_node(v, dom) root.appendChild(v_node) elif isinstance(data, list): for v in data: if isinstance(v, dict): v_node = dom.createElement("dict") temp_pairs.append((v, v_node)) elif isinstance(v, list): v_node = dom.createElement("array") temp_pairs.append((v, v_node)) else: v_node = self._to_dom_node(v, dom) root.appendChild(v_node) else: data_node = self._to_dom_node(data, dom) root.appendChild(data_node) if pretty: xml_content = dom.toprettyxml(encoding=encoding) else: xml_content = dom.toxml(encoding=encoding) return xml_content
def xml_response(response_code, message): """ Returns:: <response> <code>100</code> <message>Alles gute.</message> </response> """ doc = Document() doc.encoding = 'utf-8' res = doc.createElement('response') doc.appendChild(res) code = doc.createElement('code') code.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(response_code))) msg = doc.createElement('message') msg.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(message)) res.appendChild(code) res.appendChild(msg) return doc.toxml('utf-8')
def generateProjectXml(self, appname, bld): doc = Document() doc.encoding = "UTF-8" project = add(doc, doc, 'project', {'xmlns': ""}) add(doc, project, 'type', "org.netbeans.modules.cnd.makeproject") configuration = add(doc, project, 'configuration') data = add(doc, configuration, 'data', {'xmlns': ""}) add(doc, data, 'name', appname) add(doc, data, 'make-project-type', '1') add(doc, data, 'c-extensions', 'c,m') add(doc, data, 'cpp-extensions', 'cpp,cc,cxx,mm') add(doc, data, 'header-extensions', 'h,hh,hxx,inl') add(doc, data, 'sourceEncoding', 'UTF-8') add(doc, data, 'make-dep-projects') if self.__class__.version >= 70: sourceRootList = add(doc, data, 'sourceRootList') sourceRoot = add(doc, sourceRootList, 'sourceRootElem', '.') confList = add(doc, data, 'confList') for t in bld.env.ALL_TOOLCHAINS: for v in bld.env.ALL_VARIANTS: elem = add(doc, confList, 'confElem') add(doc, elem, 'name', '%s:%s' % (t, v)) add(doc, elem, 'type', '0') return doc
def generateConfigurationsXml(self, task_gens, bld, out): doc = Document() doc.encoding = "UTF-8" cd = add(doc, doc, 'configurationDescriptor', {'version':'%i'%self.__class__.version}) lf = add(doc, cd, 'logicalFolder', {'name': 'root', 'displayName': 'root', 'projectFiles': 'true', 'kind': "ROOT"}) self.subfolders = {} options = [] for task_gen in task_gens: options.append(gather_includes_defines(task_gen)) path ='.') root_folder = self root_folder.xml = lf for p in path[:-1]: root_folder = self.add_folder(p, doc, root_folder) for node in getattr(task_gen, 'source_nodes', []): self.add(doc, root_folder, node) #f, subs = categories[category] #project = project.split('.') #for subname in project: # try: # f, subs = subs[subname] # except KeyError: # f = add(doc, f, 'logicalFolder', {'name': subname, 'displayName': subname, 'projectFiles': 'true'}) # subs[subname] = (f, {}) # f, subs = subs[subname] #f.setAttribute('displayName', '['+project[-1]+']') #self.addSourceTree(doc, f, source, source.prefix) impfiles = add(doc, lf, 'logicalFolder', {'name': 'ExternalFiles', 'displayName': 'waf', 'projectFiles': 'false', 'kind':'IMPORTANT_FILES_FOLDER'}) add(doc, impfiles, 'itemPath', sys.argv[0]) #add(doc, cd, 'sourceFolderFilter') srl = add(doc, cd, 'sourceRootList') #add(doc, srl, 'Elem', '.') #add(doc, srl, 'Elem', './build/') add(doc, cd, 'projectmakefile', sys.argv[0]) add(doc, cd, 'sourceFolderFilter', '^.*$') confs = add(doc, cd, 'confs') for toolchain in bld.env.ALL_TOOLCHAINS: bld_env = bld.all_envs[toolchain] if bld_env.SUB_TOOLCHAINS: env = bld.all_envs[bld_env.SUB_TOOLCHAINS[0]] else: env = bld_env platform_defines = env.SYSTEM_DEFINES platform_includes = env.SYSTEM_INCLUDES if env.SYSROOT: platform_includes += [os.path.join(env.SYSROOT, 'usr', 'include')] options.append((platform_includes, platform_defines)) for variant in bld.env.ALL_VARIANTS: conf = add(doc, confs, 'conf', { 'name': '%s:%s'%(toolchain, variant), 'type': '0' }) toolsSet = add(doc, conf, 'toolsSet') if self.__class__.version >= 70: add(doc, toolsSet, 'remote-sources-mode', 'LOCAL_SOURCES') else: add(doc, toolsSet, 'developmentServer', 'localhost') add(doc, toolsSet, 'compilerSet', 'default') if self.__class__.version < 70: add(doc, toolsSet, 'platform', '4') mtype = add(doc, conf, 'makefileType') mtool = add(doc, mtype, 'makeTool') add(doc, mtool, 'buildCommandWorkingDir', '.') add(doc, mtool, 'buildCommand', '%s %s build:%s:%s'%(sys.executable, sys.argv[0], toolchain, variant)) add(doc, mtool, 'cleanCommand', '%s %s clean:%s:%s'%(sys.executable, sys.argv[0], toolchain, variant)) if env.ABI == 'mach_o': add(doc, mtool, 'executablePath', os.path.join(bld_env.PREFIX, variant, getattr(Context.g_module, 'APPNAME', 'noname')+'.app')) else: add(doc, mtool, 'executablePath', os.path.join(bld_env.PREFIX, variant, env.DEPLOY_BINDIR, if self.__class__.version >= 70: ctool = add(doc, mtool, 'cTool') cincdir = add(doc, ctool, 'incDir') cdefines = add(doc, ctool, 'preprocessorList') cctool = add(doc, mtool, 'ccTool') ccincdir = add(doc, cctool, 'incDir') ccdefines = add(doc, cctool, 'preprocessorList') else: ctool = add(doc, mtool, 'cCompilerTool') cincdir = add(doc, ctool, 'includeDirectories') cdefines = add(doc, ctool, 'preprocessorList') cctool = add(doc, mtool, 'ccCompilerTool') ccincdir = add(doc, cctool, 'includeDirectories') ccdefines = add(doc, cctool, 'preprocessorList') add(doc, mtype, 'requiredProjects') includes=set([]) defines = set([]) for d in ['be_api(x)=', 'BE_EXPORT='] + env.DEFINES: add(doc, cdefines, 'Elem', d) add(doc, ccdefines, 'Elem', d) for tg_includes, tg_defines in options: for i in tg_includes: i = relpath(i, bld.srcnode) if i not in includes: includes.add(i) add(doc, cincdir, 'directoryPath', i) add(doc, ccincdir, 'directoryPath', i) for d in tg_defines: if d not in tg_defines: defines.add(d) add(doc, cdefines, 'Elem', d) add(doc, ccdefines, 'Elem', d) return doc